King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Who we are

The minutes on the set were feeling like hours. Maybe it was because it was annoyingly hot and I felt all the make-up they had put on me was starting to slowly melt off my face, or was it because Paul was yet again in the center of the attention? I had just recently found out what was the main theme of the video we were shooting for and oh... of course the song. When Ryan had dropped me at the set I had absolutely no idea what we were doing, but now I felt a bit more informed. The clip was for our newest single Say Goodbye. The lyrics were put together by my prodigy- Frank and I can honestly admit, this was my favorite song from all the upcoming record.

"Hey, whatcha doing Frank?" I put my ankle over my knee as I looked over the light haired prince, who was all crunch back sitting at the outdoor table they hooked us up with.

"Just ... writing stuff..." He shrugged.

"You mind if I take a look?" He pushed his notebook across the table as I got up from my seat and walked over.

Walking a fine line between wrong and right

And I know...

There is a part of me that I try to hide

But I can't win

And I can't fight

I keep holding on too tight

Running away from the world outside

Now I am calling

Hoping you'll hear me

We all need somebody

To believe in something

And I won't fear this

When I am falling

We all need somebody

That can mend... These broken bones

"Wow... This actually is amazing, dude..." I looked up to see him blush a little.

"Thank you," I handed him back his notebook, which seemed to be full of lyrics, "I just hope Paul will let us use the song in the record..."

"What are you talking about? Paul doesn’t have a saying in this. If you want the song on the album, it’s there." I stated proudly, knowing there will be a lot of bickering with Paul over this one, but if it’s so important to Frank, my little superstar, we’ll make it happen.


"Trust me. Actually, can you quickly make me a copy of it? I think I may have an idea of a melody for it."

"Nah. Take it. I have it all up in here," He tapped his temple, as he ripped the page out and handed it me.

"Thank you," I mouthed taking my previous place.

These lyrics felt so strange, I’ve never known Frank could get so deep in somebody just by the choice of words. The song appeared to be a sad one.

"I’m not coming home now, I know..." I hummed quietly as I took my Schecter out of the suitcase. I decided to not plug it to any amp, it sounded just magical acoustic. "I’m so far away, so far from home..."

The song got under my skin. It felt like he had written a song about me and it terrified me to no limits. Finally it hit me what made me feel so miserable the whole time I was here. The fight with Ryan. I needed to call him, I had to, even tho I knew he was in the studio recording. I wanted to set things right, even tho it meant he would get more pissed at me for disturbing his work.

After a couple of beeps, he finally picked up.

"Oh hey, Meg." But it wasn’t him. Was that Lillian?

"Uhmm... Hi, Lillian?"

"Has it been that long to not recognize my voice?" She chuckled in the phone, leaving me even more confused as I paced back and forth the sandy ground behind the tent. Wasn’t Ryan recording?

"Well... It’s been kinda long... Anyhow, is Ryan anywhere around?"

"He went to the bathroom, what did you want?" What did I want? Obviously to speak to my boyfriend if I in fact was calling him. The background of the other end of the call seemed too chattery and basically loud for it to be the studio. Was that a waiter asking ‘what will you order, miss?’

"Just... Just tell him I called, okay?"

"Sure," She replied cheerily, "We should catch up sometime, Megan."

"Yeah," I clenched the phone in my fist, hardly getting any sound out of me, cause I heard Ryan’s voice in the background, sounding very calm, knowing she was answering his calls, "Listen I have to go."

The conversation ended with my phone smashed all across the sandy pavement. As I had bent over and picking up the pieces of my smashed smarthphone, I wasn’t able to shake the thought off my mind of Ryan and Lillian getting back together. Or soon to be getting back together. I tugged a strand of my dark hair behind my ear, before I sighed. "Fuuck!" I exclaimed smashing the remaining of my android phone against the pavement once more. My hands were shaky and suddenly I wasn’t feeling very well. I felt my heart racing and I was feeling dizzy. I leaned against the crew trailer, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down. Lately it wasn’t going too good for me. I got these anxiety attacks more frequently than in the past. When I was in my early teens I was diagnosed with vegetative dystonia, which isn’t anything too serious, it just fucks up your life. You can’t die from it, it basically means I have weak nerves and the stress gets to the best of me, causing my heart to malfunction or something similar that makes you believe you’re dying. And with all the stress lately – with the band, the contest, my mother showing up and now this... Hell it doesn’t take two heartbeats for a sane person to go mental.

"Megan, it’s your queue," Pat leaned from around the corner. My queue? Right now? Well... fuck.

Shakily I walked out in the open, and one of the filming crew members took me to stand in front of a big abandoned house. "Okay, and what exactly do you guys want from me?"

The producer who happened to be the same person, who made the video for Midnight Noir Seize the day and Almost Easy videos came up to me. "Listen, doll, there’ll be a big and loud bang, but don’t get scared... We want you to be playing in front of a burning house..."

