Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 25 - Feelings




Chad seemed bored as he sat in their recliner with its back as far back as it would go. On the flatscreen in front of him, the evening news was on. But seemed even though he kept intently watching it, it wasn’t showing the story he was seeking.



“Anything worthwhile?” Jose asked, removing a frozen pizza out of the fridge and putting it on top of one of their Formica kitchen cabinets.


Chad turned to answer him. “No. Not really.”


“Then why are you watching it?” Jose asked before walking a couple of feet and setting the oven’s thermostat to 425 so it could start pre-heating.


Chad turned back toward the screen – just in time to see an ad involving a bunch of bears inside their living room, rubbing rolls of toilet tissue against their body and commenting how good it felt.


“I wanted to see if they had at least a quick blurb about Felipe’s cousin on the evening news.”


“Oh? Did they?” He then stuck the empty pizza box and other wrappings into a nearby white plastic garbage can. “I would think it’s a bit soon to be hearing about him? After all, he only recently tried to kill Mike and Eric and you know how slow the legal system is. At least it was in Arica. Remember?”


“Yes. And since we happen to be talking about Mike or Eric, have you heard them from recently?”


“No,” Chad said answering his brother’s last question first as he continued to stare at the flatscreen – a story about a bank robbery was currently on. “But, in getting back to Felipe’s cousin, he’s bound to be having a hearing soon. I heard that here in the U.S. they are pretty quick about initially getting things started. Unlike Chile, where they don’t mind keeping you locked up for weeks before you finally find out what you’re being charged with. I’d be interested to see what exactly they are going to charge Felipe’s cousin with. Not to mention, the length of his sentence.”


“Yeah. You would like that, wouldn’t you?” a familiar male voice suddenly yelled from the back bedroom. “I’d make a bet you can’t wait to find out what they’re going to charge me with as well – if and when the F.B.I. finds me.”


Chad grinned and ignored Felipe’s comment. “So you’re finally awake, sleepyhead. How long have you been listening to our conversation?”


“Long enough – and of course, I’m awake, Chad. Did you think I was going to sleep all day?”


“You pretty much have so far,” Jose answered from their kitchenette. “The only time I’ve seen you with your eyes open was the few times you decided to either eat or drink something or use the bathroom.”


Felipe grunted. “Well, what do you expect? Being trapped in a box and flown around the country wore the crap out of me.”


“You’re lucky it didn’t kill you,” Chad replied.


Felipe chuckled. “Again, you would have liked that. Wouldn’t you?”


“No,” Chad snorted. “But it did occur to me it could have easily happened. Fortunately, it didn’t – which is a good thing. Disposing of your remains without getting ourselves in trouble would have been a real pain in the butt. Not to mention, we easily could have found ourselves in a situation similar to what you are in now - being wanted.”


“From here on out, we are going to have to be extremely careful about what we do and take note of who’s around us.”


Felipe semi-growled under his breath. “Yeah. I know. But let’s face facts, the worse part as far as you are concerned is the fact you’re being inconvenienced. Isn’t it, Chad?”


Chad nodded and repositioned himself to a sitting position. “True. And why shouldn’t I feel like this? During our whole relationship whatever made you happy was the only thing you cared about. Did you once even consider me or my feelings?”


Felipe paused. After all, there was no possible way Chad’s comment could be denied. And not only was it all true, it had lasted for several months. “I was pretty self-centered for a while. Wasn’t I?”


“For a while?” Chad repeated, almost breaking out into a laugh. “Is that what you call the amount of time I cared about you? You must be kidding? One or two days, or even a few weeks might be considered a while. But months?”


Felipe lowered his head. “OK. I’ll admit it. I’ve been a real jerk. But if you give me a chance, I’ll be able to show you I’ve changed. You can even ask my Mom if you don’t believe me. The way things went down back in Chile was a real eye-opener. I could not help but realize how stupid I’ve been, Chad. I know I’ve treated you like dirt and perhaps even worse. I’m sorry. I really care about you and want us to be together, permanently ... Living the way a couple should live.”


Jose laughed. “You’re sorry now, Felipe?” he interjected, clearly showing a distinct tone of anger in his voice. “Aren’t you a few months late? You should have had this reality check a long time ago – before all this happened. Now that your rear end is wanted by the law, you suddenly decide you’ve changed and want to do right with my brother? Ha! What kind of fantasy world are you living in, man? It almost sounds like the one the main character in a book I recently read resided in. And, just for FYI sake, his name was Donald.”


Felipe shrugged his shoulders. “What can I say? Yes. I was a self-righteous, self-centered asshole the whole time we were together. But I’ve changed.” How in the devil am I ever going to get them to believe it and the fact my change of heart didn’t occur because I’m in legal trouble?


Chad stared at his former lover, and for a brief moment, actually started to feel pity for him. But, the bottom line was – it’s all way too late. Felipe had abused him so much and for so long - countless months. There was no way under the sun what had transpired could be forgotten. And it was definitely too late for a fresh start.


“Maybe in five, ten, or perhaps twenty years from now, after you’ve been in prison doing hard time, I might reconsider. Okay? But even then ...?”