King of Hills by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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*half an hour ago*

"Baby, we’re pregnant..." She smiled as her hand landed on my shoulder. Slowly, almost hesitantly I moved my head to look at her. Excuse me?

", Kathy... You’re pregnant," I stated, carefully taking her hand off me, squinting my eyes on her.

"Why are you like this, Dev?" First of all, because I don’t even think you know my name. "Why are you blowing this all away for her? We could be a family!"

"Whoa, relax, Kat... for her?" Who is 'she'?

"Yes, for her... That stripper!" She exclaimed. Girl, you don’t really wanna be in my face right now. If she called her a stripper again, so help me god...

"First of all, she’s not a stripper," I stated, my voice cold as I eyed her down. Who exactly did she think she was? "Secondly, I’m not doing this for her. I’m doing it for myself. I’m not going to raise a fucking kid, who’s not even mine!"

"But it is yours!" She screamed back.

"Stop lying, Kathy!" I anxiously brushed my hand through my hair, before boosting myself up on the counter. I was so sick of all this...

"I’m not lying, Dev! It is yours... Baby, please..." She laid her hand on my shoulder again. I couldn’t stand her touching me, it felt so... so... fucking wrong. Was she retarted or something? Did she not realize when it’s time to fucking leave? Didn’t my side glare make myself perfectly clear?

"I can’t have kids, don’t you get that? Don’t you get why I’m so certain it’s not mine?" And with that I lost my shit. I hit her arm away, before I shouted something I shouldn’t have, "I’m fucking sterile!"

I walked in the bathroom to find something to relax with. Where the fuck are those pills? Tranxene, Tranxene... I swear I saw them here yesterday, so where the fuck are they? After rummaging through every possible drug, I found the yellowish bottle and, popped it open, before dropping two white pills in my hand. Two? Better three. Shit... I really didn’t want to do this, I really didn’t want to be the junky who found his salvation in drugs, but I swear to god, if I didn’t take something to cool off, I’d smack the shit out of that chick.

I went to lay down for a bit. I don’t know why, but this always got to the best of me. I mean that’s why I took the path of cheating in the first place... I couldn’t stand to be in one house let alone room with Lillian, stare her in the eye and tell everything’s gonna be fucking okay, when in all honesty everything’s going to fucking hell!

"But... it could be yours, baby..." She continued and I just wished for her to shut the fuck up.

I put my arm under my head, starting to feel very tired and sleepy. Shit, this wasn’t what those pills did, "Go away, Kathy..." At one point it was too hard to keep my eyes open and I just started to drift off... This felt oddly familiar... The slow heartbeat, the ragged breaths I took... Xanex! "Kath... call... call..."

"Call who Dev? Your stripper?"


And it had turned out my stripper had fucking saved my life. I don’t know if we’d have the same scenario if she wouldn’t have almost killed me with the same pills before in the past, but for what it’s worth, I was thankful she nearly did.

"Why did you take Xanex if you’re allergic to it?" Scott interrogated me as I tried to sit up, still feeling extremely tired and... well... like I’d just crawled straight from hell. This wasn’t what I needed right now. The only thing I wanted to do was say ‘thank you’ to Meg... I couldn’t believe she’d thrown her pride aside to walk in here and save my stupid ass after what I said to her the day before.

"I didn’t..." I sighed, as my hands rubbed over my face. Every single eye was on me and I couldn’t tell if they wanted to kick my ass or they felt strongly compassionate, figuring i’m a complete wreck and wanted to kill myself. Like, hi, I’m Devious Knox, I love myself, why the fuck should I want to kill the one I love? "I swear I took Tranxene..." I sighed. "This is so... fucked up..."

Silence took over the place, before a dreadful bang erupted from outside. It sounded like someone had bashed something in the side of the bus. We all raised our confused faces to see Meg walk in, pumping her fist, before shaking it off. "Whoa, why are you all looking at me like that?"

Meg’s POV.

I swear I’m going to hell for this, I thought as I looked over Kathy’s dead like body on the cold pavement. Since when I turned in to the person, who smacks pregnant people across the face with their fist? Holly shit, that fucking hurt... I kept shaking my hand, hoping it would shake the pain off, but that wouldn’t be Megan fucking Hills if I wouldn’t break something in myself, trying to cause pain to others.

And still, I bet, I was feeling enormously better than the girl who head went head straight against the bus, before falling to the ground. Well... the ambulance were on their way, so...

