My Never (My Never, #1) by Renee Swann - HTML preview

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When we arrived, Troy was pacing on the porch. His head snapped up when he saw us pull in and he sprinted over. “What took you so long?”

“We stopped for doughnuts,” I said.

Mum cut her eyes to me. “This is no time for your cynicism, Monique.”

Troy slid into the back. “You know the address?”

“Yep.” I reversed out of the driveway.

Hope — a powerful emotion, one that is built on desire and trust. Trusting that certain events will turn out for the best — winning that football game or acing that test. It can have us cry out in joy, bring us to our knees. We all need a little hope. God knows, I do. But I can’t help wondering – even now, have I lost it all? Has Lauren’s ignorance killed that little girl?

My eyes darted to the rear vision mirror. Troy was staring out the side window, fingers tapping on his thigh.

“We’re here,” I said.

He jumped out and sprinted across the grass.

“Wait up.” I cut the engine and followed.

What happened next shattered my heart. I heard Ruby scream, followed by frantic sobs.

“Ow! Mummy stop!” said Ruby.

“Ruby?” Troy ripped open the door and slipped inside. There was a moment of terrifying silence. Then more screams. “Lauren, put down the belt!”

Oh, God. I spun to face Mum. “Stay here. Please.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but shut it and nodded.

My heart thudded in my chest as I searched for them. I sprinted past the living room and kitchen then skidded to a stop. I wasn’t prepared for what I was seeing — Ruby limp in the corner, Lauren whipping the belt at Troy.

Move. You have to do something. Save your family. I took a step, then another. I slumped to my knees at Ruby’s side.

“You brought her here?” Lauren said through gritted teeth.

I brushed hair from Ruby’s forehead. “Sweetheart?”

Her eyes fluttered open. “Moni, it hurts.”

“Where?” My fingers wandered over her side. I heard a crack. My head spun.

Troy cupped his nose. Crimson trickled through his fingers. “Laur. Calm down, please.”

“You let that slut into my house.” She gestured to me. “And you expect me to be calm?” She snapped the belt at him.

He danced away. The buckle caught his ribs. He winced and clutched his side.

I retracted my hand from Ruby’s back, blood smeared over my fingers. “Oh, God. Troy.”

“Kinda busy here.” He dodged the belt again.

I turned Ruby over. Five welts sliced across her back. I blinked back tears. “Troy. We need to get Ruby to a hospital. NOW.”

He lunged at Lauren. He pinned her against the wall. “Go.”

“But—” I can’t lose him.

Lauren struggled against him, fury bleeding into her features. “She deserved it. Always yammering on about the ever-perfect Moni Cullen, her new best friend.”

He shoved her back. “Go, Mon.”

Sirens whistled through the air. I met his eyes.

“Take care of our girl,” he said.

I breathed deep and rolled Ruby into my arms. Whimpers escaped her lips. Tears spurted from her eyes.

“She’ll never be yours, you hear me?”

If I weren’t so concerned about her daughter’s welfare, Lauren’s vindictive tone might have paralysed me.

I stumbled outside, trying not to see Ruby’s blood-stained clothes. Where was Mum? “It’s okay, Sweetie.” I slid her into the back seat. “I’ll keep you safe.” I heard footsteps behind me and I whirled. Something solid cracked against my skull. My head swam. I slumped into the grass. The scent of rust and salt hit my nose. A trail of crimson slithered across my cheek.

The baseball bat landed an inch from my head. “She’ll never be yours.”

I felt a boot connect to my ribs. I winced. Darkness threatened to overcome me. “Ruby …” Please, God. Save Ruby.

Someone screamed. I heard a hard smack, tailed by a deafening thump.

“Mon?” The angel’s voice was muffled.

I felt a weight on my shoulders and was lifted into a pair of arms. “Ruby.” My vision clouded over. “Rubes.”

The dark consumed me.


End of volume one.