Jane - Prologue by Katie Whistler - HTML preview

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Chapter three


His hand on the back of my neck and I could feel his lips pressed against mine. It was too much for me to handle. His tongue was exploring my mouth and igniting a fire down below. I didn’t know if I would be able to contain it. My body was betraying my good judgment. I really didn’t think that it would be looked favorably upon if we were to do anything that would be untoward.

He moved that hand from the back of my neck and played my spine like a xylophone. He touched on the small of my back and my pelvis pressed up against his. I could feel his excitement and the way that it wanted to escape the prison of his uniform pants. The length of him had to be 8 inches of solid beef. Over the last couple of weeks, I had the opportunity to feel it, but this little love nest was going to turn into a place to worship both of our bodies.

He finally pulled away from me with this teeth playfully pulling at my lip. “When I joined the Air Force, I didn’t think that I was going to find love. I’m not even sure what that word means. What I do know is that I love being around you and I feel empty when you’re not around. I don’t know what it is about you. Maybe it’s that haircut.” He ran his hand through what was left of my hair. It made me smile to think that he could bring some levity into an otherwise serious conversation.

“I could say the same thing about you, but I’m not exactly built like you.” I strayed my eyes towards the object of my desire. It seemed to know that I was here and flexed to give me an idea of what I might be working with. We were behind the barracks underneath some camouflage netting. Amazingly, we had found some alone time and that wasn’t easy when our schedules really didn’t mesh.

“I think that you just might have a thing for somebody in uniform. I’ve had my fair share of groupies over the years. I’m not saying that I’m immune, but I never really did find a reason to give them more than a casual glance. I know that this might seem old fashion, but I was always looking for the right one. I thought that I would have to wait, until I got out of the Air Force, but it appears that the man above has other ideas.” We made out like lovesick teenagers in the back seat of our fathers Chevy.

My tongue was getting intimately acquainted with his hot and sweet mouth. I unsnapped the button on his pants and I slipped inside to feel that bulge up against my fingertips. I saw the head peeking out from the waistband of his briefs. There was a bit of moisture on the tip. I was using it to spread it all over the head of his magnificent weapon.

“I do like a man in uniform, but there’s only this particular man that has caught my eye. He’s a handsome son of a bitch that has this certain charm that makes it almost impossible not to think of him. I’ve fantasized about what this would be like, but it doesn’t even compare to the reality. You are my naughty little secret and not even my best friend Sheila knows anything about you. I’m hoping that you are, as discrete with your affections. I know how you men are prone to speaking in the boys’ locker room.” I gave him a few tentative strokes and more of that same moisture appeared like a magic trick.

“I’ve never been the kind of guy that kiss and tells. I like my privacy and what happens between consenting adults is nobody’s business.” He sounded like he was telling me what I wanted to hear, but for some reason I actually believed him. I had feared some kind of reprisal from Anthony, but so far he had the good sense to leave me alone. That fear of being taken against my will was always there in the middle of the night. I would sometimes wake up and look around to make sure that there was nobody invading my personal space.

“I was hoping that was what you were going to say, Mark” I had my hands full and I think my intention was clear when I started to pull down his zipper. I took him out of the opening and that large piece of heaven was waiting there for me. I was salivating for the chance to taste it. I wanted to give it the kind of pleasure that only my mouth could inflict on him. “I know that we might be risking getting caught in the act, but I don’t care. I’ve needed you from the moment that I met you. Every time that we find a way to be together, we always find some reason to walk away unsatisfied.”

“I have to admit that I’ve had to take some cold showers the last few days. Every time that I leave you, I need to get rid of that pent up frustration.” It seemed like a waste that he was getting rid of it by taking matters into his own hands. “I never wanted to do anything that would make you feel uncomfortable. I’ve been waiting for you to give me the green light.” He leaned forward and kissed that spot on my neck that drove me completely crazy. I moaned despite the fact that somebody could walk by. I got caught up in that feeling and I lost sight of where I really was.

“I think that I’ve been waiting for you to make the move. You’ve been nothing, but a gentleman. There were times when you kissed me like this that I wanted you to act with more of that animal inside. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that you didn’t. It showed me that you had respect for me.” His tongue was circling and causing these Goosebumps to appear on my skin. That was the kind of stimulus that made my hand gripping him even tighter than I already was. His hips began to move. He was essentially getting overexcited by using my hand.

That nice tight fit was like a glove, but it was nothing compared to what was waiting for him. He moved away from me and his glazed over eyes told me that he was ready for something more. We climbed into the back seat of that jeep and lay there and looked at each other. We were soon touching each other’s faces. I could feel the warmth coming off of our skin in waves.

Holding my breath, I started to unbutton his shirt. I was about to get my first look at the man underneath. His muscles were well formed. The feel of his body was like I was being transported to another world. His cock was still out and was literally begging for my attention.

“I think I know what I’ve been missing. I was a damn fool to wait this long. This feeling of anticipation is great, but I think there has to be a pay off. I don’t know how much we are going to do, but for right now I would like to please you.” He nodded his head with this smile on his face that he probably wouldn’t be able to wipe off for days.

I traced my fingers down his overdeveloped biceps and it made me sigh with delight at finding a man that was willing to let me explore. I kissed his chest and flicked at his nipples to make him jerk. He gave his audible moan of pleasure. I nipped at those tiny buds and then I trailed that same wetness with the tip of my tongue down to his naval. I circled it and then made my way excruciatingly slow towards the pillar of strength between his legs.

