King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Clouds over California

I had only partly managed to step my foot in those cool walls of our lovely recording studio, when Chris’ loud voice echoed throughout the chill room. "Are you dating Knox? Like for real?!" he looked a little too... over excited.

"Keep it down, Chris, we’re sharing the studio with Midnight guys," We were doing... what? Paul walked across the chill room which was basically a room with a big tv, some game consoles like x-box and playstation- which ever suited your needs and a room with a goddamn fridge filled with all the miraculous wonders Wallmart’s lovely and tasty food section provided. Paul was holding a bottle of water as he walked past me, greeting me with a wink. Still the same old womanizer. Haven’t slept with him in a long time, maybe should refreshen’ our routine? Scientists says it’s healthy.

"So are you?" Chris continued in a hushed voice, but still the same excitement radiating from him.

"Where did you get the crazy thought?" I played as if I knew nothing, placing my guitar case on the grayish couch and walking over to the fridge in search of something cold to drink. The drive to the studio had worn me out, even with a conditioning system in the car, it still felt like sixty gazillion degrees in or outside the car. Sweating like a pig was a bit underrated right now.

He didn’t say anything so I was forced to look back at him, to see if maybe he had a stroke from being that overly excited, but no. He had crossed his tattooed arms over his chest and was eying me with a patient look. "I’m not dumb, Meg, but I am hurt."

"Oh come on, sugar, you know I didn’t mean to offend you," And I managed to offend him in what way? My words landed on deaf ears. Rad. "Oh come on, Chris, I don’t even have the slightest clue what I did to offend you..." I uncorked the apple juice I found in the fridge.

"You didn’t tell me! Me out of all people!" His hand landed on his chest, intensifying the strength and meaning of his words. Right now he didn’t look hurt, he looked funny. I tried containing myself very hard from laughing straight in his face, but I just couldn’t, a chuckle escaped my lips. "And now you’re laughing at my feelings, cool. Thanks FRIEND."

"You’re welcome," I smiled widely as I managed my way over to the couch he was lounging on and jumped in his lap, making him groan in fear of me harming his man parts. "But seriously tho, how did you find out?"

"It’s in the HB Independent." He pointed to the Dell laptop on the coffee table, where he’d opened the homepage and an article about "the two HB’s rockstar’s none wants to mess with", "But it’s just about you and Knox tormenting the local bars, the fun stuff is in that gossip page Just Jared..."

I sighed, taking the laptop and closing the tab of HB news, revealing another of Just Jared’s article – Devious Knox & Raven McQueen make their first official appearance. "Fuuuck..." I mouthed. Since when were we official? And how the hell did the press even know I went by the name of Raven now? I scrolled down to see a picture of me and him, leaving the Black Swan the other day just right after I had smacked him hard. He’d insisted to lead me out of the place, as if he’d known what was going to wait for us. "Okay... is it worth to read this shit, or is it just something that will piss me off?"

"It’s not that bad," Chris shrugged, scrolling through his iPhone.

Okay, here goes nothing. Devious Knox (32) has been seen leaving one of LA’s favorite nightclubs- The Black Swan, hand in hand with his musical rival – Raven McQueen (25).

Since Knox’s divorce, girls had been giving their hearts and souls rather generously, but it looks like his eyes are set for none other than the young and tattooed version of Sophia Loren – the solo guitarist for the alternative rock band the Beautiful Wasteland.

Some bystanders claim their relationship isn’t an easy one. "On Friday alone they had a bit of a misunderstanding," says a close friend of Devious Knox, "Knox has always been a sucker for a pretty face and long legs and seeing him together with Raven... It comes as a surprise."

The Beautiful Wasteland has squeezed into the music industry rather recently and already has a big and solid fanbase. They can thank Devious’ band for all the fame, cause if we remember correctly, Midnight Noir were the ones to bring the Beautiful Wasteland in the spotlight, introducing them as their warm-up band for Murder City tour. Maybe they’re planning another tour, only this time Midnight Noir would be the warm-up.

Look out guys, the new fish’s in town.

"So... according to what I just read... I look like Sophia Loren, but I’m not considered pretty... And, obviously, the Noir’s made us... But then again they’re going to be our warm-ups? Such... mindfucking bullshit."

"Meg, or should I say Raven?" Ian, our amazing producer knocked on the door stand, making me stop the rant about the stupid article and raise my head to look at him. He had a curious smirk on his face.

"You too?" My face dropped realizing there would be no one who Chris wouldn’t have showed the article to.

