King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Here with me…

Ryan’s POV.

Okay, I can honestly admit yesterday was a blur. I remembered talking Meg into moving in with me and I had been completely blown away when she approved of the thought. Of course, I didn’t show how surprised I was, but hell, I’ve known her for some time now and I knew she was a tough case to crack. She was no ordinary chick who I picked up at some bar and just slammed myself in looking for some remedy to my very much fucked up life. She was the real deal, the one who I couldn’t get and it was tearing me inside out.

Yet, I still couldn’t figure out, why had she left the tour that time ago. I mean, yeah, sure, I wasn’t talking to her, we had a rough point in our relationship, but her leaving and me finding out my wife wanted a divorce had completely wrecked me. It wasn’t a secret I didn’t love Lillian, fuck, I probably didn’t even know what love meant, but I had grown used to her. Actually I even liked her being around, so that was no surprise I was a tad depressed when it all happened. But it was a year ago. A year over which the Beautiful Wasteland let out an album called- Pretentious Suspension, which had been a major success. I had even drove off to New York to see their show on Time Square, which had sold out in just a couple of days. I had made a good bargain to get the ticket too. Not mentioning going below my dignity and stealing their cd out of some kids hands at the local music shop.

Back then I couldn’t bear, but smile on the resemblance between her and my alter ego- Devious Knox. She was as cocky, as reckless, as tempting as I made my stage character to be. Those stockings... Hell, the first time I saw her on stage in her full attire, I had to think twice not to drag her off and rape her at the first opportunity I got. But then I remembered- she was my best friend, and I had promised her I’d want nothing more of her than her friendship. Well... Fuck that. I wanted her. Completely. And the thought that she was screwing her band mate and she didn’t even look at me, made me find a one night slamming material way too many times I was willing to admit. Of course after she had left. When she was with me- I was with Kathy. A person I had absolutely nothing in common, besides sex. Sometimes when Meg was out drinking, celebrating with her band and some fans, I had slammed myself in Kathy, imagining it to be Meg, but sadly, every time I imagined for Kathy to be Meg, the stupid chick started talking, instantly turning me off. It was needless to say I couldn’t cum with her. Usually after Kathy, I had to work with myself looking at Meg’s pics. And I’m not ashamed to admit it.

So right now I had a question. A few of them, actually. Yesterday Meg moved in and I went to Vipers party, where I met a girl. Things got a little heated with me, her and tequila so the last thing I remember was us leaving. The question is- did I really bring her back home? And did Meg see it? I didn’t want her to be angry with me, but on the other hand- I really wanted to make her jealous. I wanted her to admit she wanted me just as badly as I wanted her. If that was a crime, you could sue me, see if I care.

I woke up next to a dark haired girl, who had turned her back to me. Oh god, please don’t tell me the chick slept over... I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to figure the way out of this little slip up. It was Meg who was supposed to be sleeping next to me, not some other girl. But wait... The body turned around to be facing me, and it was Meg! Oh my fucking god, I didn’t do anything stupid after all.

As far as I could tell, she was wearing my t-shirt and I was only in my boxers. Even in her sleep she looked badass. Like she was about to throw a punch at me.

"I can feel you staring, you know?" She mumbled, wrinkling her forehead.

"Good morning to you too," I smirked, even tho she couldn’t see it.

"Yeah, it would’ve been good if you’d let me sleep through the night."

"What?" I asked amused. Had we really done what I think we done? If that’s the case, this morning gets better and better.

"Don’t get ahead of yourself." Finally she looked at me, now frowning, "Aren’t you hungover?"

"No. Why?" Honestly, I had never felt better in my life, even tho I was aware of the amount of Patron flowing through my veins.

"Funny..." She narrowed her cold silvers on me, "I was pretty sure you’d be feeling like shit after you decided to audition for the werewolf part in one of those Twilight movies."

"I... What?" My eyebrows puckered together as I watched her very confusedly. What the hell was she talking about?

"You barked at the moon... Like, literally." She yawned into the conversation, "You leaned through the window and barked."

"Why the fuck would I do something like that?" I frowned. I’ve done some pretty messed up things in my life, like throwing a salto off of James’s roof and straight into the rose bed, but this was a first.

"You claimed you had the best sex in your life so you decided to inform all neighborhood dogs about it." Best sex in my life? Best sex in my life which I didn’t remember? She had to be messing with me. "I assume you also don’t remember running butt naked in here shortly before that and doing the helicopter."

"The... what? Okay. Now you’re clearly messing with me." She smiled. "That’s not funny, Meg."

"Oh the look on your face. Priceless." Meg laughed, before closing her eyes and pulling the blanket over her shoulder, "But those other things- those were true. And you promised me a Gibson."

