My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 9



Julie called Cassandra when she noticed Thomas had left and told her what he had said, ”he knows Cassandra, he knows about your son but I don’t know how he found out, I told him you don’t live here.”


“I was afraid this would happen one day, but… I knew this day had to come someday, but I didn’t want this to be true.”


“Are you going to tell him?”


“Are you kidding? Of course not, if he knew he would take him from me, and…”


“I know you’re afraid but maybe it would be better if you were to meet him, Cassandra I’m afraid for you too. But the only way is to meet him, before he meets you.”


“I know you’re right, but what can I say? He says he already knows.” Cassandra drove up the drive way, “ok, I’m here, did you get some clothes ready?”


“Yes, are you staying over with your parents?”


“Yes, until I can find a new place,” she hang up and rang the door bell, Julie opened the door, and handed her the suitcase full of clothes.


“I’m gonna miss you,” Julie had tears in her eyes, as she hugged her friend, “but I understand, I hope he never finds you.”


“I am leaving in a few days to do the campaign, I’ll call Mrs. Shultz to let her know not to come here.”


“Are you still going to come?”


“Yes, as soon as Thomas leaves, and I’ll make sure he does,” she looked down and bit her lip, “I hoped this day would never come, but…”


“Cassandra, I know it may seem forward but, do you still love him?”


“I don’t, how can I love someone who doesn’t love his own…” she couldn’t go on as she knelt down and cried.


Julie knew she was lying, and she hugged her, “don’t cry, or you’ll make me cry, you need to be strong especially now that your son will need you.”


Cassandra remembered that they had, this talk before. When her friend Julie found her, after her parents kicked her out, she had told her she had to be strong for her baby, because he would need her.


“Thanks, Julie you always knew what to say,” they hugged and Julie helped her put the suitcases in her car trunk, they said their goodbyes’ and hugged.


Julie stood there to watch Cassandra drive away, Cassandra looked to her side where her son Thomas was sleeping. You’ll be fine sweetheart, no one will ever come between us. Thomas just slept, and she carried him to a guest room her mother had for them.


Cassandra went to tell her mother about what Thomas had said, and Olivia was shocked, “how dare he? I won’t permit that here so you don’t have to worry about Thomas.”


The next day, Thomas woke up, “mom, mom, mom we’re at my grandparents house! Look at what they made.”


Cassidy was awake, “hey sis, we made pancakes, Thomas woke me up so I we went to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat,” she noticed her sister had something in her mind.


“Thomas sweety, that’s nice, will you go eat while I talk to your aunt.”


Thomas smiled and nodded, “ok, mommy,” he shipped to the kitchen, and Cassandra turn to face her sister.


“Thomas knows that I have a son, but he doesn’t have to know it’s his.”


“I’m with you, whatever you decide, you are not alone!”

“Cassidy I might have to move again but I don’t want to worry anyone about it, but it won’t be forever, only the times that Thomas has to come here. I know this won’t be the only time, he has to visit his parents.”


“Cassandra, you can’t keep moving, you said it yourself, you want to give Thomas a more stable life.”


“It’s either that or lose him for good, which I can’t do you know it’s better to stay together.”


Olivia came and she looked happy, “hello my darlings, how are you girls?”


“We’re good,” Cassandra smiled, Cassidy smiled too.


“Ok girls, Cassidy there’s something I have to tell you,” she cleared her throat, “your birthday is almost coming up, and I wanted to know if you waned to do something for fun.


I heard of this new place they’re opening near the mall, and you and your sister could go there, it will be after the campaign, so it will be fun, no stress.”


Cassandra turned to her sister, “I’m up for it, if you are.”


Cassidy looked happy, “ok.”


“Perfect here are the tickets, it was hard to get them, so don’t lose them,” she handed them their tickets.


Cassidy had no idea, of her surprise party her mother was throwing for her. Her birthday was almost the same as Thomas’ Cassandra planed to talk to his teacher, and take a cake to his class, and celebrate it with all his classmates, before celebrating with his grandparents.


“We won’t, thanks mom,” Cassidy was so happy.


They went out to see Thomas on his grandfather’s lap, Thomas and his grandfather were chatting happily, about school and his friends.


Julie woke up but she felt lonely, she missed Cassandra, and Thomas, she decided to call them to talk to Cassandra, after all she was going to start hosting the social events her mother was going to throw.


Cassandra answered, “Julie, why don’t you come over when you’re done with your tutor? You could, spend some time here, tell me something has Thomas called?”


“No, he just left since yesterday, but I haven’t seen or heard from him again.”


“Thank you Julie, I know it must be hard for you, to be between us like this, I will talk to him so he won’t bother any of us anymore, but I have to lie to him.”


“I know… I just wish it wasn’t like this at all.”


“I can’t change the past, and he can’t change what he’s done either, I forgave him don’t get me wrong, we were too young, but what I can’t forgive is that he knew I was pregnant and he still left his unborn child.”


“I know you’re right, and I’m with you, ok I have to go, I just miss you guys, I guess I got too use to having you guys here.”


“Ok, see you later then?”


“I’ll be there,” they said their goodbye’s and they hang up the phone.


The door bell rang and Mr. Wilson opened the door, it was the tutor Mr. Kendall her tutor.


When she was done with her studies, and her tutor left, she told Mr. Wilson to take the day off. No one was going to be home, if Thomas would try to come back, he would find an empty house.


Julie left Mr. Wilson decided to stay, saying he had no where to go. But he would take care of the house while they were gone.


When Julie arrived she saw Thomas playing with his grandfather, “Cassandra said you’d be here, she’s inside.”


Julie went inside to meet her, she was with her mother and her sister. “Julie! You’re here, I was waiting for you we are going to go out today, and we wanted to wait to go together.”


