Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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Chapter 9



 “What about you Coop?” I ask him. “Well you know that my parents are divorce” he said and that's all I know about them. “Sucks that they aren't together” I say. “Yea, but you don't know why they got a divorce trust me that part is the one that sucks,” he said I look at him and wait until he continue “my mom left my dad for another person and if that wasn't bad enough the other person was a women”. I am speechless I can't find anything to say to him so I just squeeze his hand. “I have try to forgive her but I can't manage to do it and it's not the fact that she left with a woman it's the fact that she got up one day and decide to abandoned not only my father but me too” I can hear the hurt in his voice. “You have all the reasons to be mad at her Theo but you know eventually you are going to have to forgive her. Don't allow your anger to keep you away from your mom unlike me you can still have some kid of relationship with her” I say. “You're probably right” he said. “After all we can't all be perfect like you, we are only human and we are bond to make mistakes” I said to him and I laugh. “We should go it's getting late and we have school tomorrow” he gets up. Our ride home was silent “Home sweet home” he said as he pulls up my driveway. I give him a hug and a soft kiss on his cheek “Thank you for today Coop it was honestly amazing”. “You're welcome Lyna see you tomorrow” he said as I get out the car. I am laying in bed and all I can think about was my day with Theo. I can't believe I open up to him about my mom and he even open up about his. I understand he is mad at his mom but eventually he is going have to forgive her. I just hope he can put his pride aside and forgive her they both deserve a second chance. I feel my phone vibrate I reach for it and read the message.

Cielo: so did he kiss you?

 Me: no but it was amazing

When I came home to change Sky was all ready at my house which I thought it was weird since only Kelvin was home.

 Me: you never told me why was you in my house earlier

Honestly I think there is something going on between Kelvin and Sky. I feel my phone vibrate again.

Coop: good night Lyna thanks for today I had fun

Me: Good night and see you tomorrow

As I write to him I can feel my heart beat threw my whole body. “Okay tell me everything step by step” Sky said as we walk to my locker. I went over the details but kept Theo's secret for me. “Omg he loves you he is slower than a turtle for not kissing you but he is so in love with you” she said. I agree with the slower than a turtle part “Wait a minute why were you in my house you never answer my question” I ask again. She starts to play with her hair and looks away she only does that when she is nervous “Umm I was um waiting for you” she answer. “Sure you was” I smile at her. “By the way I love that skirt you have on you have to lend it to me some day” she said changing the subject. “Thanks and of course what are friends for?” I say. First period bell rings and we walk to our class. Sitting in class I can't help but to think about Theo for the first time since we came up with this plan I think it can actually work. I have notice that Theo has been acting different with me but in a good way. “Buzz buzz” I open my phone

 Coop: you look pretty today

 Me: how would you know we haven't seen each other

 Coop: you didn't see me but I saw you

 Me: okay stalker

 Coop: you know you like that idea

I actually do like the idea of Theo stalking me is that weird? I can't admit it to him tho that's just pathetic.

 Me: you wish

 Coop: see you at lunch

Me: is that a question or a command

Coop: its an order (wink face)

I like feeling that he wants me around so I don't even mind the telling me what to do thing. I can't wait for lunch. Finally it's lunch time I make my way to my locker and I feel some one crash into me “Watch where you're going Cinderella” Vanessa said. “Nessa,” I say to her “sweetie you better watch what you hit because next time you may crash into my fist”. “I would like to see two kittens fighting” Alexander said as he stands behind us. “Move bitch” Vanessa said as she walks pass me I turn around to drag her back but Alexander steps in between us “So how about that date Katalyna” he ask. “Are you serious?” I stare at him and roll my eyes. “Why wouldn't I be serious?” he ask. I can't believe he would ask me on a date again when I all ready turn him down. “Bye Alexander” I walk away. “Sup Munchkin?” I hear Theo as I reach my locker he was already there waiting for me. “Not right now Coop I am not in the mood thanks to your crazitch ex and Alexander” I say. “Is he bothering you again?” he ask with anger in his voice. “Not more than that bitch Vanessa you better check her before I do” I say to him. “Okay I'll talk to her but she isn't my ex we never dated and I'll also talk to him” he said I roll my eyes and we walked to the cafeteria. “We got this is the bag” I hear Adam say. “Hell yeah its a piece of cake” Brandon reply. “Alright let's talk about the after party we are having to celebrate our win” Ethan say. “What party?” I ask. “The one that Alexander is throwing on Friday if we win” Brandon adds. “I don't understand why it has to be at his house” Theo ask. “Because its the only house that can fit half the school” Ethan answers his question. “He is right” Kelvin said. “Fine” Theo reply. The bell rings and I say bye to them and walk to my class. On my way to class I see Vanessa and Alexander talking of course they would be friends they both are snakes what did I expect. He is probable inviting her to the party after all she is the queen b. I take a seat and right after me Vanessa walks in with a smile on her face. Than she looks at me and her smile vanishes as she rolls her eyes. I just laugh to my self this class better go by fast.