King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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I’ve been waiting all night

The guys weren’t very thrilled when I told them we need to stop the tour with Midnight Noir and fly off to Los Angeles. No, not being thrilled was not the right phrase, they were more than ready to kill me, if only it wasn’t for our producer person who came to my rescue and of whom they of course didn’t know anything until our arrival in LA. When they met him and realized the Beautiful Wastelands were really going to record an album, they bowed in front of me, saying how much they loved me, but as for myself? I didn’t know if I loved myself anymore. I couldn’t forgive for what I had done to Ryan. It was none of my business what happened to him and Lillian, and I shouldn’t have told him anything about her plans. I saw the sadness in his eyes when I had gone to this little slip up. Look who the good for nothing friend turned out to be. Oh the irony.

Honestly, I could admit I hated myself.

"Come on, cheer up, Twinks," Jason elbowed me, as I peeled the black nail polish off my nail, "It’s six months since Lillian divorced him. He’s over it."

"Yeah, but I’m not," I mumbled looking over the sunset of the peaceful ocean. Jason had dragged me out here, because if I wasn’t working on our second album, I was spending my time in those four walls of my lilac colored room. Speaking about our records, the first one had been a major success. We were number one in the charts for quite some time, even went on a tour around the states. Quite frankly, it’s not even a week since we’re back in California and happily starting to record our second album. And it’s been a year and a half since my first tour with Midnight Noir. Time sure flies.

"He truly was your best friend..." Jason stated after taking a mouthful of his Budweiser. I just glared at him. "Sorry, Twinks, at the very beginning when Knox told me he’d met a girl, I thought you were just one of his temporary obsessions. I never realized how serious you both were."

"I miss him so much..." I sighed, resting my head on Jason’s shoulder. What was I even whining about? I let our friendship go down the drain. Did I even bother to call him up, did I bother to apologize? The answer was simple- no.

"Why don’t you just talk to him?" He questioned, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I can’t... Besides what would I tell him? Hey, it’s me, the shitty friend, who never informed you about your wife’s plans? I let his marriage go down the drain."

"It was bound to happen sooner or later," A voice echoed somewhere behind us. My heart skipped a beat as I straightened up, watching Jason wide eyed to see him smile widely. I was too afraid to move my eyes away from his face, "Aren’t you even going to look at me?" I heard the arrogant smirk in his voice. This could not be. I turned to see that beautiful grin and those smirking blues. He was standing just a couple feet from us. Jason got to his feet. Okay? What’s going on?

"You’ll thank me later, Twinkles." No, I’ll murder you later Jason Hunter. He walked towards Dev, patting him on the shoulder, "And you can thank me with a six pack when you come to the party in the evening."

"Sure Viper," he laughed, taking Jason’s previous place in the sand beside me. I couldn’t stop staring at Ryan’s tanned face. He looked... happy? But how? He was divorced.

"You set me up, Hunter!" I fixed my eyes on Jason’s back, who was walking away, but he just waved me off.

"Have fun, kids!" he shouted before he disappeared completely.

"So I heard someone misses me," he said with a cocky grin. Still the same old arrogant bastard.

"God, you haven’t changed at all..." I rolled my eyes, not being quite sure if this was what I longed for. Within the long time in which I didn’t hear from him, I believe I had forgotten what he’s like and imagined a fully different person in my mind. One who was not a cocky diva.

"I’ll take that as a compliment," He smirked.

"It really wasn’t." I looked down at my hands, feeling quite uncomfortable if I may say.

"I’ll still say thanks." He replied, before continuing, "So I heard you’re pushing me off the charts. Congratulations on that."

"Thanks, I guess..." Tho I wasn’t pushing him anywhere. I and he were playing in two very different leagues. He was competing with legends, while I was getting my way through the tops of the new musicians.

"What’s new besides the fame and paparazzi following you everywhere?" He questioned curiously.

"Nothing." I replied, sighing, "I’m still the same old- same old."

"I haven’t seen you in Hatfield’s in the past time, are you avoiding me?" I haven’t been in Hatfield’s, cause I don’t have the time to drink my life away anymore, but that was a boring answer and I couldn’t give him that.

"Step off of the throne, mister universe. I just returned from the tour."

"And already insulting me..."

"Sorry. It just comes naturally." I faked a smile, but his smile on the other hand disappeared from his face.

"Okay, now I can clearly see this was a mistake," he stood up. Shit. No, I was not going to let him leave. I still considered him as my friend. I grabbed him by arm.

"Look... I’m sorry. Don’t leave."

