Love Comes Knocking by Kathy - HTML preview

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15. A moment in the sauna


The smell hit him before he even reached the changing room, an odour thick with the smell of sweat  and cheesy feet. It was hardly the most pleasant part of going to the gym; in fact it was almost enough  to make him run out the other way. Wrinkling his nose he plonked his gym bag on the bench, scanning the room for the best place to get changed. He hated his body so much he hated anyone seeing it, even  if they didn’t pay any notice. A few guys were over the far side of the room, spraying deodorant onto their freshly showered bodies. Sneakily Ben looked over, squinting his eyes. As he stared his target stretched, his arms splayed showing the muscular physique of his body. What he’d do to have a body  like that! Ben thought sadly, eyeing up the several spare tires padding his t-shirt. Turning his back to the stud and the three other well built guys Ben sifted through the bag looking for his Lycra. Putting his   bag in the locker he headed towards the gym. As he walked down the brightly lit corridor he spotted   the door to the sauna. He’d read somewhere once that the more you sweat, the more fat you burn off. He stood there glancing from the sauna door to the gymnasium; which was the wiser choice? He certainly wouldn’t have to do as much work in the sauna; heck it was probably no different to touching up your tan on a hot, sandy, Spanish beach.

A loud chorus of raucous laughter hit his ears as he headed for his locker. The room was filled with a bunch of cocky university students, their faces fresh and handsome. Pulling his bag out of his locker he headed for the bench. Embarrassment sank through him as he self-consciously undressed only too  aware of the stares of the students. He had his back to them, ashamed of what they would say; hell,  even think if they saw how he looked from the front.

Dropping his pants he went to pick up his towel when it fell onto the floor. He stared in horror at the towel, his only salvation from inquisitive, prying eyes. Glancing anxiously at the students he quickly bent down to pick it up, his heart racing wildly

“Cor you’ve got a better pair of boobs then my missus! She’d be well jealous!” one bloke laughed.

Ben felt his face seer from the heat of humiliation, the jibes pushing him towards tears. Gritting his teeth he thrust the towel over his body, angry at the cheek they had to  ridicule him.

“Takes one to know one huh.” Ben growled as he stormed  out.

“Hey son the Marine Wildlife conservation society were looking for you, they’re missing one of their whales!”

The humourless joke drew guffaws from the group of defiantly foolish students. Ben refused to let it get to him, they’d be fat one day; they were students after all. The thought drawing a smile to his face he laughed and pushed open the door to the sauna.

The heat hit him heavily in the face, the steam engulfing every little part of him. It reminded him of the sticky, humid days of midsummer, where the air was so sticky the sweat ran down. Drawing a hand to  his forehead he wiped the perspiration with a clammy hand, taking a seat on the wooden bench. There was only one other person in the sauna, a beautiful petite redhead whose blue eyes were so bright it reminded him of a sapphire.

Her china doll complexion and pale skin contrasted largely with her scarlet red bikini, its sheer colour immediately drawing your eyes to her chest. Ben gasped and quickly looked away, embarrassed at the stare he gave the girl. She was probably the second most beautiful girl he had seen in such a short space of time.

“Hi.” She smiled.

Ben looked around to see whom she was talking to even though he knew there was no one else in the sauna.

“You, I’m talking to you. How are you?” “Erm… I’m uh-okay thanks. What about you?”

She laughed and stared at him warmly. He couldn’t believe what a fool he was being, it was like his tongue had dissolved leaving him unable to string sentences  together.

“You come here much?” she said.

“No… well yes I do sometimes but, lately I haven’t… I just haven’t been able bring myself.” She looked at him curiously as if wanting him to go on.

“May I ask why you haven’t been able to come here?”

Ben looked down unsure whether he wanted to reveal details that close to his heart. His eyes fixed on the door, his gaze blurring in the hot steam.

