Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 13 - Goodbye




Arica, Chile


People hustled in and out of Arica’s sole bus terminal daily, appearing to have no destination. Yet, despite how things seemed, most of them knew precisely where they were headed.


This organized chaos usually started each weekday morning around 6 a.m. and wouldn’t end until around 8 p.m. However, on most Saturdays and definitely every Sunday, it was quite the opposite. Everything remained relatively quiet.



“Are you sure you want to do this, Chad?” Felipe’s lips twitched and his dark brown eyes though primarily focused on his boyfriend, repeatedly shifted from side-to-side as he examined each face within the vicinity. “You know you didn’t bring any clothes with you and heaven knows what’s going to happen once we arrive at my uncle’s. Everything’s still up in the air. Not to mention, can you imagine how your Mom and two dads are going to react when they discover you up and left without saying anything?”


Chad glanced downward toward his Converses, then expanded his scan to the sidewalk. Felipe’s right. Doggone it. I didn’t tell Mom anything – or Chad and Jose Sr.


But then again, even if I had wanted to tell anyone, how could I? When I left home the only thing I knew was, Felipe was wanting me to hightail it to his place. How was I supposed to know he was planning to leave town? But now that I know he’s heading to Santiago to spend time with his uncle, why shouldn’t I tag along? We’d be back before college starts and didn’t our original plans include both of us attending the University of Santiago in the next few weeks anyway?


At least, this going out of town change occurred before my parents could officially confirm Jose’s and my enrollment at Florida International in Miami.


“Felipe, my man. You need to chill. Clothes aren’t going to be a problem. I’ve got my Visa. I’ll just buy some new ones,” Chad said with a smile.


Felipe stared at his companion and shook his head. “No. That isn’t a good idea, Chad,” he replied as a middle thirty-something guy wearing a gray suit walked pass them. “If you max out your credit line now, you’re not gonna have anything left when we need stuff for college.”


“So? Who cares?” Chad said, almost chuckling. “My parents got plenty of dough. They can give us what we need if we run short.”


That’s true, Felipe thought. But maxing out your card isn’t the actual problem. If anyone begins to suspect you’re with me – anything you buy on credit will leave a trail.


“It’s still a bad idea, Chad. Just trust me on this. Okay?”


Chad nodded as reality began to set in, causing his heart to instantly sever into pieces.


“Okay. If that’s what you want. … You really don’t want me to go, do you?” he said as tears began to flow down his reddened cheeks. “This meeting was really to say goodbye – wasn’t it?”


Felipe gulped and a pale guilt washed over his face.


“No,” he said, reaching for the person who understood him best. “And saying goodbye isn’t what I want. But it must be done – at least temporarily, Chad. ... I do truly love you. It’s just ...”


Chad jerked himself out of his lover’s arms and stared at him. “Just what?”


Felipe closed his eyes.


“What are you trying so hard not to tell me, Felipe?” Chad said, frowning. “You’ve found a new boy toy. Haven’t you? Someone you like more. Or could it be, you’re so ass deep in trouble, you need to hide for a while? ... You haven’t killed someone. Have you, Felipe?”




Placing the phone’s receiver in its cradle, Maria sat at her desk and quietly shook her head. Of all the things she was expecting or could have expected that day, the phone call which just ended wasn’t one of them.


“Are you alright? Who was it on the phone?” Chad Sr. asked on his way to the jewelry store’s back office.


Maria lifted herself to her feet. And by the time she had fully risen, Chad Sr. had come in and wrapped his arms around her waist. They shared a comforting hug.


“What’s happened, Darling?” he asked before kissing a lone tear trying to slide down her crimson cheek. “Is there anything Jose and I can do to help?”


Maria glanced upward and stared into compassionate dark eyes, and without speaking a single word, hugged her companion tight.



“It’s Eric,” she finally spoke in a tone just barely about a whisper. “He’s still in critical condition. And to make things worse, the doctor informed Mike he’s not sure if he’s going to make it through the night.”


Chad automatically gulped. “Oh, my Gawd! That’s horrible. And what about Mike, has he improved?”


Maria paused before she answered. “Yes, his injuries weren’t as severe. As I mentioned before, he only took a bullet in his arm, shoulder, and one grazed his cheek.”


Chad didn’t want to believe his wife’s words. Both Mike and Eric were such close friends. How could this have happened? Glancing down at Maria’s long, dark brown hair where it traveled over her shoulder blades, he stroked it while holding her close.


“Is there anything we can do?” he asked after several seconds had lapsed.


Maria nodded no and gently pulled away from his loving arms. “There was one good bit of news though. Mike was able to confirm that their security cameras caught it all on video.”


“Wow. How lucky for them,” Chad blurted before realizing what he had said. “Well. Ah. That’s isn’t exactly what I meant.”


Maria gazed at him and the corners of her mouth moved upward. “I think I know what you mean. You’re not happy, it happened. But if such a thing had to occur, you’re happy there’s a video of it which can be used to track the assailant.”


Chad Sr. smiled. “Maria. You ARE always such the smart one.”


Maria winked her left eye in reply. “I know,’ she said, guiding both she and her husband back into the main store. “But my help isn’t going to be needed in this case, we know exactly who the shooter was. And more importantly, we know who paid him.”


Chad Sr. eyes narrowed and he gave his wife a puzzled look. “Mike and the New York Police already know?”


“They sure do,” Maria affirmed as she made her way toward the phone near the cash register. “And I believe it’s urgent that we talk to your son, Chad Jr. ... asap!”


“Chad Jr.?” Chad Sr. became wide-eyed. “Please don’t tell me he had something to do with this.”


Maria picked up the phone and indicated no. “I’m pretty sure he didn’t,” she replied before dialing. “But that two-bit boyfriend of his certainly did.”