King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Victim to villain

With only a single hand he was holding both my arms above my head as his lips savored every inch of mine. "I..." He kissed my upper lip, "love," moving to taste the lower one, "You..." The moment would’ve been very sweet and cute if only it wasn’t for his dick, who was doing very naughty things to my vagina.

"Did you realize it before... uhh... or after I... was riding you?" I smirked, seeing how a corner of his lips raise in an answer to my question. His thrusts became faster, I wasn’t sure I will handle yet another orgasm tonight. It felt like those previous two acts had sobered me up and completely drained me out.

His lips trailed down my cheek and to my neck, while he sucked on it in a gentle manner His hand let go of my wrists and moved beneath my back, pulling my hips towards his. I was so glad when he came, but I didn’t. You have to understand me, a girl, surely has her needs, but enough is enough, so the whole time I’ve been resisting the urge very fiercely and when he pulled himself out of me, I thought it finally was over. Yeah, like was I wrong... With a devilish smirk on his face, his lips trailed down my breasts, my stomach until that very place, I really didn’t want his face being in. Oh my god was his tongue magical! "Fuck you, King!" I screamed, arching my back, while feeling that wonderful feeling of complete darkness and emptiness. The melodic, yet muttered laugh was all I heard before the pleasureful sensation took over my body.

Once I regained, he dropped beside me, pulling the sheets over us, "And to answer your question..." He started, throwing his hand over my waist, while pulling me close to his chest. What question? Was me screaming ‘Fuck you, King’ a question? Was I that bad with grammar? "I realized it when I met that teenager who wore Slayer t-s, baggy pants and panda eyes..." Thank god he couldn’t see my face, ‘cause if he could, he’d see my facial expression go from playful to completely serious in just a heartbeat. I was so undeniably embarrassed right now. That part of my life was completely off limits, god forbid anyone to remember how I looked like back in the day, but hey, mister Playboy here just slipped me a secret – he did! No, wait, that’s impossible. He was drunk 5 times out of 4...

"Who on earth are you talking about?" I questioned, lacing my fingers with his, while feeling him plant kisses on my bare shoulder.

"Funny..." I could see him smirking without actually looking at the guy.

"I thought you didn’t even notice a metal-head running around the backstage..."

"Believe me, I tried... very hard." Yeah I remember how hard he tried... around other women of course.

"Ha-ha... very funny."

"I didn’t mean it like that... I know I was acting like a jerk back in the day and probably was too drunk to remember everything I said or did to you, but I know one thing – even tho I said what I did, and yes, I admit I was a complete asshole," I looked back over my shoulder to see him rolling eyes,

"I believe the correct term was an arrogant dick,"

"Okay, whatever," He chuckled, "even tho I acted like an arrogant dick, I still knew one day Zee’s daughter will be mine, and yes I admit, I didn’t know your name."

"You didn’t know my fucking name?" I laughed out of frustration. "They introduced me to you at least five fucking times! What do you mean you didn’t know my fucking name!"

"Let’s just say, I tried occupying my mind with different things to keep from getting in jail, because I fucked a minor." Was he for real? Did he honestly mean to tell me a very odd looking teen both chubby and with obviously no sense of fashion turned mister dickhead of a rockstar on? What was he willing to get by sugarcoating the whole deal, ‘cause there was no way in hell I was going to believe a single word he just said. "But truth be told, I had no idea it was you when I walked in that class at the Musician’s Institute."

"yeah I know... Otherwise you wouldn’t have offered me a ride..."

"Oh come on, I just told you I liked you back then..." He whined, before biting down on my earlobe.

"Yeah, and I didn’t believe a single word you said, Casanova." Was he still having an orgasm? Was that the case? Because I swear, he wasn’t thinking straight. "King are you forgetting who you’re talking to? I’m Meg, as in Megan Hills... as in a daughter of your technician..." He remained silent, "Yo, are you even listening or are you... fucking great, you’re snoring..." And about to be drooling all over my shoulder. I rolled my eyes, but still a small smile ghosting on my lips.

What to do with you, King?

Ryan’s POV

A noise woke me up. I was having the best dream of my life until something or rather someone disturbed my piece.

