My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 10



Thomas ran to her side, and she was whispering something but becloud hear, “Cassandra are you awake?”


The driver came to their side, “I’m a doctor.” He took her pulse, “is she something of yours? We will need her family to come over, don’t worry she’ll be fine, but we have to check and see that she will be fine.”


Thomas didn’t want to talk to her family, “yes I’m her husband. Is she going to be fine?”


“She just needs to regain consciousness, she’ll be fine it is a miracle anybody else could have died.”


Thomas was shocked, the ambulance came and Thomas followed, when they got to the hospital, she was still unconscious. “Why isn’t she waking up?”


“I don’t know, but I’ll have to ask you to stay in the lobby until we call you, what is your name?”


“Thomas,” the other doctors rushed, to the doctor speaking to Thomas, “she is asking for Thomas, she’s awake.”


“Ok, you can see her.” Thomas was relieved, he ran to her room.


When he opened the door, he saw her laying in bed, “Cassandra are you alright?… I tried to stop you, but it was too late, you ran to your car, and you…”


“Where am I?”


“You’re in the hospital.”


“Why am I here?”


“You were hit by a car when you were crossing the road, and…”


“What time is it?”


“It’s already seven.”


“I met you at noon, you can’t possibly mean it’s seven in the afternoon.”


“Yes, it is, why? Don’t you remember? Let me tell you look better without your wig.”


Cassandra had forgotten about that, “that’s not important, why don’t you leave? Wait a minute I do remember, you actually think… I want you to leave me alone, got it! Not just me, I want you to leave my friends alone as well.”


Thomas looked away, “I said I was but I wanted to know everything before I left you for good.”


The doctor came in, “I’m sorry am I interrupting something? I don’t mean to intrude but for the sake of my patient, Thomas is it? You shouldn’t leave her alone, you should at least hire someone to look after your wife.”




“I think I should give you a bigger dose, her amnesia is a cause of her hitting her head.”


“What? I’m not his wife! And you have no right to say that I am, what did you do I need to go home.”


“Actually, doctor I’m not her husband I don’t know her family, that well, but she had my son, we were going to get married five years ago, but…”


“You disgust me you know that.”


“Same here. Doctor I’m sorry but as you can see we aren’t in the best terms here, we weren’t you see.”


“Doctor, will I be able to go home, I fear I have to leave, I’m calling my parents they can come and pick me up.”


Thomas was staring at her, “you’re so hard headed, you know that. I can take her. It was because of me that this happened the least I can do is…”

“You are forgiven I told you, now don’t worry leave, Thomas really leave, I don’t want my father to see you.”


“Fine! I’ll leave but I’ll be back one day and…”


“I won’t be here, trust me. I’ll leave where you’ll never find me, now go!”


Thomas left the room, the doctor was confused, but gave her, her cell phone, “here is your phone, Mrs. Hopkins, you should tell your family to bring a car you can’t drive home yourself.”


“I understand,” she remembered her car was still parked in the thirty minute zone, she was going to have a ticket waiting for her, that’s for sure.


She called, her mother answered, and explained what had happened and that she was in the hospital but she couldn’t drive and that she needed to be picked up, “but don’t bring my son, Thomas is here, and he’s persistent.”


“I see, I’ll pick you up, you don’t need to worry, but you had us worried sick you know that?”


“I’m sorry mom.”


“I’m on my way!”


Olivia told Cassidy and Julie where she was going but they decided to tell Mr. Hopkins, afterwards, they didn’t want him to worry.


Cassandra’s body ached, she could barely move, but the doctor had explained to her that she would be fine. It was all because of the force, of the car that hit her, it was a miracle she’d survived it.


Cassandra was shocked to learn of how it had happened she shouldn’t have done this, “doctor am I still going to feel like this by the end of the month?”


“No, you should feel better, with the medicine I prescribed for you, maybe you’ll even feel good as new, by the time, but you’ll have to come next week so that I can check on you.”


She agreed and he left the room, Thomas was waiting outside. “Doctor is she going home today?”


