King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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The happiest Christmas flea

Ryan’s POV

"You know when I told you to go the way you were, I didn’t mean armoring yourself up to chin with a scarf, knowing we’re in California, for Christ sake!" I exclaimed as one of the filming crew guys took us upstairs. The app on my phone told me it was 68 degrees outside, and knowing it was little above 50 in the night, I still couldn’t imagine Meg running around in a coat. 50 degrees was the perfect temperature for her, hell, the only time I saw her wearing a coat was when it was snowing like a motherfucker. It was when we went on a skiing trip to Utah, and even then I made a real good bargain to get her to wear something warm.

"And don’t forget my trench!" She said, hooking herself to my arm. Did she honestly want to get out of her band this badly? I mean, it’s none of my business really, but where the hell did she find that trench coat? It smelled of a dead animal and a decade if not more old perfume.

"And what are you gonna say when they start asking you about this unusual outfit?" I questioned as a young guy opened the door for us.

"It’s winter and I’m cold," She smiled, although I could see her sweating under those layers. She had been whining already when she went out in the heat of the day, wearing nothing more than a pair of short shorts and a tank top, dissing the weather and the government of the United States for not bothering to fix the sun, so this thing which she was doing right here, felt and looked very fucking stupid.

However, I decided to leave all of my comments to myself, I knew she had already enough falling over her shoulders as it was, she didn’t need to hear my remarks to add the gasoline to the flames. As we walked further, both the Beautiful Wasteland and my band came to our view.

The first one to notice Meg’s odd choice of outfit was Jason, who stopped talking to Aron and turned to eye us with a great frown, "If I wouldn’t know better I’d say there’s a snow storm coming, or is this how you avoid flashing me?"

"Don’t be an ass," I laughed at Viper’ remark.

"No... and no... This is my new look." She stated proudly. I swear she was drunk still.

"Has anyone seen McQueen?" I heard Meg’s manager shout throughout all of the backdrops. You mean the same McQueen who’s hooked herself to my arm like there’s no tomorrow?

"I think it’s your queue, doll..." I said, kissing the top of her head. With a heavy sigh she let go of my arm, before moving over to her band mates.

"What’s with her? Even when we were in Wisconsin, she rolled through the snow with a dress barely covering her ass like it was no big deal..." And in the same week she was sleeping in her bunk sick to her guts from the chicken soup her dad was forcing her to eat to get rid of the cold, if I may add. Meg wasn’t all about wise choices in life, yes, as unbelievable it may seem.

"She has this stupid thought that if she changes her look, they’ll kick her off the band." I explained, shoving my hands deep in my pockets. Which in my opinion was just bull... They had just finished their second album, it needed promoting, their tour was a month away and for the love of god, it was Christmas! Although I didn’t feel the whole holiday vibe everyone was so hyped about, I did believe in the thought of Christmas being the one holiday where everyone are in peace with each other and if not, jesus christ, just roll a joint.

"Why would they do that?" Viper asked.

"Look, Viper, it’s not my story to tell. If you want to know more, go ask her..."

"Guy’s you’re up in five!" The producer came notifying. I saw the Wasteland’s already had treated themselves to some liquor and were sitting on the long reddish couch in front of the filming crew. Even tho I knew I looked good on camera, I hated just sitting there and answering the same old, same old questions. A guy came by and fixed us with small microphones attaching them to whatever collar we had and sent us off to take our places. Of course, out of bare instinct, I sat down beside Meg.

"This fucking thing is itchy!" She hissed, scratching her neck. Well that’s what you get for doing stupid shit.

"I hope you didn’t get that thing in a fucking Thrift shop..." My eyes traveled over to the host, who couldn’t keep his eyes off Bailey. Huh, interesting... There actually is someone who’s even more insane than Jason. Figures...

"I’m fucking broke – of course I did!" She hissed, getting my full attention back on her. She didn’t just tell me she was wearing something that judging by the smell of it, someone snatched out of a coffin... Only god knows what diseases laid in that clothing piece!

"And we’re live in 5, 4, 3, 2..."

I fixed my stare to our host, who had opened the show with a Murder City blasting in the background. My hand landed on Meg’s thigh and I leaned closer, whispering in her ear, "don’t scratch. At least, can you please, pretend you don’t have scabies... is that possible?" My finger’s laced with hers to keep from digging those nails in her neck.