My eyes flustered open just to see Meg trying to get a guitarcase from the top of the wardrobe. I frowned, rubbing my eyes. Yeah, she looked really tempting tipping on her toes, letting me inspect her ass and a bit of skin of her back, but more than temptation I felt confusion. Why was she snatching the guitar case she never uses? "What are you doing?" I boosted myself up on elbows.

"Oh, fuck... Did I wake you?" She had a guilty and apologetic look on her face as she turned around, fixing her t-shirt, "I swear I tried to be a fucking ninja, but it turns out the closet has grown through the night..."

"Okay, since you tried to be a ninja, I’ll let it slip..." I smiled, falling back on the pillows.

"Cool..." And with that she returned to getting the suitcase. It was almost too painful to watch her, mostly because I think my pal downstairs had gone numb from all the action he experienced yesterday.

"Why do you even need that thing?" I tried concentrating my thoughts on anything that contained my imagination from thinking about something that most probably would give me blue balls.

"I’m selling my guns... I need to drive them. To. The. Fucking. Buyer. Gotcha!" Finally the suitcase went flying over her head and I noticed her black bra strap sliding off her shoulder. Seriously? I looked down on the sheets to see I was getting a massive hard on. Are you fucking kidding me? Right now? Because of a single strap?

"Pardon? I think I’m still kinda sleepy... What were you saying?" I frowned, trying to think about old and disgusting nuns, to keep the pup from ruining the sheets all on his own.

"I know it may sound drastic and what not, but I think it’s the right thing to do." It seemed like the dude had a life of his own and I had absolutely no control over it. Fucking hell...

"No seriously, I didn’t hear what you said." I decided maybe fixing my attention on this conversation would leave me a little less blue down there, ‘cause seemingly thinking about nuns only amplified my erection. Thinking about nuns again... Okay, focus, King!

"I’m selling off my guitars."

"wait...What?!" I exclaimed. She’s selling those custom made Schecter babies? She couldn’t do that right? Selling your children was illegal, wasn’t it?

"Okay, don’t start yelling, remember that I’m broke—"

"Yeah and I thought we’re gonna figure it out by going to bank... You don’t need to sell off your guns!"

"Oh, about that... I figured it out yesterday. I know where’s the money." She said it like it was nothing. And she just tells me that now? But then again yesterday she was pretty smashed and I think she remembers very little of the evening.

"What? Then go and get it!" I frowned.

"It’s... not possible. The money’s gone."

"What do you mean ‘gone’?"

"I mean it’s not where I figured it to be. The person who got it – doesn’t have it anymore."

"Wait... so you mean to tell me you did give the money to someone..." Am I the only one who is lost in translation? What the hell was she really trying to tell me?

"No. I didn’t." She went in the walk-in closet, just to return with another couple of suitcases. "Not intentionally at least."

"Meg, just tell me what happened to the money..."

"Okay, but promise you’re not gonna hurt anyone."

"Should I?" I mean no probs, since the concussion I hadn’t hit anyone so I may or may not be willing to get in a fight, "Okay, fine, I promise."

"So... Last night I met my mother,"

"Your mother?"

"Yeah, but that’s not important." Not important, in what way was that not important? She had a mother? Well obviously she had a mother, but... whoa... okay, it’s too early and I’m too sleepy to go knees deep in getting to know Megan Hills. Call me a dick, or an asshole, but it’s not on my morning’s agenda. Sorry.

"Anyhow, some time ago a week, a month, I really don’t even remember, she came asking for money. Remember the time when Jason was here and somebody was at the door and I told it was a beggar?" Hesitantly I nodded, in the same time trying to figure if she had found my stash and took one of those magical, energetic pills that kept me up throughout the whole Mayhem tour. "yeah, so it was her. Long story in a shorter version- the money I thought I had in my account had been transferred by me – that money was for the upcoming tour, for the stage decorations, and the money I thought I already had too, but in reality it was still just going to transfer to my account were the percent’s of the previous tour and the selling records. Are you following?"

"I try to... Basically the whole time you were relying on the money that was just going to come into your account?"


"And what happened to it?" The frown never left my face, but hey, something else did leave! My boner, oh god, pal, trust me I’ll miss you, but thank god you’re gone.

"Well... that’s kinda beginning of a different story..." I kept inspecting her face. She definitely had found my secret stash, that rascal!

"Carry on, I have time..."

"Okay... Listen up... Here’s the thing... I’m leaving the band..."

