Midnight Noire by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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I woke up in the white walls of the hospital. My left side was throbbing in pain. I tried to sit up and was momentarily pushed back by a female in a white overall.

"Easy… You’re just after the surgery, you can’t get up…" Thank you, I was aware of that if I wasn’t already in a body bag. She touched my forehead. I noticed she was somewhere around her thirties, with a pleasant smile on her face. Why was she smiling? Did she find something amusing in this situation?

"How did I get here?" My throat felt a little sore and my head was dizzy. The annoying beeping sound of the heart monitor started to get on my nerves.

"One of your friends called us. I think his name was Trent…" Her eyes became warmer when she spoke his name.

"Trent Black?" I was incredulous. Why in the darkest corners of hell would he save my life?

"Yes, I think that’s the one. Is there something wrong?" She took the plastic cap off a syringe and attached it to the tube which was going out of my hand.

"What’s that?" I asked, starting to get little nervous. It was hard for me to trust anyone, where was the guarantee of her not being a murderer? I remembered when I had sneaked in a hospital under the assignment of killing a wife of some murderer. She had no idea that I was a killer instead of a care taker. I could be a great actress if only I wanted to.

"It’s just a painkiller." I hoped she wasn’t lying, I really did. I wouldn’t want to struggle for my life yet again. Last time it was my Persian rug that kept me willing to live, the revenge would be too sweat, but this time… What would I possibly want to live for? Oh yes, I haven’t taken my revenge yet. "Take rest, dear… I’ll come by later, you have some paper work to fill." She caressed my shoulder and left me alone with rhythmic beeps of an extremely annoying device.

Despite the uncomfortable throbbing in my side, I sat up. Trent… Why would he save me right after he had killed Ana? I was certain he was aware of our little conversation. A really stupid move. I ripped the IV needle out of my arm, my feet touching the cold tiled floor. There was no way in hell I would stay in this establishment. I supported myself against the hard mattress of the bed, managing my way to the closet at the other end of the room. I opened the door with my shaking fingers and was glad to see my outfit. I undid the straps of my overall, letting it fall to my feet. My hand traveled to the pocket of my leather jacket, pulling out my phone. It still was turned off. I turned it on and dialed the only number I had forcefully burned in my brain.

After a couple of dial tones, I received an answer.

"This better be good…" Yet again he was displeased. He was my connection to my employer, but other than just being a middle man, he helped me out from time to time. Just then I realized I didn’t even know his name.

"What day is it?" I pulled on a bra, noticing a big bandage on my side. They had to be exaggerating, the knife hadn’t done that big of a damage. I touched the white thing, immediately feeling sharp pain shooting through my body.

"Thursday. Have you gone completely insane by now?" He sighed. Thursday… I had been out for a day and I was wrong. The nurse wasn’t a homicide. I was on my feet and with every passing minute felt better than before. I ignored his question.

"I need a favor. Look up when and where is the nearest Carnival of Rust concert." By then I was already buttoning up my jeans. I heard the sound of fingers hitting against keyboard. Come on, I don’t have all day.

"Tonight. Long Beach." Perfect. I pressed the disconnection button and tossed the phone on the bed. A silent groan escaped my lips as I pulled a black shirt over my head. For further notice- no stretching until the wound has fully healed. Just then I remembered about Duke and the blood puddle I was sinking in just a day ago. There was no way he hadn’t noticed it. This all started to get too suspicious for him not to realize things, but then again, he had already noticed. It wasn’t hard to put two and two together. Let’s just hope he wasn’t the wisest of men. Although, he had questioned me about Ana, when there was absolutely no reason to be questioned. She wanted to be free of the underground business so Trent set her free. Only in a slightly different way than she was expecting.

I didn’t have time to worry about Duke, I could always kill him if he became a burden, but really… could I? He already was a burden! Him being friends with Trent did absolutely no good for me, neither did his suspicion. I was sure he was on to something, but he didn’t know what exactly.