"Welcome to our Warped tour preview. I’m sitting here with people you’ve been requesting for me to drag here either alive or well... less than alive. I present to you our co-headliners – the Beautiful Wasteland and Midnight Noir. How are you guys feeling?"

"Great," Scott chimed in,

"Awesome man, thanks for having us," Paul joined.

"So before we get to the serious part, let’s be honest, who’s been drinking yesterday?" The host was a guy in his early forties and he made me really question was he trying to be like Conan O’Brien or was it just me seeing O’Brien in every talk show host I ever met throughout my life?

"The proper question to ask would be who hasn’t?" Bailey replied. "Hell, I’m even drinking right now and I have to tell you, your Margarita’s suck..." The host, which I believed was called Steven, cracked a laugh.

"Okay, seeing how you’ve all warmed up, the first question goes to the Wasteland... Your tour starts off in a week, but Vans Warped tour kicks off only in June, are you touring over the states and then doing it the same with Warped or what? How does this work for you guys?"

"Well, Steve, here’s the thing..." Paul started, "We particularly don’t feel like Warped tour covers as much of the ground as we want, so there’s a specific reason for us starting this early. We wish to cover states like both North and South Dakota, Louisiana, Arkansas, states which Warped normally leaves behind. And of course, knowing our tour hits off in a month, we’d have very much time for ground covering and so we won’t necessarily be playing twice in the same place as far as it comes to Warped. I’m not afraid to use the word ‘privileged’, ‘cause that’s what we are in Warped this year, we have the option to choose which show’s we’re willing to do instead of doing one place twice, we’ll be participating in such festivals as DownloadSonisphere and many others which are over in UK." If I knew I wasn’t on camera, I’d most probably would’ve shouted ‘asshole on nine o’clock. Seriously? Did I sound as stuck up as he did, when I opened my mouth? In between the scratching, I noticed the look’s Meg was sharing with her band mates. It was hard to miss how fed up they all were.

"And what about you guys?" Steve turned to look over our band. "What’s your reason for starting off as early?"

"I don’t know... I guess we just want to get out there and show our fans what we’ve got," Jason shrugged, "As Paul just said, they’ll be covering the grounds which bands normally don’t play shows in, so knowing we don’t have a new record to promote, we’re dedicating this to those places Murder City and Midnight Noir hasn’t been to." We all nodded our heads in agreement to Jason’s words.

"For a fair amount of time we’ll be co-headlining with Beautiful Wasteland, but when it comes to Warped, will jump knee deep in the tour," I added to Viper’ statement.

"Mostly because we haven’t played Warped in a very fucking long time," Jason chuckled.

"Okay, with that been said, how do you guys feel towards being co-headliners?" Steve leaned further in his chair, shifting his whole attention to us. Oh come on, we all noticed how fucking eager was Paul to talk, so why wasn’t he talking to him? I wanted to be done with this as soon as possible, ‘cause I saw the way Meg’s feet was trembling out of stress, the urge to just raise her nails and pierce them deep in her skin was very obvious.

"I mean it’s always a blast being together with these guys," Jason said,

"And to be completely clear, the Midnight had absolutely nothing to do with them being on Warped this time," Scott explained, making the majority of us crack a smile. True. Nothing to do with that.

"Okay, cool... So I hear The Beautiful Wasteland has a new record their promoting, is that right?"

"Yeah, it’s our second record and it’s slightly different from the first one. It has a different soul and arrangement so to speak," Paul deep voice rang throughout the set.

"Stop it," I whispered to Meg, who was itching in all of the right and wrong places.

"I can’t..."

"Raven, are you okay?" The host questioned.

"yeah, yeah, I’m good, it’s just..." She pulled the scarf down and my eyes instantly went wide. I saw a reddish blemish all over her neck. I figured to fix her scarf, while she mouthed ‘is it that bad’? I took a deep breath, before sighing heavily. Her hands lowered to her lap. "Allergies..."

"Are you cold, should we turn the heating up?"

"No, no... I’m good."

"Okay, so, question to the Midnight guys, since your brother is dating Raven, she will obviously be on your tour bus more frequently than on her own, doesn’t that bother you?"

"Bother us? Twinks?" Jason laughed and rest of the guys were to soon join in. "She and Knox aren’t the lovey dovey couple, honestly it’s thrilling to see them both together."

"Yeah, McQueen is fun to be around, the only downside to it is she drinks all our booze, but I guess that’s a small fee to pay." Scott explained.

