Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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I can't believe its been 2 years since I said “I do” to Armando. Now we are here at the doctors office ready to find out the sex of our babies. My life is so wonderful right now. I am marry to the best man in the world and on top of that I am excepting twins. I turn to Armando “Are you ready for this poppa bear?” I ask him. Armando and I have a bet going on about the sex of our babies. I told him that we are excepting two baby girls. Armando turns to me and gives me a wink “I am ready for my two champs”. We really don't care what we are having all we care is that they are healthy. I turn to Dr. Wren and ask him “What are we having doc?” “Well Mr. and Mrs. Morales l am happy to inform you are having...”.


It's been about 18 hours since I been in this waiting room with no information about my reina and my babies. I can't believe the day has come that we are finally going to meet our little Morales. Three more hours passed by until finally I see Dr. Wren walk out the room. “How are they? Can I see them? Where is my wife I am go see her now” I tell him as I run to go see my wife. Dr. Wren grabs me and tells me to take a seat “What's wrong?” I ask. “The babies are fine they both came out healthy and strong,” he informs me. I have a feeling that there is more to this so I ask “But what?”. “I am sorry Armando the operation got complicated. We did everything that was in our hands but it wasn't enough”. “NO, No don't tell me something went wrong. Where is Elizabeth?” I ran passed him yelling for my wife. I went threw the two double doors that I seen him come out and I see her laying on the bed. I drop on my knees with tears in my eyes “Mi riena, not you baby you promise me we would die old together not now, not here, not like this.'' Dr. Wren walks in and lifts me up “Come on Armando I want to show you something,” he said as I follow him. I am in front of two beautiful newborns that take my breath away. How can I feel like I lost everything but at the same time feel like I have everything when I see our babies. “Hi there, I am your daddy,” I tell them as I kiss my princess on her forehead and than I turn and kiss the top of my prince forehead. “Welcome to the world Kathalyna and Kelvin Morales.” I say to them. At that moment they both smile and something in my heart told me that my Elizabeth was going to be with us always.