"Okay..." Shocker, but okay. Since she has an explanation for everything this morning, I’m here to hear it out. "Why?"

"’Cause, and listen, this is interesting... my mother went... well... unintentionally went to Paul for the money, so I think Leroy hates my gut, that’s why he, alongside with my manager diverted my income to her account."

"... so you mean to tell me you are indeed broke."

"Not if I sell my guns." She had that marketing people smile on her face, which creeped the absolute shit out of me.

"I’ll give you five thousand dollars for you to not to." Mostly because I haven’t even seen her custom made guns up close, except for the newest model of Schecter and I was a curious animal.

"Haha... no deal, doll. They’re offering me two hundred grand for a single gun." What?! How much? They didn’t offer that much for a human on black market, what the actual hell?

"Who’s insane enough to offer that kind of a number?"

"Oh who cares-"

"I care! Maybe I should sell my guitars too!" I cut her off. "Okay, all the jokes aside, you’re really leaving the band?"

"Well... I want to, but I have a contract, so I’m hoping they’ll just kick me out."

"And what are you going to do now?"

"I don’t know," She shrugged, throwing the guitar case on the bed beside me, "be the desperate housewife? Look, I still have the job at the Institute, I could go with that."

"Like hell you will!" Her eyes raised to look at me, a puzzled expression to them. "Listen, I’m not allowing you work for pennies."

"It’s not your call, hot shots, I need a job, so it’s either this or me working as a waitress."

"I can pay you."

"yeah, right..." She smirked, knowing exactly what I was thinking, "wasn’t it enough with last night?"

"Oh, baby, it’s never enough..." I smirked, reaching for her hand and pulling on top of me. Oh look who’s back, and to think I started to miss you buddy! "But seriously tho, I have money... You don’t have to work..."

"It’s not your choice to make, babe..." She kissed the top of my forehead, "I need to work so I don’t go mad..."

"A’ight... If you say so..." I smiled, watching as she tried to sneak out of my arms, but to no avail.

"Oh come on, let go..." She whined, crashing against my chest once her arms got tired from the unsuccessful trying. "Ryan!" She shouted playfully.


"Are you forgetting something?"

Am I forgetting something... No, I believe I wasn’t. If only maybe this – my hand slid up her back to rest on the back of her neck as I pulled her face down and crashed my lips against hers. Mmm... She’d been eating my pudding!

"King..." She started rather too serious, once she got away from me. "Don’t you have places to be today?" Places? What was she talking about? "The promotion interview for Warped?"

"Oh shiit..." I gasped, pushing her off me as I jumped out of bed, "What’s the time?"

"It’s time for you to get going," she chuckled, rolling on her back as she watched me throw the first clothing pieces I could possibly find around the room. I trusted they weren’t in the best condition and I could already smell them soaked in cigarette smoke, but I had no time to look for a clean outfit.

"Why didn’t you wake me?" And to think about it, she was going to let me sleep through the whole goddamn thing? I bent over to lace my boots.

"I figured you’d come around eventually..." She snickered.

"Eventually?" I exclaimed, pushing my hair out of my face. I could feel how dirty they were sliding through my fingers. So a beanie it is. "Wait, don’t you need to be there too?" My hand went for the hat.

She gave me a look, "Uhmm... no? I’m trying to get kicked off the band or did you forget that part?"

"You know, I think it would be best for you to not take these kinds of drastic measures," I started, walking across the room to get my jacket from the chair beside Meg’s make-up table. "You should fuck Paul, literally of course, and I’d say try to kick him off the band, since you were the one to make the decision of him getting on it in the first place."

"You mean show him who’s the boss?" I noticed her eyes spark up.

"More or less... yeah. So get dressed, show up with me, stick in his face what kind of an eternal stud you’re dating and just get over it."

"Oh I don’t know Ryan..." Suddenly her face dropped and she rolled on her stomach, faceplanting the bed sheets.

"What? Come on!"

"I don’t know!" She exclaimed in the sheets, which partially muted the sound, making her sound like a dying cat in a bag, "I’ll have to put on the stockings and that short dress..."

"Forget about it... Just go as you are." Hesitantly she raised her head and looked me up and down with a major frown, "What?"

"Are you mad? My naked legs are the reason they keep me in the ba—" Suddenly she cut herself off and it seemed she had figured something I haven’t. A devilish smirk engulfed on her face, "Let’s go!"