Love Comes Knocking by Kathy - HTML preview

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7. Francesca


It was a typical weekday morning in Ben Dover’s café as the cock-crow hour dawned and the flood of groggy, straight-out-of bed workers rushed in for that essential pick me up that came in the form of coffee. Many of Ben’s customers were regulars and over the years Ben had come to know them by  name. There were always newcomers however and as Ben watched the inflow of customers he realised today was the day for new faces as a young, fresh-faced girl in her twenties came through the doors.

She was petite and well dressed in tailored black trousers, smart black court shoes fronted by a small neat buckle in the shape of a triangle and a tidy white blouse that was hidden by a quaint little white cardigan, the cardigan remained unbuttoned and Ben could see by her name tag that this ladies name was Francesca.

Bitten by the wind her pale skin flushed pink and she shivered slightly from the brief cold that had yet   to leave her in the warm coffee shop.  Her small, olive eyes rounded the café with a refreshing interest  as her mouth broke into a small smile.

“Hello how can I help you?” Ben asked with a smile. Francesca grinned warmly, her face lighting  up.

“I’ll have a moccachoccalatte and a warm bagel please, I need something to ward off this horrible cold,” she requested.

“Sure.” Ben replied taking her  money.

She certainly seemed like a friendly character and broke into many minutes of friendly banter with Ben   as she ate her breakfast. In the midst of serving customers Ben learnt a few interesting things about Francesca, firstly she was single and had been for many months, secondly she worked as a banker at Abbey National and thirdly she paid much attention to Ben, consistently praising him for running such    a well serviced establishment. Ben was happy that Francesca had ventured into his café that morning,  not only had it given him a new customer but it gave him a invitation into a mysterious ladies life, one that he would certainly be interested in accepting.

As the days passed Francesca became a regular fixture in the early morning rush, often chatting to Ben   as she ate her bagel and drank her coffee. Through the snatches of information Ben gained as he   chatted to Francesca he learnt a little bit more about her every second, from her favourite colour, to    her preferred holiday destination. He’d begin to notice things about her too, like the way her eyes lit up when she smiled or how her ears jiggled when she laughed. It was curious observations but one that  made Ben realise that Francesca had reminded of the woman he didn’t have – the woman who ideally   he would love to be with should she want to be with him. He wanted to ask her for a date but why  would a girl like her want to go on a date with him? After all she was sensible looking, smart,     interesting and pretty girl; not an insane, insomniac like Hayleigh. Just the thought of her sent him into    a cold sweat; he’d never been in trouble with the police before her yet now he had the blight of the  police order hanging over him. Only girls like Hayleigh were interested in guys like him he thought miserably. They latched on like a leech driving their claws deep till they took him for all he had and    then spat out his poor, sorry remains once more. But then Ben had always believed in fate, it’s how he managed to pull himself up off the floor each time girls like Hayleigh had blew him off, and there had been many times.

He believed in his heart that he’d find a nice girl one day and settle down, have a family and live happily ever after and although life wasn’t a fairy tale Ben knew one day he’d have his happy ending, all he needed was to keep trying, maybe Francesca would be the one? Guessing it was now or never Ben plucked up the courage to ask her for a  date.

“So what do you think?” Ben asked  expectantly.

Francesca’s eyes narrowed and hesitantly she began to bite her lip. The remains of her bagel seemed to provoke a sudden interest in Francesca then as her fingers, with the slightly chipped pink nail varnish  and chewed nails, began to play with the crumbs.

Ben knew he’d hit her off guard and that he’d probably never had a hope in hell of getting a date with  her; she just didn’t have the heart to tell him. Ben nodded as if he knew what was round the corner- her looking back up-her polite no then the excuse.

“Yes. Okay sure.” Francesca said  finally.

Ben gasped. Had he heard her right? She smiled at him her eyes warm but slightly mysterious in nature. “Where do you want to go?” she  continued.

That confirmed it for him. Ben’s face instantly creased into a huge, beaming smile, his green eyes wide with incredible elation. None of the past mattered now; he had his whole future to think of, a future  very possible filled by a lady whose name went by the very knowledgeable  Francesca.

“How about a date at the bowling? I’m paying?” Ben asked. Francesca smiled again.

“Sure.” She replied.

It was a simple one-word answer but it made Ben’s insides fizzle in expectant   delight.