King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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I’m still the same, pursuing pain

Ryan’s POV

I was sick, I felt like I was about to throw up just thinking about what had I been doing for the past two weeks. It seemed like I had just crawled out of hell, ‘cause that honestly was the place where I’d been this whole time. I’ll be damned if I wouldn’t throw myself in a barrel of booze when a problem appears around the horizon. The liquor, the girls... Holly fucking hell. But last night seemed to top it all.

My eyes opened to look out the window. The sun was up and was my strongest enemy at the moment. Where the hell were we? It was white and looked cold as fuck. Like hell they’re getting me out of this bed with that shit going on out there...

I rubbed my face, wincing instantly because of the pain in my cheek-bone. Oh... that.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Jason started screaming as soon as we got in the bus, "Were you thinking at all?" He slammed the door behind us.

"C’mon, man, what’s the big deal?" I made my way to our fridge to take out an ice cold beer. Yeah, come to papa...

"The big... deal?"

"Yeah, the big deal... It’s not like she cares or anything," Otherwise she wouldn’t have told me she hates me and then dumped me. Or was it the other way around? Oh yeah, first she dumped me, then she told me she hates me. I took a seat on the couch.

"Knox... me and you," He gestured between us, "are we on the same fucking wave here? Aren’t we talking about the girl you inked yourself for?" Jason’s eyes narrowed on me as I took a swig, "You told you love her..."

"Well, that was before SHE fucking dumped me. Now I’m a free man, I do what the fuck I want."

"She dumped you not without a reason, so don’t make her the fucking bad guy in all of this. YOU brought this all upon yourself." And? Why was he even here and ruining my night? For all I care, I could be making some sweet, sweet love to that sexy mis Laphroaig. What the hell was his deal, anyways? Since Alexis he was way pissier than I could tolerate. And lately he was taking it all out on me. Not that I’m saying I didn’t deserve it, but hell, cut me some slack, man. "Look, just go and apologize, so we can get on with the tour."

"Apologize?" As in me? As in Devious fucking Knox? God knew I ain’t apologizing to no one. " For what?"

"Well for starters – getting in a fight with Chris."

"Whoa, hold up, Viper... That was not my fault, he was sticking his nose where it didn’t belong!" I jumped up from the couch, just seconds away from getting into another fight.

"You better sit your ass down, before I make you sit down!" Jason roared, before taking a deep breath, "What the hell is going on with you Knox? You’re a complete trainwreck..."

I sighed, taking my previous place. What the actual fuck? Did I really meant to get in a fight with my best friend? I tilted back my head, taking a mouthful of the beer. "Fuck..."

"Talk to me..."

"... I can’t stand seeing her... happy... without me..."

"That’s why you decided to ruin their tour? Well that’s fucking smart, ‘cause Jay told me they’re calling off Warped…"

"What?" My eyebrows shot up, "They can’t fucking do that!"

"They can, they’re the Beautiful Wasteland for fucks sake! I don’t even think you have the slightest clue how big they really are..." He was talking like they were the almighty Metallica or something. They weren’t that big of a deal. We fucking made them, for crying out loud... "Warped went begging for them to agree... Vans offered us the tour only because they knew of you and Meg. Didn’t it feel odd that Warped was suddenly interested in us after more than ten fucking years? We have no business with them since 2003! Knox, you know this kind of stuff is not our scene. We play Mayhem, Download for fucks sake!"

"So what are you saying, exactly?" ’cause frankly? I kinda zoned out when he mentioned the name Beautiful Wasteland.

"If they’re off, so are we."

"So? We’ll just do Mayhem or whatever..." I never even considered Warped to be such a good idea, so I think all’s going to the best.

"Good fucking luck booking a tour this late with an old fucking album. Either we’re on Warped or we’re nowhere. Just because our tickets are over hundred bucks, doesn’t mean we’re gods and everyone will take us in with open arms. So I suggest you better start working on that apology speech, ‘cause our fucking money is gone and without a tour it’s not coming back. Or you can start thinking ways how to repay everyone."

Fuck, the memories came washing over me. But what the hell had I even done that I needed apologizing for? Yesterday was a complete blur. I didn’t even remember meeting Hills. Was it... Shit, here comes the shame.

 I did meet her, right after the show... I was already drunk off my ass when it came to meeting the fans. Oh my god, I can’t believe I shit-talked her in front of them and the press! Shit, shit, shit! There went my number one rule, simply flying out the window... Never discuss your private life in front of others.

