King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Yanking out my heart

For the whole day I’ve been spending time with Chris and I had forgotten how fun could the guy be. I’d forgotten what life was when we weren’t a band and how exciting it was to just go to the mall and chill. I’d forgotten what’s it like to have an ice cream with all the flavors and how spicy Chris liked his taco’s. Since we left the studio he hadn’t mentioned Knox not once, but that still didn’t keep me from thinking about him. Turned out I was the bad guy in this modern twenty first century fairytale. It turned out polygamy is the new thing all around the world and I shouldn’t get mad if he introduced me to yet another of his girlfriends, as long as he came home to me.

Truth be told- I’d feel infinitively more comfortable, if he had just one girl he went to besides me. I shouldn’t worry my pretty little head with thinking who had he met today and if she’s going to be his future wife. It was easier when there was Lillian, when there was Kathy, cause those girls stayed put for quite some time. I knew what to predict from them, but now... Now I’m clueless. And it scares me.

"You really think it’s my fault, Chris?" The thought... it made me uneasy. What if it really was my fault? What then?

"What is?" He fished out a peanut of the pack and threw it in his mouth.

"Ryan having those affairs..."

"You’re with me and still thinking about him? Dude, I’m going out of my skin just to make you forget for one single day and in the end you still bring him up..." So that’s what this was? He did it for me? "Meg, you’re both adults, but you seem as naive as toddlers. You both believe anything people would tell you. Haven’t you had the thought that he just makes it look like those all are affairs?"

"What do you mean?"

"He’s old. There’s no way he has such libido. Trust me. I know."

"What? So you’re having some function problems there, gramps?" I chuckled.

"I’m just saying not even our species is all about sex and, yes, we too have our limits."

"If I get this right – King is faking all those one night stands?" Why?

"Probably," Chris shrugged. "I mean he could be having some intimacy with some of them, but there’s no way he’s doing all those girls."

Speaking about the devil... My phone started vibrating and as I pulled it out of my pocket, I saw Ryan’s funny face illuminating my screen. With a heavy sigh I decided to answer not knowing if that was the right thing to do. I could always make him go even madder although he claimed I’ve already stepped the line. Well... I could... fucking... yeah. I could do something.

"What’s up?" I answered rather cheerful, despite the fact I should be pissed at him.

"Hey, Meg, it’s Scott..." Scott? On Ryan’s phone? He sounded a bit out of breath. I looked over Chris with a very confused frown. He raised his eyebrow.

"Corbie, why are you calling from Ryan’s phone?" My eyes landed on my wristwatch. I still had a good half an hour to get back home before King goes ballistic. "Have you been running?"

"Mine got pulverized, thanks to certain someone."

"Ryan broke your phone?" Okay let’s start from the top. "Scott, I’m like really, really confused. Can you please tell me why the fuck are you calling?"

"We got into a fight...It was more Jason’s fault than ours—"

"You what?" I yelled, making Chris mouth ‘what’s going on?’.

"Yeah... Look, Knox might have a concussion, I need you to come home."

"Scott, I’m sort of... kind of... calling bullshit on you, knowing what went down in the studio today. He could’ve bribed you for all I care."

"Meg, trust me. I’m not bullshiting you."

"Scott who the fuck are you talking to?" I heard Ryan’s angry voice at the other end of the conversation. He sounded angry.

"Okay, I have to go. Please get here ASAP." Scott ended the conversation. I was left looking over my smartphone with great confusion.

"What was that?" Chris questioned, guiding me to the side of the road, where he had parked his car. I hadn’t even noticed when we turned around to go back to the town, instead of getting to the beach which was our intentioned plan.

"I think you have to get me home..." Chris just nodded, not giving any unnecessary questions. Stupid Ryan. If he wouldn’t have spoken up or I somehow would’ve missed out on his replica, I wouldn’t even be considering going home.

We got into his car and I didn’t even worry myself about buckling up, I was worrying about Knox. For fuck sake, how could’ve he gotten a concussion and Scott and Jason not? As far as I understood, it was them three against the world. Bunch of morons. And Ryan even went to that jujitsu thing for some time! Seems like money just thrown in the trash bin.

"So I’ll pick you up tomorrow?" Chris stopped the car and only then I understood where was I. A white two story house was raising above us. This had been the shortest ride back home in my entire life, knowing on regular basis it took up to twenty five minutes driving from where we were before.

