King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Someday I too will fly and find you again…

Chris’ pov

"But my dreams aren’t as empty... as my conscience seems to be," I hummed, my earphones in as I snatched a bottle of beer from the cooler. I popped the bottle open, before someone startled me to death by shoving their elbow in my side. "Jesus fuck," I took one of the earphones out to see Fresno standing in front of me with an apologetic look to her face.


"No, it’s okay... Whadaya want?"

"It’s... Uhmm...Meg left a note, which I really don’t understand... Can you help out?" She passed the piece of paper she was holding to me.

Lead 1 squeals

Lead 2 – Dev

Lead 1 rock based - Diary of Mohican


1 – American based (rich/warm sound/Jazz)

2 – UK voicing – crystal clear – Say Goodbye, Broken Bones.

Meg uses 3d channel, UK clear.


"Hmm... that’s not Meg’s note... It’s her dad’s." I explained, taking a chug while still holding the sheet, "Okay, I’ll break it down to you... Usually we use Marshall for our songs, but there are these listed above, where Meg turns over to Blackface for a sort of cleaner sound... You don’t have to worry about this, Fresno. Her dad and Luke sets her up with the technical stuff."

"Oh okay... I just wanted to be helpful, but seems like I’m butting in where I don’t belong." Was that a nervous chuckle I heard? Cute.

"Listen, the show’s over, let’s let the roadies figure out this technical shit," I smiled warmly, before catching the passing Luke by his arm, "here, take this and get it back to Zee." He nodded, before went back to packing up the guitars, "So how you’re holding up?"

"Fine I guess... Tho the merch girl thing gets tough at times..."

"I know what you mean," I laughed as I guided her forwards to the place where Meg was doing her little signing thing with the fans, "For one summer I was a roadie at the Vans Warped tour... Never again, man..."

"Gee thanks for the heads up... The Warped is ahead of us!"

"Yeah, but you don’t have to worry about it. You’re with us, our crew is our family and besides what my lunatic band mates make you do, you don’t have to do shit... Warped has their own crew." I smiled looking down at the brunette beside me. She was young and didn’t look like the roadie type, so what the hell was she doing here? Her brand clothes stated she was far from the hard working citizen she needed to be in this tour.

"So what are you guys gonna do now?" I heard a fan ask Meg as she put the cap on her sharpie.

"I honestly have no idea..." She replied as she turned her head to see us. "Probably gonna trash some bar... You have any good places around here?"

"We have the O’Ryan tavern..." The girl shrugged, before turning to us with a wide smile, "Oh, can you please sign this?" She passed me our newest album.

"Sure," My hand traveled it’s way to snatch the sharpie out of Meg’s fingers, before I laid down my awesome signature which was basically just the first letter of my name and my surname.

"Thank you very much!" She said as she stuffed the cd in her bag, "and I guess I’ll see you in Warped?"

"We hope so," Meg chuckled, before the girl said her goodbyes and left. "Let’s go to that O’Ryan thing..."

"Are you sure? ‘Cause the girl looked underage and I don’t think she knows where they serve actual liquor..."

"No, dumbass, Alexis’s there."

"Already?" I cocked my eyebrow as me and Fresno were following Meg out of the venue. "Well she clearly doesn’t waste time."

She sighed before replying, "I sent her off in the middle of the show..."

"Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Because Christopher... She went smashing that Kathy chick’s face," Alexis? Hell, then I could imagine how pretty looking was Midnight Noir’s merch girl at the moment. We had to squeeze through a few Marshall cabinets just to get out of the venue and I started really considering going on a diet. "I mean it was super awesome to watch, but I didn’t want to end the show just because she had killed someone."

"Okay, now where is the fucking bar?" As soon as we were outside Meg started looking around, searching for some indicators. Couldn’t it be the one place across the road that had an illuminating sign saying O’Ryan’s tavern? Just saying you know.

"Oh my god, it’s Chris Achilles!"

"Holly shit, Raven!" Both me and Megan hesitantly looked over to our right with widened eyes only to see a crowd of people and very annoying flash lights running towards us. "Guys hold up!"

"Ready?" Meg turned to me and I simply nodded, knowing exactly what she was thinking. I looked at Madison. She looked completely lost and not understanding a single thing that went down around her. I cracked a smile, before taking her hand. Oh, so she was jumpy. Cool. "On 1, 2 ... go!"

We went running across the road, maneuvering our way between the beeping cars. A couple of times we nearly got hit, before we ended up in front of the bar, completely breathless. "Shit, guys... you’re insane..." Madison bent over, heavily panting.

"Thanks," Meg flashed a smile before pushing the door open and the first thought I got – was this place always this crowded? Or was it just our luck, ‘cause every time me and Meg went somewhere, we could never find a place to lay low, ending up standing by the bar or somehow because of pure madness – behind it. "Now where is that Alexis?"

"A round of shots for my new best friends!" A rather familiar voice shouted from the bar. I think we just found that little rascal. As we walked closer, I saw Alexis hanging on to Jason’s side, grinning widely. "You guys are fucking awesome!" She downed a shot before crashing her lips against Jason’s in a very wet sounding kiss. Well look at fucking that...

