Lovers Underwater by Chrys Romeo - HTML preview

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Underwater Love

I didn't know that I wouldn't get to see her again for a long time, when I watched the helicopter disappear beyond the mountains.

I enrolled on that training program for emergency rescues and I started taking flight lessons for the fire department chopper. I didn't hear from Seloren, but I saw news on television, about some discovery related to the radiation and then it was kept quiet. I was told by some agents who contacted me that Seloren was on a witness protection program and had been transferred to a secret location where she was working in a lab. I was advised not to reach out to her, and wait until that whole thing was over. Somehow, it seemed to me that the request for distance was not much different from the other group that had attacked us. I wondered about the big interests, money, business or political reasons that prompted those organizations to require Seloren's scientific expertise. In any case, we were caught in the middle, metaphorically blindfolded, because we didn't know what was being planned in the shadows. Or maybe she knew more, but I could only wait to find out what might happen.

I was sure I was continuously being followed and watched by the same people, or by more of them. When I attempted to contact Seloren once on the phone number she had at the cabin, there was no answer. Instead, one evening when I returned from the aerodrome, on my motorbike, I saw the Jeep in the mirror once again. It looked like the same vehicle that had followed me the night I had gone to the airport. It approached my bike dangerously, at high speed. Randomly or not, in front of me there was another car, coming from the opposite direction, also going faster than permitted velocity. It had crossed the line that separated the different sides of the road and was driving directly towards unavoidable collision with me. It was a matter of seconds that I saw this happening before my eyes. I could only decide to steer right, towards the sidewalk, to avoid crashing into the front car. There was also an obstacle by the side of the road: a few big construction stones that seemed to have fallen from a truck, or placed there intentionally by someone. I couldn't avoid the rocks. I grabbed the handle brakes at the last moment, but the front wheel of the motorbike went over the square stones, losing balance and throwing me up in the air. The motorbike fell in the middle of the road, while I flew over and tumbled on the edge of the sidewalk. I saw the sky and the earth upside down and my head hit the pavement. The two cars went by, disappearing from sight.

I got up immediately. My helmet had protected my head from the asphalt. I was sure it saved my life in that moment. I would have gotten my head injured for sure, had I not worn that helmet. As it was, I only got bruises on my legs and arms. One of my hands was scratched badly, but it was nothing compared to what could have happened. I wondered if the second car, coming from the opposite direction and passing over the continuous line, had been intentionally doing that, or the driver had been drunk. In any case, I couldn't report the vehicles, since I hadn't seen the numbers of their license plates. They were gone. The road was empty. I picked up the motorbike and resumed my way. Nothing much was damaged, except my trust in the traffic participants. It was proof that there was a lot more going on than it seemed. The war may have been over in the open, but it continued in a covert manner, hidden and sneaky, unpredictable and relentless.

I knew I couldn't find Seloren on my own. She had to be the one to look for me instead, but she was hidden somewhere out of reach, most probably not allowed to contact me.

I focused on finishing the flight lessons. I enjoyed the helicopter rides and the way I could pilot such a big flying machine. It was fascinating to be up there, free between the sky and the earth.

I learned to deal with various emergency situations: releasing fire extinguisher from the air, picking up victims from roofs or trees, getting closer to the water surface to help someone from drowning or just transporting patients from one hospital to another. There were many things to do and something was frequently happening that required intervention.

To me, it was thrilling to hear the propeller start spinning and to see the chopper lift in the air. I enjoyed it and I was called to action as soon as I got the pilot license.

After a few missions, I was getting the hang of it and looking forward to piloting the helicopter each new morning. I had no expectation to see Seloren anywhere, anytime soon. I had decided to let it rest in the back of my mind. I believed that, if we were meant to be, we would meet somewhere, somehow – otherwise, it was out of my hands to find her and convince her to stay.

One day, our paths finally crossed again.

I was called for a mission to take someone to a restricted area. I was told it was a highly secret mission at some secluded undisclosed location, without any other possibility to get there except by flying. There were no roads and no maps. I was given the flight coordinates and requested to wait with the helicopter on the roof of a government building. I was made to sign a contract that I would not discuss it with anyone and not ask any questions.

The propeller was spinning. I was looking ahead, waiting. I had to keep the engine running so I could take off quickly. It was part of the contract and the instructions: take off immediately, fly fast without delay, drop the passenger and return without having seen or heard anything.