"’K. See you later, dude." We hugged each other, before I got out of the car. A cool breeze snook up on me, making my skin go all in goose bumps. Well that’s just Meg, when it’s steaming hot outside, I wear a leather jacket; when it’s windy and chilly, I go out in a t-shirt. Smart.

My eyes slid over the house, noticing the lights turned on in the living room and kitchen. I went up to the front door, hoping none would’ve locked them, because the only thing I got on me was my phone. I’d left my bag with all the necessities in the studio. Chris had been my sponsor today, not that I asked him to buy me anything, he just felt the odd joy by feeding me all sorts of junk food. It made him strangely happy.

I put my hand on the door knob, turning it and thank god, the door was left unlocked. As I walked in, a smell of microwave food hit my face. I winced. Disgusting. I knew for sure Ryan didn’t eat that junk, so Scott was only one left with such distaste in good things. But as I took off my boots and walked around the corner into the dimly lit living room, I saw Ryan laying on the brown couch, his eyes glued to the tv and an older man sitting in the armchair. He was the one living unhealthy.

"Good evening," I said, unsure of what to expect. Scott had sounded very much dramatic, but now seeing Knox safe and sound, I really didn’t get why did he make me hurry back here?

"Dad that’s Meg," Ryan said not even raising his eyes to me. So this man was his father? This was Papa Knox? I’ve heard some stories from my dad about him, but this was the first time I met him.

"Why hello, so you’re the mystery woman of Ryan’s? I’m charmed already..." He grinned and now I could see from whom Ryan got his flintiness "I’m Ryan King senior." He placed the tray on the stand beside the couch and held out his hand for me. Only when I got closer, I noticed the resemblance between the two. Actually? It was remarkable. They had the same charming eyes, the same nose... "But everyone calls me Papa King, so don’t be shy."

"Okay, I won’t..." I smiled, looking over Dev to see him holding a frozen pee pack to his head. "So what happened?"

"Jason’s a moron..." Dev hissed, I sat down, resting my forearm on his side.

"Like that’s something new." I leaned over, taking the frozen vegetables off him to see the damage done. He had a cut on his eyebrow and a major bruise on his forehead. That looked like ouch.

"We were out at Hatfield’s, when some dude started hitting on Bailey."

"You were with Bails?"

"We? No." He winced, when I put the package back on his head, "Jason was with her. I was with Scott and Kenneth." So there were four of them. In that case how strong was the opponent if Dev’s with a fucking concussion and a horn growing out of his forehead? "Jason started fighting the dude, we tried getting him off the guy, cause he was about to kill him, but two other guys jumped him. That’s how I got this... If I would’ve known better, I’d called the cops."

"Doc said he has bed rest for two weeks." Papa King added. "Okay, I’d spent some time with my son, I’d ate everything you had and now, when mrs. Knox is back, it’s time for me to go."

"Should I guide you out?" I watched as Ryan’s father got up, looking at me and soon after letting out a tasty laugh.

"You’re the funniest out of all Ryan’s girls, I’ve met so far, my dear." My stare went back to Ryan, I felt sort of dumbfounded. His expression said for me to just let it go. "I’ll find my way out." Papa King went to the kitchen, putting the plate in the dishwasher before going towards the front door. "It was my absolute pleasure, Megan, see you both later. Son, take good care of this one. She’s a keeper."

"Are you still here?" Ryan questioned.

"Fine," His dad laughed, "I’m out. Peace."

As soon as his father left, a deafening silence took over, well of course, except for the noise the tv made. I was expecting him to say something, but he said nothing. Just gazed at the tv. It started feeling very awkwardly uncomfortable. If it wasn’t for him turning on his back and relaxing his hand on my thigh, I probably would’ve just walked away. He still hadn’t graced me with a look, but it was okay. My eyes landed on the tv trying to figure out what was he even watching and as far as I could tell it was the new season of American Horror Story. "I’m sorry for snapping like that earlier today..." He whispered.

"It’s okay... It was my fault." I decided to lay down beside him, taking the blanket from the other end of the couch and spreading it all over us. He put the pack of pees away, taking a pillow from behind his back and handing it to me. "Where did Scott go?" I questioned as his hand relaxed on the side of my waist.

"He waited my dad to get here and went home."

"About it... Why was your dad here?"

He stayed quiet for a moment, as if thinking over if he needs to tell me it.

"He thought I’d go searching for you if you won’t be here by midnight." He sighed.

"Would you?" We laced our fingers together. Somebody was killing somebody on the tv. Even the screams and shouts couldn’t take away the soothing feeling I felt laying beside him.


"I was thinking," I started not really knowing how to put it right.

