King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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White flag

Where will I go? I’ll show him where I’ll fucking go!

I’ll go... Honestly I had no place to go, so I just kept studying these streets of the early morning.

My boot kicked an empty beer can on my way to nowhere.

I passed a house with it’s lights on. I could hear the bass turned way up even from where I was standing. Was that the song from the project-x, you know the movie about stupid teens having the most enormous party anyone could ever endure? Anyhow, there was no party in the wonderland, just a guy and a girl and they were having the time of their lives... I just wondered, am I and King gonna ever be like them? All cuddly and kissy and sucking off each other’s faces? Uhh, I hope not.

What the hell was our deal?

My attention shifted to a blood red Corvette, who stopped right next to me.

...Okay? Is this where I die, ‘cause even if I’m very, and I mean very drunk, I sure as hell will fight back. Yeah, probably not.

A female built stepped out of the passenger side. Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me!

"Hello, sweetheart," Her sugar coated voice made me kinda, a bit... very much sick to my stomach. Was that a new Versace dress I saw? How much did that cost her? One, two grand? But then again, if Donatella Versace had gone lesbo, then I guess my mother could’ve gotten it for free. Was I really dissing my own mother that much? Oh look, yeah, I was.

"It’s the middle of the night, what are you doing here?" I questioned, trying to focus my vision on her heavily make-uped face.

"I just came to say thank you." She smiled sincerely.

"Thank you for what?" Was I missing a certain frame of a picture here? And how the hell did she even find me? For a moment I thought I was lost. I looked over my shoulder to see I was only five houses from Ryan’s. Fuck, and it turns out I’m a slowpoke when I’m drunk.

"For the loan..."

"Loan?" What the fuck was she—Oh. My. God. Had I been drugged and I gave her the money at one of my mental nightmare states?

"Yeah, those five hundred thousand dollars?" Her eyebrow cocked, "I really apreciate you reconsidering."

I was close to tears. No, I wasn’t sad or anything, I just realized there was a part of me that stood up against me and had given the money to my mother, who could not given two craps about herdaughter if it wasn’t for the money. Was I insane? "Uh-ha... And when exactly did I give you the money? You have to excuse me, I’m kind of been drinking lately... You know, maybe I’m fucking insane..." I laughed, realizing she will never ever give the money back. I truly was insane.

"Well..." She eyed me oddly, "I went to your studio the other day. You weren’t there so I figured I’d talk to one of your friends..." I frowned. She had told one of my bandmates she was fucking broke? How desperate could she be?


"He said he’ll have a word with you, that it’s your duty to help your mother out, which I absolutely agree on. Such a sweet fellow..." For a second she looked back at the car with a smirk on her face, which I fully ignored. I tried to sober up my mind to figure out what had went down with my finances. We have the upcoming tour, so... Oh my fucking god... My hand brushed through my hair as I bit down on my lip. My eyes closed as I took a deep breath, realizing I had transferred Paul the money for the stage decorations for both me and Chris, since he had just bought a new house, and what had happened here was just those percent’s from the previous tour and the selling records were not transferred to my account, since our manager does it and our manager is fucking best friends with Paul.

"So... when are you gonna give the money back?" I questioned, maybe I’m lucky, maybe she has the money on her, or maybe I’m going to kill someone. Either option’s fine. Really. "Today perhaps?"

She frowned. After all those plastic surgeries I wasn’t sure she could do it, but look her go! "You’re funny, darling... I guess that friend of yours forgot to mention that money is for a movie I’m directing."

My jaw fell open. The money was for a movie she’s directing? Was that a heart-attack sneaking up on me? I noticed her turn around and bend over to take something from the car, while I tried to figure am I about die right now? That seemed very appealing at the moment.

"Here..." She took my palm and placed something in it, "That’s for you. A ‘thank you’ gift..." I felt her hug me, before she smiled and said her goodbyes while disappearing from my sight. My eyes lowered on my palm to see a necklace.

My eyebrows puckered as I realized the pendant to be a small photo frame with the picture of me and her when I was just a toddler. A thought crossed my mind – could I bid this off for five hundred thousand dollars?

I slipped the necklace in the pocket of my jacket, realizing, maybe, maybe if I got lucky, I could find ten bucks throughout every pocket of my pants, cause inside of these, I found twenty cents. And I realized something else... I was not going to stay in Beautiful Wasteland, my contract was until the upcoming tour, now I do know I’m too broke to break the contract before the term, so I could just hope for the best scenario – the one where they kick me out.

I don’t know what I needed to feel at the moment, but I bet on my nonexistent half a million, it wasn’t calm. So why the fuck was I robbed off my feelings? Absolutely no pun intended. That pendant left me uneasy as I paced back to Ryan’s house. Had she really touched a string of sort inside of me? What? She was a lousy mother, but then again she came to say ‘thank you’. Oh fuck, was I close to forgiving her? Not in a fucking million years! And with that the necklace left my pocket and flew over I think the same bush my bottle had landed earlier.

Fuck her and fuck her ‘thank you’ gifts.

The lights were still on in the house and was it just me or I heard Ryan talking to someone? I opened the door to see Ryan laughing, while sitting on the couch. But he wasn’t alone. A very familiar back was turned against me. A bare back with blond strands falling over it. Neither of them even noticed me, so I decided to slam the door. Finally one of them raised his eyes to me. "You’re here..." He said, a strange look on his face.

"I’m here..." I replied. Finally Lillian figured to grace me with her look. Was she holding a photo album? Since when King had an album in this house?

"Hi Megan," She smiled.