"Get your ass up, dude!" Scott came drumming some kind of a rhythm on the edge of my bunk. "It’s a fucking awesome day outside." Was he talking about the endless layer of snow or was he simply a moron? I didn’t see anything awesome about it and I wasn’t even blaming it on my hangover.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Corbie..." I murmured, pulling the pillow over my face.

"Oh come on don’t be such a grouch... It was your fucking idea to bang those fucking hills..."

Slowly I pulled the pillow off my head. Was it just me or he said bang Hills... Oh, those fucking hills... His outfit finally started making sense to me.

"Is he still sleeping?" Oh for the love of god. Not short-shit... Not this early in the morning... "Whoa... Who made you this pretty?"

"Fuck off dipshit..." I murmured pulling the pillow back over my head.

"Well fuck you too, dickhead," A surprised chuckle left him and I hope to god that was the sound of him leaving.

"Is he up yet?" Oh for the love of –

"Go the fuck away Viper..." I screamed into the pillow. What is this, let’s get on Ryan’s last nerves day?

"Come on Prima Donna, get out of your cave,"

"I told you to fuck off..."

"Yeah, I heard that, but you have a job to do..."

"This is my day off, I’m not doing anything besides sleeping and a bit more of sleeping..."

"You wanna bet?"

"I’ll take my chances..." That’s when he took me by leg and pulled out of the bunk. That hurt like a bitch. And the floor was wet... and cold. Shit.

"Now put on some warm clothes and move your ass out." Warm clothes? Yeah, as if! Meaning – would be nice if I had something warmer than a simple set of black denim’s and my leather jacket. I decided to snatch one of Jason’s warm hoodies and just hope I won’t freeze to death. As I bent over to lace my dr Martens, I realized I was very far from being sober. But that probably was for the best, knowing if I have to face Meg, in the best case scenario I would have to be two bottles deep and no, Devious Knox wasn’t afraid of no one. I just couldn’t stand her.

When I was almost out the door, I noticed my reflection in the microwave. "Holly mother of—" What did he whack me with? A fucking baseball bat? That shit’s huge! No, na-ah, not going out there with all the craziness happing on my face. Yeah, but the thing was – if Devious Knox didn’t go to the party, the party always and I mean always came to Dev. Like that flying snow ball. In my fucking face... Oh my f—The snow was behind my collar and I swear I was going to murder someone. If that was Scott, he’s so gonna get it!

"Ha-ha, bulls eye!" Jason? And I thought he was the reasonable adult. I took my rayban’s before inhaling deeply and getting ready to be covered in snow.

I got out at the exact same moment to see both Frank and Chris carry a half-naked Megan out of the bus. I already winced for them, ‘cause that’s gonna hurt like hell. And not for Hills. "Are they gonna do what I think—"

"Yeah..." Jason grinned looking over the pretty picture, while rolling a snow ball in his gloved hands. It was just a second before Meg and her bare ass were in a bigass heap of snow. She stood up immediately and it seemed like she went mute for a moment. She just stood there shaking and jumping in place.

"Ho-oly shit it’s cold," Well I’ll be damned, I hadn’t heard that Bostonian accent in quite some time. And it still annoyed me to no limits. "I’ll murder you both!"

"I think they were kinda going for it," Bailey stood there, kicking a pile of snow, while holding a starbucks in one hand and a cigarette in other, "Hell even I’m turning from homicidal to suicidal with all this white shit around."

"She’s right... Well, partly. To murder us, you have to come out and play." Chris laughed, taking a safe distance from Meg as she ran inside. I couldn’t deny I loved her ass, but as for Megan herself? Knowing I have to apologize?

"Heads up!" Viper shouted, before his snowball went in straight direction for Bailey’s bare neck. Her jaw dropped as she pushed those sunglasses on her head.

"You have to be fucking kidding me..." She mouthed, shaking the snow off her. "Jason fucking Hunter..."

"What?" A guilty smile mirrored on his lips, "I said ‘heads up’..."

"You are so fucking dead," She took her last deep drag, before she kicked the remainders of the cigarette away and came towards us. "Knox, hold this..."

"Not a prob," I replied, taking her cup and having a delightful mouthful. At least something Bailey did right – she had her coffee right. Strong and black. As if made for me.

"You’re small Bails, whacha gonna do, huh?"

