King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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You spin me round

Dev’s POV

"Okay, Jenny, what’s up?" I closed the door behind us, leaving Meg and Chris outside on the porch. I didn’t really know what’s up with Jenny, but she seemed slightly off today. She wasn’t acting like per usual, which left me thinking...

"I think Megan is hiding something from you." She stated, picking off an invisible dust from her shoulder.

"What makes you think that?" Meg and hiding something? I kind of didn’t want to believe that, realizing I know every little thing about my girlfriend. I knew she couldn’t walk past Hot Topic, not walking inside if there was some kind of sale going on and not buying something she didn’t need at all – for example those striped skinny jeans, she never once had wore; I knew how hyped she was everytime Supernatural came on and I damn well knew what we shared in common – hatred towards twitter and instagram accounts.

"Haven’t you seen the way she is with that Chris guy?" Her blues fixed on me. Chris? My eyebrows raised. That Chris? The guy who’s outside this door? The Chris who’s life is everything up and around playstation and video games? I couldn’t bare, but laugh. "I’m serious, Ryan!"

"Yeah, yeah, of course you are..." I chuckled, resting my hands on her petite shoulders, "Listen—"

"No, Ryan, you listen," She snapped back, jerking my hands off her shoulders. I frowned. What’s up with her? "That girl is nothing, but bad news."

"Okay, what the hell are you talking about?"

"She’s cheating on you, Ryan, in front of your eyes, and you don’t even care!" Her hand pointed out to the front door. My eyebrow arched. Megan... cheating on me. Now that was a fucking big joke. It used to be the other way around, although at the time we weren’t even a ‘thing’ – it still felt very stupid of my side. My eyes fixed on Jenny’s face – me getting very irritated.

"You have no idea what you’re talking about, Jenny." I scowled. She was treading on a very thin ice right now. Whatever she had going through her mind, was absurd! I wouldn’t let anyone smack talk about Meg, not even her.

"Ryan, I heard her talking about it, goddammit!"

"Watch it, sis." I hissed, pointing a finger at her. "You don’t come up with fake accusations about your family."

"She’s not my fucking family!" She exclaimed. I was taken aback, in all honesty, she had left me speechless.

"Okay, cool... whatever," I shrugged, my voice turning very cold and threatening, "But she’s my fucking family!"

"What’s going on in here?" Dad and Vikkie walked in the hallway with great frowns on their faces. They looked genuinely concerned, see – never once in my life had I yelled at Jenny, but I guess everything has it’s first time.

"Nothing," Jenny murmured.

"Ask her." I replied, my eyes moving to look over dad’s confused face.

"What was that?"

"I said – ask her."

"Jenny, what’s going on?" Vikkie implied, stepping closer. To say I was mad beyond any borders would be a clear understatement. She stood silent, so obviously Vikkie fixed her all attention to me with a puzzled look, "Is it Megan?" I just glared, not replying anything, "Jenny, we already went over this..." Vikkie sighed heavily.

"What’s up?" Dad mouthed, puckering his eyebrows as he looked over me. My fingers ran through my hair. Anxiously. I hated this. I fucking hated this! Why couldn’t the two of the most important girls in my life just get along? I loved Jenny, but goddammit, I was out of my head crazy for Meg. I wasn’t afraid to say I loved her, so there wasn’t two thought about who of them I’ll be choosing when it goes down to that.

"A misunderstanding." I let out a heavy sigh, replying to my father.

The front door opened and I heard Meg saying her goodbyes to Chris. She stopped in her tracks when she realized Vikkie was scolding Jenny, who was close to exploding, I was pissed as fuck and my dad was just... well... my dad. Clueless as always. "What’s going on you guys?"

"Nothing." I replied and she walked up to me and looked in my eyes with a frown. She suggested I was lying. It took a moment to calm down and smile towards her, but with a great will I made it done. She smiled in reply, before pecking my lips.

"You can’t stress out, baby... You’re not fully recovered yet."

"I know," My hand traveled up to her cheek, caressing it in a gentle manner. Her skin felt almost too soft under my fingertips. "And I think we need to go home."

"Are you not feeling well?"

"A bit. Besides, you need to have a good nights sleep, before driving off to LA tomorrow."

"What’s in LA?" Dad asked.

"The auditions," She replied smiling, as her arms snaked around my waist. "But they’re not until noon."

"Still. My girl can’t look the last bit out of shape in front of those people."

"You both are almost too cute to bare." Joanna spoke from the archway.