The door opened and someone got inside, sitting down and buckling the seat belt. Then, I only heard a calm voice say: “Let's go.”

I recognized her at once.

I wasn't supposed to turn my head around, so I piloted the chopper up from the building, without looking back. My heartbeat had gotten suddenly very rapid and a wave of warmth enveloped me from my head to my feet. I didn't speak for a few minutes, but I couldn't remain silent or still for too long.

“I'm not allowed to look at you or address you in any way, but I know it's you.” I could distinguish her figure in the reflection of the glass shield in front of. me. “I must say it's incredibly amazing to see you again, Seloren.”

It was thrilling to think she was sitting there, less than one meter away. I wondered if she had recognized me too. She took her time before she replied:

“It's okay, Ky. I won't report you for it.”

I smiled, even though I couldn't decide from her voice if she was joking or simply stating the truth. She remained calm and I knew she was trying to maintain the cool and reserved attitude of a scientist. I knew she had had time to rehearse that detachment in my absence. I couldn't guess what she was thinking or feeling anymore. Flashes of our nights together went through my mind: her soft and passionate touch, her arms around me, her warm kisses...

“So you're saying I can look at you and not get in trouble for it?”

You can look. You won't get in any trouble.”

I turned and quickly stole a glance at her. She was wearing sunglasses and a wide straw hat, a white lab robe and keeping a seemingly important briefcase nearby.

“How are you?” I asked her. “Are you feeling okay?”

“Yes, I am. I think you'd better watch where you're flying, Mister Pilot.”

I smiled briefly and turned my head to the sight ahead.

“Did they tell you I'd be the one to take you there?”

“No, they didn't. What a fantastic turn of events! You're the pilot... I'm impressed! When did you get your license?”

“A few months ago”, I answered proudly. “I had no idea.”

“You were nowhere to be found.”

“I was in a place where I couldn't contact anyone. We were working on something important. I was part of an international team of scientists. I still am. There's a lot we have to do.”

“So you're going to remain hidden?”


“For how long? Are you ever coming back?”

“I don't know. It's until we find the solution to something.”

“To what? The radiation?”

She was silent for a moment. I understood she wasn't allowed to tell me. She hesitated, then decided to explain:

“The radiation is just a consequence and only a small part of the whole thing. There are some people who caused it. There are underground facilities that use nuclear power in the wrong way. The planet's already distorted its electromagnetic field and atomic components of the atmosphere. We're trying to change that by ultrasound waves, and many other devices. We've built a power plant that will emit ultrasound waves to divert the radiation flux to space. The turbines that will disperse electrically charged particles into the atmosphere are going to restore the ecological balance of the desert. We're hoping to repair the planet's environment too. We're going to replace the toxic industries with renewable energy devices. If this power plant does the trick, very soon city by city will become a part of that. This planet will be restored and no longer damaged by human irresponsibility.”

“Are you sure about it?”

“I'm sure. We're almost there: look!”

I could see it from high above: the desert, endless dunes of sand, and suddenly, a white chalk building with towers and round antennas, surrounded by green trees and foliage overflowing under a sprinkling irrigation system of silver pipes shining in sunlight.

I noticed the painted green circle of the landing site and brought the helicopter above it, setting it slowly on the ground. I knew she would immediately get off and disappear in that building.

“Am I going to see you again?” I asked her.

I turned my head to look at her. She stopped for a second, before getting out. Her sunglasses flashed, reflecting the bright light.

“I hope so, Ky.”

And then she closed the glass door.

I took off, watching the building become smaller and smaller, from the air.

I had to cool off my head, after having seen her: the urge to take her in my arms had been so hard to resist, like a huge wave smashing in my mind, heating up my senses. I couldn't deny the attraction I felt for her.

Two weeks went by without any significant event, except for a few flights to extinguish some fires in the fields. And then I was called for a secret mission again. I was told to be extremely attentive while delivering some government treasure to an undisclosed destination. However, I recognized the coordinates of the desert ecological base and hoped I would meet Seloren again.

My wish came true: the passenger was her, once more.

“Good morning, Ky” she said smiling, boarding my helicopter.