"Then please, tell me Meg, what do you want from me, cause chit-chat seemingly isn’t it." Was he mad?

"I just... want my friend back..." I whispered, not willing to say it any louder. Just by saying it, I admitted I had my weaknesses and I didn’t quite prefer stating I’m not superwoman.

"What? Speak up, I can’t hear you."

"You don’t have to be an asshole about it," I glared up at him, "I told... I want my friend back."

A smile appeared on his lips. "Sorry, but I don’t do friends anymore."

"What?" Confusion was written all over my face. Is he stupid? He has friends. Dozens of them!

"Not with girls at least." He explained my unasked question with a major grin on his face, pulling me up from the sand.

"King, we had a deal..." I squinted my eyes, watching him.

"Oh who even remembers it anymore..." He waved me off, before he started to walk towards the parking lot.

"I do!" My protests never had interested him, so why would I think he would listen to them this time?

"Too bad, cause I spend time with chicks only in one way and that’s horizontal." Had he hit his head or something? "So will it be your place or my place?"

I stopped mid track, realizing he was dead serious. When he noticed I wasn’t following anymore, he looked back at me with a huge grin on his face, "Ryan..." I whispered. I had to admit it tho, his offer sounded appealing.

"Oh come on Meg, I’m kidding." Right now I didn’t know if I should feel relieved or was I really... Was I stupid? I was a step away from jumping in his bed, what’s wrong with me? "Lighten up, miss Knox."

"What did you call me?"

"Miss Knox. I figured I’m divorced so I need some relationship model in my life." Okay, I think he was under some very heavy drugs which destroyed ones brains cells completely.

"Hold on Romeo, why on earth would you want a platonic relationship?"

"Cause I have plenty of sex in my life. I just need someone to talk to." He said.

"That’s what friends are for dumbass..." I smiled, feeling relieved that sex was not what he wanted from me.

"I wasn’t lying when I told you I don’t do friends anymore, dumbass." He chuckled, "Either you’re my girlfriend or you’re nothing to me."

"I’m very confused King..." And hurt. Don’t forget hurt. If I wasn’t going to accept this strange offer, it means he’ll just throw me away like that? This easy?

"I know, that’s the fun part of it." He grinned widely as we stepped our feet on the concrete ground. I could see his black BMW just a couple hundred feet from us.

"So... Hypothetically... What happens if I agree to be this fake girlfriend of yours?" I shoved my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket.

"First of all, there’s nothing fake about it, secondly, you need to move in of course—"

"Hold up, hold up, hold up," I cut him off, "Move in? As in living under your roof, living under your rules?" He nodded obviously satisfied with his amazing plan, "Okay, genius, when you start dating someone, you don’t start living together instantly!"

"Well if you want to be my girlfriend you have to do what I say." He said matter of factly. What about women rights, huh, pal? Okay, let’s just hear what more of his drunk insanity has he under his sleeve, "Thirdly, you have to make me breakfast in bed every morning... Then of course you have to do all the other shit girlfriends do like satisfy me and take Molly to her stylist—"

"Satisfy you? I’m not going to sleep with you!"

"Oh but you are. We’re sleeping in one bed, but I promise I won’t have sex with you, besides you can satisfy me in different ways too."

"Like what?"

"Like... Giving me a massage." He winked. No, I’m not giving him a handjob, "Besides, I’m surprised you didn’t argue about the breakfast thing."

"I’m getting there." I hissed, glaring at him as we stopped next to his car, "Okay, King, let’s cut the bullshit. Why do you want me to move in?"

"I may have some problems..."

"What kind of problems?"

"Annoying ones." I gestured for him to explain, "Fine... Since the press found out about my divorce, the crazy fan girls haven’t given me my peace ever since. At first I thought it was cool, more sex and all that shit, but fuck, yesterday a chick broke into my home, can you believe it?"

"Sadly... I can." Since all the fame had gotten to me, many surprisingly outrageous incidents had happened with our fans and my band.

"So I need them to just leave me alone. And you could turn out to be a very believable girlfriend, knowing everyone took you for my lover once." He unlocked the car and got in, me following him soon after.

"What’s in it for me?" I questioned as I buckled up.

"My charming company of course." My face changed from maybe interested to not interested at all, "Fine..." He sighed, "What do you want?"

"I want you to get a tattoo ‘Property of mrs. Knox". He frowned, "You owe me. Big time. Therefor- you’re my property and you said it yourself- I’m miss Knox. I don't like being called miss so let's stick to being your Mistress."

