My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 8



Days went by, and Cassandra had been going to the modeling training, where she was learning different techniques. She was ready for that day.


Her son Thomas, was already getting use to the idea of taking trips with his mother. He was going to be five in two weeks and he was having a party, with all his classmates.


Cassidy’s birthday was in a month after she came from the campaign, she still had no idea what her mother was planning. Stanley and his band were playing on her birthday.


 Julie met her new tutor, his name was Mr. Kendall and she kept on studying hard, and she was also gaining experience. And she kept thinking of her old tutor.


Mr. Kendall had been a private tutor all his life and he loved his job, he enjoyed going to work with Julie, she was very ahead and he was surprised to find out that she had learned most of it in high school.


Mr. Thompson had left but he would miss Julie, he was working hard not to think of her. He was going to be working for a large agency which needed him and his experience on making business plans.


Thomas had been preparing to go back home again by the end of modeling campaign he was hosting, there was nothing else for him. He was going to start a business with a friend he had since long ago, Jacob.


But he would be coming every so often to visit his parents, who would be alone now after his brother’s decision to go into the army.


Jacob already had a business plan ready thanks to an investor, and great business planner, who was also going to be part on their business industry.


Mr. Swan had already prepared all his models, and the dresses he had designed for them. He seemed nervous, because the day was getting close and the campaign was going to be huge! But he was ready.


The models, had grown angrier at Cassandra and they were planning to get revenge, on her for taking their spotlight away. But they knew nothing about her, how were they going to get revenge?


Olivia had sent the invitations for Thomas’ fifth birthday party, and she was planning to make it big, it was her first grandson and she wanted to treat him, for his birthday. She seemed to be inviting every kid in the neighborhood.


Mr. Hopkins was glad to find out Cassidy was going to take over the family’s business, he was very proud of her for that. And was planning to show her the ropes, around the business.


Thomas’ parents were going to be assisting in his campaign, and they were going to support him, as they were retiring early and his brother was going into the army. He was helping Mr. Swan while he was there with him to make things easier.


Nicholas had given up trying to look who that boy was, he had seen a little boy with Cassandra few times. But once he thought he wasn’t his nephew he figured that the rumors her had been true. He was leaving for two years.


When Nicholas came to his parents to say he was leaving to the army, his parents were depressed, they didn’t want their son fighting in the war. Once they saw he wasn’t changing his mind, they said their goodbyes as he left.


Mrs. Shultz would still take care of Thomas, and she would take care of him when they left, and she had agreed to go with Cassandra and Thomas for their trips, she would take care of him when Cassandra was working.


Today was Cassandra’s last training and she noticed Mr. Swan was nervous. “Ok, very good, I think you’ve got it just do the same for that day,” he got close to her, “you should leave, Thomas is on his way he will be bringing some papers.”


Cassandra didn’t wait to get her purse and her things as she was trying to calm him down, “ok, I’ll call you later then… don’t worry everything will be alright, I already know what to do, I know all the techniques, and I won’t come close to him, so relax, ok?”


Mr. Swan sighed, “I know you’re probably right, but…”


“But nothing you shouldn’t worry, just relax and…”


“I can’t just relax, I have to figure out a way to hide you from Thomas and the press, they want to do an interview, with you, and I know they won’t stop until they have your story.”


The truth was Cassidy was also nervous, but being nervous would not make it any better. The only thing to do now was to reassure him that everything was going to be ok.


“I’ll be wearing the mask, the news reporters won’t recognize me, here let me show you,” she took the mask and put it on standing in front of the mirror she saw Thomas coming into the room and her heart sank.


“Mr. Swan, I just came to… who is she? Is she one of the models?”


Mr. Swan, turned to look at him and back at her, his face was pale and eyes were wide. “Thomas! Oh Thomas, um… well yes she is and her name is uh…” he ran to her papers, “Mystique.”




“Yes, we’re keeping her identity a secret she doesn’t want the reporters to be on top of her… well you understand.”


“So, ‘Mystique’ thank you, the mask is a great idea, I think you should leave now, I’ll talk to you soon.”


Cassandra stood there, and turned to look at Thomas and back at Mr. Swan, she cleared her throat. Thomas was looking back at her eyes, “she seems familiar, is she famous?”


Mr. Swan, blocked his view, “yes! That’s it! She’s famous, Mystique is not her real name but it’s an artistic name she has so she won’t be recognized. And she’s leaving, bye.”


Cassandra couldn’t speak, because if she spoke Thomas would recognize her, “is she taking the mask of?”


“No! she has to take it with her.” Mr. Swan saw her walking away waving as she left, he sighed as he said “talk to you soon,” he turned to Thomas, “make sure you don’t say anything about her…”


Cassandra was nervous, had he recognized her? She wanted to find out, she looked around to see if there was anyone there. She leaned against the door to listen.