"About what?"

"Me and you," I felt him tense up.

"If you’re going to say you’re leaving me—"

"No, jeez... I’m saying we could try the real couple thing, if you don’t mind..."

"Like all the physical stuff?" I shrugged, "Are you serious?"

"Why not?"

"And you couldn’t tell me it earlier today... because?"

"Because I hadn’t figured it out then."

"And you figured to tell me right now... when I have a concussion. Perfect timing." He groaned. "If I’d be certain I won’t vomit all over you, I’d fuck you in this same moment."

"But only on one condition..."


"You have to lose all your other girlfriends."

"What girlfriends?" I looked back at him to see him smiling. "You’re the only one for me from now on."

Ryan’s POV

Am I the luckiest son of a bitch, or what?

Despite all the trouble I went through when dragging Jason’s ass out of that fight back in Hatfield’s, the evening resulted in something that even the concussion couldn’t ruin. I finally get to have Meg to all by myself.

I was still a little drunk on vodka when Scott got me home from the hospital and Meg was nowhere to be found. So... knowing what vodka does to me, I flipped out, broke my beloved Schecter, broke a hole in the wall before my dad appeared from nowhere and with the help of Scott nearly glued me to the couch.

"What’s going on with you, Ryan?" Dad had asked, passing me a pack of some frozen vegetables. "Even in your early twenties you weren’t this stupid. You know how much will it cost to repair this hole?" He was standing beside the wall, examining the damage from before.

"Money’s not the problem..." I groaned, putting the package to my forehead. Out of all people, Scott decided to call my father. This evening couldn’t quite get any worse.

"Haven’t I taught you anything?" I closed my eyes, trying to shut him out. Maybe if I don’t look at him, he will just go away. "Having money doesn’t mean a thing if you don’t spend it wisely, and lately, son, the tabloids?"

"What about them?" He knew I didn’t read the stuff they wrote about me. Irritation and having a major headache was the reason I was just a seconds away from kicking him out of the door.

"Who are all those girls?" I heard him take a seat in the leather armchair. "You know your sister looks up to you, so why are you turning out as such a disappointment. This was not how me and your mother raised you." I clenched my teeth to restrain myself from yelling out Vikkie was not my mother, but even in the state I was, I knew if I said something like that, I’d cross the line and no sorry would make up for it.

"Jenny shouldn’t be reading that shit." I murmured, leaning in the couch and tilting my head back.

"You should say it to her yourself." My head was spinning and I felt dizzy. And to add the stench of microwave food filling the house, I thought I was really going to throw up in his face. Where did he even get that junk? Meg cooked, I ate out of the house, so that left the question hanging. "She’s waiting for you, you know..."

"I know," I sighed.

"So what’s keeping you from coming over? If you’re gonna tell me it’s those girls, I’m gonna hit you." Yeah, like he’d ever.

"Nothing’s keeping me from coming over." I replied unwillingly. And that was the truth.

"See? Then we’ll be waiting for you, let’s say... next Saturday?"

"Yeah... Sure." Like I had a choice in the matter.

"So who’s coming over? Jason?" No, sitting really did no good to me. I opened my eyes and fixed the cushions beside me and laid down, turning on the tv.

"No. Megan." I replied dryly, not willing him to question me about her, but obviously, he didn’t take the hint.

"One of those girls they write about in the tabloids?"

"No." I replied instantly, although I realized I had lied to him unwillingly. I remembered the article in Just Jared. "She’s Zee’s daughter."

"Zachary?" He questioned, "What you have to do with his daughter?" Oh I don’t know, like everything? I guess he missed out on the fact we’ve been best friends for the last two years.

"I’m dating her." And as if to save me from upcoming sea of questions from my father’s side, the door opened and Meg walked in. She looked confused, even tho I wanted to keep my eyes on her, I couldn’t. My head was throbbing and even moving my eyes meant the vomiting penalty. That asshole had whacked me good.

We had fallen asleep on the couch, she stayed with me for the whole night, even tho I could imagine how uncomfortable it must’ve been laying still for the whole night. It took me to bash my head to get a girl. Funny.

When I woke up in the morning, she had already made me breakfast, leaving the plate with delicious looking sandwiches on the coffee table along with a glass of water and the prescribed pills. She had changed into a loose white shirt type dress and ballerina flats. Meg was sitting on the ground beside the couch, her tattooed arms resting on the very edge and her chin resting on her arms. "How are you feeling?" She smiled.

