King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Two bottles deep

Ryan’s POV

I can’t believe she wasn’t talking to me, I simply can not fucking believe it! What the hell did I do this time? If she was mad about the leaked photo, then I have to say something for my defense- she was all fucking over me! She took the advantage of me, not the other way around, for christ sake!

Suddenly our bus came to halt, making me crash my head against the wall. "What the-" I opened the curtain of my bunk to see what’ the commotion about.

"Where did you learn to drive, asshole?!" Scott screamed from his bunk. Somebody’s clearly having an even worse day than me. Well no wonder, the dude got in a major fight last night with his girl since he didn’t want her on tour with us, which led to him emptying a bottle of Stolichnaya all by himself.

"What’s up, Jason? Is everything’s okay?" Jason asked, making his way to the front of the bus.

"We’re picking up a passenger, so behave you back there," Jason replied as I got out of my bunk. Behave? Wasn’t I always on my best behavior, when someone hot was around?

"Great, just fucking... great," Scott sighed, before putting his earbuds in and getting back to his laptop. What kind of passenger were we talking about right now? I just hoped this passenger was smoking hot and could make me forget about Meg’s tight little-

"Ian..." Jason sounded confused, seeing the Beautiful Wasteland producer hop on our bus. There goes my hope... "What the hell are you doing here, man?"

"I can’t take them anymore," he muttered, throwing his bag on the couch as I managed my way up to him and Jason. "I just... They all are simply a bunch of dicks..."

"Who the hell are you talking about?" I questioned scratching the back of my head.

"The Wasteland, man," He sighed as he sat down, "Especially Bailey, I swear if she wasn’t a girl, I’d-" he wrapped his arms around thin air in a choking gesture. I laughed. What the hell had Harris done this time, other by simply working her charms on people.

"Join the club, dude," Jason let out a light chuckle, fixing him a drink, "But what the hell did she do to piss you off this much?"

"It’s more of what didn’t she do..." he sighed. "I swear they are the worst band I’ve had to tour with in my whole fucking life...."

"Okay, tell me more," I laughed as I sat down, Jason handing glasses both to me and Ian. I mean, they couldn’t be that bad, I’d lived for a particular asset of the band for quite some time and it wasn’t that big of a deal.

"They’re just... argh!" He exclaimed, bringing the glass to his lips.

"Oh come on, spill it, you know we’re here for a fun story," I smiled, tasting the bourbon. And it sounded to be like hella story to me.

"There’s nothing fun about it. They’re just a bunch of egocentric assholes." And that’s the producer speaking.

"Well that’s clearly nothing new," I laughed, watching him.

"Okay, maybe the rest of them aren’t that bad, even tho Chris runs around butt naked most of the time, Meg has her haircare shit plastered all over the place and Frank goes ape shit if he doesn’t get his Lucky Charms, but hell Bailey is truly a piece of work..."

"Man, don’t leave us hangin’, just tell us what she did," Jason implied, taking a seat next to me.

"I just can’t take her bitchy attitude anymore. She’s drunk twenty four hours of the day and if she’s not, then she’s probably more hangover than alive and pissed at everyone. Hell, I mean, respect for you man, I can’t quite figure out how you can put up with her shit, ‘cause I clearly can’t". Ian fixed his eyes on Jason. Yeah, none of us understood that, not even Jason himself.

"Am I hearing things about Bailey Harris?" Scott decided to join the party, an enthusiastic grin on his face.

"You are and maybe you have a story to share about any of the Wasteland’s members?" Jason asked. What was this? Let’s shit talk my ex’s band? "You know, to cheer up our guest here."

"Me? Knox should be the one to know shit. He’s been living with Meg for months."

"Yeah, Dev, tell us something about your... Meg." Jason smirked. Since when we were shit talking people? Like a bunch of chicks. I mean, all’s good as long as you don’t involve me in this shitparade.

"Ahh... I don’t know guys... This seems like a bad idea," A bad idea? A bad fucking idea? More than like a recipe for disaster!