I shook the thought away, the only thing I had to think about now was how to get out of the hospital.


It had been easier than I thought. It was the middle of the day and the place was full of living or more than non-living beings. I was positive there was morgue somewhere in the cellar of failed experiments, nah, more than failed attempts in saving someone. Nobody even noticed me walking away. That’s that. I was a little surprised when I walked in to the empty apartment and noticed my carpet missing.  Duke was too lazy to bring it to dry cleaner’s and yet again the question- Why would Trent need to do something like that? I had a great opportunity of asking him it, since I was the VIP of their show who had a backstage pass and was watching him right now.

I had to admit, this was somewhat fun, could almost compete with the satisfaction I received from killing someone. I was leaning against the amplifier since the drug had worn out and the pain was making me mad. I couldn’t even raise my hand without being forced to bend over in pain.

I couldn’t believe how… different Duke was on stage. At home I saw him as this quiet yet demanding person and now he was the beast who ravaged every underage girl only with that little tongue thing he did. But wait… He lived with me although he was paid very generously for each gig he did? That’s a thought to process. Maybe later.

 He pumped his fist in the air later on stroking the guitar neck, still being able to create a magnificent sound by just doing so. Oh that cocky smirk of his. I couldn’t stand it. How could he be this loved and me this hated? For god sake, he was just raping his guitar, when I cleansed California from people who were actually raping someone. I was the reason kids could go safely out of their homes! It seemed no matter what he did, he was able to make Gods cry. I crossed my hands, not even noticing my lips formed in to a smile, when he shook his head, seductively watching over the enormous sea of people.

Okay, as much as I wanted to be here, I didn’t have a century of spare time to watch five guys pleasing their ego’s by hearing loud ovations on every kinky movement they made. This was the last song I was going to listen to. It was kind of hard to see my roommate being every female’s dream guy and knowing I lived with him, not even trying to become friends with him. That’s called ABC of the basic surviving, Morrison. Have you forgotten your very first rule? No, I haven’t, thanks for reminding me, what would I do without you? Be bored as hell.

"Long Beach, had a fucking blast with y’all tonight, thank you so much for coming out!" Trent yelled in his microphone, he said something else, but I did not take any notice of the rest stuff. This had to be the end, but no, there went drums again and Duke was now on the riser. Oh, get off you arrogant egoist. Would your self-esteem drop enormously if you just stood anywhere else but in the center of it? And the high pitched notes he hit, I swore to god, another squeal out of his guitar and I was going to break it afterwards. So finally it was over, everyone were taking their guitars off and raising them in the air. The sound of something being shot came afterwards. Quite frankly, it sounded nothing like a real shooting sound. I got very irritated with the last part. And finally there he came.

Duke’s eyebrows furrowed when he saw my petite build, "What are you doing here?" I noticed him holding a beer in his hand. Typical.

"Waiting for Trent…" I smiled, leaving him confused.

"Oh hey…" Trent came to us, wiping his face in the edge of his shirt. He placed his hands on his hips, a smile decorating his lips.

"Can I talk to you?" Something odd was glimpsing in Duke’s eyes. Yes, for instance all the attention was not on you, Duke.

"Sure. We just have another song…"

"What? Another one?" My eyes went wide; there was no way I could survive another five minutes of Duke’s arrogance. I made Trent laugh. God I wanted to punch him so bad, how could he laugh when we both knew exactly why I was here.

"If you don’t want to be here just ask Matt there" He waved towards someone behind me, "and he’ll take you to the dressing room. That’s good with you?" I nodded, what other options had I left? A guy with funny looking beard and longish bangs came to me. So he was the one to escort me? I wondered if he was somehow involved with Trent and his secrets, if any of these people were. If I could start the killing.

"So now you have a hot spot for Morrison?" I heard Duke laughing before me and my aching side turned around.

"Since when are you jealous, man?"