"Thank you." Meg replied a bit of a redness in her cheeks. Was she blushing? The great Raven McQueen knew how to blush? I chuckled. "What are you giggling about, mr Knox?"

"Nothing..." My eyes landed down on her, before I kissed her forehead.

"You better not be lying to me," She squinted her eyes.

"Or what?"

"Or... Or I’ll pounder your boney behind."

I laughed. "You wish..."

"What that’s supposed to mean?"


"Careful, son, you might be left out on something..." My dad laughed and Meg sent me a meaningful look, agreeing with my father.

"She wouldn’t be as cruel, right, Meg?"

"I wouldn’t be so sure, King." A corner of her lips raised in a side smirk. She truly was the devil.

"Okay, cool..." I let out a laugh, "I think we’ll be going before you cause any more damage, dad,"

"What did I do?" He asked innocently.

"Oh you know what you did..." I gave him a look. As if it wasn’t hard enough living without sex, he had to encourage her on keeping the same routine she had this whole time.

"It was pleasure meeting you, Vikkie," Meg let go of me and went for a hug with Vikkie.

"Likewise, honey. You should come and visit more often." She smiled in to the embrace.

"Well, it’s all up to Ryan..."

"Oh, we don’t need him," She waved me off, "We could always have some girl time, you know. Some margaritas, some shopping, some limbo..." Vikkie’s eyebrow wiggled. Jeez. I rolled my eyes, but still a smile lingering on my lips.

"I’d like that." Meg smiled. I couldn’t believe it. Had I found the real mrs. King? Everything she did, everything she said made me believe she’d fit in the King family just perfectly. I couldn’t stop smiling while watching her.

"Okay Meg, we need to go..."

"Hold on, Ryan, don’t you think she needs to take leave with her father in law?"

"Okay, okay, jeez..." I held my arms up in defense as my father pulled Meg’s petite body in an embrace.

"Take good care of my son, Megan," He whispered just loud enough for me to hear it, "And you’ll always be welcomed here, even when Ryan’s being a jerk, you know that, right?"

"Hey!" I protested.

"That’s the truth! You can get very bitchy, son..."


"You know King, I think I’ll agree with your dad..." Meg added, with a guilty look on her face.

"I’ll ask one more time – what?" Dad sent me a patient look, before turning back to Megan.

"You know, for once I think my son has made the right choice. I hope to see you soon, Megan." Dad leaned in to press a kiss on her cheek before she went back to me. The only one left not mentioning Joanna was Jenny, who seemed very much pissed at the moment. It really hurt me to see that they couldn’t get along, but I knew she’d come around sooner or later, so I just left it like that.

"Okay, thanks for the time guys, see you some time soon." I smiled, guiding Megan out the front door.

"We’ll keep you to your word Ryan," Vikkie replied, stopping in the doorway while guiding us out, "See you soon, Megan!"

"Bye!" Meg waved off as I opened her the passenger seat door to my car. I know I shouldn’t be driving, but you have to understand one thing – I can’t stand not being able to take care of the person who means the world to me. It should be me who’s driving her everywhere she wants, not the other way around. I got in to the car, pulling the keys out from my pocket and putting them in the ignition before turning on the engine and pulling out of the drive way.

"Thank you, Ryan." Megan spoke after a couple of minutes of silence.

"For what?" I shifted my eyes from the road to see her beautiful face.

"For everything. This day... Hell, the feeling of having a family..." She spoke with a wide smile on her face, "You know besides my dad I have no one, so this... Your family... It’s everything I could every wish for... and I... I thank you for it."

"Meg, you are my family..." I looked her over with a frown on my face, "And you have been since I met you. What’s mine- it’s very much yours, doll." I took her hand in mine, giving her a warm smile. "I love you, Megan, I always have and I’ll always will. No matter what."

She looked at me and it seemed like for the very first time she had truly seen me. She wasn’t smiling, she wasn’t frowning, she was just looking at me. "You... really mean it?"

"Of course. Why? You don’t believe me?"


"Oh come on!"

"Dude you say you love me ever since I met you, but that didn’t stop you from fucking around."

"Those were... dark times."

"That was a week ago!" She exclaimed.

"As I said – dark times."

"Yeah, right."

"Look, Meg, just tell me what to do to prove you I really care for you."

"It’s not that I don’t believe you care for me, it’s..." I switched lanes, before looking at her.

"It’s what?"

"I don’t believe you can change." She didn’t... Well that’s just fantastic.

"Then I guess I’ll have to make you believe." I smiled and promised myself to do anything to make myself trustworthy in her eyes.