"What’s going on here?" Yeah, I felt like a buzz kill, but whatever was going on in here, didn’t feel very right. It was fucking 3 am. Oh and was that my wine they were drinking? The one Ian gave me for my birthday which Ryan kinda forgot? "A party without me, well... isn’t that just marvelous!" A wide and very wild smile appeared on my lips. "Oh is that my candy too? Well fuck me with a Popsicle, I thought I’ll be eating them in the morning, but I guess not..."

"I think I should be going..." Lillian shut the photo album.

"No, stay..." Was that Ryan’s hand I noticed, holding on to Lillian’s? Oh my, they are getting back together. It’s a Christmas miracle. "She’s drunk..."

"Well excuse me if I’m wrong," I placed my hand on my chest, "but aren’t I home?" I chuckled going closer to them, "Isn’t this the place I come to when I’m too drunk to keep on drinking?" I gestured at my surroundings.

"No, Dev, I think I really should be going..." Lillian stood up and with a guilty look went past me. Ryan had gotten up along with his ex-wife and now he was just looking at me like he was about to kill me. The front door slammed shut, meaning she was gone.

"What the hell do you think you’re doing?" He questioned as I bent over to take the glass of wine and empty in one.

"Drinking my wine..." I replied, pouring myself another glass. How was I even standing after the amount I’ve drank, was beyond me. I wanted to go for a refill, but he yanked the bottle out of my reach. I don’t know what happened, but I realized he was going to pour the bottle out in the sink and I was running after him, which resulted in me tripping and falling to the ground, still holding the glass in my hand.

Well... now there were a lot of glass pieces in my hand. And it felt like owwy.

I was too drunk to even realize I was bleeding until I felt a sharp pain in my arm and saw Ryan in front of me bandaging up my hand. I don’t know how a water bottle had appeared in my hand, but I was grateful for something non-alcoholic. "You should go to bed..." Even tho I was completely and utterly shitfaced, I could see the anger in his eyes.

"Please... Just tell me, what was Lillian doing here?" I plead, trying to get him look at me.

"What are you talking about?" Oh, really? He thought I was that drunk? Well, not denying I was that drunk, but oh man... He really tried to play that card on me? Boy, I got mad.

"Seriously?" I furrowed my eyebrows, pushing him away from me despite the pain in my hand. "Are you fucking serious right now?"

"What?" He played clueless. Ryan sighed, before continuing, "Look, you really should go to bed..."

"The hell I will!" I yelled, getting off the stool, although I had no memories of getting on it in the first place. "First you tell me what was your ex wife doing here..."

"Megan, please..." He looked tired and about to break my nose in, of course if I wasn’t a girl and more specifically – his girlfriend.

"No, Ryan... I want to know!" I yelled. "You told me you’re over her!"

"Meg, you have no idea what you’re talking about..." He hissed, moving closer to me.

"Then enlighten me, I beg of you!"

"Meg, go to the fucking bed." He barely got that out through his teeth.

"Not until you answer my goddamn question!"

"We’ll talk tomorrow, right now you go—"

"You know what? Fuck you!" My finger dag in his chest, before I have absolutely no idea what came over me, but everything that was on the coffee table, along with it, went crashing... well somewhere. I wasn’t making too much attention on what exactly I broke, but that was an expensive sounding shattering.

"Are you fucking insane?!" Ryan shouted, while looking over the damage that I’ve made.

"You liked it?" I asked moving towards the staircase, where were these wall shelves with at least an expensive looking vase on each of them. "I can do this forever..." I smirked, making the first steps up until I reached that crystal vase and smashed it against that sort of arch type doorway. "What the fuck was Lillian doing here?!" I screamed on the top of my lunges, grabbing another vase from the nearest shelve, before throwing it at him. "If you’ll send me off to bed again, King... so help me god..."He was lucky, the vase missed him, but only by an inch.

"You wanna play it like this, huh?" His usually warm blues were now dark and cold as he picked up the flowers from the ground and threw them at me. Fuck, that actually hurt. In a flash of an eye, he was taking the whole nightstand from the landing and swinging it over the handrail, resulting into a loud crash as it shattered against the marble floor. "What the fuck were you doing with Chris, Meg?"

"Chris?! Have you hit your head, King? I’ve nothing with him!" I turned around and walked up the last steps of the staircase.

"And who’s lying now?" He shouted from behind, "Look at me, goddammit, when I’m talking to you!" I felt a sharp pain when I realized he had spoon me around and I had crashed into the wall with no escape from his muscular build. "You’re mine..." He hissed and I could feel his breath against my lips, "You understand that?"

"I’m not your property, King." I hissed back and realized the hand on which he was boosting himself against the wall was now ripping down on the cleavage of my shirt.

"I dare you to say that again," If I would be sober, I’d most probably would’ve already shat my pants seeing that dangerous spark in his eyes, but knowing I was too drunk to even stand still...

"Read my lips – I. Am. Not. Your. Fucking. Property. Do I need to spell it?"

He eyed me for a moment, before his lips crashed against mine. Fuck no! I used all my strength to push him off me, right before my palm graced his cheek with a slap. He acted like he didn’t even notice it, although the sound was still ringing in my ears. And also I heard a tearing sound. I believe he had ripped my shirt as he pushed the jacket off my shoulders. The chains hit the Oakwood floor with a muffling thud. I had no time to look at the damage around us, cause the only thing I realized were his lips on mine and his hands picking me up just to place me back down. Only now on the bed.

His fingers ripped my shirt in two, before they got my pants off my legs. I really had no idea how he got himself undressed, the rum was still running fiercely through my veins, but I felt something. Something between my legs and inside me. "Fuck!" I yelled, arching my back from the sudden pain. My fingers tangled in his raven black hair as I pulled his head back, him letting out a moan. "I want to kill you..." I breathed against the skin of his shoulder, before sinking my teeth in it.

"I’m all yours, baby!" He exclaimed.