I looked at him like he was crazy. Sure I knew the concept of the story it was about a guy, who’s had a rough patch in his life and I’m this guardian angel who’s looking out for him. As far as I understood, there was a younger guy, who played Paul in his teen years and I’m the one who’s guiding him through this whole adventure if you will. He lives in a country side house with his mom, who is sick and at one point he leaves for school and when he comes back the house blows up and he sees me playing in front of the house. Basically, it all ends up in me inspiring him to start a band and him ending up as Paul in the Beautiful Wasteland.

What the hell was I even thinking? They already told me I’ll have to play in front of a burning house, but I didn’t think they would actually blow it up. What were green screens for, huh? "How are you feeling? Is the outfit good?" The director asked.

The white blazer alone was melting me from underneath, but it had chains coming from the shoulder pads, so it was all good, but the pants... the pants didn’t feel like Raven McQueen. My thighs weren’t the skinniest so wearing white pants made me feel a tad uncomfortable. "How are the lashes? They look good, but it seems like you feel trouble having them. Should we ask to take them off?"

"No, no. I’m good." One of our roadies fixed me with my guitar as the director positioned me in my place.

"Okay, this will be only one take. You have to play, emotionless. We’ll try with a fake ‘boom’, to let you know what the sound will be like, okay?"

I raised my thumb.

"Okay, let’s go. Play, Raven!" I started playing and after ten or so seconds a deafening sound erupted from behind me. Shit it was loud, but I remained calm. I didn’t twitch or so I thought.

"Great! That was super! Are we ready for the real explosion?" I nodded.

"Okay, let it roll! And action!" To make it easier for me, they played the backing track really loud so I barely heard the explosion, although I felt it. A wave of heat hit my back, making me rise my eyes to the director. He looked super excited and even nodded frantically. Moments later a camera was practically in my face. Through those thick fake lashes I could barely see, but I guess that was the point.


"And that’s a rap guys. Thanks for the day! If anything needs tweaking up, I’ll call you." Why didn’t it surprise me when the Paul wanted to have a word with the director. Privately.

"Okay, see ya, John!" Chris called out as me and Frank went over to the tent to pick our stuff. The outdoor table was scattered with empty Monster cans, which was in fact one of our tour sponsors, all kinds of filming equipment was laying around the place and I really started to feel sorry for those, who’ll have to clean this place up.

"Hey, Achilles, mind giving me a ride?" I questioned picking up my guitar case, right after I had changed those white cowboy boots to my black ones.

"Sure. We’re going to my place to celebrate, wanna join?" He asked, quickly typing something down on his phone.

"You who?" I’ll be damned if Paul was going too.

"You me, Frank, maybe Bails,"

"Oh no, guys, I’ve already different plans," Bailey said before walking off to her car, "See you in the studio."

"Bye." I said, seeing her drive off into the night.

"So then it’s just the three of us." I looked over to Frank, who was standing beside me with a huge smile on his face.

"So you’re up for a party, Franco?" I chuckled throwing my case in the trunk of Chris’s Mustang. Frank looked very cheerful, but how else? This was the first time he was actually going to spend some time with us outside the studio, because, sadly, even on tour he didn’t spend too much time with us when we hit the bars. He almost too often excused himself with different things and I think he was just scared of the big bad wolf – the Institute trio.

"I never thought the day would come when I’ll be drinking with my teachers..."

"Tisk-tisk," I shook my index finger, "Your bandmates. Now let’s go," I got inside the vehicle along with Chris and Frank in the back. My fingers instantly traveled to the cd player. "Ooh, Marky Mark..." I liked the song. It never failed to get my mood back up, so without further a due, the volume was turned way up with me squealing the words, "It’s such a good vibration! It’s such a sweeeet sensation..." I wiggled in my seat, letting my fingers do the finger mambo.

"You’re crazy, Megs." Chris laughed, while looking over his shoulder as he backed out of our incinerated parking lot, which was really just a recently mowed lawn.

"C’mon Chris, brake it down," I turned the volume down a bit, "C’mon, feel the vibration..." Chris graced me with an amused look, my hands shot up, "hey, no pun intended."

"yeah, right..." He chuckled.

"Come on!"

"It’s such a good vibration!" It sounded so wrong when he tried to hit those high notes, but god it was so hilarious. I didn’t want for this ride to ever end.

"It’s such a sweeet sensation!" Even Frank joined in, and he sounded good singing. Was there anything he couldn’t do? I mean he turned out to be quite amazing with the lead guitar, now he was hitting those notes on bass like there was no tomorrow, he wrote the most beautiful songs and he even sang? Fuck me sideways, right?

In between the laughter I noticed Chris starting to rummage his pocket, before he turned the volume down. He brought his phone to his ear. "Yeah... No, I don’t know. She’s next to me, yeah, okay, sure." He held his iPhone out to me, "It’s Knox."