“Yes, she’s going to be fine, she should take the medicine I prescribed for her, and she’ll feel as good as new, and about the accident I wanted to apologize, I’ll pay her bill since I was the driver, it’s just that I got an emergency call, and I was rushing.”


“I understand,” he sighed relieved that she would be fine, “thanks doctor.”


“I know you’re having problems with her family, you should leave before they see you.”


“I just wanted to know that she was fine,” Thomas was leaving.


Olivia was going out the elevator, and she glared at Thomas when she saw him, “you! Did you do this to…”


“Mother, he didn’t do anything, I was crossing the street and I didn’t see when a driver hit me. Thomas was helping me.”


Thomas turned to see her barely walking, she was trying so hard. The doctor looked at her astonished, “what are you doing out of bed? I told you, you couldn’t move, you need the rest.”


“Cassandra go back!” Thomas was shocked why was she defending him now? Cassandra was arguing saying she needed the walk. Thomas was not going to stand for it, without thinking he picked her up in his arms and took her to the bed, “stay here.”


“Why are you doing this?” she sounded tired “I just want you to be honest, with me I already know what you or anybody else thinks, I know the truth and that is what matters, I want you to leave I’ll be fine.”


“Your mother is signing your release forms, I thought for a moment you did have my son I would have…”


“What? Taken him from me?”

“What? No! don’t you put words in my mouth, I…” he sighed “I don’t know what I would have done, and after my mother told me that you had a son I thought that it was mine, I just wanted to know, that’s all.”


“You don’t have to worry, your bachelor life is still untamed, you’re free to leave,” she sounded annoyed, he could be such a great liar, “you don’t ever need to worry I make the mistake of falling for a guy like you again, got it?”


Thomas looked like he wanted to say something but decided not to, he stared at her eyes, and she looked away, “you know, you remind me of someone, I met just now, but she couldn’t be you I mean she had class, and she looked different, she even dressed differently.”


“Then why would I remind you of her? Surely she is different than I, you couldn’t possibly think of her when you see me.”


“You’re right, you two have the same eyes, but she doesn’t speak too much, and she isn’t as hardheaded either.”


“Well, then what are you doing here? Leave, go away, I want you to leave me alone, how else should I say it?”


“I’m leaving you don’t need to get so worked up about it, I can’t believe I thought…” he got out. Cassandra got out of bed, hey she had to get dressed, she was not paralyzed.


Cassandra finished getting her stuff ready, when her mother came in to get her she was ready. “Let’s get out mom,” she felt like crying but she couldn’t she had to be strong.


They finally left the hospital, and it was already ten at night, she was shocked at how the time had passed. “Tell me what happened, sweety?”


“I was going to my car, and I didn’t hear Thomas calling me, when I heard him it was too late, the car was going to fast and everything turned black afterwards, but Thomas did try to help me at least I’ll give him that.”


“Well your father was very worried, I didn’t tell him I was leaving because I didn’t know if Thomas would still be here, I didn’t want your father seeing him, you know.”


“I know,” she was hurting and she couldn’t help it, but feel the pain, “mom, do you think Thomas changed, I mean does he look different to you? Like if Thomas were to see his father he wouldn’t recognize him?”


“Why? Are you going to let them see each other?”


“I don’t know, he said something when we were alone in the hospital he just wants to meet him.”


“Well he looks different but I don’t know if Thomas will recognize him.”


 “No you’re right I shouldn’t do that, it’s like bringing the dead to the present,” she sighed, “I guess I just want to see my son happy…”


Olivia looked shocked, “you still love him don’t you?”


“I don’t know what I feel for him, but I can assure you I don’t love him, how could I? Thanks to him Thomas is without a father.”


They pulled up to the house, and her brother and sister were there waiting for them. Cassandra tried getting out but her brother ended up helping her, “are you alright?”


“Yes, I’ll be fine, I just don’t want dad to see me like this.”


“Don’t worry he knows and you’re better then expected,” he noticed she was surprised, “hey, he knew, mom called him.”


Mr. Hopkins, met them together with Thomas, he was looking through the window, “he couldn’t sleep so I turned the tv on for him.”


