King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Golden Gods

The brown unkempt lawn in front of every house was a dead giveaway this place had been abandoned for a very long time. We had driven off to Beeks Place, once in a lifetime – a town,now - a lost treasure to the Northern California. It was situated eight miles from the Black star trail head, or in other words – in the middle of nowhere.

"Well, we’re here..." Dev stopped the car next to a white tent which was absolutely ruining the whole atmosphere. I was the last one to show up at the set, cause, believe it or not, I’ve fallen asleep in the studio. I’ve been so far behind with my parts due to the contest and well being simply lazy I completely forgot how much behind schedule I truly was. Besides the writing part, I’ve been yelling and quite frankly just pissed at Paul, who showed up drunk off his ass and with two dolls by his sides. It didn’t look like now it was any different. I sighed unbuckling the seat belt.

"It looks like you," I pointed to lounging Paul and two hot messes with him.

"Who? Paul?" He turned his head to look out my window, before snorting, "Doubtfully. My girls were skinnier." My dark eyebrow arched as I shifted my attention to look over the girls and to be perfectly clear, I was the size of them both. They had the bodies of eternal partying and hardly any food, but of a great plastic surgeon, cause those breasts were very and I mean very round.

I pulled my sunglasses down and gave him a patient glance. He didn’t say anything and honestly it looked like this wasn’t his day. He was acting all stuck up and smartass and boy was he grumpy today. "I still don’t get why you insisted on taking me here if you’re acting like a total ass since the moment you woke up..."

"Yeah, I’m the ass, sure..." He said sarcastically.

"What the hell is up with you?"

"Me?" He laughed, "I’m not the one who’s hard to please, not that you try anyway..."

"What’s that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what it means." He replied not once gracing me with a look. He clenched his teeth, making his jawline perfectly visible. "You told you’re ready to try the real relationship thing, but hell, I don’t see any different from what we had before, which was – nothing. Right now you just push me around more and that’s all."

"Well sorry for not having the fucking time for your dick to be in my mouth!" I opened the door and instantly realized how fucking miserably hot was it outside.

"Yeah, ‘cause another is already in there..." He murmured, making me question if I had heard right. What the hell was he even talking about?

"What did you say?" I leaned over to see his face.

It took him a moment to realize he was a couple of seconds from letting the real hell hounds run loose. "Nothing," He sighed and I figured I better drop the subject. "Get your guitar, I need to be going." I squinted my eyes on him and graced him with a patient look. For the first time his head turned to look at me, "Now, Meg."

I beg your fucking pardon?! I slammed the door, before moving to the trunk and getting the black leather suitcase out. As soon as the suitcase was in my hands, the car left with a load roar. "That was quite a show..." Paul smirked from his seat. Oh great, another stuck up asshole to ten o’clock, people!

"Leroy, your voice is like music to my ears," I smirked,

"When you’re not fucking squealing, jerk!" Oh the lovely mis Bailey.

"Exactly." I pointed out to Bailey’s statement, "So let’s keep the volume of your voice to this low," I showed him a tiny gap between my index finger and thumb.

Paul only smirked and got back to his girls as I moved over to my drummer. Quite frankly I hadn’t seen her for quite some time and Chris told me she’s been partying it up, but that was none of my business. As long as her awesome drum solo’s get’s to our lovely producer who’s talking to my prodigy right now, everything’s a-okay.

The suitcase hit the sandy ground before I treated myself to one of those water bottles Bail’s had clenched herself on to. I get she hated this ‘lovely’ weather even more than I did. "How you been?" I asked her after taking a mouthful.

"Hating the mankind, especially a specific species," She pointed with a nod of her head towards Paul, "I mean Hunter gets under my skin in a matter of seconds, but this scum right here... He’s hands down the biggest douche I’ve seen in my fucking life and I’ve seen a lot of them."

"Yeah..." I sighed, "I can’t believe how wrong we were about him. But I have to admit it tho, he has a great voice."