“But I don’t even know her, how can  I?… Look I’ll keep the secret, even if I knew who she was, I’m not saying I do, but you can count on me to protect her identity, you know what I don’t even have to know, ok?”


Mr. Swan sighed, “thank you so much Thomas that’s one more person I can trust, you never know in this business.”


Cassandra stood up, and left relieved that he hadn’t found her out, she was going to have to be careful the next time, she took off the mask, and left it on top of his desk… It was safe now that she knew he wouldn’t see her.


Thomas smiled, “I understand,” but he still wondered who could it be? Those eyes looked so familiar, like if he knew her. But who was she? “Well, as I was saying when I came in, I just came to drop this of the boxes arrived today and they were just delivered.”


Mr. Swan smiled, “oh thank you god! The dress is finally here, now I can give her a call…” he turned to Thomas, who was staring at him. Mr. Swan cleared his throat, “thanks I’ll get the box right now.”


Cassandra left, but when she was leaving she noticed that Thomas’ parents in the waiting room, she stood behind the door that protected her from being noticed.


She turned to the side and noticed a book rack, sitting there with a bunch of magazines in it. Cassandra was saved! She took her sun glasses from her purse, grabbed a magazine and put it over her face as she walked out.


She hadn’t notice that someone was watching her, trying to hide from them. “Well, hello there.” she turned to look at the person talking to her.


Cassandra was surprised, why was she talking to her? She never even liked her, “uh, hello?”


“I’m sorry, I know I wasn’t nice with you, but you have to understand that we’ve been trying to get the spotlight you easily took from us, we’ve tried for many years, tell me why should we let you just have it?!”


Cassandra looked at her watch, “I’m late, I must really go, it was nice chatting with you, but… bye,” she walked away putting the book over her face and walking quickly to the elevator.


The woman followed her, “you have no right to be here, we’ve been doing this for years and you can’t just come and barge in like it is your place…”


“First of all, I’m not taking your place, and I have as much right to be here, as all of you do! So excuse me, but I have to leave,” the elevator door opened and she walked in waving to her with a smile, “now Barbara is it? Leave me well enough alone.”


The elevator door closed, and Barbara was wide eyed to see Mr. Swan caught their little discussion, Thomas was walking towards them. Mr. Swan was glaring at her, “I’ll se you in my office, right now.”


He shut the door, “why did you tell her she doesn’t belong here?”


Barbara acted shocked, “but Mr. Swan, she never did what I and all the girls did, why treat her special?”


“I’m not treating anyone more special than the other, I would do anything for anyone of you guys, but you know she was a sensation and…”


“Mr. Swan, I will not work with a little crook like her, she is just…”


Thomas was standing behind them, Mr. Swan hadn’t noticed, “she is just what?”


“weird… yes weird, she was hiding from the people, in the waiting room, and you and I know she’s not even famous…”


“Since, she became a hit, she became famous, and I’d rather have her here, than…”


“She just became famous, because of that thing she was…”


“Barbara! I don’t have time for your jealousy. So if you finished, please leave, I don’t want to see you, or talk to you, I’ve told you before you have to stop you do that with every new girl. How long have you worked for us?”


“Mr. Swan, are you firing me?”


“I might just do that, so either you stop because I’m not giving you any more chances, the first I let it pass, I know you were just defending yourself. I’m warning you this, is your last chance!”


Barbara left the room angrily, she hit the pile of papers, that were neatly stacked on the desk dropping them all on the floor, Mr. Swan placed a hand to his head as he shut his eyes, “I’m too old for this, Barbara, don’t ever come back!”


As he turned he noticed Thomas was standing on the door way, “Thomas, how long have you been there?”


“Long enough,” he bent down to help him pick up the papers. “Why is she so jealous?”


“Because she thinks, Mystique is after becoming rich and famous, but the truth is, she thinks that the only way to keep the cameras away is to control where to meet them, that is why she can’t be seen coming in or going out, she wants her life to be private.”


“I know what you mean, well she’ll be fine as long as she knows and memorizes what to do, she doesn’t want to be the only one not knowing what to do, but wait she said that she wasn’t famous…”


“Oh great you heard that! I’m sorry, but I promised to keep her secret…”


“I felt I knew her, I recognized her eyes, just for a moment when I had her in front of me, which makes perfect sense why she didn’t speak to me…”


“Who she is isn’t important, but her identity is.”


Thomas had a confused look in his face, “what?”


“Look it’s better that way, don’t worry about who she is just protect her when the day comes, she’ll need us to if she doesn’t want to get caught by the reporters.”


“All right  I will I said I would, and I will. I have to go my parents are outside in the lobby waiting for me, it’s our last week together before I leave for good.”


“I see, you should go with them, then you should spend more time together before leaving.”