“I’m sorry for worrying you guys…” she was crying, “I didn’t even know what had happened, but I was so worried about Thomas. Poor guy he didn’t even sleep.”


Everyone went silent, Olivia broke the silence, “sweety, the doctor said you couldn’t move, so you’re going to have to stay here.”

“Mom, can Julie stay, I would hate to send her home alone, she can help me with Thomas.”


“I guess it’s fine, but Mr. Kendall will have to meet her everyday at the house, because the books are in your library.”


“Ok, thanks mom,” she went to Julie who was with Thomas he was surprised when he saw her, worried at the same time.


Thomas walked up to her and tears started streaming down his eyes, “mommy, are you ok?”


“Yes, of course I am sweetheart,” she bent down to pick him up, her body ache and he wouldn’t let her go.


“Mommy will you pick me up?” He looked up at her she sat on the sofa and he climbed on her. She hugged him, “I love ya!”


Cassandra smiled at him, “I love you too son.”


Thomas fell asleep on her lap, and Cassidy helped her carry him back to bed, her father wanted to know what had happened before the car ‘ran her over.’


Cassandra explained what had happened leaving out the part of Thomas and her arguing when she was leaving, “I don’t know dad, I wasn’t looking as I was crossing the street.”


Mr. Hopkins looked at her, he had been so worried when he found out that Olivia went to pick her up from the hospital, they had been worried. She left the house at noon, and she came back in the late night.


That brought back memories of the days when she was young. Days went by, and she stayed over with her parents. Julie started hosting her mother’s social events.


Thomas was by Cassandra’s side, and when she woke up his face was the first thing she saw. “Mom, you’re awake! Can I go play outside? I ate already.”


“Ok, you can, but…”

Thomas got up and ran out without waiting for more, he ran back and poked his head, “I have my ball!” He had such a big smile you couldn’t help but smile back.


“Ok bye!” she waved at him, and he waved back. Cassandra got up and got ready to go out side. Her mother and father weren’t there, Cassidy was on the table.


“Hey! You’re up, are you feeling better?”


“Much,” she sat back “are you going to school?”


“I don’t know, I still have a chance to change my schedule,” she looked bored. I already had to switch it around now I have to do it again?!


“Why would you want to change your class schedule? I thought you were happy with it.”


“Key word was, happy with it!” Cassandra looked confused, “it’s that guy! Why is he bothering me now? I swear! It’s like mom paid him to look after me or something.”


“Who are you talking about?”


“That Jesse Campbell guy, detective, whatever. He got all my classes, and he won’t leave me alone,” she sounded annoyed.


“Does he like you?”


“Ha, ha, ha very funny, I don’t think so, if I’d have to describe a feeling for that jerk, it would be repugnance!”


“Whoa I didn’t know it was that bad… are you sure he’s following you? I don’t know maybe you should face him, ask him about it.”


“I tried! But I don’t care, and I want to change conversation. Did you know there’s a pageant in school, the winner gets a scholarship. I’m trying out.”


“I know you’ll do fine, don’t worry you’ll be fine.”


Julie came in, “Cassandra, you have to go to the hospital, remember?”


Cassandra had forgotten, “ok I’ll leave, but I’ll be back, can you guys tell my parents?”


They nodded and she left, she had just paid her ticket and now had to regain her strength before the day of the campaign. It was just the next day and she needed to get the doctor’s approval to be able to get there.


If the doctor did not give his approval, she would have to drive there all the way. There was no way she would not make it.


The doctor told her she was doing fine and approved her to be able to go on her trip, she was leaving the next day. She went to meet Mr. Swan, who gave4 her the mask.


“Ok now you know what you have to do, Mystique.” He was looking at her like if she were his piece of art.


He had trained her and he felt like he was the one who formed her to be a model and that made him feel proud. They had become friends with the little time they new each other.


He was happy to know that she would be going, Barbara was back but she wasn’t bothering her anymore.


She was still jealous but didn’t want to get fired, the first time she was caught, but the next time she was going to be more careful.