"You know who else has the exact same vocal range? That dude from Black Veil Brides." She slid her fingers through her dark bangs, "Can’t we kidnap him and just kick Leroy in the ass?"

I looked at her, dumbfounded. "Bails, we already have been through this. It felt very appealing until we met the guy at the Golden Gods, remember?"

"We did?" Bailey sipped on her icy water, looking genuinely confused.

"Yes and he was even more stuck up than Paul!" I exclaimed, him turning his head to look over his shoulder to see what’s all the fuss about. Yeah, we’re talking about you, asshole!

"Was he?"

Ian had rented us three black Mercedes cars, so in the result of our pairing up, I was driving with Chris, Bailey with Frank and like the rock superstar Paul acted to be, he had a car for all by himself. And I was even grateful for being together with Chris, we got smashed in no time.

"You’re gonna get yourself killed in those," Chris pointed out to my studded pump heels as pouring as another shot of tequila. Maybe not the wisest choice of liquor for the night, cause hey, I’m wearing these devil shoes and he’s making my feet all wobbly with that booze. Tequila was known to hit my feet first and then just go to my head.

"Then maybe you should stop with the liquor?" I questioned already feeling all tingly and giggly.

He considered the thought for a moment. "Nah, cheers!" He passed me a shot and we downed it with me grimacing soon after. Tequila was indeed disgusting and knowing we didn’t have no salt and no lemon, drinking it straight and not mixed with anything just made me want to gag in my mouth a bit. "Okay, one more and then we get out and do what ever we’re here to do."

"You mean get an award?" I giggled.

"You don’t know it for sure." He replied.

"Sure I do." I swayed a little, as the driver made a rather sharp turn, or maybe it just felt very sharp. "We’re... W’e... We’re getting all the awards..." I hiccuped making Chris stop midtrack and look at me.

"Okay, these both are for me." He emptied the glasses, before continuing, "Knox is going to be so mad," He screwed the cork on the bottle as someone opened the door for me. I noticed sunglasses being held out for me. "Here, don’t forget these."

"Yeah, sure..." I put on the sunglasses as someone helped me out of the car. I had no idea who it was and at this point I was too drunk to care. I felt Chris taking me by arm. How did he get here so fast?

We had arrived at the Club Nokia. The night was hot, but with a cool breeze and I was glad for it. I started realizing maybe the California weather wasn’t the right one for me, nor my outfit choice. Even tho I was wearing a very short and light black shirt, I’d made into a dress, I was feeling undoubtedly like a Polar Bear thrown in the middle of the Sahara desert. Maybe I should’ve lost the leather jacket, but hey, Megan Hills wasn’t the one for smart choices and my six inch heels and that bottle of Patron just approved the statement.

I’d say we were early, but the place was already packed to it’s limits. The first person I saw was Slash and another couple of them old rock dinosaurs.

"Hey, how you doing?" As soon as we entered the red carpet zone if you will, a guy with a british accent perceived us. Oh god, please, please, Meg, don’t say anything stupid.

"Cool, cool..." I answered, still feeling a bit gigglish holding on to Chris’s hand, realizing we were the only ones to present our band in this interview. Well... shit.

"The Beautiful Wasteland?" He asked to be sure. Well what’s there to not fucking be sure about?

"Indeed." Chris nodded.

"So I assume you guys aren’t here for the first time?"

"Actually we are, but nevertheless as mis Raven McQueen told me earlier in the car, we’re here to get all the awards." Chris laughed along with the interviewer. I did? I said that?

"So knowing you’re the newcomers, aren’t you a bit afraid of the attention you’re going to get?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for example, Black Veil Brides has always been known for a very big hatred from the fans who’s come here to see bands like Black Sabbath, Metallica and all those legends."

"Oh who the fuck even cares, I’m smashed off my feet and if I’m here," I squinted my eyes, rethinking that for a moment, "correction- if we’re here, that means we’ve done something right in our lives and someone, whoever that crazy ass person is, wants us to receive an award. I mean we’re here because of those people, not because of someone who might particularly hate on us."Chris and the guy laughed, "It’s true. I’m drunk, if you want to throw tomatoes on me, go ahead, I’d still won’t remember it the day after today..."

