King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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I’m a wild child, baby…

If he thought I was this easy, he had a serious another thing coming. I’m done pretending like his words just blow over my head, when in all honesty, they make me go on a crazy chipmunk rampage and violate every remaining strand of my already lost sanity. And that’s what happened now... Fine, maybe it was just a mere coincidence him stepping on that patch of ice and me having wet gloves, but hell, once he went rolling down the hill there was no turning back. I mean, I wasn’t crazy you know. I wasn’t wearing no mountain climbing boots (not that I even had a pair) to get back up this icy knoll, if out of pure madness I’d decided to go down for him. My soles were solidly flat. And I’m not gonna pretend to be a hero for some asshole.

Although I don’t deny he looked kind of cute, trying to get out of that massive snow-bank. The snow suited him, especially when it got behind his collar. "Hills!" I heard him shout, once he had gotten to his feet and saw me turning around and managing my way back to the road. Fuck, I hated winter... Only making my way to the road took me at least five minutes. And chillax, if the hill would’ve been that steep, I probably would’ve thrown him some crackers to survive the night, but knowing it wasn’t that high, even for him and his beer belly, it would take roughly a half an hour to get back up. A good cardio that’s what this all was. And to think I don’t take care of the people around me, sure I do. A bit of workout would do good for him.

"Hey, Meg, have you seen Knox?" As soon as I was back on the snow covered roadway, Jason threw a lazy snowball at me.

"Yup," I popped the ‘p’, fishing my earphones out of the pocket, "Went rolling down that hill..."

"What?" Jason chuckled confusedly while coming towards me. He was all covered in snow from head to toe, but it didn’t seem like that gave him any bother. This was the first when I saw some redness in those cute dimpled cheeks. He was one handsome man and surprisingly a single one. "You didn’t push him now... did you?"

"Push him?" I untangled the wiring, before plugging the earphones to my phone, "Nah, I’m too lazy for that."

"So he fell down and you just left him there?"

"Yeah, I guess..." I shrugged. Oh don’t look so surprised, Hunter, you know this was inevitable. I put the earphones in, "And now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to get myself a good cup of hot chocolate. See you at the resort,"

I saw him open his mouth to say something, but my thumb was faster. I hit the ‘play’ button a second before Jason came up with probably one of his lectures saying we’re adults and we should act like ones, but hey, dude, you’re the one who’s looking like Olaf, not me. A fucking snowman, like really... Grow up, man. "Toodaloo," I waved my gloved hand, before heading off to the resort.

The song which was blasting through my ear-buds probably wasn’t one I would listen to on daily basis, but god, this is what you get when Ian does his little talent hunt, blasting some annoying music throughout the bus each day every day. No Rage against Machine or Metallica for the Beautiful Wasteland anymore, it was all r’n’b and some lousy rap tunes now. "’Cause I’m a wild child, sitting on my throne... going all out, going for broke..." I hummed under my breath as I walked the empty road. The song was fucking catchy, I can give her credit for that, but it just felt like this pop shit wasn’t her thing... Juliet Simms and her raspy voice would be great in a rock band, and it seemed Ian had realized the same thing, ‘cause he was very dedicated with making her a once in a lifetime offer. What was the offer? Heck, I don’t even think Ian himself knows it yet.

Okay, enough with pop... What’s next on our playlist? Hallelujah? Yeah, fuck that, Shadow Veil? Weeelll... Okay, let’s leave it. Even tho I imagined I was punching Ryan’s face every time I heard that melodic riff fade underneath Jason’s voice, it was hard not to enjoy a beat this solid. Why didn’t they have a new record? And why the hell were they on this tour with a band who’s basically just raised up from the dirt?

They could do much better than this... Ryan... He could do so much better than this. After all that happened at the New Year’s eve... After the show.. I told myself... No, I promised I won’t miss him, but I still could feel him. With every inch of my body I could still feel him. The feeling... It felt like he had crawled under my skin and each time I met those wonderful blues... God, I didn’t have it in me to hate him, but I had to. We couldn’t be together. Even as friends. I couldn’t just stand around and pretend like it didn’t hurt when I saw him with a different girl each night... It was ripping me apart.


How could he give up on us so easily? How could he look me in the eye and tell me I’m the only one?

I hadn’t even noticed how I got to the resort and had no idea how I wound up in the downstairs bar with a very Californian looking guy having his eyes on me, but it was nice being in a place which was warm... and dry. The bartender seemed way too tan to be from around here. He stopped polishing a glass and turned to me, "My attention is all yours," He smirked.

With a heavy sigh, I flunked myself on one of the bar stools, before throwing my gloves on the counter and looking over the whiskey bottles behind him. "I’m thinking something... irish... Maybe the irish coffee?"