"Hey, any kind of fame is good for a new band. Use it. If Knox wants to take you out in public... baby doll, you have to agree to it." And I thought Ian was the sane one around here, "Listen guys, what do you say about a little vocation?"

"Ian, playing for stinky rich fat people isn’t a holiday," Chris didn’t even raise his eyes from his phone. Ian leaned against the door isle, smiling one of his charming half smiles.

"Yeah man, I have to agree with the heel of Achilles... we already fell for this once..." I added remembering Ian booking us for a one time exclusive gig at some kind of wedding, and they didn’t give two shits that we were a rock band, we were supposed to play some stupid love songs all night long. If it wasn’t for the money, I’d sue them for enslaving us and making us play Taylor Swift. Even the food was lousy. You’d think rich people knew good things, yeah... They wouldn’t tell what’s a good thing even if a stake slapped them in the face.

"No, no... Nothing like that," He fixed his eyes on me, "OC’s throwing some contest in search for the best young guitarists and they asked if you want to be the judges. It’s nothing major. You really need to spread your word out there, guys. This would be good for the publicity."

"So am I getting this right... We’re supposed to sit there and listen to some tasty solo’s?" Chris frowned looking up at Ian’s messy brown head.

"Pretty much... yeah."

"When does it start?"

"Tomorrow," I frowned. Tomorrow? Why the hell didn’t he tell this earlier? "But it’s just the very first audition, you’re not obligated to be there even if you agree."

"When and where?" I knew Chris’s excitement. He just loved those shows like the X factor, American Idol and the Voice, so getting the chance to be a judge at something similar was partly a dream come true.

"Tomorrow, 9PM, Hollywood. If you want, I can get you a chauffeur, he’ll take you there so you wouldn’t feel the need to get lost in some pub."

"Hmm... I have an interview in the morning, so maybe—" I looked at Chris, checking if he was on the same wave with me.

"We’ll be there, producer person. Just tell them to bring pancakes,"

"What?" I laughed, turning my eyes to mr. Achilles.

"I figured I’ll be hungry tomorrow... All this working has pumped me out." All this working? Fine, I just arrived, I wouldn’t know how long he’d been here, but knowing Chris, even if he lived in a studio, he wouldn’t do shit.

"Ian, has he done anything today?"

"Well... He played a bit of the Fallout 4..."

"Anything productive I meant..."

"It is productive!" Chris protested from underneath me. "It just went out, I have to beat the game faster than Franco..."

"he said it inspires him..." Ian crossed his arms, looking over the both of us with a contained laugh. I shot him a disapproving look. "hey, I can’t mess with an artist."

"And it inspires me," He announced.

"See? He said it himself."

"Somehow I feel you’re on his side, Ian..." I turned towards Chris, "You know we have to finish this album, right, dude?"

"Meg, I can’t write that commercial crap Paul started working on. He’s suffocating me with his ideas. You know how we are, Twinks, we jam... That’s how the great stuff’s made!"

"Maybe just go and find your music, guys? Just the two of you? Come up with something great and I’ll back you up against Paul. You know, just have a good time and you’ll come up with something eventually..."

"What do you say? We could go to that diner and get pancakes right now?" I arched my eyebrow.

"Then what the hell are we still waiting for?" Chris sat up in a jiffy, pushing me on the ground and making Ian explode in laughter.

"I guess I’ll see ya’ later guys." Ian left, his tasty laughter still echoing in these walls. And as if the place couldn’t stand empty for long, Dev appeared with Scott. After yesterday he wasn’t talking to me. After the slap he was glaring at me at every chance he got, he even slept in the guest bedroom. Acting like a spoiled child. I was the one who was supposed to be hurt! Me, not him! So what I slapped him... twice, he deserved every hit I gave him!

"Hey Meg," Scott greeted going towards the fridge. Ryan ignored me. Okay.

"Listen, Scott?" I questioned as Chris gathered his stuff.

"Hmm?" He turned to look at me, while Dev took a place on the other couch.

"If by any chance, mister Devious Knox worries about me, just tell him he’s a free man for tonight. I won’t be home." Scott frowned.

"But why? He’s sitting right th—"

"Where are you going?" Dev questioned angrily from the couch. It looked like he was going to kick the coffee table away out of pure anger. What the hell did I do now?

"She’s taking me out to that pancake house, can you believe it?" Chris answered excitedly.

"You’re obviously not going to sleep in the diner." He said it in a way which made me feel stupid for even bringing up the subject, "So - where are you staying?" Under the fucking bridge!

"With me of course. I have a couple of new horror movies. Oh man, I haven’t had a sleepover in god knows how long... I’m so hyped!"

"Chillout, dude." I chuckled.