"So you’re not mad about the brownies?" Meg turned to look at Jason.

"What brownies?" His face dropped, realizing his dog – Judy, had a bit of a sticky situation with the special brownies last week me and her went over.

"The special ones..." She wiggled her eyebrows. Jesus.

"You have to excuse her, she did some stuff last night and she still can’t get her head straight." Chris snickered, seeing their guitarist a bit out of shape.


Meg’s POV

Well god knows I’m not going to that cheap ass place ever again...

I couldn’t believe I was scratching my way through the Christmas. This wasn’t how I imagined my holiday to be, not at fucking all. The interview also had been a total nightmare, I mean who held a gun to my temple and forced me to wear that stinky old trench? No one, Hills, no-fucking one. While sitting at that studio I had a very strong belief I wouldn’t get through the interview because of the heat and the layers of my clothing.

And you all wanna know what was the reason for me scratching myself nearly to the fucking bone? Fleas. The motherfucking fleas. Turned out the trench-coat was crawling with life and for five bucks I had bought a flea farm. How awesome was that, right? Not at fucking all, ‘cause right now I was covered in fucking rash and wearing my most skimpiest clothes to avoid something rubbing against the parts of my skin which were really... skinless. I had scratched chunks of flesh out of both my arms, neck and thighs, so right now I was very much fucking sore.

"King, I think there’s something crawling over my back..." I thought I was never gonna say this, but I sounded like a goddamn Valley girl and looked like one too, waving those hands in a frantic manner, as if I was trying to cry after my tear glands would’ve been cut out.

"For the tenth fucking time, there’s nothing on your goddamn back..." He sighed, decorating the Christmas tree. I figured he wasn’t too happy about my today’s adventures, ‘cause honestly I was the one who brought this shit over myself, but now I was getting on his last nerves.

"Can you just... please... check?" I shuddered visualizing the hopping fleas over the coat I’d been wearing.

"Meg, stop thinking about it. We burned the trench, destroyed the army, there’s no way they’re returning unless you bought the zombie fleas..."

"Don’t be an ass and just check my back!" I was close to panicking like those chicks on my sweet sixteen when their folks got them the wrong color Lamborghini. Hell, back in my day, I was lucky the cops didn’t knock on my door, telling my dad I smashed a Lamborghini while pulling out of the driveway.

With a loud exhale, Ryan stood up from putting the lights over the Christmas tree and walked over, pulling my tank top back and just seconds later letting it go, "See? Nothing..."

"No, look closer!" I exclaimed. There had to be something, I felt it! I felt those zombie fleas attacking me and making me their zombie flea queen!

Ryan rolled his eyes, before re-checking my back. "Oh. My. God..." He gasped after a couple of second inspection.

"What? What is it? Am I turning into a zombie?" I tried getting a glimpse of my backside, but to no avail.

"I see... I see..."

"What? What do you see?"

"...absolutely fucking nothing."

"Ass..." I pushed him away, while he laughed his way over to the Christmas tree. "You can’t do that! I almost had a heart attack!"

"What did you suppose I would see there?" Ryan questioned while turning on the Christmas lights. "A tarantula trying to get under your skin?" Wow... the decorations... they were bright, didn't look anything like that one branch I snapped off a Christmas tree in Wallmart a couple years ago that we usually decorated with fake snow back in dad’s house. See, I had never been a holiday type of person, neither was my dad, so I didn’t really get why King even bothered with getting the Christmas tree from the attic, placing those dusty decorations on it, nearly getting killed by the wiring of the lights... It all just seemed too much trouble for me. "And done... Now I’m ready to have a smoke and go for a nap."

"What? We’re not gonna watch Christmas movies and get drunk off vodka?" I pouted, seeing him take his pack of Marlboro from the kitchen island. He shot me a strange look.

"What are you... russian?"

"I might be," I shrugged, considering the thought, "I still think my mother stole me from a rich russian couple, trying to get some kind of pledge money out of them. There’s no way all this wit and beauty comes from peasants..." I flipped my hair back, seeing how Dev had stopped with his hand on the glass door, a cigarette already between his lips and a patient look being sent my way.

"Ookay... Listen, I’ll try to sleep for an hour or so and later I’ll drive off for a short while, so please, seeing how you’re out of your mind today, don’t burn the house down."

"You know... I can try, but I’m not giving any promises. This is the time when I’m strongly suicidal." I replied sarcastically, flashing him my best smile.