Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 14 - Guess what I just heard?






Returning her home phone’s headset to its base, Josefina smiled, and then grasped the blue and white teddy bear she kept on the back corner of her desk and gave it a hug. I just can’t wait to give Alex the news, she thought as her heart pounded at nearly one hundred and fifty beats a minute. If this doesn’t excite him, nothing will.


Meanwhile, Alexander, who had been in his bedroom for the past hour, had successfully buried himself in Florida International University paperwork.


Amongst one of the small mountainous stacks of assorted papers, booklets, etc. in front of him, which covered everything from what courses were going to be offered this Fall, to what TV viewing and music listening options were available in Miami, was one of the most valued documents of all – a “What To Bring” list.


Within the list, as the name on the top clearly implied, was detailed what clothes, school supplies and other essentials a freshman might need – unless, of course, your preference leaned toward the ultra-expensive items sold on campus, which displayed the school’s logo.



“Alex. Are you busy?”


He gazed toward his doorway, and upon seeing his sister, frowned.


Josefina was leaning on the white-painted door frame, wearing her usual hang-around-the-house casual look: denim jeans, a pink top, and flowered tennis shoes.


“What does it look like?” he asked, appearing to be irritated for some reason.


Josefina eyed the spread of paperwork lying across her brother’s bunk but dismissed it as another one of the typical piles he sometimes created when trying to find something.


“I’m not sure,” she said. “Are you trying to find something important, or is this just a general manhunt?”


Alexander frowned, once again. “I’m looking for something specific,” he answered before doing a review of the documents in front of him. “Do you recall the ‘What To Bring’ list the university sent us?”


“Yes. What about it?”


Alexander twisted in her direction. “Do you still have it?”


Josefina glanced toward the ceiling. “I think so. I’d have to check. After all, I pretty much know what I’m going to take so I really didn’t need it.”


Alexander sighed. Always a Miss Know It All, aren’t you? “And what if after we arrive on campus you discover you don’t have something you could have brought?”


Josefina chuckled. “That’s no problem, Bro. I’ll just borrow whatever I need from you. What else?”


Alexander’s pupils widened. “Say what? What makes you think I would have what you might need? Not to mention, even if I did, why would I give it to you?”


“Because you’re my older brother,” Josefina said before exhibiting a poor attempt at giving her brother a classic ‘Shirley Temple’ look. “Isn’t it your job to take care of me? Also, didn’t Papa tell you once we’re on campus; he wanted you to keep an eye out for me?”


Alexander tried hard not to laugh, but a couple of chuckles still escaped. “Yeah. But keeping a rough eye out to make sure you don’t get into trouble is one thing. Being our Pa and taking care of all your needs is something else, Sis. I’m definitely not one of our parents and I don’t plan on becoming one anytime soon.”


“Oh?” Josefina placed her hands on her hips. “So, you’re not going to take care of me?”


Alexander shook his head. “While in Miami, I’m only going to be there for the basics and that is how it should be. Your major is different from mine, Sis. You’re a female, and you’re going to have your own circle of friends. You certainly don’t want me running your life and telling you what to do. Do you?”


Josefina paused. “I guess you’re right,” she said, taking a seat next to him. “Yet, it’s gonna seem strange. Ever since I can recall, you’ve always been a major part of my life, Alex. You always took care of me – despite of me being myself.”


“That’s true,” Alexander said. “But things are going to change. My support from here on out, instead of actively guiding you in everything, will be more in a role of someone you can always come to when needed.”


Josefina displayed a crooked smile, then turned and gave her brother a large embrace.


“I almost forgot, there is something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” she said, shortly after releasing him. “It’s something you’ll find interesting.”


“Interesting?” Alexander shifted his back a tad straighter as he attempted to read her expression. “I can’t imagine anything I might find interesting unless Dad’s arranged for us to have access to a car while in Florida.”


Josefina laughed. “That would be nice, but I’m afraid Papa’s generosity isn’t going to go that far.”


“I know,” Alexander said and proceeded to re-examine the papers in front of him. “So, what’s up?”


Josefina immediately began to repeatedly spring up and down on Alexander’s bed like an excited two-year-old. “I know you’re going to love this.”


“Love what?” Alexander said, staring at his sis as if the girl was beginning to lose it. “You haven’t told me anything.”


“Love this,” Josefina repeated, bouncing even faster. “It’s your dream come true.”


Alexander’s face blanked. No doubt, Josefina has finally lost her mind. “I seriously doubt it unless Dad’s won the lottery and is going to give us a cool million apiece.”


“Now you’re being silly, Alex,” Josefina replied, giving him a playful dirty look. “But it is something that might make you almost as happy.”


Alexander chuckled. “I doubt that. But go ahead, tell me what’s happened.”


Josefina paused, and a large ear-to-ear grin appeared on her lips. “Do you remember Chad Jr. and the special time the two of you spent together ... and how you told me things over the years have changed and he’s probably with someone else?”


Alexander’s eyes narrowed and a shock wave passed through him. “You’re kidding?”


Josefina shook her head.