Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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 Chapter 8



Finally the last class of the day. I am pretty pissed of at Theo but Sky said some thing to me that caught my attention. She said that maybe he was jealous of Alexander. On the other hand can he really be that blind and not notice that I have no interests in Alexander but in him. Vanessa walks pass me and intentionally shoves me “Oops sorry Cinderella didn't notice you there. I guess even with your make over you still aren't something to acknowledge” she said. I turn around and counted to 10 because I am so close to losing it. I can't help to think she is right sure I have gotten attention from guys but not the one guy I want. I look at my bracelet and feel hopeless. “Buzz buzz” I reach for my phone

 Coop: sorry Lyna about earlier how about I try to make it up to you

 Me: I am listing well actually i am reading lol

 Coop: there's my munchkin I know I know you aren't a munchkin and by the way stop rolling your eyes

I laugh to my self because I was getting ready to roll my eyes.

 Me: still listing well you know what I mean (eyes rolling)

 Coop: spend the afternoon with me (sad puppy eyes)

Yes! maybe I am still in the game he wants to spend the day with me. Wait just with me or does he want Kelvin to come. I am going to find out.

Me: we always spend the afternoon together me you and Vin

 Coop: I never mention Kelvin just me and you Lyna if you want

Breath Katalyna breath I keep telling my self. Theo wants to spend a day with me just us two. Of course I want too is he kidding why would he even ask me if I want. Snap out of it and tell him yes I think to my self.

Me: yes you do have a lot of making up to do

Coop: I'll do my best (wink Face)

I am so overwhelm with excitement that I can't even process what's going on around me. I hear the last bell ring and I put my things away as I walk out the class I see Theo waiting for me “Well what a surprise” I said.


While I wait for Lyna outside her class I text Sky and let her know that I was going to be taking Lyna home. “Well what a surprise” I hear. I look up and smile “What can I say I like to keep my promises and technically it's after school”. “Where are you taking me today Mr. Big shot?” she ask while getting in the car. “I was thinking we can go to the beach” I tell her and she arches her eyebrow “The beach?” “Yeah” I nod. “Cool sounds fun but I have to go home and change” she said. “Of course I have to go home too so I'll pick you up in 20 minutes” I say as I drive to her house. After I drop her home I go to my house to change and to look for my soccer bag. Thankfully it was all ready pack I was planning to take Lyna to the beach after I apologize to her but she got mad at me again and I didn't get the chance to ask her. I run back downstairs and back to my car. “Beep beep times up” I yell at Lyna as I honk my horn. She walks to the car and I am starting to second think this whole beach thing. She is wearing a blue mini beach dress that barley cover her tits and stop just above her knees. I can see her polka dot bathing suit top poking out of her dress. Oh man please don't let this women have a bikini on I feel my balls tingling and I can feel my self getting hard just thinking of her. This is going to be harder than I thought no pun intended. “Alright alright hold your balls” she said as she climbs in the car. If she only knew what I want to do with my balls. I pull up to the parking lot and I reach for my soccer bag “You should of told me we were playing soccer I would of brought my soccer stuff” I hear Lyna say. “We aren't playing soccer this right here is my handy dandy back pack” I tell her as we walk down to the beach. “Please tell me you didn't just quoted Dora” she ask. “Yes, yes I did and there is no shame in my game” I said as we both start to laugh. I open the bag and pull out a white sheet and I lied it on the sand. We sit down and I pull out our sandwiches, her favorite soda and fruit. “Green grapes and Coca-Cola some one did their research” she said as she takes a bite of her sandwich. “I don't need to do research Lyna I know you pretty good”. “This is nice Theo thanks but I would of forgave you either way” she said as she drinks some soda. “I know you would of but I wanted to do this with you” I say. “Cocky much?” she ask. “No not at all I am just confident of how well I know you” I say. She smiles at me and I feel that ache again. We eat the rest of our food and talked about everything and nothing. “Are you nervous about the game on Thursday” she ask. “Yes a little but I am 'cocky' like you say that we are going to win” I give her a grin. “Yeah I am confident that you guys are going to win you and Kelvin make a good team” she said. “Are you coming to the game?” I ask. “Are you kidding me I wouldn't miss it for the world” she said. “I have to go cheer on my two favorite boys” she adds. “Two?” I ask. “Yeah Kelvin and Alexander of course”. I feel like some one just punch the air out of my lungs. I feel all the color from my face draining. “I am just kidding of course you are the other one silly not Alexander” she is on her back laughing her ass off. “That was not funny at all” I say. I feel like smacking her ass so hard that I would leave my hand print on her but decided to tickle her instead. “Stop! Stop I am sorry” she pleads as she laugh. I love to hear her laugh it fills my heart with joy. “Come on Coop lets go for a swim” she starts to take of her dress and I finally confirm my suspicion. Lyna is definitely wearing a bikini she is standing in front of me with a polka dot bikini. She can't be more perfect even if she tried. Her legs look so smooth and shiny with no scars by far the sexiest legs I have ever seen. I move my way up and find her bikini bottom. I lick my lips as I imagine taking them off and kissing her all over. I continue my trip and now I am staring at her tattoo. I really don't know what it means to her but I'll ask her later. I move upwards and lay my eyes on her amazing tits. I have been dreaming of them ever since the tattoo shop. I just want to put them in my mouth and suck them until I leave my mark on them. I feel my cock going hard and I know I am in trouble now. “I'll race you come on” I hear her say as she runs away. I see her ass and god damn that ass of her is amazing the way it jumps up and down when she runs. I just want to sink my teeth in her ass. Yeah a swim sounds good right now maybe the cold water can get rid of my hard one. We were in the water for about 30 minutes playing around. I tried my best no to get to close to her because my cock seems to have a brain of it's own when I am around her. We lay on the sheet as we get dry and watch the sun set “What does your tattoo mean?” I ask. She looks at me and than at her bracelet “You know I never got to meet my mom I never got to share a moment with her, I never even got the chance to say I love you or even hear her say it back. I know that she loved Kelvin and me because after all she did sacrificed her life to bring us in to the world but it would have been great to actually hear it from her mouth. I would give up anything I have to be able to feel a hug and a kiss from her” she looks at me and I see that she has tears in her eyes. “I am sorry Lyna forget that I even ask”. “No, it's fine I don't mind talking about her” at that moment I realize that she needed a friend. I put my arm around her and lay her head on my chest as we stare at the night sky. “When we were younger we would make our dad tell us story about her” she continue as I play with her hair. “He use to tell us how she would always talk to us when we was inside her belly and how every night as they laid down to sleep she would always whisper to us that she loved us to the moon and back” I feel a warm tear drop fall onto my chest. I tilt her head up and our eyes meet as I wipe her tears from her face. “I know I might sound crazy but when I look up at the sky and see the moon and the stars around it I can almost hear my mom voice telling me that she loves me to the moon and back” she said. “That's not crazy at all Lyna that's the most beautiful thing I have ever herd” I give her a kiss on the forehead. “You are amazing” I whisper to her ear.