Meg looked back at me, her eyebrows up high, a naughty smirk on her face. What the hell was she smirking about? If Bails would be here, they would end in a pretty nasty fight. And that’s mildly said. And shit... Bailey was here, having a make-out session with someone who I didn’t know. "I see you’re taking real good care of her..." Meg chuckled, making Scott raise his eyes from the phone and Alexis break the kiss. Jason looked just as dumbfounded as I happened to be, and dumbfounded and me in one sentence? Not that often.

"Ookay... So, Fresno, you’re up for a drink?"

Meg’s POV

Shit... Well... fuck. I hadn’t waited for that one. What the fuck Alexis was doing? Sure she didn’t know about Bailey and Jason, but... fuck. Although I couldn’t bare, but to snicker on the view, this seemed wrong in so many fucking ways, knowing Bailey could be somewhere around here. Oh and there she was, making out with a stranger. Okay, cool. So we’re all about cheating... I’m so down with it, as long as Bailey don’t go ripping Jason’s throat later.

And since when did Chris and Madison get this... khem... friendly? Okay, none of my business, apparently.

"Meg, you want a drink?" Jason asked laughing as Alexis was biting down on his earlobe. Orgies? And I hadn’t been invited? Those jerks...

"Oh you... You don’t bother your pretty little head, let her do the magic. I’ll fix myself up with something." I laughed, squeezing in the line for a drink. What the hell was going on here? Did we suddenly change our partners? Seemed like a swinger party to me, but hell, whatever rocks their boats.

"What can I getcha, beautiful?" A smiling and pretty hot bartender came into my notice. Well wasn’t this just my lucky day? Normally, this kind of attitude would’ve pissed me off majorly, but hey... he was hot.

"Whiskey Sour."

"Coming right up," He flashed me a smile, before the glasses came flying around and the next thing I knew my drink was on the counter.

"You’re good..." I smiled as I started searching my wallet for something to pay with, but the only thing I saw were a couple of Ben Franklin’s... Well... at least I had money, which was a plus, but Ben Franklin’s in a bar? That was a big no-no unless it was a tip. "Shit... Ma—" I cut myself off as soon as I realized Alexis and Jason were in the middle of a very intimate conversation. With their tongues. "Scott, can you break a hundred?" I leaned backwards, catching the attention of the wonderful Scotty C.

"Hmm? Oh, hold up, let me check,"

"She’s good Corbie," I heard the so well-known deep timbre as a strong arm wrapped around my waist. I tilted my head back to see Ryan hovering a good foot over me. A twenty was now laying on the counter.

"You’re a very lucky man," The bartender smiled, before taking the cash.

"I know." He answered stiffly, pressing a very theatrical kiss to my temple.

"Enjoy your drink," The bartender winked, before he left to attend the rest of the customers. Oh believe me, I will... Firstly, because I hadn’t had a drink in a very long time, , secondly, because such a hotty had made it for me. I took a very long swig, emptying nearly half of the drink in one. Shit, that burnt my throat, but oh my god... That was the best drink I’ve had in a while.

"Careful with who you’re checking out, baby," Ryan whispered in my ear as my eyes had slid over that fine, fine man behind the counter.

"Right back at ya’... baby..." I said in a mocking voice, before I raised the cool glass to my lips. Just who exactly he think he is? I could check out who ever I wanted, since I was just this backstage girlfriend of his. I couldn’t erase the picture of him and Kathy from my head. Shit, I think I’ll need another drink. The glass landed on the counter with the remainders of ice twirling inside of it. "Hey, handsome, mind refilling that?" I turned around, scanning the place while the bartender made my drink, "Well what the hell are you standing there, pay the man, will ya’?" I looked up at King just to see he was eying me patiently, before he gave in and pulled out his wallet. Well look who’s a good boy...

As I was watching over Chris and Madison having a good laughter over whatever, I felt Ryan lacing his fingers with mine. I jerked the hand away, saying "That’s my drinking hand." And mind your own business, before you say I’m not drinking anything.

"Oh come on Meg, what are you so pissed off about?" He pulled me closer, but I jumped back as if got stung by electricity.

"What the hell are you doing King?" I hissed looking over his frowning face, "There’re people here... You know, they might get the idea of me being your girlfriend or something..." And then he’ll have to explain to someone why he’s spending his precious time with a chick that’s not his girlfriend, ‘cause god knew he ain’t explaining shit to me.

"Are you high or something?"

"I in fact did smoke a bit after the show, but that’s none of your concern." And I just remembered I have to get Mr. Snuggles refilled somehow. Well ain’t that a pooper... Where the hell am I supposed to get weed? Nothing, but trouble with this tour...

"What’s with you?"

"I don’t think I can bare Devious Knox any longer."

"What are you talking about?"

"Okay, now maybe you are the sweet and caring Ryan King, but I swear, 99 percent of the time when I get off bus, the arrogant asshole also known as Dev Knox is there and I don’t think I can handle him anymore."