I walked up to Kathy only to pick up the bottle of Xanex that had fell out of her pocket when she crashed to the ground. My bloody fingers opened it to see it surprisingly full. What the hell? I poured some of the pills in my hand only to realize instead of an X on the pill, there was a T.

"Clever..." I smiled whilst pouring the pills back in the bottle. So she mixed his medicine, but how the fuck did she know he was allergic to this shit? I stood up, feeling the cold air sneak up on me since I was wearing only a T-shirt and jeans.

I stretched my fingers as I walked back in only to realize everyone was looking over me with confused stares, "Whoa, why are you all looking at me like that?"

"What just happened out there?" Jason squinted his eyes on me, making me remember about the pregnant chick I just knocked out of her mind.

"I have no idea what you’re talking about," I shrugged it off, moving my way to the counter to take the bottle of Jameson, hopping nobody has mixed any more of them medicine’s inside any of Midnight’s liquor. Oh, what the hell... I switched the bottle of pills with the bottle of booze and took some rather long mouthfuls.

"What happened to your hand?" Boyd took it to inspect closer, making me wince from the contact. "Shit... it looks bad..."

"Twinks, did you kill someone?" Look at Scott, his pal nearly got himself dead, but he’s already grinning.

"I hope so..." I mouthed.

"What was that?" Oh come on, Jason, it’s not like I planned hitting her in the mouth or anything... it just... happened. And that good lord knew I was waiting for that moment for a long ass time. "What were you doing out there?"

"Let’s just say the ambulance now has a reason to come here, since mister Knox over there looks very much alive, thanks to my wonderful persona," I smiled silly.

"Stefan, go check what the hell did this wacko do out there," He ordered one of the Santana’s.

"But when you see it, please, please, don’t scream like a girl!" I shouted back at him, receiving a cocked and confused eyebrow to be thrown back at me.

"You finally kicked her ass, didn’t you?" Scott whispered almost too excitedly as he went for the fist bump.

"You know it," I chuckled, realizing everyone must take me for a crazy person now.

"What’s there on the counter?" Jason pointed to the yellow pill bottle. "Meg, is that..."

"That’s Knox’ Tranxene only under a different label," I said as I took another swig from the neck. Shit that burnt...

"Where did you get it?"

"Guys, can someone come the fuck out and help me with this?!" Jesus Christ, I believe I did tell Stefam not to scream like a little girl once he sees what I did to that Kathy chick.

"What did you do?!" Oh come on, Hunter, don’t give me that look, she was asking for it!

Suddenly all of them rushed out, leaving only me and Ryan in the bus. For a moment neither of us said anything, until I decided to break the ice, "I’d offered you a drink, but since you still probably have some of Xanex left in your system..." ... I’ll gladly drink the whole bottle myself.

"Come ‘ere..." How could he be barely alive and still a fucking control freak?

"Why?" I asked, not really willing to be that close to him, knowing I’d probably go insane and would start to kick his ass, since he had gone on pills again. "I’m very comfortable right where I am."

"Come here, I said," He roared. Okay, okay, don’t get your panties in a bunch, jeez... I pushed myself off the counter, managing my way to Ryan, before falling on my knees between his legs and placing my forearm over his thigh as I take a swig. I could tell he was still feeling like shit, since it looked like he didn’t even have the strength to raise his hand and take the bottle away from me, and believe me, he wanted. "Thank you..."

That warm smile and all the love which he radiated brought that Jameson up to my lips in no time. I couldn’t deal with it right now... I winced as the whiskey burnt my throat, "yeah, don’t mention it... That’s what I’m for."

"Look... I wanted to apologize for the other day, I—"

"Save it. You were right. I’m not acting like myself lately, this all’s way over the top," I pointed to the bottle I was holding, realizing I didn’t really need it. It just fucked me up and that was practically everything it did. As I put the bottle down, I felt his fingers take my chin, before he leaned in and kissed me. I imagined how much strength he needed for that one. My hand slid in his hair, lightly tugging on it as I stood up and got in his lap, his hand running over my back, before disappearing under my shirt.

I could feel his certain something against my crotch and it would be a lie to tell that it didn’t make me wet and I didn’t want to feel his length inside of me.

Somewhere from afar I heard sirens quickly enclosing in on us, bringing me back to the harsh reality where they would probably throw my in a cell for punching a pregnant woman. I pulled away from him, panting heavily, as I rested my forehead against his, "You taste like vomit..."