"Dizzy, but okay." My index finger tipped her nose. She looked beautiful. Meg was wearing a thin line of eyeliner and had mascara on. It meant she’s going somewhere. "You’re leaving me?"

"Hey, no whining, I made you breakfast." Her silvery irises were piercing in me. "I have an interview and later I’m going to Hollywood."

"Hollywood?" I frowned, boosting myself on the elbow.

"Me and Chris are judges at some thing." She twitched her shoulders, "It’s nothing major, but Ian told it would be good for our publicity."

"Typical Meg, going hell knows where and doing hell knows what." I chuckled, despite the dizziness "I wish I could go with you."

"Next time." A corner of her lips raised in a smile, before she leaned closer, crushing her lips against mine. I laid back down, pulling her from the ground and on top of me. The kiss was rushed, she kissed me in a way I found both adorable and sexy as hell. My hands slid down her back, all the way to her ass, grabbing it through the thin fabric of her dress. I could feel the outer edge of her panties under my fingers. God, I wanted to take them off so desperately. Someone honked outside the house, making her lean away.

"Is that--?"

"Yeah..." She bit on her lower lip, looking over me while sitting exactly where I wanted her, only without the blanket and her panties between us. Once more she leaned down and pecked my lips a couple of times.

"Hills, drag your bony ass out, we gotta go!" Chris’s voice shouted from outside as he honked another couple of times. Meg chuckled in to the kiss. The front door opened. Someone was very impatient.

"Whoa, nice panties, Meg." She shot back up, startled by the voice which obviously didn’t belong to Chris. I couldn’t miss the blush in her cheeks.

"You should learn to knock," Meg mumbled, getting off me and fixing her dress. She took her black leather jacket from the footer and quickly put it on, rolling her sleeves up.

"What are you doing here, Viper?" I sat up, seeing him wearing his shades, his usual wife beater shirt and some khaki shorts.

"I heard they took you to the hospital yesterday, came to check on my favorite guitar player." Jason walked closer as Meg walked to the front door. Backwards. The whole way keeping eye contact with me and as soon as she was in the hallway, she pulled up her dress, showing me her black and red silk panties with the laced outer edge. I bit on my knuckle. Fucking tease. When Jason turned to look back at her, she disappeared through the door with a guilty smile on her face.

"I’m good," I replied, with a wide smile on my face, hearing Chris speed off as soon as Meg had jumped in. "Fantastic actually. Tho you’re a dick."

"Look, I’m sorry Knox, but Bails—"

"Like she couldn’t handle herself, man." I kicked the blanket away, reaching for the bottle of pills. Jason took a seat in the armchair. As I struggled with opening the bottle, I noticed some strays of light sneaking in through the gap between the dark red curtains. Seemed like a beautiful day outside. Finally I opened the orange bottle, taking two pills out and downing them with the water. "Fine, I understand you... sort of. I would’ve jumped in if it was for Meg, but you know Meg and you know Bailey. If Meg was anything like Bails, I’d never even consider going through the trouble you got us in yesterday."

"Fuck, Knox... I think I’ve messed up." I saw him rubbing his face, before I took the plate with my breakfast and held before him.

"Listen, before you start telling me your grief story, let’s eat something." He slid the rayban shades up on his head, taking the sandwich.

"Is it tuna?"

"Must be. Meg’s masterpiece." And if it was up to Meg, she avoided meat. Tuna was an exception. Jason took a bite, before a long moan escaped him.

"This is the best sandwich I’ve had in years. Amanda used to make the best tuna sandwiches... Jeez, this tastes like... joy and happiness."

I chuckled, taking a bite. "You haven’t had anything to eat since yesterday dinner, right?"

"Yup." He reached out for my water and took a gulp, "And it’s crunchy... I fucking love Meg, dude. Good thing you chose her over Kathy."

"Were you seriously doubting which one will I stick to?" I think it was kind of obvious from the very beginning my decision is and always will be – Meg.

"Yeah, I had my doubts," He devoured his sandwich and now he was looking at mine half eaten one, "Are you going to finish it?"

"Actually... I don’t think so." I handed it to him, "I’m still kind of dizzy and the meds only take the pain away."

"Speaking about it... Maybe let’s go outside? Sit by the pool? You look kind of pale lately, need to catch your tan." He laughed.

"Sure. I was, in fact, thinking about having a smoke." I joined in with a chuckle standing up along with Jason. Today my head wasn’t spinning as bad, but I still was feeling nauseous In order to get to the patio, we had to cross the kitchen zone and of course, Jason went for the fridge, taking out a cool Bud Light. I slid open the glass door, feeling the instant wave of dry and hot air hitting me. My hand reached for the pack of Marlboro red’s which were laying on the tiled counter top. I walked outside, blinded by the bright sun. The typical morning in California.