She had the same wide hat, sunglasses and briefcase, only this time she was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. She could be wearing anything and still look irresistibly stunning. I stared at her, enchanted to see that beautiful apparition that made the daylight brighter. Suddenly, everything seemed better.

“Good morning indeed”, I said and we lifted up in the air.

I was confident anytime we were together, I believed in our connection being stronger than unpredictable circumstances. I was happy and started conversation, despite the strict instructions I'd been given to remain silent:

“So you're the government treasure the secret service told me to fly across the desert?”

“I think the treasure is in this briefcase.”

“And you're not allowed to tell me the content. Let me guess: it's your USB flash drive! You could have placed it in your sneakers instead of that complicated briefcase.”

“You're in a good mood today”, she noticed.

I could feel her eyes on me, watching attentively, contemplating my movements at the flight board. I continued to speak, glancing at her reflection in the glass:

“I'm happy you're here again. I enjoy flying with you to that oasis in the desert.” She smiled.

“Well, that oasis is actually a big center for environmental change. And it's expanding. It advances every day... The area is an entire complex now and it will become a chain of stations soon.”

From up above, I could already see what she was describing: water had spread over a large portion of sand, forming a huge turquoise lake around the center building, interspersed with islands of green vegetation and silver irrigation pipes. Palm trees and rotating antennas accompanied the wooden bridges that connected the islands in a net. Watching from the air, it looked like a multiple hexagon complex.

“Why hexagons? Is there a reason for choosing that shape?”

“Hexagons make the best use of space. Circles can't fit together to cover everything, but hexagons do. We learned it from bees... we think it's best to follow examples from nature.”

“You're really like busy bees... at this speed, the entire desert will be a tropical resort very soon.”

She sounded calm and convinced:

“It will be much more than that. And hopefully, the entire planet will benefit from it, clean fresh air and balanced environment.”

I knew I wasn't supposed to ask anymore questions, but I was curious: “Where did you get that water? It looks like tons of it.”

“It's from an underground source. We're bringing it to the surface. There's a system of greenhouse recycling that prevents it from evaporating and drying. We capture, condense the vapors and redirect them into irrigation pipes. This way, the new water reserve is continuously replenished.”

She added, casually but a bit concerned:

“Of course, nobody knows it yet in the outside world. Except for you, now.”

“I won't go around telling about it. Don't worry.”

I hovered the helicopter above the complex, descending in a spiral to the landing site.

When she opened the door to get out, I could smell the humid warm air and vegetation scent seeping in from the islands. I was tempted to accompany her, but I wasn't allowed to get beyond the helicopter doorway. I watched her walk away towards the bridge across the azure water that undulated in small waves and ripples from the propeller storm. She had to hold her hat with one hand, or it would have been blown off into the air. I waited until she was out of sight, then took off, distancing myself from that area, returning to the scenery of the dry, seemingly endless desert. And I had to do my best to focus on flying, as images of us embracing couldn't disappear from my mind.

I was almost certain that chances were in our favor, although the situation was not exactly ideal for us. However, I believed we would be together anyway... and soon.

I was right.

Meeting her again confirmed that to me in a few days.

I became her personal pilot. The secret service gave me that opportunity, after the two flights that had been more of a preliminary test. I found out later that in the end, it had also been her request that suggested I should accompany her on and off that base. She had chosen me despite other pilots that flew her a few times. Because I and her knew each other from the past, the secret service agreed to let me be the one to accomplish the mission, considering I would be more careful about her safety than the other guys who didn't feel anything on a personal level. Usually, any mission would have required lack of involvement, but this time it was different: it mattered otherwise. I had the advantage of being her favorite choice too. And it was settled. I was the number one pilot: the one and only.

I was going to fly her to the station, wait until she took samples of soil, water and leaves, then fly her back to the government secret lab where they kept track of their progress and everything else.

The missions became for us simple getaway trips: every two or three days we flew together to the base in the desert, spent a few hours there, then got back to the lab in the city. It was almost like having unplanned dates happen unexpectedly.

I was so happy, I couldn't believe how lucky I was to finally get to spend more time around her, after I had missed being with her for so long. Keeping my hands away from touching her was extremely hard to accomplish, but I tried to behave professionally so I pretended to accompany her simply and casually, just as a pilot on the job. I usually waited for her outside, on the landing site. I would turn off the helicopter engine, let the propeller rest while I would walk around, looking at the clear blue water, the transparent waves, the palm trees swaying in the breeze, the sparkling drops of water from the irrigation pipes. It was like a dreamland, expanding with each new day further and further along in the desert.