"For what?"

"For being an asshole."

"What did I do?" I questioned, making her open her eyes and look over me with a long glance, as if asking if I was joking. At least so I thought, she kept piercing in me before she sighed and closed them again.

"You just were your charming self, dear," She replied sarcastically.

"How about we go out to breakfast, would that be okay?" A gibson... Why would she want a gibson? Her dad has plenty of them and it’s not like she’d wanted to lay a finger on any of his guns. She always whines the neck is too thick for her small hand... Maybe Les Paul, but a Gibson?

She looked at me for a moment, considering the offer, "How about... No."

"We have to go out in public sooner or later..." And sooner would be better. I couldn’t wait to see what press would write about her. She differed from my other girls. Meg was a tomboy, a do-it-yourself kind of person, but yet an admiringly stunning girl. A girl you go to war with… A girl you marry.

"I’d prefer later..." My eyebrow arched to her answer.

"What?" I laughed, amused, "Are you ashamed of me?"

"You have no idea, King." She rolled her eyes, receiving a shove, before a smile emerged on her face. "What is it about you that I can’t stay mad for long?"

"I’m amazing." I smiled satisfied, but she, on the other hand, sighed loudly, before sitting up. "Admit it..."

"You’re an asshole for—" Her eyes traveled over to the electronic watch on the nightstand," –waking me up at eight AM?! What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Is it eight already?" I didn’t even look at the clock, I just studied her face... her wrinkle between her dark, almost black eyebrows, her tanned skin and those silvery orbs every man could forget himself in.

"Already?" She snorted, "King, I’m going back to sleep." Meg stated before she turned on her side and pulled the blanket over her shoulder. "Wait... Why are you even up?" She turned to see me, partly, still being with her back against my amazing persona.

"Couldn’t sleep."

"You. Couldn’t. Sleep..." her eyes narrowed on me, "I call bullshit. Better tell me who that chick you brought home yesterday was." Fuck. So I did bring her back here. Fuck, fuck, fuck...

"She’s no one."

"Yeah, didn’t sound like it yesterday. I swear you hook up only with pornstars..."

"What can I say... They’re attracted to my charming self." Even tho I don’t even remember how the girl looked. Who the heck knows if she’s a pornstar or not, but knowing Jason... Even if she’s not a pornstar, she could as well be a stripper. Jason’s crazy for those chicks.

Her eyes stayed on me for quite a while, before she turned to her side, "Right."

"So are we going to eat or not?"

"I’m sleeping."

"No, you’re not."

"I’m trying."

"Then you suck at it."

"I would be asleep already if there wasn’t someone disturbing me."

"And you haven’t killed the asshole yet?" I chuckled.

"I’m almost there." She rolled her eyes, looking back at me.

"Oh, come on, doll, get up. Let’s do something..." My arm snaked around her waist below the blanket and pulled towards me. My chin rested on her shoulder. She smelled like summer, sun, old school rock and perfection.

"Like what?"

"We could go to the movies..." I mumbled against her skin, "See that new Dracula film... Scott said it’s good."

"Me and Paul already saw it." She and... Her front man who she fucked from time to time, were to the movie I wanted to see with her? Now you all have to understand my... disappointment if you will, the fact that I wanted her for all by myself was merely because she was the right one for me. I was too old to still believe love existed, the one all pop stars sang about- the one where you can’t sleep, you can’t eat, you can’t breathe until she’s resting there with you- yeah, I liked that Dido song back when I was madly in love with my ex-wife, back when I was twenty with something... Now I’m over thirty and I don’t believe in that kind of love. Right now I believe if you’re lucky, a very few times in your life you can meet someone who’s worth those sleepless nights, but it’s not because she makes you an insomniac. No. It’s because you spend them with her, having a good time and somehow she makes you seem your flaws aren’t as vivid as you believed them to be, somehow other women doesn’t seem as appealing, cause you know they can’t heal your wounds, they can only make you forget for a while. Somehow even the argues and insults feel more romantic than a kiss or meaningless sex"...Ryan, are you listening?"


"I said even tho you’re a whore and an asshole, you’re the sweetest guy I know." She turned her head to kiss my nose.

"That’s… the nicest thing anyone has ever told me." I chuckled. "But, I believe, if we were a couple clothing pieces short, you’d be even nicer to me." Meg looked back at me with a smug smile on her face, before she jumped out of bed and stripped off her t-shirt, leaving me with raised eyebrows and herself with naked breasts as she walked over to the wardrobe. "...what..."

"Even if we’d be laying in one bed both being naked, I wouldn’t fuck you and god knows I want to, so get up, get dressed and let’s go." She wanted me... I smiled and promised to myself to do anything in my power, but to get her to truly be with me.