“I really don’t know what to say. I guess the best thing that I can do is to keep my mouth shut. You do what makes you feel good, Jane.” That was a lesson that should be taught to every man. They shouldn’t think that it was their god given right to put their hands on us. They should wait for us and that way they are sure that we’re not just going through the motions.

I didn’t him a chance to say much of anything, as I inhaled the peace of sausage that was hard and unyielding on the flat surface of my tongue. I surprised the both of us by deepthroating and letting him tickle my tonsils. I stayed there with my eyes welling up, until I pulled back with strings of my spit left behind in my wake. I did this a few more times and it became easier to let him have his way. His body reacted with sharp jabs of his own cock slipping into my throat and then pulling back out in rapid succession. I knew that I was this close to making him explode, but that was not the purpose of this exercise. This was a means to an end, but it was a delicious means to an end.

I was on my knees and he was pulling my shirt over my head. My natural C cup breasts were now in full view and he was taking advantage. He had his hands cupping my breasts and pulling at the nipples in a way that turned me into an oversexed beast that couldn’t get enough. I licked him like an ice cream cone. I was letting his creamy essence fuel my need to bring him to the brink. I did that several times and I could tell on his face that he was concerned that I was going to leave him wanting. I smiled with my eyes and I think that he took that as confirmation that I was going to finish what I started.

It was a fine line and one that I had to tread carefully. I popped his knob from my lips. It sounded like a champagne cork going off. It was raging and ready for action. That vein along the back was throbbing and looked like it had a mind of its own. The sweet flavor on my tongue was almost too much for me to relinquish my hold.

I stemmed the flow from moving up the shaft by putting my two fingers at the base and squeezing. I stayed there in that position for over 5 minutes, until I finally let go to see that that sensation had now subsided. He became like a wild man, pushing me down with his hands on top of my shoulders. He looked at me like a man possessed and then he attacked me with his hands tearing at the buttons on my pants. I lifted my ass to give him free rein. He managed to get my pants down around my ankles. I slipped out and was flying free.

“You make me crazy and I think that you do that on purpose. You want me to be, so far gone that I’m not gonna be able to stop. You’re going to get exactly what you want. Just be careful about what you ask for and you may just get it.” I gave him this smirk and then he buried his head in my neck. I closed my eyes to the pleasure. He trailed in the same trajectory that I had just performed on him.

He soon had his head in between my legs with one of my feet over the side. He licked the sticky dew off of my lips and then he inserted his tongue, as deep as possible. My inner muscles grabbed on to him. At first, it looked like he was a little surprised by how eager my little hole was. He soon got a rhythm going. I had one hand on the back of his head and the other over my mouth to stifle any kind of noise that might escape. I was biting into my palm. My head was moving from side to side and then it was like I was seeing all those colors of the spectrum at the same time.

I heaved up into the air against his face, but there was no way that he was going to take away the seal of his lips. I had lost my composure and in the middle of that climax, he buried himself in one long and continuous stroke. He was balls deep and I was looking into his eyes. I knew that he was the one and that I would do everything that I could to protect him from harm.

I wrapped my legs around his waist with my pants at my feet. He pulled back out, until just the head remained and then he pushed back in with his balls pressed up against me. He was doing it in slow and deliberate strokes.

“I knew that it was going to be good, Jane, but I had no idea that it was going to be this good. You take my breath away and I think that it’s, so much better that we love each other than just some casual thing. My cock feels at home inside you and I know that I’m going to yearn for you anytime that you’re not near me.” The sound of our thighs slapping together was music to my ears. This was a melody that was meant for those partners that knew each other.

My heels smacked against his backside and it was like I was touching on sculpted stone. He was a well put together man. I looked down to see that his cock was there one second and gone the next. I traced the two lines of his torso. I found a very sensitive erogenous zone that he probably didn’t even know we had.

“I want to always be in your arms, Mark. I want to feel you skin to skin and know that you’re never going to leave me. I think that we are made for each other. It appears that my pussy is a little greedy for what you have been storing up inside those balls. I can see in your eyes that you need this and believe me the sentiment is returned a hundred times over. Fuck me…give me all of you and don’t hold back… YESSSSS.” My orgasm was stronger than the first and my body was now pulling his seed out of him.

I could hear the jeep’s springs squeaking. In the back of my mind, I was a little worried that this would attract some unwanted attention. He got this look on his face and then he buried his head in my cleavage. He gave one final lunge forward and then let go with streams of his love juice. I felt every injection. It was like I was given a jolt from the fountain of youth.

I’d found my officer and a gentleman. The feel of him shrinking inside me was a good indication that this had come to an end. We only had an hour together, but according to my watch we had surpassed that by almost another hour. We both needed to get back to our respective bases. Leaving each other was not easy and then he lowered a bombshell that came out of left field.

“I didn’t know if anything was going to happen and I certainly didn’t want to put any pressure on you. I’m leaving tonight to coordinate a mission in Lybia. I don’t know how long I will be gone, but I’m glad that we have cemented our bond. I have a reason to come back safely.” I turned towards my feminine side and I cried on his shoulder, until he was the one that wiped away my tears with his thumb. “I will come back. That’s a promise that I’m intending to keep.” He walked away. For some reason, I thought that I would never see him again.

Maybe I was afraid before, but I wasn’t afraid anymore. I never knew what love was, but now I knew that love was the only thing that mattered.