They finished picking the files from the floor, and put them back. “thank you Mr. Swan, I’ll leave but I’ll call you back later, and don’t stress out you got the dress you were waiting for.”


The campaign they were hosting, was set up, it was just days away and Mr. Swan was glad to finally have everything ready.


Thomas came back, “Mr. Swan the mask, wasn’t she suppose to take it with her? She left it.”


“I see, I’ll give her a call, she probably thought she was suppose to leave it, I’ll keep it, until the day of the campaign, thank you Thomas.”


Thomas left with his parents to the lobby, they stood when they saw him come in, but they seemed sad, Thomas looked alarmed, “what’s wrong?”


“Nicholas he is leaving tomorrow, they are taking him to their boot camp, he just gave us the news.”


“Mom, he is going to be fine, who knows he probably won’t get called to war. You just have to be positive that it will be alright, but why don’t you guys come with me I don’t want to leave you guys alone?”


“Because he is coming home on every weekend, why don’t you stay with us? Are you still mad at what happened five years ago between you and that Cassandra? She won‘t be bothering you anymore! You shouldn‘t let that…”


“Mother! It’s not that, I just can’t be here, ok? I‘ll never forget that…” he regretted saying that, but his mother was hurt.


“You’re right, probably but if it wouldn’t have been true then she should have stood up for herself, and her son would have had a family, but I guess…” did I just say that?


Thomas was shocked, “how did you know she was pregnant?”


“That doesn’t matter, what matters is it wasn’t yours, the kid should have never even…”


“Mom! What are you saying? You knew! Did she have my baby?”


“No! she had another man’s son.”


“She… she has my son, I’m sorry mom but I have to go.”


His father was mad, but not at him, at her, “Sandra why did you do this? She was pregnant, do you know how you destroyed him?”


“I didn’t destroy him, I helped him look at all he’s done, he didn’t have a woman and a kid at such a young age, and I didn’t know she was pregnant, at first, until I heard she had been her friend told me.”


“And you kept it a secret?”


“Of course I wouldn’t want my son to suffer, now how do you think he will feel when he finds out that the baby isn’t his?”


“Why do you say it’s not his? What makes you think that?”


“Andrew she was with someone else,  do you think I didn’t like her for no reason?”


“I had no idea,” he looked shocked, he sighed, “now what are we going to do?”


We are going to be there for him, and we will have to tell him.”


Thomas was driving to the house, he knew he had her number, he had to call her, she had to listen to him, he wanted to be a part of his son’s life, “here it is!”


Cassandra was out with Thomas, they were in the park, he had just gotten out from school and he was having fun. He was happy to know that in a few days, they would take a trip.


He would run to the slide and turning to her waving so she could see him, “mommy!”


She would wave back at him, smiling, “I’m watching you sweety, go ahead!”


He would slide down and laugh when he got down, she heard her phone ring, but she didn’t recognize the number, she answered. She went silent when she heard the voice in the other end, “Cassandra are you still there?”


“Don’t call me, I’m busy right now, I don’t want you to bother me, got it!”


“I know I deserve that, but I need to talk to you…”


“I don’t ever want you to call me again, and if you ever bother me again, then…” she hung up her phone and looked towards her son, he kept smiling without a worry in the world. Sometimes she wished she could feel that way.


She decided to call Julie and tell her what had happened about Thomas’ phone call, she wanted her to hide the fact that she lived there at any cause.


When Olivia received her call, she told her she wouldn’t give him any information to try to find her, and assured her not to worry.


She couldn’t help but worry, what would she do? She needed to leave for good, it’s not what she wanted but probably coming to her family is what put her out there in the first place. He had expected her to be there.


It didn’t matter, as long as she could not be seen by him until he left she would be fine. After a while her son wanted to go home, she took him to a restaurant, and she spend her time there with him for as long as she could.


Finally he was tired, and she called her friend Julie and asked her if there was any news about Thomas, “he is there trying to see when you come back.”


“Oh no, I can’t come back, but I have an idea, Julie do you think you can get some clothes ready?”


“Ok, yes but what about Thomas? He is still outside, and…”


“Just talk to him, tell him I don’t live there, he will have to leave. If he won’t tell him you’ll call the police he just has to leave.”


“Alright, I will,” they said their goodbye’s and they hung up.


Julie went outside to talk to him, “please  Thomas you have to leave, Cassandra doesn’t live here.”


“Wait, she doesn’t? I thought she did, where does she live? I need to talk to her.”


“I wish I could tell you, but she doesn’t want to talk to you, and she’s my friend, you hurt her. But what’s worse is the way you abandoned her when you knew she was pregnant…”


“What? She’s the one who… nevermind that I just have to talk to her.”


“Do you want me to give her a message for her?”


“No… I, uh yes, tell her that I know about my son, and we need to talk.”