"I’m gonna kick your ass!" She screamed, before hopping on his back, resulting in them falling down and starting to roll from that small hill we had stopped by. I couldn’t bare but only admire Bailey’s nature – just because she got hit with a single snowball, she didn’t mind having snow in every curve of hers as long as she was dragging someone with her.

Was it just me, but didn’t this feel like a fucking kindergarten out here? They all were grown ass adults. Especially Chris, who looked very happy throwing that merch girl of theirs around in snow and to add he was bruise-less really didn’t make me happy.

All my attention went from those bunch of morons and fixed on the girl in black. To say she looked stunning was an understatement. She had a long black coat and studded boots that didn’t look too warm, but hey, at least she was wearing a scarf and some gloves. Unconsciously I licked my lips, seeing her flip that dark cloud of hair to the side. No, snap out of it Knox... She dumped you...You’re over her.

"Oh look who decided to grace us with her presence," Chris shouted from sitting in a snow bank. "Are you back for more?"

Meg twitched her shoulders, a naughty grin on her face. "Come ‘ere and find out."

"Well, you don’t have to tell me twi—" Out of nowhere she pulled a pitcher full of water and splashed in Chris’s face.

"How you like them apples?"

"Jesus fucking Christ, Meg?!" I cracked a smile, knowing in these degrees being wet and outside, wasn’t the smartest idea. Chris would turn into an icicle in no time. He rushed inside the bus in no time. I noticed Meg’s eyes slid over to me. The laughter stopped, because right now it seemed like she was checking me out. Don’t go there, Meg... her arms found their way to her pockets while she was coming towards, smiling that smile... I couldn’t figure what it meant.

"Let’s go," She stated simply, before grabbing me by hand and dragging towards the resort, which had been our main objective for the next two days. What the hell was she doing? After everything I had said about her?

"Didn’t you need to—" I was cut off as soon we were a couple of yards ahead of the rest of the guys. She had pushed me off the road and into those deep snowbanks. Holly shit... why the hell was it so cold? This was probably the worst feeling ever - the snow behind ones shirt.

"You fucking son of a bitch..." She cursed silently as I was trying to boost myself up, but to no avail, ‘cause she showed up out of nowhere and kicked me back down.

"Okay... I probably deserved that..." I could still feel her boot in my side. So that’s the feeling of soon to be broken ribs.

"The things that you deserve aren’t legal in none of the States," She hissed, dropping herself straight on my groin. Jesus... Should I be aroused right now? ‘Cause I felt my dick rubbing against her crotch and I was seconds away from starting to moan. "You’re lucky I don’t remember half the shit you told about me yesterday," She kicked my sunglasses away, slightly shocked by what she saw underneath them, "But hell, that bruise makes me feel very much better..." She took my face in her hand, moving it from right to left, inspecting the black eye, before sharply letting go. "What the hell are you doing with yourself, King? Don’t you have enough problems as it is? You want to start a war with me too?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" I rubbed the back of my head, ‘because frankly? it had started throbbing very annoyingly. I remembered a good nothing from what I had said about her, I just acknowledged the fact that I did, in fact, say something.

"Since when am I sleeping my way to the top, huh, Knox? Or... In which moment did I exactly start spending your millions? Because, man... this is just rich... no pun intended." Holly hell, I didn’t say that... did I? "Oh, but wait, the pearl of the evening was when you dragged my mother in all of it and sort of just... laughed it off... You should burn in fucking hell for this!" And I think I will, I couldn’t even believe myself, this was not like me... Well it was like me, but a bit over the top, don’t you think?

"I was the one who was supposed to hate you, fucking hell..." She got up with a heavy sigh escaping her lips. Was she holding out a hand for me or was she about to slap me as soon as I try to get to my feet? "Oh come on, stop being so miserable... a chick just kicked your ass..."

"So you know," I took her hand, getting to my feet, "You didn’t kick my ass... You kicked my ribs and probably crushed my—"

"Jesus f—" You may ask what happened? Well I have no fucking clue, suddenly all went white and moments later, when I opened my eyes we were already at the very bottom of the hill. Well... shit.

"Meg?" A grunt left me as I tried boosting myself up. My fucking back... Jesus that hurt and people wondered why I hate snow. This thing’s like a gigantic booby trap. "Meg... I think I broke something... call Jason so they get us the fuck out of here..." So now she’s playing the silent card on me? In times like these? Really? And I’m supposed to be the dick. "Megan?"