King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Dirty little girl

Ryan's POV

"You can leave the bottle here, sweetheart," Jason winked as the bartender came to refill our shots. I wasn’t planning on drinking Patron, knowing it leads to blackouts ten times out of nine, but that probably was the best case scenario – the one where I blacken out and don’t do anything outrageously stupid. "So what you’re saying, Knox, is you caught her with another dude..."

"It’s not like they were doing anything, but-" I downed the shot, before hitting it back against the counter, "fuck, Viper, she was standing there only in a towel while the dude was eye fucking her. I’m surprised I didn’t lose my shit right then and there."

"And you? What did you do?" He asked, refilling my shot.

"Me?" I snorted, "I stood there like a dick with a bouquet of roses, not being able to tell her anything..."

"So... you didn’t know the guy..." It was more of a statement then a question.

"Of course not, why should I know him?" usually I wasn’t the one to get to know people of the same sex, just like every other male, I was attracted to girls, so no. I didn’t know the guy.

"You remember how the dude looked like?"

"Yeah..." I raised the shot to my lips, before wincing to the taste, "Like soon to be fucking dead." I nearly smashed the glass against the counter, forcing the bartender to look back at us. My hand shot up, in an apologetic gesture. She smiled, before returning to ... the shit that those barmaids do I guess.

"Okay, calm down, Dev, I believe there’s a good reason behind all of it... We both know Meg doesn’t simply fuck any stranger she meets," Jason tried reasoning, but to no avail. The only thing that kept my mind busy besides the buzz of the booze was the picture of the guy taking Meg from behind. Jesus Christ, I was boiling with rage and it seemed like not even these shots of Patron could calm me down.

"A good reason, Viper?" I snapped, angrily biting on a slice of lemon, "I have a reason for you – she’s over me. End of the fucking story." Man, I haven’t been this heartbroken like... never. Not even when Lillian told she wants a divorce. Back then I kinda played it off with large amounts of liquor, but now... It didn’t even seem like the booze was helping with the matter.

"I don’t even know what to say, man..." Jason sighed, downing a shot. Yeah, neither did I. My hands rubbed over my face and I was on the verge of breaking down. Like... really breaking down... in tears and shit.

Come on, pull yourself together, man!

I pinched the bridge of my nose. You’re not gonna cry because of some girl... some girl who happens to mean more than my rotten egoistical cheating self. The hardest part of holding on really seemed to be just... letting go.

"Dude I’m so done," I finally said, looking him in the eye, trying to focus my drunk vision on his dimples. "I’m too old for this shit and yes, I know I’ve said that before, but now I really mean it. I’m not twenty three anymore, plus Kathy claims to be pregnant with my kid, which I know isn’t true, but I think I need to take responsibility for once..."

What the hell was he smiling about? "You mean no fucking around and all that crap..."

"Well..." I don’t have a girl, so I have to have my release somewhere. Oh hey, that barmaid’s looking really cute and is it just me or her cleavage is really inviting me to have another round? Shit, no, fucking stop. No girls... no fucking around. I sighed. "Yeah... I’ve heard a celibate is the new trend right now…"

"I don’t think that word’s in your vocabulary," A melodic laughter rang behind me. I didn’t have to turn around and check, since Jason had that deceitful smirk on his face. Shit, he did this! I guess payback’s a bitch, huh? The previous time when me and Meg "broke up" he had pulled the same fucking trick, only with me appearing from nowhere.

"I swear Jason, one day I’m gonna kick your ass..." I glared at him, refilling my glass and emptying it right away. I didn’t want to look at her, I didn’t want to see those beautiful eyes, because in this state I’d lose my cool in a matter of seconds.

"So now you’re ignoring me?" She questioned and with the corner of my eye I could see her wearing her stage outfit. Jesus christ, she really wanted to kill me... I couldn’t deny it tho, she had killer legs. "Okay, whatever... Hi Jason,"

"Hi, and don’t mind him, he’s just having a tantrum," A tantrum? Really? A fucking tantrum? I’m fucking drunk, I know that, so maybe there’s a bit of lost connections with the reality, but I can assure this was not a tantrum. I saw the way he looked over her and I swear, I was gonna break his jaw if his eyes drop to her cleavage once more.

"Is that so..." I felt her stare burn a hole in the back of my head. Why was she even here? What the hell happened to her boy-toy? "Sucks to be me I guess, ‘cause I needed to speak to mister Knox here..."

"Yeah, good luck with that," Jason laughed, getting off the stool. I frowned, realizing he’s leaving me.