"Fuck dude, the bruise... What did he whack you with?" Jason exclaimed.

"A goblet..."

"Shit, I’m so, so sorry, man... And getting back to yesterday..." We walked over to the white chairs and the table. I picked up the glass ashtray from the ground and put it on the table. Meg had been very forward thinking about the placement of this set. In the morning and through the day, the house was throwing a cool shade on it and in the evening when it was cooler, only then the sun landed on the table. Of course, we could’ve placed the table and the chairs anywhere else and buy a sun umbrella, but I didn’t like those things.

"What were you even doing with Bailey? I think she made it very clear you’re a jerk and she hates you the last time you both met..." I pulled out a smoke, offering one to Jason.

"That’s where I’ve fucked up, Dev... I can’t keep her out of my head, man... it’s like a schizophrenia," He blew out a gray cloud, "and when I think I’m cool, I don’t need her – she fucking appears right in front of my eyes."

"If she’d be a bit more human like… like... with emotions and shit, I’d say go after her, but right now? Hell man, I don’t know what to tell you even." I inhaled the nicotine. Such a good smoke. The best you could possibly find in USA.

"Yeah..." He took a drag and a mouthful of his beer. "It’s like... I know how fucked up she is, but I can’t stay away from her. Especially when I’ve been drinking. Like yesterday... I don’t know what came over me... And she pretends like she doesn’t need me, but then again she wants me. What the fuck man?"

"Chicks..." I shrugged, putting out the cigarette against the side of the ashtray. "Although I don’t deny it, Bailey is hot. If I’d be certain she won’t bite my dick off, I’d fucked her a very long time ago."

"See? Maybe that is my problem," He pointed out. I frowned, not really following. "Even you say she’s hot and you’d fuck her... And I am, indeed, fucking her! Man, I’m the only one! She sends other dudes straight to hell, making me feel like the king of the castle."

"If we remember correctly, you too had been sent to hell... countless times if I may add," I added with puckered eyebrows.

"That’s different, I... I... I forgot where I was going with this." he laughed, stretching out. I also went for a good laugh. "See? She’s driving me nuts."

"Bailey kind of reminds me of... well, me."

"A bit less sluttier version, but, yeah, you’re right... So if Bailey’s you, what do you suggest me to do?"

"Forget about her." I hooked my hands behind my head. "Seriously, man. If she won’t decide to go for you herself, there’s nothing you can do. She’ll keep screwing you over."

Jason sighed heavily, "I wish I’d went for the sane chick."

"Who? Meg? The one who’s a stripper on stage?" I laughed. "There’s no one particularly sane in that band, except for Frank. If you’re into guys, I think you can still try out. He’s single." I wiggled my eyebrows and I knew if i’d been closer, he’d thrown a punch at me.

"You’re a dick," He threw the bottle cork at me and I could admit it hurt like a motherfucker. "But an oddly happy one... So is everything okay with you and Meg?"

"She suggested she’d be the real girlfriend, like with kissing and touching and... fuck... with sex." I replied dreamy, "yeah, the only down point in all of it is that I have a concussion thanks to you, motherfucker."

"And?" He frowned. "Let her ride you. Simple."

"You know I don’t like just laying there... Makes me feel like I’m not putting enough effort." Suddenly even in the heat it felt almost too unbearable to sit with the shirt on. Quickly I stripped it off.

"What’s that? Is that new ink?" Jason pointed out with a nod, before leaning in. "Property of mrs. Knox?" He exploded in laughter reading the text on my side. He even clapped a bit. "Man you’re so fucked... You fucking love the girl, don’t you?"

"If you tell her, you’re a dead man." I said sternly.

"I tell her what? That you already claimed yourself? I think it’s kind of hard to miss." So he joked about the last statement. Thank god. At least one explaining less to do.

"That was her idea."

"And you just went with it?"

"Dude, think about it. I rarely take off the shirt because of my lousy back work. Chicks don’t see me without a shirt, so it happens only when they’ve dated me for quite some time. It’s fucking advantageous. I start calling them mrs. Knox," although there’s no way in hell I’ll call anyone else besides Meg mrs. Knox, "I take the shirt off and boom... They’re head over heels into me."

Jason favored me with a patient look, before he exploded in laughter, "That’s bullshit."

"That’s a good cover story." I shrugged.