"That’s it?"

"No. You’ll fulfill any of my other three wishes, which I think up along the way."

"Fine then let’s get your stuff, I have to go to Vipers party later."

"You want me to move in... as in … today?" My eyes narrowed on him as he steered us out of the parking lot.

"You have a problem with that?" He questioned,

"Actually, I do have a problem with that, King. What am I supposed to say to my dad?" I don’t want to leave my father all alone. The house is a little too big for one person. He’ll be fucking lonely...

"The truth," Dev said matter of factly, "You’re my girlfriend. Period."

"I am not."

"Yes, you are. I just won’t fuck you, we’ll be still sleeping in the same bed."


With the Paulo Coelho book in my hands, I was waiting for Dev to get home. It was way past midnight and it didn’t seem like he was going to head back home anytime soon. He had gone to Jason’s party, which didn’t sound very appealing to me, so I just stayed at Dev’s... well now also my home, trying to get used to the different scenery. He had helped me to unpack and left right after.

I was very surprised when dad took the notice of me moving out quite well, but then again I didn’t tell him I’m Dev’s girl, I told him the truth. Dev needed help. And he really did. I mean just look at this place. It’s clear a guy lives here and this guy has absolutely no taste in decorations, so obviously my first wish was to furnish the place the way I saw fit. He, yet again, had no objections. The only thing I liked about his house was his studio. A sound proof room with all the technical stuff needed to record undisturbedly. I promised myself to check it out tomorrow, I didn’t have it in me to pick up my gun right now. I was too goddamn tired. Last thing I knew was Coelho saying "Love simply is." before my eyelids felt too heavy for me to keep them open.

"All my stripper friends... all my ex-boyfriends," The heels of my pumps clicked against the marble surface of the bar counter as I sang along. A guy held out a shot to me and without hesitation I took it and downed, throwing my head back. Drops of tequila flowed down my chin and on to my chest, disappearing in my cleavage. I winked to him, wiping the remaining of the drink off my lips, with the surface of my thumb as I carried on with my dancing, gazing over the handsome brunette from time to time.

Wait... Stop. This wasn’t right. Megan Hills wearing a corset and heels to a night out? And dancing on the counter? I must be dreaming... But in that case...

I grinned, getting on my knees after I had made my way back to the brown eyed prince. With a swift movement, I slid my hand over his cheek, feeling the stubble under my fingers. His chocolate eyes change into midnight blues, that light brown layered hair turned into a slicked back mohawk and that flirty smile changed into an arrogant grin.

His eyes roamed my mouth, over and over again, before he took my chin with a firm grip and pulled it towards his mouth. I couldn’t object, this was a dream, this was what I wanted. Not some blonde prince, who could only smile when I nearly shoved my tits in his face. When he was just an inch from my lips, he whispered in a low voice, "Good girl..."

His lips were everything I’d ever wanted. I could taste his regular Marlboro cigarettes, I could taste some strong liquor and I could taste him. It was almost as if it was real. That feeling... I could feel his lips, I could sense his perfume and his stubble against my skin.

My moan was what made me wake up from the wonderful dream, but somehow the dream didn’t end. I didn’t hear the loud basses of the club music, the corset wasn’t making it difficult to breath anymore, but something else was... My lips... I could feel him. And it felt good. I could feel him smirk in to the kiss.

"Good, you’re up," He whispered against my lips, before he pecked them for one last time. So much for my little paradise. Unwillingly I opened my eyes and I instantly realized, he’s not going to remember this in the morning after. Dev was crouching next to the couch and he was almost as drunk as when he first drank with me,

"Baby, can you, please, go upstairs?" He got on his knees, as he caressed my cheek with his index finger. My eyes traveled from his lips to his neck, just to see it stained with red lipstick. Asshole. I jerked his hand away, not saying a word, before I got up from the couch.

I left him not saying a word. If he would’ve been sober, he would’ve seen how pissed I got just by realizing what would I see when I’d walk into the hallway. Of course. "Hello," An Angelina Jolie prototype greeted me, with a very intoxicated smile on her face. Had she really no dignity, no self-respect? But more importantly- had I?

"Meg, don’t be angry with me..." I heard him say as I walked up the stairs, "Tomorrow we’ll go and buy that Gibson you wanted..."

The most polite thing I could manage to do in that same moment was just to flip him off, because if I’d only opened my mouth, I could guarantee I wouldn’t sound like a lady, more like a drunken fisherman.

How could he? How could he kiss me and then just ask me to leave?