King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Wrong side of heaven

As I was about to start shaving my legs, I heard a knock on my door. "Room service," A deep voice notified. Well... fuck. Can’t a girl get a bit of privacy around here? Quickly I wrapped a towel around myself and walked up to the door.

My hand rested on the door handle, before I checked myself to see if I wasn’t showing things that needn’t to be showed. Nope, all was in place. Knock, knock, knock. I’m already here, okay? I was about to open the door just to tell the guy to fuck off, but instead I was slightly taken aback seeing who was standing in front of me.

"...Connor?" I frowned, confused.

"It seems I’ve came in a bad time," A smirk lingered on his lips as he eyed me from head to toe and back.

"No... Not at all... I was just... having a bath," And about to shave my legs, but that’s okay, I can pretend to be the caveman for another fifteen minutes, but how the hell did he find me? "What are you doing here? And don’t play the room service card on me, I know you’re a bartender and I didn’t order anything..."

"Actually I’m a mechanic," He smiled, looking at me through his dark eyelashes. Well no wonder why my drink sucked balls... "May I come in?"

"Yeah... yeah, sure," I stepped away from the door, gesturing for him to take a seat or whatever.

"Can I offer you something? I’m sure I could find a tea pot and coffee somewhere around here, or maybe something stronger?" ‘Cause I was pretty sure my neighbor next door had at least a half empty bottle of Laphroaig. I fixed the towel, realizing he’s not gonna take a seat. Instead he stopped right in front of me. Uhmm... I wasn’t certain how I was supposed to feel about this. Sure I liked bartenders and all and not only once I had had some intimacy with them, but now were nowhere near a bar and he just confessed to be a mechanic.

"You really don’t remember me..."

"Uhmm..." Was I supposed to? The only mechanic I knew was my uncle and he didn’t look neither fifty six years old, nor he looked like a particular Bobby. Kinda freaked me out a bit. "Maybe if you’d reminded me what’s your surname—"

"Lightwood." Lightwood, Lightwood...

"As in the same Connor Lightwood I used to torment in high school? The same who stood me up at the prom night?" Holly shit! I thought I’d seen those deceitful blue eyes somewhere.

"Sorry..." He apologized with a light smirk on his lips.

"Holly hell, man," I went for a hug with one arm still holding my towel from falling off, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"My dad owns this place," He said simply, finally taking a seat on the couch. "One of his bartenders had to go away for a bit, so he asked if I couldn’t work for a week or two."

"I’m a bit lost here... Your dad owns this bigass resort, probably has millions if not billions and you’re a mechanic." He started laughing. No, this guy was really crazy. I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him right away, he has a scar on his forehead, the one which I’m responsible for, for christ sake!

"What can I say...? I like fixing things,"

"Speaking of fixing, I think I need to fix myself a bit of clothes." I smiled. And as soon as I was about to turn around and go back in the bathroom, the front door opened revealing Ryan, holding a bouquet of crimson roses. He stopped midtrack, his hand on the handle as soon as he noticed Connor.

"Uhmm, sorry, I didn’t know you had company," He said with a frown, looking over me.

"That’s what knocking’s for, Knox." I sighed, realizing he’s back to his old game. I can’t believe how fast this all happens with him, he arrives to a place, a couple of hours and he already has a date. Just... fuck me. Why is it all so easy for him? "Did you want something?"

"No," He whispered, shaking his head, eyes still on Connor, "Nothing particular."

"Nice flowers... Have a date?" Fucking already?

"Uhmm..." It seemed like he noticed the bouquet he was holding just now. He frowned, looking over the roses, "Ye-yeah... I came to ask..."

"Ask what, King?" Spit it, ‘cause it’s getting a bit cold standing only in a towel.

He squinted his eyes for a second, before sighing and pulling his best smile over his lips, "No, nothing... It’s not important, I guess I’ll just come over later..."

"...Okay?" And with that he just left. Leaving my eyes lingering on the door and thinking what the hell just happened here.

"He seemed like he was going to kill me," Connor stated, "Who was that?"

