Midnight Noire by Devlin Price - HTML preview

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Goddamn ten minutes. He kept me waiting for ten minutes! How dared he? If he wanted for me to die out of boredom, he could’ve locked me in the hospital or something. I was not the most patient person when things came to hurting someone. I enjoyed every second of it and I admitted it. I kept walking in circles, keeping my hand pressed against my wound. I just hoped I hadn’t ripped up the stitches; I was not going back to those charlatans. Dampened footsteps came closer along with loud laughs.

Hmm… what to use? Either the lamp or one of the guitars? The striped one looked really appealing, I wondered who it belonged to.

"Guys give me a second…" The door knob turned, I was getting short on my time. Think Elle, think, what would cause more damage? The guitar will be good. Oh and it was somewhat heavy. Purrfect.

The door opened and as soon as his large build was on my side of the door, the guitar went for his face. Behold the demons that I freed… I had forgotten of my wound, so the guitar slipped a little, hitting him hard on the shoulder. He flew against the door and later fell on the floor along with a loud thud and a ringing noise from guitar falling out of my hands. I made almost the same trip, only I landed straight on my knees, my hand shooting in front of my side as I groaned in pain. I should think more before doing something.

"What the hell are you doing?!" He hissed rubbing his shoulder and wincing, "You aren’t even supposed to be here…" He stood up, dragging me along him.

"Well guess what… Surprise! Here I am…" Despite the terrible pain, my right hook had a powerful encounter with his face. He stepped back, rubbing his reddish cheek as he spat blood on the floor.

"Are you crazy? You can’t pull a scene here!" Oh I could, and I should. This was just me exercising; I wasn’t even close to getting serious about this. He deserved a bullet in his buttocks, but it was kind of hard to pull off to appear armed till my teeth at a rock show where security was on every corner.

"Why did you kill Ana?" I took the vase from the nearby coffee table and threw it at him.

"What?!" He frowned before ducking. The vase shattered behind him. "Hey, will you relax?"

"To hell I will!" He came closer, I was about to hit him again, but he was faster. His strong hand wrapped around my forearm, not allowing me to move. He swayed me over to the leather sofa, taking advantage of my condition as he placed himself upon me. I was little limited with moving fast, the pain was literally killing me. He pinned me down to the couch, holding my hands above my head. I grimaced in pain. It felt like somebody was tearing me from inside out. The pain eased for the moment, that couldn’t be good.

"Why would you even think for a second that I would kill someone?" His hazel eyes were piercing in mine. He was panting heavily. I noticed a drop of blood rolling down his chin. That’s what he deserved for making the innocent of himself.

"Oh yes… that’s why you have me…" I smiled through the pain. The side was really bothering me. I raised my head a little, feeling my wound getting a bit warm and wet around the edges. He noticed my movement and released my arms, but didn’t get off of me. He had a concerned look on his face. Yeah, now you’re concerned.

"That chick looked like she wanted to bight your dick off…" A laughing Chris entered along with the rest of the band. "Wow…" Their eyes grew wide. I wondered why. I pushed Matt off myself, making him once again kiss the floor. I looked at Duke to see his eyes full of anger and hurt. What the hell was his problem? There was a great minute of silence.

"We… uhmm… we’re going to grab a beer… You want to join… Trent?" The shortest of them all decided to break the silence; he was the one I did not know. Had never seen him, well before the show that was.

"Sure…" He got up, wiping his hands on his pants and adjusting that hat of his slightly. "You’re coming?" He looked over his shoulder, his hazel eyes suddenly in the warm shade of hazel.

"Yeah… You’re coming Morrison?" Duke’s tone was rather mocking. Angry browns lowered on the guitar in the middle of the room. He picked it up without further questions, only shooting daggers both at me and Trent.

"Of course she’s coming!" Madd, the same who I remembered swaying his hips in a red bra, didn’t leave me any choice, although there always was a choice. "We’ll be waiting in the car…" He pushed the rest of the guys out, showing thumbs up and an overly excited face before he left. I heard a loud and furious voice of Duke’s yelling when they got out of the room.

"What the fuck are you doing, Madd?!" He yelled, making both me and Trent look incredulously at the light door.

"What the hell is your problem?" The voices zoomed out.

"Show me the wound…" A deep voice brought me back. I arched an eyebrow while he let out a sigh, coming closer and pulling my shirt up. "It looks bad…" The blood was soaking through the bandage. Tell me something new, it didn’t feel right either. He nibbled on the corners of the bandage; I think he freed me of my small fur coat. And I loved the small fur so much. What a shame. "Why the hell did you even leave the hospital?" He pressed the corners back to my skin. What? No new bandage? I jerked him off, pulling the top down.

"Why was I even in a hospital?" I tugged the edges of the shirt in my pants.

"What else was I supposed to do? I went to pick Duke up for a rehearsal and there you were, fucking bleeding…"

"Why didn’t you just let me die? Wasn’t that the intention in the first place?"

"What are you talking about?" His fingers took me by chin and made me look at him. He was a bad liar.

"Let’s just skip the part where you don’t know who I am and I don’t know who you are." Another heavy sigh. "A person stands behind Michelle, and I think it’s you." Why? Why did I keep talking so much? In order to stay alive I had to keep my mouth shut, but maybe I wasn’t willing to live at all?

"Michelle?" His eyebrows shot up. Okay, maybe there was an extremely tiny chance of some other mafia branche being formed here in Huntington Beach, tho the chance was too small. Mostly non existent. It had to be him. The odds were too big. "Wait… You want to say she’s also in all of this?"

"You tell me…"

"You can’t possibly think I would kill my employees…" Yes, I could, and I surely did. And I would definitely kill my employer if he became a threat to me and my weekly income.

"Trent, don’t screw with me. Everyone knows I’m not the sanest person," People were goddamn right thinking like that. Sometimes I even enjoyed the company of my other, little too annoying self.

"Hey… Are you done?" The door opened and Chris poked his head, his eyes shielded with his palm. Done with what? "It’s just… Duke threatened to kill us all if someone won’t get you both…" He peeked through his fingers and moments later taking off his palm. Why couldn’t he come here, be a man and say it himself in order to send Chris.

"Oh did he?" I was very skeptical about him laying even a finger on any of them.

"Tell him to put a sock in it," Trent’s voice was cold, somewhat distant. Oh so he also suffered from the annoying personality split? Awesome, I wasn’t the only one.

"Hey, no hard feelings…" His hands shot up in defense, "I’m just a middle man." What was Duke so angry about? On stage he was smirking to every female and ready to get even non breathing ones in his bed and now he was threatening to kill everyone? That sounded like me, except the bed part. Such mood changes were not healthy. He should trust me. I got a cough once when jumping from happy to angry over five times in an hour, or maybe it was weather to blame?

Trent turned to look at me. "You’ll be riding with me. Gates should pipe the fuck down."

Easy as that. Okay. Whatever the boss says. I turned around, Trent hot on my heels, when I stopped and he bumped in me. This was not the way I was going to leave it. I looked back at him, "Where are my ten grand?"