Mr. Swan, had become more protective of her after he found out she had that accident. “Ok, but meet in the airport tomorrow, I already have everyone’s tickets including the extras for the extra people coming on board, you don’t have to worry about Thomas he already left today, the host has to be there today.”


That made her feel more calm, now that she knew that she’d be safe from being seen from him.


The next day they would all meet in the airport, Cassandra couldn’t wait. She had gotten Thomas’ and her stuff ready for the next day.


Thomas was excited to go to his field trip, they were going to spend two days there.


Thomas’ birthday was coming up on Monday, the day after they got back. Cassidy’s surprise party was going to be the week after. When she got home, her sister was going out.


“Cassandra, I’m going to school right now, but Thomas is outside playing he is with Julie, she will have to leave pretty soon to meet her tutor.”


“Are mom and dad here?”


“Yeah, they just arrived a few minutes ago, how did your doctor appointment go?”


“It was good,” she left to meet her parents, they talked a bit. Olivia seemed she wanted to say something but she wouldn’t. Mr. Hopkins left and Cassandra turned to her mother, “mother what’s going on?”


“Cassandra, I’ve been thinking about you and my grandson, I know you want to give your son a stable life. I was thinking what you told me, and you’re right Thomas needs a father.”


“I’m not bringing his father to take him from me…” she felt her mother was being risky, by trying to tell her that.


“Hon, how long are you going to spend alone? You’re already twenty four you know Thomas needs a father.”


“Mother what are you saying?”


“I don’t want you to be mad, but I sort of set you up on a date,” Olivia paid no attention to Cassandra’s astonishment, “he’s a very nice guy, and I’m sure you’ll like him, he’s been single for a long time, and he thinks like you. He wants a stable home.”


“Mother, I can’t do this to Thomas, my son needs me to give him a stable place to be, not a stranger to father him.”


“Cassandra I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but tell me are you really doing this for your son or is it because you’re too afraid of getting your heart broken again?”


Cassandra was speechless, she didn’t know what to say, but she had to agree she was afraid, “mom I don’t feel ready to date.”


“Cassandra it’s ok, don’t you know how happy Thomas would be if he had a father, don’t you see he wishes he had a father?”


“I know, but I can’t just…”


“Just give this man a chance, he loves kids, and if you don’t want to see him again don’t worry, there’s no hard feelings. I worry for you, sometimes I want you to be happy.”


“I am mother, I’m very happy, I can’t say that my life’s perfect but I’m happy,” somehow she didn’t believe herself.


Olivia looked at her, “Cassandra do you know you have to be happy to make your son happy don’t you?”


“Mother, I don’t know how else to tell you this but I can’t, my work is not as stable as I hoped, I don’t have the time to date, not now.”


“If not now, when? What’s a thirty minute dinner? What if you two end up falling for each other. I know you may think it’s hard but if you’re afraid, you’ll never meet the one for you, not all men are like that. It is because of men like Thomas that woman can’t trust anyone else.”


Cassandra knew that her mother was right, but was it a good idea? What about her son?


Sometimes she felt like Thomas needed her to be there. Cassandra agreed to go out to the date her mother had planned…



“Mother I’m not here tomorrow, I have the campaign to go to, and I need to be with Thomas…”


“He is going to meet you at the campaign, he knows you are going to be there, I told him, guess what? He was invited to the campaign, you know the campaign is trying t o raise money for a business, well he’s going to help his family, you see he is Mr. Swan’s cousin, and his partner.”


“Well, Mr. Swan and I are friends, but I have no idea who his cousin is, how will he know who I am?”


“He’ll ask his cousin, of course and don’t worry you’ll be fine, plus that’ll help you keep Thomas away, I heard he almost recognized you the day you, thank goodness were wearing your mask. But, once he sees you’re not alone his plan of finding out about you will vanish.”


Cassandra wasn’t surprised, the only reason he didn’t recognize her that day was because she had her mask on and second she didn’t speak while he was in the room. She was afraid he would recognize her by her voice.


Reluctantly she agreed to meet him there, her mother was right it was better to meet him there, to keep Thomas as far away from her as possible.