My eyebrows puckered. Why the hell was he calling... oh right, cause I don’t have a phone anymore. With a heavy sigh I took the phone. Goddamned party pooper. "Hallo?"

"Why is your phone turned off?" Oh hey, no "hi’s"? Is that how people great one another nowadays? Must be some sort of a new trend, cause I know nothing about it.

"Well..." I took a breath, "It’s a long story."

"Somehow I think the story starts with ‘hey, I smashed my phone’ and ends with ‘King, you have to buy me a new one’." His tone was very reproachful, which made me kinda hate on this whole conversation.

"You?" I frowned, my eyes fixed on the nightly road ahead of us, "Why should you buy me anything?"

"Gee I don’t know, maybe since you don’t have a single penny on you." Woah, woah, woah, hold up mister! Last time I checked I still had a six figure digit peacefully snoring on my account.

"What the actual fuck are you talking about?"

"I looked over your bank account today..."

"Okay?" I didn’t even question why the hell did he feel the need to spy on my finances, nor was I particularly mad about it... Okay, lying, I was and did all of those things, but more afraid than pissed at him I was about the thing I was about to hear.

"And I have to ask, where is all the money?" He continued. Okay, first of all, why the fuck should he care, and secondly – why is he using that tone with me? I wasn’t a pup who needed a major scolding.

"Why are you accusing me of anything?" I was a moment from yelling my lounges out at Ryan, imagining the ways I slapped him, engraving the footage in my brain and putting it on repeat to calm myself down. It still felt like he was pulling my leg. "Do you honestly see anything worth half a million laying around the house? If you do, by all means, sell it for the highest bid, ‘cause that’s shit’s not mine!"

"Then mind telling me where is the money, Meg?" What did he need from my money, why this persistence?

"You really, like for real, mean to tell me my account is empty?" My fingers traveled to the bridge of my nose to pinch me in the crescendo of my irritation.

I heard him inhale deeply, "That’s exactly what I’m saying."

"Ryan, if this is some sick joke-"

"It’s not," he sighed. Fuck. All the money... I had at least six hundred grand on my account. How. The. Fuck. Was. That. Possible? Now I got fucking, like really, and by really I mean psycho apeshit pissed. Can someone, please, explain me how more than half god damned million dollars can just disappear in thin air? My eyes fixed on the rear view mirror to see Frank’s face drop, while Chris, well Chris seemed to figure what had happened here.

"Did you contact the bank?"

"I did, but they didn’t tell me anything, they said only the holder of the account is provided with such information... Listen, come home and we’ll try to figure it out." I could see him pinching the bridge of his nose already. Yeah, well, if he was irritated, then what the fuck was I?

"I’m not coming home, King." I sighed. Even tho I was broke. Yet again. I had promised something and I kept my promises Besides, I’ve been broke all my life, so... Goddammit, what am I even mumbling about? Half a million fucking dollars... I’m going to murder someone!

"What the fuck you mean you’re not coming home?" He yelled, making me shift the phone away from my ear.

"I promised I’ll spend this night with my bandmates."

"You’re broke, Meg, does that even get through your thick skull?" Hey, thanks for the heads up, captain motherfucking obvious!

"Stop yelling at me! Listen, I’ll see you later, okay?"

"Whatever." Whatever? What-fucking-ever?! Whatever my ass, stupid asshole!

"So?" Chris eyed me confused.

"It appears I’m very much fucking broke."

"Okay, if you’re worrying about the night, the drinks are all on me, that’s to set things clear."

"Yeah I know, and you know I’m not worried about that. I’m just trying to figure out, who’s smart enough to hack into my account and transfer the money to somewhere."

"You should go to the bank," Frank added, "see what’s the deal."

"Yeah, he’s right." I looked around to see two set of pairs looking over me. Talk about intervention.

"Okay, can we just forget about my situation right now and just have some fun, would that be possible?" I questioned looking both from Chris to Frank and back at Chris, "Hey, I have an idea..."

"Oh god..." Chriss rolled his eyes. Really? I punched his arm. "Hey, I’m driving!"

"Listen, let’s grab some booze and go to the studio. I have this crazy idea of sending Paul to hell—"

"Isn’t that what we always do?" Chris looked at me with an amused smirk lingering on his lips.

"No, listen," I chuckled, turning in my seat so I’d be seeing not only Chris, but Frank too. "We should record a song of our own. A song about ourselves."


"We each have a different vision for the album, so why not take all of the ideas and just shove them in there... Chris," I turned to our driver, "You wanted for me to scream on the record and I think Frank has a great voice, I’d like to hear him sing..."

"You’re forgetting one thing, Meg, I don’t sing."

"Uh-ha, I remember something else from one of our rides," I pointed to him trying to cheer me up after the first audition of the Best Young Guitarist contest with the Eye Of The Tiger. He remained silent. Good. My eyes focused on our bassist, "Whatcha say? You think you can write something about each of us?"

Frank’s eyes lowered to his lap as a naughty side smirk appeared on his face, "I already have."