King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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2 years ago

"Oh my god," I gasped, my eyes on the screen of my macbook. I couldn’t believe it, my eyes kept on scanning the text over and over again.

"What now?" Dev questioned from my bed, reading what it seemed was the newest issue of Playboy. Why was he here again? Don’t get me wrong, I liked spending my valuable time with him, but sometimes too much was just too much. And right now, even him being decent and all, I just wished some alone time with me, myself and I. And maybe a pack of Cheeto's.

"Steph sent me an e-mail," My eyes scanned through the content of the letter once again, "It says Frank will graduate with excellence " I didn’t know why I was this hyped about his test results, knowing I didn’t even particularly prefer my students, but I really was excited for him.

"Uh-ha..." He tilted his head to the side, an admiration full whistle leaving him, "You have to tell me..." He got up from my bed and walked over to me, shoving the magazine in my face, "Are those fucking real?"

I pushed the magazine further from my face, puckering my eyebrows as I narrowed my eyes on a naked girl. I looked up at him and made a face which stated I obviously wasn’t amused, "You disgust me."

"But are they?" He tapped his finger against the page.

"Of course not," I replied scornfully.

"Just as I thought," he went back and jumped on the bed, "Lillian wanted to get one of these..."

"What? Implants?" I closed my e-mail, scrolling through some newest articles on Metal Hammer web page. He didn’t reply. I take that as a yes, "So why are you here and disturbing my Sunday peace?"

"Cause I was bored," He stated, turning the page, "Holy fucking god... It looks like they’re going to pop!"

"Can you just leave your remarks to yourself? I’m not in the mood of discussing your fantasies at the moment," I clicked on an article saying Noirs are resurrecting Chapter Four. "You guys are making a documentary?" I scrolled down and clicked the ‘play’ button on some sort of youtube video. "Dude... You have curly hair. That’s cute..."

"What the hell are you—" He cut himself off when noticing what I was watching.

"You must’ve had very much women, rocking that hairdo " I chuckled as he leaned closer, looking like he saw the younger version of himself for the very first time.

"Believe it or not- I did..." It didn’t seem he even believed what he had just said. "Oh my god... What the fuck am I doing?"

"You didn’t know about the video?" I watched him grimacing, every time he saw the young Devious Knox. He shook his head while resting his hand on the chair back.

"Okay that’s about enough torture for one day..." He leaned over, guiding his finger over the mouse pad and closing the window.

"Aww... but I’m just getting started," I grinned, "I’m sure I can google some of your childhood pictures up."

"No," He closed my laptop.

"Oh come on, don’t be such a grumpy cat,"

"A grumpy... Nevermind. I won’t even ask."

"You don’t know what a grumpy cat is?"

"Do I want to know?"

"yes you fucking do." I reopened my macbook and as I already was going to click on the one of my many internet browser programs, Dev stopped me.

"Wait, wait, wait..." He shoved my hand off the mouse pad,


"Who’s that?" He pointed out to my desktop picture, where me and Bailey were seen good ten years ago. Me having a short red cut and Bails having her always black hairdo. Only in the photo she had a lot more piercings and those adorable panda eyes. As for me? I had very baggy pants and a Midnight Noir t my dad had brought me from their one of earliest tours. We were on the roof of Santa Barbara High, making the ugliest faces we could ever manage to pull off. "Is that you? Wearing our shirt?"

"Believe it or not, but that is in fact my amazing persona."

"Is that Santa Barbara High?"

"It is," I confirmed.

"I didn’t know you went to my school."

"I didn’t." I replied making him frown. "Bailey did, at the time I lived with my mom in Boston. This photo in particular is from her summer brake."

"So that’s why you have that accent."

"What? I don’t have an accent."

"You sure do." He smirked, "So why did you move here?"

"Cause mom kicked me out." I shrugged, "I don’t know, she remarried with some dick, which in fact was very similar to you and... I just started leading the life I lead now."

"I’ll take that as a compliment, so returning to the present moment," So he was very much uninterested with my life. Why was I friends with him again?

"What about it?"

"Well, let’s just start with the fact it’s four pm and you’re wearing your pajamas."

I looked down on myself to see I was wearing only a few sizes too large Jack Daniels t-shirt. "How can you possibly know these are my pj’s?"

"Cause you were sleeping when I came over!"

"What’s your point?"

"My point is... You should be thinking of a name for your band."

"Oh that..."

"Yes that."

"I still don’t know how you can pull this shit off... I’m not labeled, I don’t have an actual band, I’m just the alcoholic from SB."

"I told you already, you’ll play two or three songs before we go on stage, simple. You’ll be a show inside our show." He seemed very proud of himself. He must’ve thought he was a genius. Probably felt like Columbus, discovering a whole new America, but the truth was, neither Columbus really discovered America, nor Dev was a genius. Shocking.

"And everyone’s cool with it?"

"Yep, even little short shit."

"You know... Although I said to believe it’s because I’m your cover story, I really don’t know anymore Dev. Can you just tell me honestly why are you willing to have me 24/7 by your side?"

"It’s just because I like you... It’s easy to talk to you, I can tell you stuff I can’t even tell Viper."


"Like I’m wearing the same socks I’ve been wearing yesterday... and the day before..."

"What?" I frowned. That was really disgusting, "And I thought what reeked of a dead animal in here... Turns out it’s you." I looked from my laptop back to him. "You know... I really don’t fucking get what girls see in you other than your smelly socks."

Yeah... and two years later I asked the same darn question - what did girls see in him? What did I see in him other than he’s a slob and can flip from really charming to really fucking annoying in just a heartbeat? Right now he’s after a work out with Jason, sweaty, stinky and refusing to take a shower. But believe me, this is nothing comparing to his partner in crime – Hunter, who’s been drinking and working out. He smells of a liquor factory which had gone deadly wrong. Okay, I take that back – what do girls see in them?

I had just returned from the Institute and I swear a some kind of explosion had happened in here. Was it even humanly possible to turn the place upside down in just four hours? When I left in the morning this place was spotless, cause I, fucking I – Megan Hills, cleaned it while Dev was playing the role of a couch potato, but now it looked like... No, I couldn’t even compare the look of the house to anything in this world. There were empty beer bottles scattered around the place, some pizza boxes, Molly was tearing up Ryan’s sneaker but worst of all were they two. Sweaty and icky they contaminated everything in the radius of five feet. I believe I could even see sweat stains on the couch.

"Are you both fucking kidding me?" I slammed the door behind myself.

"Oh hey, doll, how’s school?" Dev asked, popping open a beer bottle.

"How are you feeling, honey?" I faked a smile while coming closer.

"All’s good." His feet landed on the coffee table. I was only a second away from grimacing in disgust. That’s it. I knocked his feet off the table. "Hey!" He frowned. "What’s with you?"

"You two are the biggest slobs in the fucking universe!" I shifted my attention from Dev to Jason and back to Dev.

"Well that’s not polite." Jason replied taking a sip of his beer.

"It’s not polite putting your filthy and stinky flesh on my couch!" Which I got Ryan for a very lovely price.

"Chillax, Meg-"

"King, I’m seeing you feel just magical, so both you and Hunter get your lazy asses up and clean the fucking place!"


"Think about it as an adventure, maybe you’ll find the pot with the gold and a couple of dead leprechauns."

"And where are you going?"

"Studio." I replied, jerking Ryan’s sneaker away from that furball of love. The shoe landed in his lap. "And take a shower, you smell like a dead skunk. Oh and tomorrow if all goes well I’m driving off to shoot a video of sort, meaning – don’t sell the house to gypsies for a bottle of Budweiser."