Love Comes Knocking by Kathy - HTML preview

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14. Sunlight and sunshine


Nature can sometimes be so serene it’s breathtaking; that evening it certainly was. Gazing longingly through the café’s window Ben watched the sky transform as easily as a painter would stroke his brush. Encircled against a soft background of deep orange hues and pastel pinks lay the setting sun, its  supreme orange glow still dominating the skyline. Sighing he brushed his hand through his hair and rubbed his eyes. It had been a long day, both hung over and tired from last night’s shenanigans he had hardly wanted to get out of bed, but he had to. He had a job to do, a café to run. Just because his love  life was a mess it didn’t mean he could just let his customers down.

So on a day where he wished he could just pull the covers over his head and hibernate he plastered on   a smile and opened up for the morning rush. In a way it took his mind off things, he still liked Lola, but he knew if she wasn’t interested, she wasn’t interested, there was no way he would be made a fool of twice. Giving the counter one last wipe down Ben glanced at José, sitting at one of the bar nooks,  nursing a cup of extra strong cappuccino.

“Hey José fancy the gym?”

José who’d just taken a big gulp of his drunk felt his throat tighten, the hot liquid scorching his throat as he choked in shock. Did Ben really want to go back to the gym so soon after everything that happened? If he did then he’s even more of a man then he already believed him to be.

“Are you sure Ben? After everything…”

“That happened? Don’t worry about it José I’m okay, I mean I’m not over it completely but I’m just going to get on with life and see what falls into my lap, best way to go about it!” Ben grinned.

His unease settling José returned the smile. Ben was a trooper, he really was, he took his knocks but unlike some he didn’t break he bounced. Turning the open sign to closed Ben shut the blinds, watched as the quickly descending shutters replaced the twilight scene. Closing his eyes his mind flashed, his memory intent in capturing a glimpse of the wreck he was last night. That night he was at his lowest  and he was determined never to stoop to such lows ever again. Pulling on his coat he checked he had  his wallet, opened the door and stepped onto the threshold waiting patiently for Jose to follow.

As he approached the gym’s entrance Ben could feel his heart hammering in his chest. His mind was spinning, the humiliation of last night battering his determination to get on with life. He knew he had to get back into his fitness routine; he couldn’t let a silly misunderstanding ruin his good intentions. It would still hurt though, seeing the girl who misled him every time he went to the gym.

“Jose, when we get in there would you sign me in? I really don’t think I can face it. I’d really appreciate it.” Ben started.

Jose stopped, smiling he held out his hand.

“Hand it over then and we can get on those bikes faster then you can say germonio.” Jose laughed. Pulling out his wallet Ben thumbed the membership card and gently placed it in his friend’s palm. “Take care of it.”

“Oh I will, don’t worry about that.” Jose replied.

Relieved that he didn’t have to go through the awkwardness of meeting with Lola so soon Ben felt glad to have such a decent friend. Reaching the lobby the pair went in opposite directions, José heading towards reception with Ben strolling towards the changing rooms, his head down and his pace fast.

Incensed by how Lola had treated his friend Jose could feel aggravation building up inside, it showed   on his face, in the way he moved, it could control him if he let it. But he didn’t. He wasn’t here to make  a scene, after all what happened was a private matter, he didn’t want the world to know what evil  roamed the streets.

Tucked away in the corner of reception Lola sat at a computer, absentmindedly tapping various data  into a computer programme. She didn’t notice she had company; her mind obviously consumed on far more important issues then her work.

“If you’ve got a minute.” He muttered loudly.

Casting her gaze from the computer she saw José waiting impatiently on the other side of the counter. Just seeing him made her nervous, wherever José went Ben usually followed. She knew what she had said the other day was so wrong and she felt awful for it. Faking a smile she moved towards the  counter, her fingers nervously twisting a ringlet of hair.

“Hi Jose, how can I help?” she asked.

“By having a heart for a start.” He said slowly.

She grimaced. It was obvious he was going to give her a hard time from the moment she clocked eyes on him.

“Look I’m sorry yeah, I didn’t realise I’d led him on like that.” She  started.

“Is that your attempt at a apology? If so it’s pathetic and I’m not the one you should be saying it to for  a start!! Just because you’re pretty doesn’t mean you have the right to destroy someone’s spirit like that, you don’t know how much heartache he’s been through.” Jose shouted.

Lola could feel the hot hears pricking her eyes, her throat constricted by the lump she tried so hard to swallow. She’d bitten her lip so hard she could taste blood. She knew Ben was a decent guy it was just hard to see past what everyone else saw sometimes. She was only human after all, she judged people on how they looked, how they acted; the image they put across. When she looked at Ben she saw through the fat, saw the beautiful person inside, so why should it matter what people thought he looked like.

Beauty was superficial, looks fade but the personality remains  forever.

“Okay, I accept you had to get that off your chest. Where is Ben I’d like to make a personal apology.” She mustered.

Jose could see she was on the verge of tears; maybe she wasn’t as much of an ice queen as he thought. He couldn’t put his finger on it but he felt he hadn’t got the whole story, that somehow, she was  holding back on her feelings. It seemed clear to him that the tenderness evoked from Lola the night  Ben broke down in the gym was genuine. Her struggle to maintain glamorous and respected conflicted with her true longing to just live as her heart desired.

“He went to change… he’s probably halfway to Timbuktu by now with all the cycling he’s doing.” He laughed.

Lola smiled lightly, her face relieved. It was as if the intensity of the last few minutes had simply been a figment of her imagination. She looked over at the computer, noting the flashing document she had yet to finish. The gym’s annual report was due in just two hours but there were more important things in  life then a few documents.

“I think it’s about time I apologised… will you look after the front desk for me I won’t be too long.” She asked.

She stared at him expectantly her eyes full of hope, he hesitated; his posture slumped. He wanted his friend do be happy more then anything but could he take another knock from the girl who broke his heart?

“Please José I’m not going to say anything bad I just want to talk to  him!”

Deep down he knew a kind word from her would make his day. Smiling he headed towards the entry door to reception.

“Sign me up.” He grinned.

She laughed then headed down the hall, her heart hammering in  anticipation.