King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Something’s just about to break

Holly, shit, here comes yesterday’s skittles... For the last ten minutes I had been crouched over the toilet bowl, throwing up whatever I may had in my stomach. The heat of the stage and the booze didn’t go that well together and I realize it just now. Took some fucking time... At least I didn’t start a puke marathon on the stage, which was nice.

After our set I wasn’t feeling like shit, so we went back to the dressing room us and the Noir’s shared and jammed a bit with Ashley and her friend, who’s name I don’t fucking remember. Right after they left since they were underage and Ashley’s mom told it’s time to go, I’d barricaded myself in the toilet.

I was feeling like the death itself. Why the fuck did I do this to myself? I flushed my stomach contents away and leaned against the door, wiping off my mouth with toilet paper. My head tilted back as I took a deep breath, testing if the vomiting is soon to come. I wasn’t feeling that drunk anymore, yeah, sure my head was still spinning and I was a bit woozy, but in overall, I imagined this was the most sober Bailey has ever been and if she can deal with it, so can I. Up you go, Hills!

But the shit that happened behind this door, kept me in my place. The door of the dressing room flung open and I think someone just broke the couch.

"You’re a fucking dick!" Was that Bailey who was moaning there?

"Don’t tell me you don’t like it..." Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. No! Jason fucking Hunter, don’t do this to me... I don’t need to know how you sound during sex, no! I pressed my ears shut as the grunts and moans just became louder and more powerful.

"Oh, yes, fuck me!" Oh hells no, I’m not gonna listen to that! I got to my feet and opened the door slightly just to see Jason’s bare ass and Bailey’s legs up in the air.

"Oh fuck..." I breathed out. Would they see me? Can I make a run for it? Too many questions, but if I stay here I’m most definitely gonna throw up. Yet again. And I strongly believed if I’d throw up yet another time, I’d die.

Well, I guess it’s now or never. As I made my way to the exit of the dressing room, I was surprised no one even noticed my stumbling over some cords, but then again they were kind of blown away by each other. Either way I didn’t want to remain there, so I ran out of the room and crashed straight in what felt like a wall.

"Whoa, where’s the fire?" Honestly? I think I saw sparks flying between Jason and Bails, but that was none of my business. I had ran into a particular Scott Corbie, who was going someplace with a girl I didn’t know. This didn’t look like his girlfriend, but who was I to judge. But of course he reached for the door handle of the dressing room.

"I’d suggest you don’t go in there,"

"Why? Is dipshit jerking off yet again?" But of course he did open the door, "Holly shit..." he whispered, before closing it. " I’m scarred for life. Why didn’t you warn me? "

I shot him a patient look. You have to be fucking kidding me... The girl who had hooked on his arm, shot an arm in front of her mouth, chuckling lightly.

"Come on Scott, let’s go... We have places to be," The girl tugged on his jacket.

"Yeah, we should head... to that... uhmm... thing," He stammered as her hand disappeared under his shirt. I cocked an eyebrow. Okay, so this is the international hump day, huh? Cool. "See ya’ later, Megan."

"Yeah, have a nice one, C." I smiled for a second until my face dropped as soon as they had turned their backs on me. Stupid Scott Corbie. Never took him for a cheater, but look him go.

"Her name’s Megan?" The last thing I heard, before they disappeared around the corner.

Now, how the fuck do I get out of here? Coming drunk to venues never was a good idea, since most of the time they were just these huge, obnoxiously stupid corridor mazes.

For a good half an hour I was opening and closing doors that lead to fucking nowhere until I stumbled over a certain Devious Knox who had an arm around some chick and was talking to another two chicks. What the actual fuck? None of them was that wonderful tits girl I hooked him up with, they were different ones! Where did the beautiful tits go? Now I was sad. I wanted to motor-boat her so fucking badly...

As I went closer I suddenly realized I don’t understand a single word they’re saying, since they were speaking the language of bimbo’s. How cool was that? Knox knew another language besides speaking plain dick. Who would’ve guessed, right?

"Hey, Knox!" I greeted, sliding my hand in his back pocket as I came up to them. They stopped their conversation to look at me.