“I liked someone here, someone who I’d pretty much see every time I set foot in this place! But even though she didn’t like me back I had to show her I wasn’t afraid! I wasn’t afraid of facing her, all I had done was care…”

The girl let out a whistle, her face etched in sympathy. Ben looked over saw the pity then shook his head in disagreement.

“No don’t pity me, that’s not what I want… everyone has times in their lives when they like people who don’t like them back it just part of growing up and growing as a person… I just get it a lot more then most people that’s all.”

She smiled.

“Why are you opening your heart to me?” she questioned softly. He stopped for a minute, his mind consumed in  thought.

“You know that’s a good point… I just know you won’t tell.” He laughed. “My lips are sealed.” She said quietly, a wink in her eyes.

Suddenly it felt like the atmosphere had changed, there was something crackling in the air; it felt to Ben like tension. Sweat dripped off his brow, as the temperature seemed to soar, leaving him hot and eager  for something to happen. The girl sat there provocatively, her leg splayed out in front of her. Ben’s eyes followed the path of her leg, absorbing every mesmerizing detail, imagining her pleasure as his lips  kissed her calf. Suddenly she stood up, the quick movement shattering Ben’s daydream and bringing  him back to reality.

“Is something wrong?” he asked, his face concerned. Had she noticed him staring at her?

“No I’m just going to get something, I won’t be long.”

She smiled and then walked towards the door, her body sashaying naturally like the  trees.

Ben watched her go his heart hammering in anticipation. Not long ago he had wondered if there was really any point coming back to the gym, not when he had to see Lola every time he stepped foot in there. But there was something pushing him, some invisible force that was the reason for his return. Was fate finally pushing his buttons? Or maybe cupid had woken up from the 20-year coma that he’d fallen into the moment Ben hit puberty. Whatever it was it certainly made him feel better; fancy that a beautiful auburn beauty talking to him, making him feel like one of the most handsome men on the planet.

His mind raced forward ten years, spilling out images of a couple at the altar, a beautiful white sandy beach and turquoise sea, two small children running in the surf closely followed by their happy mum and dad. Basking in the glorious images he slipped his towel loose letting it fall onto the floor. He had felt that tension earlier; it was so intense it sent shivers down his spine. If he felt it surely she had too. He knew where the heights of passion could take you and an empty sauna was as adventurous as they came. Writhing in pleasure, their backs arched against the hard, clammy marble wall, the heat soaring from more then just the coals.

Waiting anxiously Ben threw the bucket of water on the coals, wanting the thick steam to hide him like  a gift-wrapped present. When the steam cleared she would have the surprise of a lifetime. As soon as  he put the bucket on the floor the door opened, a figure moving through the white cloud towards  where he was sitting. Ben held his breath, his body shaking in excitement as she clambered up beside him.

The air was still so misty he couldn’t make her out, but a snatch of red confirmed it was the auburn beauty. Sucking in his stomach as much as he could master he shifted his weight towards her, sliding his body easily across the bench. She looked at him but didn’t move away or even utter a word.

Slipping his hand into hers he quickly placed it in his lap. “Ohh you are keen!” a woman with a German accent said.

Startled Ben shot back his face aghast. As the room eventually became clear he could make out a figure of a tall, dumpy woman. She was about fifty years old with a brown greying bob. With tight skin and  few wrinkles she looked a lot younger then she actually was, clearly she looked after herself. She smiled leeringly at Ben; her jowls making her look creepy and unfriendly.

“Did you want a favour my lovely? I’m very good at them you know and well you did give yourself to me so quickly.” She smiled.

“No…n…o. I’m done now thanks, it was a mistaken identity. Sorry if I offended you. I’ve got to go!” he stuttered, grabbing his towel.

His face burning in humiliation Ben staggered to the door his head held low. “Ohh darling, come back! We’d have such fun together!”

“No chance.” Ben whispered under his breath.

Yanking open the door Ben took the long walk of shame towards the changing  rooms.