Who was that? Not the proper question. What was that? Because I had no explanations of what the hell just happened here. Since when does Ryan buy flowers for his dates? On normal occasions his dates were the ones to buy him some little craps, hoping each time he’d look at those tiny pieces of shit, he’d remember about them. Too bad he usually got rid of the souvenirs by just giving them to me. I mean, hey, I don’t judge, a miniature Porsche is a miniature Porsche... And it looks fucking awesome on my bedroom shelve along with all the other expensive shit he’s received through the years. "I guess... my ex..."

Ryan’s POV

I can’t believe it, I simply fucking can’t believe it! The hell I went through to get this fucking bouquet and she’s in there with another guy? I mean... fuck... really? That blue towel was the only thing keeping the dude from pinning her to the wall and taking her without regrets. Trust me, I know.

The only guy who was supposed to see her like that was me! It was hard as it is looking after her when she hit the stage, I swear each night it got worse and I was left just to stand there, in the backdrops, getting drunk on vodka and figuring how many heads will I be tearing off if all those guys actually decide to come on to her.

Fuck! My hand hit the nearby wall, before I heard a shrill voice, "Are you okay... sir?"

I looked over my shoulder and saw a girl who I most probably would’ve fucked even being sober. God, that maid’s outfit and those concerned big blue eyes, not even speaking about the rocking body underneath all the layers. I shook my head – not this time. "Here," I pushed the bouquet in her hands, before pulling up to my door.

"T-thank you... sir..." She thanked as I pushed the door open. I can’t believe I just gave the maid a bouquet worth two hundred bucks... And I can’t believe I paid two hundred bucks for fifty stems of stupidity. Who even thinks up these ridiculous prices? And what kinda moron even buys them? Well, I guess a moron like me, who’s fucked up way too many times to get through with a simple ‘sorry’.

As I walked back in my room, I heard their laughter through the wall... Fuck, this’s gonna be a long night. I turned the tv on, before throwing the remote somewhere across the bed and uncorking the bottle of Laphroaig. I poured myself a glass, before taking a seat on the bed, fixing my eyes on the tv. "...the penguins were beautiful and at this point I didn’t care if a leopard seal came and killed me, I was living the dream..."

"Penguins are cute and shit, but if you cooked one, I’d eat it..." I took a big swig, letting the liquid pleasantly burn my throat. Shit, I couldn’t be here all alone, drinking and looking at penguins... What was I a sixty-something alcoholic? I pulled my phone out, before dialing up Jason’s number and placing the phone between my shoulder and ear as I flipped through the channels, stopping on ‘E!’. I just hoped he hadn’t called and asked Meg about the dinner, since the whole idea was for me to be the prince charming, give her the expensive bouquet, ask her out and live happily ever after. Too bad I kinda suck at planning this shit. "Come on, pick up Jason, I shouldn’t be here all alone..." Right when Meg has a guy behind the wall. I took the phone back in my hand and emptied my glass.

As I got to my feet to get a refill, the tv caught my attention, "...turns out the rock ‘n’ roll sweethearts aren’t as sweet as everyone thought them to be. Midnight Noir’s guitarist Devious Knox and his girlfriend Raven McQueen has been seen openly arguing after one of the Beautiful Wasteland shows. We had mis McQueen on the phone the other day telling it was nothing more than a simple joke gone bad--"

"Shit, Jason, pick up, I’m not supposed to be seeing this," I breathed out, still hearing the annoying beeping sound as my eyes fixed upon Meg’s picture. Not when Ed Sheeran’s Make it Rain is blasting behind the wall.

"Yeah, I’m sorry you guys had to experience it, but we were just joking... you know drinking and messing around. We’re used to picking on each other, but I guess there was a bit too much of the booze and we took it too far and I apologize for that both on my and Knox’s behalf—"

"Yo, Knox, what’s up?" Finally Jason picked up and I swear I was about to flip out of my mind if I don’t get my mind off Meg. She apologized on her and my behalf? What was she... mother Theresa? I was the one who was supposed to fix this thing, since I was the one responsible for it in the first place. I switched the channel back to National Geographic.

"Viper, I need a distraction," I said, before ditching the glass and taking the bottle to drink from the neck.

"What’s wrong?" He sounded concerned.

"I can’t take this anymore, I’m drinking and looking at fucking penguins... mating," The bottle landed on the table with a thud.

I heard him sigh, "I’ll be right over..."

"No... No..." I pinched the bridge of my nose, realizing it won’t be a good idea to stay here, "Meet me at the foyer in five..."