I usually waited one or two hours for Seloren, looking around and reveling in her presence when she showed up. It was hard to contain my impulse to take her in my arms whenever she walked towards me. I yearned to hold and touch her again, sink my hands in her hair, melt my lips into hers, trace my fingertips on her breasts, feel her chest breathe so close to my heart that my mind would light up in flames, longing to spoil and cherish her for hours, to leave everything else aside and make love to her until she would abandon her senses to complete happiness. I envisioned discovering her again and again - and often I couldn't shake from my mind the sight of us rolling together, embracing fervently in an infinity of possibilities. Sometimes, I let my thoughts wander into a realm of hypnotizing excitement, as my heart would beat faster each second. I tried not to think about it when I was piloting the helicopter though. Her presence there near me, however, made me feel so free to imagine anything I wanted. From time to time, she stared at me, unsure of what was on my mind. She watched me silently, but I could feel her eager curiosity in her inquisitive glance. I was aware of her energy flowing towards me, enveloping me like a charm. I wondered if she could guess my thoughts - if she realized how much I wanted her. I hoped she could understand and decide to do something about it, but she remained focused on her tasks, every time.

And I couldn't interfere: I was the pilot.

There were moments when I could see her eyes lost in a dreamy, absent stare, directed at me and I was sure we were thinking about the same thing. Our connection went high above our surroundings, invincible, implacable, undeniable. When we didn't speak, the air was filled with sparkling attraction, so obvious that I could have sworn it would turn into visible electricity very soon. I don't know how we both resisted the urge to jump into each other's arms so many times when we flew above the desert, in the ardent heat of blazing sunlight.

One day, when I was staring at the azure waves beneath the wooden bridge where I was waiting for her, I realized one essential truth of life.

I told myself: “as much as people need water to exist, they also need love. People are made of water and they are made of love. They are made of dreams and flowing wishes, creating reality according to what is in their souls and minds.”

It was liberating to understand something so simple yet so essential near the oasis that had been invented and built to save the world from irresponsible chaos, toxic radiation and electromagnetic collapse. As long as water and love existed, everything was possible. There hadn't been that much damage done that water couldn't mend. Water was powerful. Love was miraculously powerful too. Being alive was a gift that contained the offer of having both water and love together, to keep life going. They were inseparable, just like Seloren and I. That was when I saw her reflection in the undulating waves of the turquoise pond. She had come to stand by my side, looking at the water.

“It's amazing, isn't it”, she spoke softly, as if not to disturb the peaceful silence of the palm trees and the clarity of the lagoon.

“It is”, I smiled. “And you're amazing too. Ready to go?”

She glanced at me as if she knew something I didn't, serenely content somehow.

She shook her head.

“Not today, Ky.” And she smiled. I was astounded:

“So... you're not going back today?”

We're not going back. You and me both.”

“How come?”

“The samples are taking longer to sort out. There are many more ponds to check and many more samples to verify before flying them to the lab. It won't be finished until tomorrow morning. I must stay here and orders are that you wait with me.”

She winked at me, amused and mysteriously enchanted by something:

“We're spending the night in this place.”

Then she took my hand, before I could process what she'd just revealed about our situation and she went ahead across the wooden bridge, under the fresh green leaves and the humid vapors.

“Let's walk. I'll show you around.”

Crossing from one green island to another, we slowly distanced ourselves from the main building in the center. Every bridge was a passage through arcades of foliage, ivy and strings sustaining tropical trees above translucent water. It was like a fragmented rainforest, distributed equally among the irrigation pipes, endlessly sprinkling shiny drops everywhere. When we set foot on what must have been the tenth island, we were already wet and laughing. We stopped and looked at each other. The air was hot and humid. Sunlight was shimmering in the aura of flying drops like hundreds of fountain springs of light. Seloren took off her hat. Her hair was damp, hanging on her shoulders as she was smiling, happy and free of worries, like I hadn't seen her in a long time. Her wet shirt was stuck to her skin and I couldn't help sliding my glance to the line of her neck and lower, to her chest, as the shape emerged from beyond the thin blouse. She noticed me staring and laughed, grabbing my collar playfully:

“You're wet too! Take this pilot shirt off, now!”

