Love Hurts by Jonathon Waterman - HTML preview

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CHAPTER 26 - Felipe meets Alexander and Josefina




As Alexander and his sister Josefina approached the front door of their friend's apartment, which was located only a couple blocks away from the Florida International University campus, the sound of music and indecipherable conversation could clearly be heard. Whenever Chad or Jose was talking, their voice was easily recognized. However, there was also a third voice participating in whatever conversation they were having, and whoever it belonged to, they didn't know them.



“Are you ready?” Alexander asked turning toward his sister before he rang the doorbell.


It had been several years since the two of them had seen their friends, and that was thousands of miles from Miami – in Denmark. This caused him to be slightly nervous, and physically, not only could he could feel throat tightening - a couple of fingers on his right hand began to twitch.


“I guess,” Josefina replied in a tone she hoped would make Alex think she was calm.


Alexander nodded “OK, then” and reached for the button. Soon afterward, a loud buzz resounded inside the apartment.


However, to their surprise, there wasn't an immediate response. It seemed like either their friends didn’t hear it or they were had chosen not to come to the door.


Alexander grimaced and pushed the doorbell button again – and a few seconds later, a third time.


“I guess they forgot we were coming,” Alexander said, looking a bit frustrated. “Maybe it’s a bad time and we should meet with them later.”


Josefina gazed at her brother and chuckled, then reached into her purse and pulled out a smartphone. “They’ll be here soon,” she said after sending Jose a quick text.


“You really think so?” Alexander’s pupils revealed a question mark.


Josefina nodded yes and barely more than a second later, the front door opened.


“Sorry about that,” Jose said, displaying a large grin. “We were just so involved with what we were talking about, I didn’t hear …”


“I know,” Josefina said, not giving him a chance to finish. “So, what’s so hot, it made everyone deaf?”




“Felipe?” Both Alexander and Josefina looked at each other, astonished.


“You’re not talking about the guy Chad was seeing back in Chile, are you?” Alexander asked as they started to walk into the living room.


Jose nodded. “The one and only. But in putting it mildly, a heck of a lot of things has happened these past few days.”


“Oh?” Josefina said.


“Yeah,” Jose replied just before they arrived where Chad and Felipe were sitting. “But instead of jumping directly into this mess, let me first introduce the guy to you.”


“Well. Okay,” Alexander said, “If you insist.”


Jose signaled he did and began. “Alexander. Josefina. You know Chad, but let me introduce you to Felipe.”


Chad smiled as Felipe said “Hi” and shook both of his friends’ hands.


“Are you two still a couple?” Alexander asked Chad as he and his sister took a seat.


Felipe quickly nodded yes. However, Chad fervently shook his head no.


“We used to be – for several months,” Chad interjected. “But things have dramatically changed for reasons I really don’t want get into right now. At the moment, we’re only friends.”


Felipe frowned and gave his former lover a dirty look. “Friends only – since when?”


“We’ll get into that later – another day, Felipe,” Chad replied. “perhaps after I’m through trying to save your behind from getting locked up. Meanwhile, you’re just going to have to accept it. There’s not going to be anything else relationship-wise anytime soon. So don’t expect it.”


Felipe’s expression turned sullen, but he didn’t respond.


“Wow,” Alexander said, turning in Chad’s direction. “That sounded kinda rough, my friend. I’m not used to you acting like this.”


Chad looked at him and semi-smiled. “I know and I also know this is probably a side of me you have never seen before – especially considering the last time we saw each other it was back at your place several years ago. But there’s a good reason for me responding this way towards Felipe. Trust me.”


“I’m sure there probably is,” Josefina remarked. “But I am kinda interested in finding out what’s caused it? Did he do something wrong?”


Jose chuckled. “Boy, isn’t that a hell of an understatement. The deal with Felipe involves far more than one thing. Go ahead. Tell them, Chad. Let them know what kind of a jerk Felipe’s been these past few months. That way they’ll know not to ever get involved with one of his kind.”


Chad coughed, then took a drink from a half empty can of soda. Explaining how Felipe and he originally started out as friends then how it turned into a relationship to where they were lovers would be easy. However, detailing how he fell blindly in love with the guy to such an extent he did not realize how it had turned into an abusive one and how it continued for months would not.


Several minutes later, Jose could tell his brother was glad to finish and both Alexander and Josefina stared wide-eyed at Felipe in disbelief when he did.



“Wow. I said I was sorry. Just ask Chad,” Felipe loudly whimpered in his defense. “Did we really need to make this a public issue? Jimmy Crickets. This is unreal. But, since you've decided to let the whole world know now – why don’t you go ahead and post it on the Internet? I can see the headline now – Felipe not only acted like a major jerk, he both used and abused his boyfriend.”


Chad chuckled and took another drink of his soda before replying. “Alex. Felipe is right about a couple of things. He did start acting like an abusive jackass in our relationship as soon as he figured out he could get by with it. But, in his defense, he recently apologized.”


Alexander looked at his friend in disbelief. “Heaven forbid, Chad. I hope you’re not going to buy that sudden apology bit. That’s as old as – well – way before I was born. Please tell me you’re not going to forgive him and take him back. You’d be an absolute moron if you did.”


“You’re absolutely correct, Alexander. And, at the moment, I’m not considering it,” Chad replied. “Would you if you were in my shoes – especially after hearing about the countless relationships on TV., etc. where the victim tries to play the good guy role and forgives the guy - then soon afterward, everything turns sour again?”


Alexander smiled. “Hell no! There is no way I would. In fact, instead of going through all the trouble you’ve gone through to bring him to Miami, I probably would have castrated the son of a bitch and left him in Santiago.”


“Not to mention, I would have called the police and let them lock him up,” Josefina added.


“Lock him up?” Chad repeated, facing his brother’s used to be long-distance girlfriend. He then turned to face Jose. “Did you tell her about ….?”


Jose grinned. “Yep. Sorry, Man. I’m guilty as charged.”


Chad exhaled and shook his head. “Oh, brother.”