“Of course, I’m free all day today, and also I came to see your mother, it’s going to be my first social event I’ll be hosting and I’m nervous, and happy at the same time.”


“You’ll be fine, I’m sure so don’t worry.”


“Thanks,” she went to where Olivia said she would be, her office was huge almost as big as the one in the house, she had given her daughter. She would have her mother there but she preferred to live alone in her little house.


Cassandra received a phone call, and went to a room to answer, she knew who it was, Thomas was going to be calling her. He must have gotten her number the first time they spoke.


Cassandra sounded disappointed when she came back, “mom I have to leave, Thomas just called and I don’t want him coming over here.”


“You should go then, you know how your father would be if he saw him again, I don’t want him getting mad over what happened years ago, well I know it will be alright, just remember head up high, you were in love, there was no reason why he should have left you.”


“Mother, I’m planning not to tell him Thomas is his, he should think I met someone when he left.” She left, “I’ll be back later, but if you guys leave just give me a call, I’ll meet you guys wherever you are.”


“Don’t worry honey, we will.” she got into her car and left, to a coffee shop she just wanted to have peaceful discussion with him, after all they were adults, and no matter how immature he was at times it had been five years.”


She got there first with the intention to have the advantage of saying she was in a hurry if he was going to make her feel uncomfortable.


He arrived and he didn’t recognize her with her wig she had on, she was wearing her sunglasses, she didn’t want him to recognize her eyes. She noticed how he would try to recognize her from behind the mask.


She waved at him when she saw him walk inside, “Thomas, I’m right here.”


Thomas walked up to her, “you look different every time I see you, I thought you weren’t here.”


“Please Thomas, did you come to tell me that, don’t waste my time, I have things to do you know.”


“What are you the president? Do you know how hard it is to get in touch with you?”


“Why should I make it any easier? Who are you to bother my friends like that? Why did you tell Julie you wanted to know about…”


“Because my mother told me you were pregnant,” he noticed her shocked face, “she heard it from your so called friends.”


She looked away, “I see, and you think that was your son?”


“What are you saying? He isn’t.”


She shook her head, “no he’s not,” she was looking down, “he’s not your’s. when you left I thought… knew you didn’t love me, but I met someone else, he was a good man,” she looked at him, “and he did not abandon his son.”


Thomas was silent just listening, looking at her, he felt his rage take over, as he reached for her hands. “Who’s son is he? As I heard you didn’t wait at all you simply found someone else,” he was squeezing her tightly.


“Let go!” Cassandra glared at him, you knew when you left that I was pregnant, but you left anyways, so now you come here, and you want to play father, sorry your title was lost the day you left.”


Thomas glared back at her, “how dare you? Were you expecting me to stay by your side after you cheated on me?”


Cassandra looked confused, “what are you talking about? You don‘t deserve to have…” she stopped herself before it was too late, “I’m only going to ask you this once, and if you don’t answer me, then this is the last time you’ll ever have to bother me again, got it!”


“Go on, what do you want to know?”


“I know, we were too young, but were you that irresponsible to leave, even after you knew, about my…”


“You wanted me to stay after all, don’t make me sick I thought perhaps that the people were lying about you. I defended you against my parents, and my friends, I went against them even when they were warning me about you.


I’m sure you were already seeing this man before I left, but I didn’t want to see it, yes I was young and stupid, but you were so clever weren’t you?”


“Is that the reason you left?” Her eyes were filled with tears, at last the truth was beginning to come out. “I wanted you to… it doesn’t matter,” she wiped her tears, and smiled at him, “I say it all happens for a reason this is the last time we’ll see each other.”


She stood, “sit I still have questions, for you, I’m not finished.”


“But I’m finished from listening to you, so goodbye, you won’t bother me or my friends any more, he is not your son! I never had anything to do with you, being with you, was a big mistake! I wish you would have never crossed my path, now will you let me go?”


“No!” He glared, “not until I know, why? I loved you damn it! Why did you do this?”


“You did not love me, you only loved yourself, now let me go!”


“Who was it? Was it everyone who would cross your path?” Cassandra freed herself. And slapped him.


“I thought you would have grown up by now, but I see you’re the same or worse, if I had your son, why would you deserve him? You abandoned him when you found out I was pregnant. Leave! And never come back.”


Cassandra was crying and walking away, he followed, and caught her hand outside, “wait a minute will you? Is he mine?”


“No! He’s mine! Not your’s don’t ever think that, you don’t…” she sighed, “I need to go my son needs me, and don’t worry, leave, it’s what you’re good at, and of course he’s not yours.”


“Damn you! I don’t know why I thought it could have been a lie, how old is he?”


“None of your business,” she tried freeing herself but with no luck, “let me go or I’ll scream!”


“It is my business, he is my son, isn’t he?”




“Then this should be a simple question for you, who’s the father?”


Cassandra’s face whitened, “excuse me?”


“What you didn’t think of something? You have been lying to me, I noticed, I’m not stupid Cassandra and I won’t accept your lies any more.”


“What are you talking about?” she asked fearfully.


He laughed, “you are still very obvious, I know you better, and you are going to tell me who the father is.”


“The father’s name? you didn’t know him so why do you want to know, my son’s father died, he’s dead, like you have been to me since you decided to leave.”


“I’m dead, am I? I know exactly what you mean, you were dead to me since I found out the truth, about you.”


“Why do you torment me? Wasn’t that enough, I’m glad you’ll never get to know him, that man was too good to have his name be pronounced by you.”


Cassandra freed herself but ran across the street when she saw him trying to reach for her again, “Cassandra, wait!”


A car was speeding and by the time the driver noticed, Cassandra was too late, the car hit her and she fell backwards hitting her head hard on the concrete.