"Rave..." He frowned looking down on me, though I was pretty sure he felt my hand even before he heard my greeting, so no need to look that confusedly surprised. And since when did he address me as ‘Rave’? Oh, we’re pretending to be different people in front of these skanks?

"Whacha doing?" I asked silly, a wide smile on my face as I looked up at him, not even minding the ‘oh my god, those shoes clearly don’t go with that face’ kinda looks those chicks were sending me.

They all really didn’t wanna be in my face at the moment, since I was feeling sort a, itsy-bitsy... jealous? No, that’s not the word, I was more of ready to split their skulls open, because I kind of wanted to feel his dick inside me right now not watch him smooth talking his way to bed with a couple of groupies. My hand squeezed his butt cheek since he didn’t respond. Jumpy? I smiled even wider.

"Okay, excuse me girls as I guide Raven outside of here," He said with a glare. Oh puh-lease, he’d spend his precious time with those STD crawling bitches than me? Baloney! "What are you playing at?" He turned me around rather forcefully once we were away any unnecessary eyes.

"I want to fuck you," I shrugged, after stating it oh so casually. As if discussing what kind of sandwich I’d want for breakfast.

"What?" He frowned, "Are you still drunk?"

"I’m pretty certain am not," Since my puking session.

"I’m not falling for this one again," he locked his jaw, narrowing his eyes on me. Angry... momma likey. "Last time we had sex, you didn’t talk to me afterwards."

"Look, I don’t wanna talk to you, I just want that great package of yours between my fucking legs. You’re a guy, you should be easy like that!" I exclaimed and it looked like he was about to hit me.

"Well, guess what, I’m not easy." He hissed.

"Yeah and I’m the pope," I snickered. This guy here... fucking hilarious.

"Whatever," he sighed, before pushing me aside and getting past me. Wait, what?

"You’re turning me down just to fuck those sluts?" I honestly was left speechless. And believe it or not, I wasn’t even embarrassed for him turning me down, I was ready to rip him apart, because I was horny and angry and that wasn’t the best combination to wish for. "You’re such a fucking hypocrite, Ryan!"

"Just look at yourself, Meg... You’re calling those girls sluts, but have you had a look in the mirror lately?" He just stood there, squinting his eyes on me, "Do you remember what you said to me when I brought you to the Long Beach Stadium? I asked if you want to live like me and what did you reply?"

"That was ages ago, how the fuck should I know what I replied if I don’t even know how I got here?" And that was annoying. He kept staring, as if seen me for the first time, "Oh come on I don’t know, yes probably..."

"You said no," What?

"No, I didn’t..." Or did I?

"You didn’t want all of this, because you were afraid you’d turn into me! And guess what, you are the fucking Devious Knox..." He stepped forward, "What’s happening with you? Yeah, I’m a dick, an asshole, a cheating bastard, but what’s your excuse?"

"Excuse for what?"

"Excuse for this!" he exclaimed, pointing at me.

"This is not the Megan I fell in love with, what hap--"

"You fucking made me into this!" I yelled, anxiously running my hand through my locks. He looked taken aback. I caught a glimpse of myself in the glass of some framed vinyl and what was looking back at me, scared the shit out of me. Smudged mascara, paper white skin and huge bags under my eyes. That’s what drinking does to you boys and girls.

"Don’t fucking blame me for what you’ve turned into. I’ve never forced you into something you didn’t want..."

"And what have I turned into, Ryan?" Other than an alcoholic and a plain bitch.

"A pathetic glimpse of what you used to be!"

"A pathetic glimpse..." My eyes widened and I couldn’t finish the sentence. "Boy, you told me, didn’t you?" he didn’t say anything.

"Look... I have to go," Finally he managed to get over his lips, before he turned around and started to walk back from where we came.

"So instead of helping me get better, you’re gonna slam yourself in a bunch of sluts?!" I shouted at his back, but I didn’t get any response. He just walked away. "Well FUCK YOU!"

My eyes dwelled up with tears as I punched the wall. Fuck you...