Making Your Long Distance Relationship Work by Michelle and Frank - HTML preview

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Remember the reason you are in this relationship.
You love each other! And if you have love, then
you can’t let distance destroy that. It is an
obstacle, that most people do not have to face,
and if you can overcome this, and make it to a
point where you can finally live in the same home,


then you will be able to overcome many other
challenges you may face in the future. So for now, in this chapter of your relationship, make the most of it! And enjoy the small but great benefits long distance can offer to your relationship including but not limited to sweet reunions and better communication.

Ih ave beeninalongdistance relationshipsince April 2006,andknow itispossible to make yourLDRwork(especiallyif youare withthe rightperson!) Believeitornot,Frank andI havehadmanyupsanddownsin ourown relaionshipandunderstandfisthand how difficultthistypeof relationshipis. Ihope youbenefitinsomewayfromthe advice Ihave givenhere. If youhave anyquestionsvisitme