"Where the fuck are you going?" I mouthed angrily. He better not be leaving me with Hills all alone, ‘cause right now I don’t know what I was capable of.

"Chillax, dude, I’m going to the toilet," Yeah and somehow it seems like you’re not gonna return, but that’s just my suspicious self talking.

"Okay, since you’re ignoring me, this might take a while..." She stripped off her jacket as she took Jason’s previous place. No, god put that leather piece back on! Goddammit, she was wearing something I’ve seen only in porn, you know those lacy lingerie dress type corsagey things? Well, yeah, she had only that. And Stockings. She refilled Jason’s glass before downing it in one. "Shit…I hate tequila," She winced, biting down on her knuckle. Oh my god... I couldn’t believe no one had actually raped her while she was here, ‘cause I was very close to doing that.

"What do you want, Meg?" I finally asked, a heavy sigh escaping my lips, as I took the bottle.

"I want to know why you stormed out like that and why the hell did I see a maid going home with that fucking bouquet..." She was really trying to get my attention, ha, no fucking luck. If I wanted to remain here, on this stool and not pinning her to the counter, then she might want to cover herself with something or do anything for me not to look at her.

"And I want a flying pony," I finally looked at her, trying to focus my vision only on her smoky eyes, "but we don’t always get what we want."

True. Me, in particular. And right now I may have figured I don’t need the things that I want.

"Ryan... I thought we were back to being friends..." She said with a frown on her face. "You’re sitting here, getting fucking wasted and you can’t tell me what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Look... I’m an asshole, okay? But what’s your excuse?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," and with that let’s take a shot, before continuing, "am I talking to Meg or McQueen?"

"Is there a difference?"

"Well... Once you told me you can’t stand being around Devious Knox, you know what? I can tell you the same damn thing only in a slightly different arrangement... I can’t stand being around Raven McQueen." And that was the truth and no that wasn’t the liquor talking. If I don’t do something about my boner, I’ll be having very severe blue balls syndrome.

"What are you saying, King?"

"I can’t be friends with you!" I exclaimed, "Don’t you get it? I’m a dick, I’ve checked out more than three girls since you’re here, and considered taking you on this counter more than three times..."I could already imagine the look she gave me, not even looking at her, "You think this’s Dev Knox talking? No, baby, that’s me talking and since you’re a tease and the only thing you happen to do so perfectly is give me blue balls... I don’t think we should be friends anymore, Meg."

"Well that’s unfortunate," Suddenly her hand was on my groin and she breathed in my ear. Her lips slid across my cheek and lingered a good inch from mine, before her tongue slid over her upper lip. I wasn’t sure what to do... We were sitting in a bar and she was rubbing my crotch. Normally I fantasize about these kind of things as for now? This was reality and there could be a journalist sitting right at that table across from us, "Because, baby, Meg’s not here..."

"Don’t tease," I said, feeling her hand on my dick. Holly shit...

"I feel like we should find a more private spot," She smirked as she pulled her leather jacket back over her shoulders and I threw a couple of dollar bills across the counter, hoping it would be enough for the half-finished bottle.

Believe it or not, but my dirtiest, most unhygienic fantasy came true - we wound up in the bathroom of the bar. She pushed me in the booth, kicking the door shut. Meg dropped to her knees, unzipping my pants and taking my dick in her slender fingers and once it got to her mouth, I had to hold on to the walls as a moan escaped me, "fuck..." Jesus Christ, what the hell was she doing to me... since when did she knew how to deep throat? "No, that’s enough, get up," My hand slid into her hair and tugged on it lightly. A playful smirk played on her lips as she wiped the corners of her mouth.

I couldn’t bear, but to crash my lips against hers in a thirsty kiss. Fucking hell, I hadn’t kissed her for so long. My hands slid down her sides and pulled up her dress. Now this is what I’m talking about, she should be wearing this shit all day every day.

Her hands rested on my shoulders as my fingers pulled her underwear aside, feeling how wet she was for me. I couldn’t hide the smirk which was creeping on my lips, "You’re soaking wet..." I whispered, sliding a finger inside her. Oh so she was gonna play tough? She looked me right in the eye and grinned widely. Fine, if that’s the way she wanna play it. I added a second finger and still I couldn’t get a moan out of her. You asked for this... I pulled out my fingers and held her up, before crashing inside her.

"Fuuuck..." She screamed, hiding her face in the nape of my neck, before tugging on my hair. " Ryan!" She breathed while holding on to the wall with one arm. I can’t describe how sexy she looked throwing her head back like that. As I was about to turn her around and take her from behind, a fucking flash blinded me.

"What the fuck was that?"