It's All About Loving a Soldier by Neelam Birthare - HTML preview

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Chapter 10- It’s all about being so very special

Every relationship is special because we all have those eloquent emotions in our heart for our loved ones that makes every moment spent with those people as special. Love is an addiction, love is an ailment but distance is a sweet tonic that makes your heart long for more. People believe that distance relationship doesn’t last long but my personal experience says distance helps a relationship to grow, develop and mature. In fact it is a parameter to measure the strength of your relationship; distance can actually help you to judge your relationship from depths to heights; how deeply you understand each other and the highest limits of your patience level.

While you are distant from each other, it is the warmth of the past memories that keep igniting your heart with optimism and hopes.

Even after a 4 year long relationship, I still remember our first date; first kiss, first tears, first fight, first liquor, first breakup, first patch up. It’s not the first thing which is important when you are with your Mr. Right, everything becomes equally precious and valuable.

We planned a night out; the reason behind our act –“I wanted to drink.”

Coming from a Brahmin family I was a teetotaler, but I had a fantasy to taste alcohol and have a drunkard like experience. Earlier I never thought about trying it because I wanted to do it only when I am in a safe hand. I had friends who use to drink but none of them was as reliable as Rishi, My initial plan was to have my first drink with my husband after marriage but then I gave it a second thought; what if I get married to another teetotaler? My life would than end up as a dry day. Who else on this earth can be a better person than an army officer, who is a master in handling liquors and guns simultaneously?

I found this joke very attractive which says, “Reality is an illusion caused because of lack of alcohol.” Desperate diabolic me all prepared for a hangout.

It was a prestigious hotel, the room he booked for us was a special suite, excellent interiors, and red furniture, yellow walls. The golden artistic accessories gave a castle like feeling. It was for the first time we were going to relishing each other’s company for the entire night. As soon as I lay down on the bed, Rishi said very bluntly-fetch me some water. Girl…! Get up…!!!

Hurt by the tone and intensity of his voice, I kept quiet, thinking that maybe he is tired. I reached the refrigerator and when I opened it I found a butterscotch cake.

“I love you Priya” written by the strawberry cream melted my heart. I jumped on Rishi: the butter got stuck to her bear. I hugged Rishi very tightly.

Let’s cut the cake. His happiness excited me.

Wait…wait…butter…..before you cut it, just take this.

He bended on his knee and gave a red rose to me. Once again a cloud nine like experience.

You made it so mesmerizing, Thanks a lot Rishi. It was an ecstatic tender moment for me.

We had the cake, dinner. Every dish he ordered was as per my taste and choice. With dinner came my first toss of Red wine.

A teetotal couldn’t handle Red wine after 6 pegs. After two hours the entire 880ml of Red wine bottle was inside my tummy, I didn’t like the taste at first but enjoying the flavor which it left later and the juicy grape like pinch on tongue I just kept on consuming more & more,  I was now drunk. Rishi joined his hand and closed his eyes, praying to God; please give me the courage to handle the nonsense, stupid, meaningless, unstoppable talks of Priya.

Do you know Rishi, I fell in love with you; the first day I saw you, I began loving you.

Do you know Rishi, I love you because you serve world’s best army. Indian army Rocks…..!!!

Rishi…..!!! My uncle’s father in law’s son is a mayor of Kota; it’s a state in Rajasthan.

My neighbor’s have a dog and I love him, when we will get married, will you buy me a dog?

Can we have three children and two dogs after marriage?

Will you buy me a home in Rishikesh, near River Ganga?

Can we go to turkey on our honeymoon?

Lieutenant Rishab Singh Rathore who was going to become a Captain after two days was facing a terrible case of verbal terrorism. He had no choice other than saying…, kindly sleep; you need rest. It’s 3’o clock now. Shut up and sleep.

Feeling relaxed to see her dozing, he tried to sleep but peace was not in his destiny at least for the night, he heard her voice again.

Rishi Baba….!! What’s so wrong with your mother; why she hates me?

Why are you a Rajput by caste? Let us run away from home. Let’s abscond from India.

At last I slept.

As soon as I woke up in the morning I began to behave like a saint from South India. Is everything ok? Did you misbehaved with me while I was drunk?

He was shaving, with his flirtatious smile he poked back- yes, indeed…!

What you did to me? Did you rape me? I took it seriously because I am a born fool.

He befooled me again. Yap…thrice…it was fun.

How could you do this to me? My melodrama begins. You are such a dog. You have no character integrity. You are a fake officer. You are a bloody rapist.

Aye….enough…cut the crab. I did nothing to you idiot. In fact nobody can do anything to you. The way you become a nonstop radio loudspeaker after getting drunk; you can actually harass a man. If a civilian guy will spends a night with you, 90% chances are there, that he might become impotent.

Thank God, I serve Indian army –trained to tackle terrorist and witch like you. Coming closer to me he then implanted a soft morning kiss on my lips.

Good morning….!!!

That was a good lecture rather I should say; a nice research lieutenant.

You are a typical drunkard lady. I won’t let you drink next time.

Looking in each other’s eyes and laughing madly, he cuddled me and requested to get ready for departure.

For weeks and months I couldn’t come out of the beauty of that wonderful time which he gave to me.

Hi….it’s Priya…I need an answer from you, Mr. Would be Captain. I called him to eat his head again.

Yes…lady…! Please! He said politely.

Why you didn’t rape me? You did nothing to me. Why?

Come to Lake City again. I will rape you tomorrow. He joked.

C’mon Rii…. I need a serious answer. Am I not so attractive?

LOL….he laughed. No darling. It’s not like that buttercup.

“When you like a flower you pluck it but when you love that flower you water it. You try to protect it. You are my red rose whom I will never let scorn until my death.”

I think I don’t owe any further explanations for defining Love……!!

He always has less time for me but whatever time we spend together we never walks on streets without holding each other’s hands. While crossing the city roads he holds my hand so tightly as if he is protecting a small baby girl. I don’t remember when I ate my own food with my own hands while I was with my sophisticated solider. It was he who used to feed me with his loving pampering hands. In his presence, sleeping on his lap is my favorite hobby. In his absence it’s the memories of this hobby that keeps me alive.

Rishi amuses me when he combs my hair, pull my cheeks and treat me like a doll; too much of pampering spoils you and undoubtedly the girlfriend of Lieutenant Rishab, Miss Priya Mishrai i.e. me is a spoiled doll.

I have an attitude problem because I have someone special in my life; he bears my attitude without a single frown on his head. Standing in my balcony struck by the nostalgic shadows I was smiling on my own stupidities, the way I use to fight on small little things , I used to scream , howl , yell like a lunatic lady and the only answer which came back from the other side was a sweet soothing voice- I love you my psycho….calm down.

Once upon a time I yelled with anger, “I am so annoyed of you, Lieutenant Rishab singh Rathore that I feel my life is a Tom & Jerry cartoon show, fighting and teasing and screaming I can’t take this anymore. Why the hell are you quiet, you moron?”

After a few seconds of silence…….I heard

“Standing up, arguing and fighting doesn’t define courage completely because it takes a lot of courage to remain quiet, stand straight and listen. At you service mam….!!! Roger.”

You are so witty, I taunted.

And you are so pretty, he flirted.

It just took a sentence and the wild howling monkey like lady got transformed to his personal Barbie doll again.