"Certainly, but before that, can I have a look at your ID?" Okay? Slightly taken aback, but fine. Last time anyone carded me was when I was twelve, so here I am, staring the guy in the eye with a confused smile on my lips, hoping that was a joke, since my wallet was in my bag and my bag was supposed to be just on its way here.

"Would you believe me if I told you I forgot it in my bag?"

"And where is your bag?"

"On its way here? Shit, that sounded lame... I really don’t know what to tell you, man..." He braced his forearms on the counter, looking me closely in the eye, with a playful smirk on his face. "No one has asked me for my ID since Slash went sober," And that was true. I never had to worry about getting in bars simply because there was only one place I would go either way – Hatfield’s saloon and I’d be damned if the old Hatfield wouldn’t let me in or drive my underage drunk ass back home, when the cops showed up. "Okay, fine... then make me a hot chocolate..."

"You’re giving up so easily?" He chuckled, cocking an eyebrow.

"Dude, I know how this goes... Without an ID I can tell you whatever and you still wouldn’t pour me a shot of Patron even if I flashed you my tits. I know this shit, I used to work in a strip club."

"Is that so?"

"Just... make the damned hot chocolate," I laughed, realizing how that sounded.

"I thought you wanted coffee," He chuckled lightly as he walked over to make me the drink.

"Okay, whatever... Just make me something..." Before I embarrass myself even more. The cold weather was obviously getting to me, I couldn’t even think straight. The bartender placed a cup of black coffee in front of me, before leaning for the bottle of Jameson. What the hell was he doing? I thought I needed to show an ID to get something reasonable around here. He added the liquor to my coffee whilst taking a shot glass and pouring one for himself.

"You look like the kind of girl who doesn’t like the cream, so..." He clinked the shot glass against the side of my cup, "Cheers!" I- I didn’t like what exactly? Oh... cream...

"So... What’s a Californian like you doing out here in cold and boring Minnesota? And don’t tell me you’re here for the slopes, ‘cause I know you’re not,"

"What makes you think I’m from California?" I took a sip feeling his blue eyes on me, watching my every movement.

"Well, for starters you seem to be a bit too laid-back to be from Minnesota or anywhere else for that matter,"

"Me? Laid-back?" I laughed. That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard all day!

"How much pairs of jeans you have?"

"Excuse me?" My eyebrows shot up as I saw the corner of his lips rise.

"Just... answer..."

"Well... uhmm... two..." And those ones too were ripping apart. I tell you man, this fucking tour is nuts, I’ve ripped apart even my good pair of jeans.

"And what about shorts?"

"Three... or four?" I wasn’t really the short type of person. Since Raven McQueen came in my life, I was either all about leather or something short and barely covering my ass.

"Either you’re very poor or you walk around butt naked." Hey, bud, I know you’re considering the third option, just spill it and you won’t be far from the truth. I’d dug myself a very deep pit already by saying I worked in a strip club.

"Dude you just hit the bullseye."

"What does OCHSA stand for?"

"Orange County Highschool of the Arts?" Or was it the horse thing? I’m always confusing those two.

"What is the capital?"

"Sacramento... Shit, Washington D.C..." Well, fuck, he got me. I couldn’t bare, but to chuckle on how hard he tried to see me have this tiny slip up. " Okay, you got me,"

"Pretty, Californian and surprisingly not a Valley girl. Where have you been all my life?"

"Oh, pal, you really don’t wanna know that." I took a mouthful, before deciding to look around and see this place completely empty. Where was everyone? Oh right, it’s half past too early in the o’clock and none decides to switch freezing their ass off on the hill for a delightful chat with the hot bartender. What was it with me and them? It seemed like I would fall for everyone who made me a drink.

"Viper, I found Twinks!" I heard Scott shout from behind my back. Oh no, not them... Please, just go away. But no... He along with the whole crew decided to come and kill my vibe.

"Here," Jason came up from behind and dropped my wallet on the counter, "I figured you’ll need this since I wasn’t gonna drag your heavy suitcase all the way up that fucking hill,"

"Thanks," I took the black leather piece and instantly pulled out a twenty dollar bill to pay for my drink, "But where’re Chris, Frank... Bailey or anyone for that matter?"

"They went for the slopes," Boyd answered, ordering himself a bottle of Corona.

"Are you joking? There’s no way in hell I’ll believe Bailey’s freezing her ass off sliding down that slope,"

"She’s not," Jason smiled, ordering himself a black coffee. "She’s checking in and claimed she won’t come out of the room unless somebody carries her out," Oh right, shit... I completely forgot I had to check in with the reception, but what’s the rush, I think they’ll get a room for my lovely self if only I ask sweetly.