"Oh come on, we’re all friends here," Scott implied, a naughty smirk on his face. So Midnight Noir turned out to be a bunch of gossiping dicks, what a surprise, huh?

"Yeah, tell us something," Dipshit’s here too? Jesus Christ... Did this mean we’re getting old and this is what we’ll be when we’re sixty? Gossiping our way through the remainders of our days?

"Just a small peak," Jason fixed his eyes on me as did the rest of the band.

"You’re not fucking serious about this..." I eyed each and every one of them, but they just remained as enthusiastic as before, "Fine... Meg’s a pain in the ass if that’s what you wanna hear," But I kinda liked the pain.

"Be more specific," Boyd kept on going,

"Guys, I-I really don’t wanna talk about it..."

"What’s the matter, Devious Knox going soft?" Boyd laughed and I swear never before had I wanted to actually punch the dude this fiercely.

"Are you kidding me?" I shot back, a glare emphasizing my words. "Okay, short-shit, let’s hear something about your girl."

"Who? Lacey?" He asked a frown on his face. Gee, I don’t know, maybe he had a different chick, but god knew that ain’t happening since you can’t spell bass without ass. "She has a really bad morning breath," He shrugged like it was nothing.

"What about you, Scott?"

"My Meaghan screams like a pornstar through sex and has this birthmark on her ass, which can get very distracting at times," Scott added, also shrugging. "And she’s fucking pissed at me, because I don’t want her around you assholes."

"Like we’d do anything to her," Jason said.

"Speak for yourself, dude." I smirked into my drink, knowing very well she wasn’t my type. I just liked messing with Corbie. Like blond, young and looks almost like the exact copy of Tracy? Dude, not for me. It’s clear he’s still not over his ex-wife, although he hasn’t really talked about her since their divorce, instead he wound up with a Tracy nr. 2.

"Knox..." Jason warned me.

"Oh come on, have I ever looked at, let alone touched any of your girls? And before you, Viper, say anything - for my own defense, I thought Amanda was Lillian," I said pointing out to that one time when I was too drunk to even sleep off my drunkenness and kinda slammed my lips against Amanda. I was horny and drunk and I thought she was my wife.

"Okay, whatever, either way it’s your turn, dude." Jason replied.

"What? And what happened to your turn?"

"Right after you, sweetcheeks," He grinned. Sweetcheeks? What the hell, man?

"Fine..." I sighed, "I hate the way Meg looks. Have you seen all the eyefucking she’s receiving from the crowd? I just can’t stand it..."

"You were the first to eyefuck her, man..." Scott laughed,

"Come on, let that shit go, Knox, you know no one’s getting her." Jason added. Was there a hidden – not even you in that sentence, ‘cause that’s what it fucking felt like.

Meg’s POV

When we pulled up to the venue, I really didn’t understand if it was day or night. I passed out shortly after we started drinking our second bottle of Jagermeister and Chris pushed me in an ice cold shower screaming that our set starts in fifteen minutes. I remembered yelling something not too polite until Madison appeared from nowhere and helped me with my clothes and my make-up. Until the very moment I got backstage, I had no idea how I was going to do the show. I didn’t even understand that well that we’re playing a show, I just realized someone’s fixing me up with a guitar and sending off somewhere.

It was until Paul started laughing in his microphone, "What the fuck was that McQueen?"

What was what? Oh great, there goes my guitar pick. Jesus fuck, just don’t fall down, please don’t fall down. I think I need to sit for a bit... yeah, the drum riser looks very appealing.

"So now you’re going to sit through this?" he asked looking back at me. I noticed Luke bringing me a bottle of water which I gladly accepted. "Okay, fine... We might need back up for McQueen. Have anyone of you crazy motherfuckers heard of Up All Night?" The crowd practically blew up in cheers. "Whoa... Cool. Does anyone know Rave’s part?" I couldn’t see that well with all the blinding lights going on, but I think I saw a bunch of hands shooting up. So they’re replacing me... Thank fucking god for that. "Rad, so, since Rave are a couple bottle’s deep, let’s let her chill for this one."