"So what are you saying? You’re fucking breaking up with me?" Did that seem funny to him? ‘Cause I swear this wasn’t the time for laughter. I let him calm down as I turned back against the counter, bringing my drink to my lips. "Wait, are you serious?" ...that would be a lame-ass joke if I indeed would’ve decided to joke. "Hills," Well ain’t he all about bipolarness today. If that tone was supposed to seem threatening, then go and threat someone else.

"What more do you want from me, Ryan?"

"An explanation would be nice..."

"I just explained everything to you—"


"Look it’s not you, it’s just... well actually it is you." I swallowed the whiskey, before turning to face him, "You know what Knox? You’re a fucking piece of shit, that’s what you really are," was it just me or I said it with a smile on my lips? Hell, I think I had smoked a bit more than just a bit. This is gonna feel like hell when I’ll realize what I’m doing...

"Excuse me?"

"Look, I don’t want to do this here... Don’t want to be a buzz kill for those guys," I pointed with my head to Alexis and Jason.

"Fine," He hissed, before taking me by hand and dragging all the way out of the bar. He dropped my arm as soon as we were in a safe distance from anyone we could possibly know. Oh look, I had my drink with me. Holly shit, nobody even stopped me, how cool is that?

"We’re out of everyone’s eyes. Tell me why the fuck you’re leaving me..." Probably because I’m high and drunk at the same time? Okay, here it goes. No, another swig and then it goes.

"Look... Dev... Or do you want to be called Ryan? ‘Cause I’m fine with either—"

"Just give me the goddamn reason!" Okay, okay, don’t get your panties in a twist, jeez.

"Okay, fine... Lewis... Here’s the thing... The thing is..." Shit, I’m high...

"You have a reason or not?" He had that warning in his dark eyes, which I completely ignored.

"You’re fucking Kathy, okay?" There, I said it. Like I hadn’t known it since she stepped her foot on the fucking bus. Why else would he spending his time with her?

"I’m what?"

"Oh don’t look so surprised, you can hardly miss a girl jumping up and down your dick." He didn’t say anything, good, because I surely had a lot to say, "I get it, it’s a wolf pack thing, one fucks her – all do. I just hope her kid grows up knowing who’s the father."

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Oh you don’t know? Well fuck me... Okay, so the other day I ran into her at the pharmacy," I said stopping to have a drink, I winced on the taste of pure bourbon, "she was buying some pregnancy tests and to be completely frank, her belly does look a tad rounder..."

"What?" I swear he looked like he was about to punch a wall, but instead he just slid his long fingers through those dark bangs.

"I mean it’s hard to notice, but if you take a real close look, you can see the change..."

"Shit, she’s pregnant?"

"Yup..." I didn’t care that the question probably wasn’t directed towards me, I still answered, ‘cause let’s be honest, it was hard hearing that his groupie is preggers already as it is, there was no need to worsen the case by making him look like a fool by not answering the question. But hey, at least he wasn’t thinking about me dumping his lousy ass. And now I was starting to think about it... oh fuck. The reality finally came crashing down... shit. Oh, the feels... Better let’s empty the glass, maybe it can hold the feelings away for a tad longer. Ahh... nope... that didn’t do the trick, "hey, but look on the bright side..."

"Which is?" No need to make that face with me, thank you very much.

"I have a glass now..." I studied the shiny thing in my hand, before I put it on some window sill and went for a smoke, "I’m sure you’ll figure something out," I said, the cigarette lingering from my lips as I was trying to find a lighter. "Be a dear and light me,"

"You don’t get it do you, Meg?" He leaned in to light my smoke, "You just don’t fucking get it..."

"What are you talking about?" Right now I was starting to get things, which wasn’t particularly what I wanted.

"I guarantee the kid’s not mine, but that’s what they do... These fucking groupies... They mess with your head ‘till one day they show up with a fucking child on their arms and say – hey, that’s yours," He snatched the cigarette from my lips, taking a couple of long drags.

"Why would anyone at their best mind knock themselves up with a kid?" Now that was just plain stupid.

"For the alimony, of course..." He snorted, giving the smoke back.

"Well... then you’re pretty much fucked, Knox, ‘cause she won’t go to no roadie asking for whatever amount is the minimum, if she could get thousands out of you..." Aahh, the pain... The fucking pain... My hand shot up to my heart.

"What’s wrong?" he frowned, seeing me massage my ribcage.

"Nothing much... Just starting to realize what an asshole you are, ‘cause before I just said it... without overthinking the damn thing..." Should I be feeling things if I sold my feelings on e-bay? That was the question of the day. It was getting undeniably hard to look at that handsome, handsome face. I tilted my head back, trying to get those tears back from where they were threatening to come.

"Are you really okay?"

"Uh-ha..." I raised the cigarette to my lips. As I took a drag, I felt a tear slide down my cheek. You motherfucker... Why couldn’t you just stay in? That’s when I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me tightly to his chest, "You fucking asshole..." I mouthed, snaking my arms around his waist. His hand caressed my hair as my tears moistened his shirt. "I hate you so... fucking... much..." I muttered against his chest.

"I know..."