"Okay, we’re gonna go sit by the window, you’re joining us, Meg?" Jason took his coffee, shooting me a look over his shoulder, as the rest of the guys made them comfy in the booth.

"Nah, I’ll finish the drink and probably just go for a walk or something."

"Oh, okay, see you later."

The cup raised to my lips and I downed the remainders of my coffee as I got down from the stool. I noticed the bartender attending some other customers, who out of a pure miracle just happened to be two blonds with very good boob jobs. Well, of course, he’s a fucking bartender. I smiled to myself, realizing that’s what dragged me to them. They were assholes and I happened to love assholes. As I was shoving my gloves in my pockets, the bartender turned to me, "Leaving so soon?"

"One drink is the limit," I smirked lightly, knowing my words were far from true, but truth be told, the coffee was bitter and the whiskey not really there. Sure the guy was smoking hot, but as a bartender? Let’s just say I’ll return after me and Bails will empty a bottle of Jagermeister and my taste buds would go completely numb.

"What’s your name?"

"Megan," But I’m sure you won’t remember it either way.

"It was a pleasure, Megan," He flashed me a sexy grin and I was a moment away from rolling my eyes, but nevertheless I just laughed it off.

"Yeah, take care... uhmm..."


"Connor." I nodded, tasting the name. With a smile on my lips I took my wallet and decided to go on an adventure around the resort. Starting with checking in. No way, there’s a fucking line? Okay, let’s just stand behind this tall dude, who seemed to be dripping.

"A reservation for King," Oh... shit. Just... just back off, carefully let’s just walk away.

"Miss? You can come here," A girl addressed me. Well I’ll be damned, they had a two person reception... I caught a glimpse of Ryan’s face and not even the cleavage of the receptionist brought a smirk on his face. Shit, he was really angry. Okay, fine, maybe he doesn’t notice me. I moved my way to the girl with a very fake smile on her lips. "Welcome to Lutsen. How may I help you?"

"Yeah, I... I’ll need a room," I stated in a hushed voice.

"Do you have a reservation?" Hell, how the fuck should I know that? I wasn’t the one making arrangements around here. Pat was the one who took care of these things.

"I’m sorry to say mister King, but the suite you made a reservation for recently had been flooded," There goes Ryan’s composure. I damn well knew what that heavy sigh and the pinching of the nose meant.

"Look, I’m having a really bad day, so just set me up with whatever," His golden American express landed on the counter. The wide smile that grew on the receptionist’s face as she picked up the credit card... hell I couldn’t have missed that even if I was blind. Ryan’s eyes lowered on some booklet.

"Miss?" The receptionist repeated.

"Oh yeah, sorry... I don’t know. Can you check under ... Hills?" I whispered.

"As in H-I-L-L-S?" Yes baby, spell it louder! It’s not like the only guy I’m avoiding is standing beside me. With the corner of my eye, I noticed him finally spotting me. His jaw clenched, which was never a good sign. "No miss, I’m sorry to inform there isn’t a reservation on your name."

"Then just set me up with something..."

"That’s not possible, miss, we’re booked until next week." What? I mean... What?! Ryan just flashed his golden express in front of big tits over there and he got himself a room and now she’s saying they’re booked? Knowing the Noirs were the only people I saw in this goddamned place? Booked my ass!

"Can you, please, check if there is something?" I asked, starting to get really mad. And don’t you roll your eyes on me, receptionist-lady...

"For how long will you be staying mister King?"

"Two days."

"Okay, I’ve managed to set you up with a similar request. It will be 726$ for a day, concluding in 1452$ overall..." How much? Hell, then I’m better off sleeping in the bus. Over a thousand bucks seemed a bit pricey for two nights, don’t you think?

As I turned my head to look at Ryan, I saw him sigh heavily. "Do you come along with the suite too?"

"Excuse me, sir?"

"Why the hell is it so expensive?" He rubbed his face angrily, before turning back to the receptionist.

"Miss, I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do for you. We’re full, the only suite we have left is a lux, costing 850$ a day," My eyes went wide. Excuse me, but did I hear right? Nearly a grand for me just using the bed and the bathroom? You had to be fucking kidding me...

"Will you be taking it, sir?"

"I’m here, aren’t I? Does it seem like I have any other option?" He glared at the girl.

"Very well... sir," I swear she was on the verge of breaking down in tears. Even I couldn’t deny I felt myself shudder when he gave me a second of his glare.

He sighed heavily, before speaking, "Add miss Hills lux to my expenses."

...wait, what?