And with that they brought some girl on the stage. I didn’t have the slightest clue of how she looked like, since Luke took the guitar off me and I decided to lay down on the steps of the drum riser. Right in front of everyone. Gee, I wonder what the tabloids will tell about me.

"Okay, Bailey, give us a beat," Was the only thing I managed to hear right after Paul had introduced the girl to the crowd. Soon enough Chris kicked in and I couldn’t deny the girl did a good job with the song.

"Saw a waitress, couldn’t waste it, opportunity knocks and you take it," I put my arm behind my head as Paul sang, taking small gulps of that tasty H2O from time to time.

Somewhere in the middle of the song when I was slowly starting to sober up, the beat went down and it was Chris simply repeating the same riff of the bridge, before Paul spoke up, "Hey, McQueen, you sobered up yet?"

What? He wanted for me to step in for the solo? Fuck no. I waved him off. I’ll let the girl shine, now nail the solo perfectly!

"Ha-ha, okay, I think you’re officially a part of our band now. You ready Ashley?" Oh so she was Ashley. Figures. They turned over to the chorus, "We’re gonna be up all night, doing things your dad won’t like, so far from sober that I have to sleep through my hangover," Ha- no pun intended right? And before I could start really enjoying myself, the song was over.

"That was amazing, thank you for that, sweetheart," Paul hugged her as I jumped to my feet, throwing the empty water bottle over to Luke and Max, before I went to congratulate the girl on her success, but before that I went to the backup mic.

"Now we’ll know who to call when I’m too drunk to play," I smirked, before hugging the girl. She was cute, kinda reminded of a younger version of that Megan Fox chick. She looked up at me, pure bliss in her eyes.

"Thank you," She whispered in my chest. Ermm... okay?

"Hey, you think you wanna hang out with the Midnight guys in the backstage right over there?" I asked as Paul was telling some of his obnoxiously funny stories to the crowd.

"Fuck yeah!" She exclaimed.

"Okay, cool," I replied whilst stripping off my leather jacket and guiding her to Jason, Scott and Ryan. Was it too much of me to say I noticed them just now? Did that make me a bad person? "Hey, guys, can you entertain this cool guitarist while I’m trying to keep up with the bar she’s set for me?"

"Yeah, sure," Jason smiled as she took off the guitar strap and was about to hand it to me, but I stopped her.

"No, you hold on to it, I may wanna jam with you later," I smiled, before searching for Max – one of our super cool technicians, "Max, the Gibson!"

While Max was getting my gun, Ryan pulled me aside, "What the hell is wrong with you? You’re supposed to drink after the fucking show, not before..."

My eyebrow shot up as I chuckled confusedly, before Max brought the guitar and I took off to the stage. Since when he’s become mister goody two shoes? Besides, he didn’t look too sober himself and he still had a show to play, so...

The next songs went nicely, until I got attacked by underwear in the end of The Diary of Mohican.

"That’s a red bra for Raven McQueen," Paul commented a naughty smirk over his lips as a bra landed on my mic stand.

"Man, I really don’t get it... Really? For McQueen? She’s not even into girls..." The crowd laughed along with Chris.

"Well I am now," I took the bra off my mic stand, holding it out in the air for a second, "thank you lady with wonderful tits. I’ll want to see you after the show, okay?" The sea of people started cheering as I threw the bra to Ryan. I had something special in mind for Mister Knox here. He needed to loosen up a bit.

Paul hopped off the elevation, "What the fuck does that sign say, guys?"

"Which one?"

"That one right over there, yeah, honey, hold it up higher, just like that... I have rope…? What the fuck does that mean?"

"I think that’s for Chris, Paul," I chuckled.

"Does that involve some sexual intercourse?"

"Dude, you’ve obviously haven’t read 50 shades of Gray..."

"Well, in that case we have like five minutes after the show," He turned to look at Chris.

He rubbed his nose, smirking, "...I’ll only need one."