I looked around us. There was only water, palm trees and sand... and the spinning bowl antennas that had been placed everywhere.

“These pilot pants too,” she continued, determined.

“Take them off!”

“My pants?”

“Yes! Take everything off.”

“You're the first woman who ever asked me to get undressed.”

“You're damn right, I am. So why don't you do it?”

I looked at her. There was a mixture of irresistible tension release and rising heat in the laughter and burning attraction between us. I was breathing deeply, still feeling the sprinkling warm water on my head, tickling and arousing. I was staring at her. She leaned her head sideways, glancing at me with a bright, appealing glow on her face – if it was the water on her skin or the love I felt for her, I couldn't tell exactly. In that moment, she was one with the sunlight. I felt inspired and hypnotized at the same time.

“What?” she asked amused, while I couldn't take my eyes off her. “You're  staring.”

“Your eyes speak to me in ways I can't explain.”

“Wait until my lips speak to you also...” she started to say, but I didn't let her finish her sentence.

I took a step closer and kissed her before she could continue. My arms grabbed her waist and pulled her to me, until we were stuck to each other, wet and kissing in one long sigh. My hands started to unbutton her shirt and I could feel her fingers unlock my belt, tugging down at my pants. I kept kissing her face softly, feverishly and adoringly, going down to her neck and shoulders, while taking off her shirt. Then we stopped, suddenly realizing that we had defied any stifling imposed restrictions and we were headed straight towards total freedom with each other, in the middle of that newly created paradise.

“Are they watching us with these antennas?” I asked her.

“I don't think so... they might be watching, who knows?”

“I don't care anyway”, I said and took off my shirt. “I don't care about these things like reputation and stuff. Let them talk. I have a mission with you,” I said and kissed her again.

“Interesting mission... Well, gossip and reputation usually make me laugh”, she added, when I gave her a few seconds to breathe away from me. “Let's just get into the water,” she said eagerly.

It was a relief that she was unafraid of what we were about to do under the probable supervision of a spying system of antennas. I admired her natural, unembarrassed decision to be with me despite risky circumstances and unknown consequences.

She turned around and I undid her bra, giving her more kisses on her wet skin.

She let the last piece of underwear slide and jumped into the pond, splashing drops in my face.

“Come on, Ky! It's warm!”

Her invitation was impossible to refuse. I threw away my clothes and jumped next to her, in that clear bright lagoon. It was like the beginning of the world, time seemed endless and our love eternal.

Water reached up to our shoulders. If we advanced further, it would go deeper to our chins and beyond, so we remained there together, in the place where our feet could feel the soft sand underneath. We played with waves, splashing each other for a while, enjoying the sun and the fresh air, while our bodies felt free, standing naked in the water next to one another. Slowly and steadily, I took some steps until the distance between us was irrelevant. I could feel her legs touch mine underwater. Her arms went around my neck and we embraced, getting lost in a kiss. My hands reached to her thighs, helping her up against me. Emotion and excitement made me shiver again, just like the first time we had been intimate after having stayed separated for many years. She rested her elbows on my shoulders and looked gently in my eyes. Water made her almost weightless. I was holding her up above me, bringing her closer to myself, while I wanted our hearts to find their rhythm together. For a few seconds, we just looked at each other. Shiny drops were dripping from her wet hair and she looked so beautiful, I could feel my heartbeat run faster, while her breasts touched my chest.

“Ah...” she moaned. “Do you always tremble like this when you make love ?”

“I don't know. You tell me”, I replied and we submerged underwater together.

Making love underwater was an unpredictable and extraordinary experience... a wet dream of azure waves, heated kisses, intermittent breathing and liquid dancing moves. I enjoyed immensely watching her eyes gleam with pleasure, knowing I was the one who could make her feel so good until she would forget what didn't matter and remember what was essential in life, in a moment of complete happiness. I let my mind elevate until I reached a point when it seemed to me we were moving together with the water of the entire planet, making waves from ocean to ocean, as the universe opened its doors to us and light rushed in, lifting our embrace in a cosmic flow of energy that was like touching the brightest sun, as one with it for a second. The absolute happin