"She’s not staying with you." Ryan stated.

"And why the hell not?" I frowned. Don’t ruin my day, Knox. I’ll kill you in your sleep.

"Cause you’re my girlfriend and you do as I say." Oh I’m so going to kill you in your sleep.

"Excuse me..." My voice went a bit to the shrill side. Scott looked taken aback while Chris had calmed down and now looked properly confused. "You have another dozen girlfriends, go and tame them. Chris, let’s go." I turned on my heel and started towards the hallway.

"If you won’t be home by midnight, I’ll wake up everyone in this goddamn town. Starting with the police." I shot him a glare and he replied with a look which was saying – dare me and I call the CIA.

"Knox, don’t you think you’re—"

"Shut it, Corbie."

"King, I think you need to see a doctor. You’re freaking everyone out. Bye, Scott." I pushed Chris out of the chill zone, cause he looked very much struck by the conversation which just took place here.

"I thought you were together, but this..." He spoke up as soon as we were in the long hallway, "This is slavery Meg, and we don’t even live in the twenties and you’re not black."

"That’s racist, Chris..." Now I glared at him.

"Racist my ass. It’s the truth. That’s how it was..." I remained silent, "Okay, sorry, but you know what I meant. Weren’t you supposed to be madly in love? This is the phase of people hitting the second base in their marriage, which is, roughly after two years when each one of them understands what kind of idiot had they married."

"Well I’ve known him for some time now..." To say I was slightly out of balance right now was an understatement.

"But you’re not married!" My phone vibrated in the back pocket of my pants. A text.

I was dead serious, Meg.

My eyes stayed at the screen, at those couple words. I slid the phone back in my pocket. "What’s with him? He’s never acted like this..."

"Did you do something?"

"No!" I exclaimed. "Okay, maybe I did..."

"What did you do?"

"I kind of slapped him yesterday. Twice... But he deserved it."


"He appeared at that club with a girl who claimed to be his girlfriend. What was I supposed to do? I’m already in the tabloids and they have split opinions about me, I don’t need another reason for them to talk crap about me." I kicked the front door open, leaving us out in the open for the heat to eat us without a spoon.

"Okay..." I didn’t get if that was a statement or a question, "Since when do you care what people think about you?" We walked over to his car, or so I thought. When we passed his black Porsche, I kind of lost him on his plans, but I was too worked up about Knox to ask if we’re going to go hitchhiking and I’m not missing my Lululemon yoga pants, oh and don’t forget the Pumpkin Spiced Latte.

"Since all they talk is shit! You’re easy to talk, you’re the sexy and charming Achilles – I’m the scandalous McQueen, who eats little children for breakfast." As if they were tasty.

"Look, I get you, but I also get Dev. You slapped him in front of everyone, I assume, right?"

"I slapped him as soon as I saw my chance! There was an opening and I went for it."

"See? I doubt anyone had ever physically harmed him. Even when he was married, he saw no limits for his sex drive and now you march in his life and start demanding things. It’s frustrating... Even more if you humiliate his manhood in front of someone."

"Chris... He’s not twenty five anymore. You see it as normal when he’s fucking a different girl each night? And I’m not exaggerating." We walked out of the parking lot and headed off to where I supposed was the Beach. The pancake house was left on the other side of the town.

"He’s been doing it for years. It’s normal for him, even if you think differently."

"Then why the hell does he need me?" I yelled out of frustration, not meaning to raise my voice at all.

"You’re fun to be around, fun to talk to... Guess why I’m keeping you around?" He looked down at me with a smirk. "You think he’s a jerk just because he let’s you in on his secrets. You think even his friends know he’s boning those chicks? Of course not. You were his best friend first and then somehow, out of pure insanity you became his girlfriend. He’s not used to hiding anything from you." He sighed. "Sure now when he’s in a relationship again, he should stop doing those girls, but it will come with time. Besides, you know everything about me and you don’t think I’m a jerk."

"Sure I do... You’re the biggest of them all." I chuckled evilly. "But you’re my friend."

"And when did Dev stop being your friend?"

What? He asked me a question I couldn’t answer. Dev was my friend. My best friend. Still. I knew this fighting was meaningless cause sooner or later we will be together again, but... did it look like we weren’t friends anymore? "He didn’t..."

"Then where’s the problem? Don’t think of him as your boyfriend. Think of him as a roomy you’re living with. A roomie with benefits."

"Without benefits." I corrected embarrassed.


I sighed, "I’m not sleeping with him."

A moment of silence before he exploded in laughter, "And now you’re wondering why he’s fucking other women... That's some straight up bullshit, Meg."