Just the Way You Are by Cinomi - HTML preview

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Chapter 1



 18 years later...

 I wake up to a kiss on my forehead and a “Happy birthday princess time to get up” from my dad. “Daddy do I really have to get up its a Saturday and my birthday”. He looks down at me with a smile “Come on princess your brother is all ready up waiting on you”. Of course he would be up he always wants to be the first at everything. That's the bad thing of sharing your birthday with some one else that you aren't the center of attention. I love my twin Kelvin after all we did come in to this world together. Dad gives me another kiss and a hug and makes his way out my room. I get up and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I look for my favorite shirt of Bob Marley that it's twice my size. I walk over to the mirror in my room and stare at the picture of my mother. “Good morning mamita, another birthday without you but I know you are with us always I love you mom.” I lean in and give the picture a kiss as I look into the mirror I realize that I look like my mother or at least that's what my dad always say. I do see some resembles but for my taste she was way prettier. I have her light brown hair, her hazel eyes, and her long eyelashes. I love to hear that I look like her because in a way it makes me feel closer to her. I walk downstairs to the kitchen where my birthday breakfast is waiting for me. “Happy birthday little munchkin” I hear my brother tell me as he gives me a bear hug. “Happy birthday to you too Vin, and you are only older than me by 5 seconds so don't call me munchkin.” I look into the same hazel eyes that I was looking at a few minutes ago in the picture. Kelvin has mom's eyes and her lashes but he looks more like dad. Its funny how we look so much alike but at the same time different. We both have a caramel complexion thanks to our mom. Unlike me Kelvin is 5'8 with dark brown hair, he has a athlete body no fat all muscles thanks to him playing soccer since he can walk. He is the team captain of our high school soccer team. “All right you two sit and eat before it gets cold” dad commands us as we sit I look around and notice some one missing “Where is Lita?” I ask. Lita is our grandmother we call her Lita because when we were younger we weren't able to say abuelita. “That's a good question” dad reply. Minutes later there is a knock at the door and Kelvin gets up to open the door. “Happy birthday bro,” I overhear Theo as they walk into the kitchen. Theo has been my brother's best friend since I can remember. Theo is 5'8 with blond hair and beautiful green eyes. His body is shaped like a model with abs and packs all over. He is just perfection at its finest. I jump onto my feet because I knew what was coming. He runs towards me and gives me a hug and spins me around “Happy birthday munchkin” he said as he puts me back down. I roll my eyes at him and punch him on his shoulder “How many times do I have to tell you two I am not a munchkin we are all the same age”. He gives me that smile that melts me inside and I forgot what I was even mad about. He walks over to my dad and gives him a hand “Good morning Mr. Morales.” he said. “Theo, you are like family please call me Armando enough with this Mr stuff makes me feel old'' my dad tells him. Theo really is like family he practically lives here. He stays here all the time and even sleeps in my room with me. No one ever seems to care because they all know he sees me as a little sister no worst than that he sees me like one of the guys. That is my own fault because I do dress as a boy and sometime I even act like one too. I don't mind it I like feeling comfortable. I don't know why it bothers me so much that Theo sees me as one of the guys. Oh yeah I know why because I am in love with him. No big deal.


I am getting ready to go over the twins house and I get a message.

 Vanessa: what time are you coming over

Vanessa must be crazy if she thinks I am going to pick her over the twins especially on their birthday. Vanessa thinks that we are a couple even tho I told her several times that we are just friends with benefits. Today she is being extra annoying because it's Valentines day but for me it's just the twins birthday.

Sorry can't today maybe tomorrow

I text her back. Pulling up to the twins house I make sure I have Lyna's gift.

“Happy birthday bro,” I give Kelvin a hug as he opens the door “Thanks bro, come in.” I walk in and ran to Lyna, that is all ready waiting for me with her Bob Marley shirt on, I picked her up in a bear hug and spin her around “Happy birthday munchkin.” I know that she hates it when we call her that but I love to watch her big beautiful hazel eyes roll. “How many times do I have to tell you two I am not a munchkin we are all the same age,'' she said. We are all the same age now but in a month I'll be older than them. I look at her and I give her my best smile. I make my way to her dad and I say good morning. “Theo, you are like family please call me Armando enough with the Mr stuff makes me feel old”. I can't help to call him that Armando knows me since I was a little boy. Armando and my dad are business partners that's why Kelvin and I are best friend. “So what are you two up to today?” Lyna ask. I look over to Kelvin as he stares at me and shakes his head warning me not to tell her. “Nothing really we are just going to play some soccer” I say. That's the best part of living in Miami the weather is always perfect to play soccer. Technically I didn't lie to her we are going to play soccer but after that we are going to the tattoo spot a few blocks away. Kelvin has wanted to get a tattoo but couldn't because he wasn't old enough but now that he turn 18 it's a different story. He doesn't want Armando or Lyna to find out so we are keeping it a secret. “Sounds fun wish I could go with ya but Sky is coming over” Lyna states. “Well there is always tomorrow” Kelvin tells her. “Just remember to be back on time for our little get together” Armando tells all of us. “Yes Sir.” we say at the same time. “Come on bro we have to go” Kelvin said. As we walking out the door I look at Lyna and wink at her “I have a present for you but I'll give it to you later.”