"Besides I don’t think her boyfriend would allow that." Chris added with a great laugh. I noticed our manager Patrick or Pat for shot wave for us in the distance, indicating for us to move inside. "Okay, sorry for this short interview dude, but we need to get going."

"Not at all, it was nice finally catching you guys."The interviewer said and I smiled as Chris guided me through the crowd and into the club.

Somehow I have no idea how,but me and Bailey ended up along with those big and bearded men in the front of the stage, a.k.a. we were standing along with fans and Bailey was hanging on to a bottle of Jack. Where did she get it? Beats me, but I knew I had to get a bit more sober, so each time she insisted I take a sip, I acted like I didn’t hear her.

They were presenting some sort of an award, before a group of five guys walked on stage. Were those...

"Here’s the thing, you motherfuckers should’ve voted for somebody, ‘cause Black Veil Brides won three years in a row!" But of course- Black Veil Brides. Andy yelled aggressively in the mic.

"Holy shit, that fucker looks even more angry than me!" Bails looked at him with both of her perfectly calloused eyebrows raised. The stage was just a good ten feet away from us.

"That’s called history, motherfuckers," The guitarist of their band took over the microphone to add.

"Let me say one thing," Andy started again, "I know that you fat motherfucker and you right there, you hate us, but I’m holding a heavy as shit award so fuck with me right now motherfuckers!" Oh my fucking god. Fuck with him? Even me in my drunk state could pound his skinny jeans ass. What a prick... "Here’s the thing – Black Veil Brides have a song on a radio and you have a fucking fat ass." Was he pointing out to me?

"Bails, is he pointing at me?"

"I don’t care what any of you bearded motherfuckers say, Black Veil Brides won the best song of the year – In the End, this goes out to urban Flanders, fuck you!" Their acceptance speech had left me quite frankly... well... speechless. He dares to call my ass fat and then he makes a shout out to come and kick his ass? And out of nowhere a security guard showed up, informing we were needed in the backdrops. How the hell did they even find us?

As soon as we got at the other side of the stage, where all the bands were hanging out, I noticed both Black Veil Brides and Midnight Noir. Talking to one another.

"Hey, baby," Ryan snaked his arms around my waist and kissed my temple as soon as I in arms reach. Andy had previously laughed about something Ryan had told him, but now he was standing with a straight face.


"Where were you? I hear they want you to present an award,"

"So this is Raven McQueen?" Andy asked, but I ignored him. That’s what you get for calling my ass fat.

"Me?" I laughed confused, "I can barely walk straight," He furrowed his eyebrows, "Ryan, I’m fucking wasted."

"Seem fine to me," he smiled, pecking my lips, "Chris! Help her to the stage." With all the commotion happening backstage I could only blink before I was on the stage, standing in front of those big, big men. God damn you Knox. At least Chris was with me.

What was I even presenting?

"What a speech, huh?" I rested my arm on the mic stand. "I mean Black Veil Brides... I was standing there with you guys," I pointed out to the small group of men in front of the stage, suddenly, without no apparent reason, they started cheering. Didn’t that happen often when an artist went to stand with the fans? I didn’t know, was here for the first time. "And then the front man pointed out to me and called my ass fat, I got so fucking pissed," I felt Chris fingers in my ribs, poking my side irritatingly while the Black Veil Brides haters cheered for me "Okay, to the award... The nominees for Best New Talent are-"

"I hear he apologized for calling your ass fat," Ian cut in whilst making himself a peanut butter sandwich.

"To me?" If that so, I’ve probably missed the apology train.

"In some kind of an interview. He said he didn’t know you were there." Ian shrugged, "I don’t know, I really don’t care. As long as you don’t sue one another, I’m fine with your little remarks. Later."

"Okay? Cool. And what's this white pile of-"

"That's your outfit." Bailey replied still as irritated as ever.

"That can't be right."

"Why not?"

"It's white... and there're pants..."