My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 24



The next day another there was a new doctor who was looking at her like if he were studying her she seems familiar, “I see you two are back together,” he smiled at them. “I’m sorry for what I did to you guys, but Rebecca put me up to it! Now changing conversation, how are you feeling?”


“Wait what are you talking about? What did Rebecca put you up to?”


“The pictures…I guess I fell for the wrong girl.”


Thomas was glaring at him, “were you the other guy on those pictures? Do you know what you did?”


“I found out later…but I didn‘t know I promise it wasn‘t until later that I found out...she broke up with me and…”


Cassandra was shocked, “Thomas never left with her?”


“I…no I didn’t,” he sighed, “Cassandra is that what you thought? I didn’t leave with her I loved you…still do, but I understand if you love someone else.”


“I had no idea…I thought you hated me, that you had always been making fun of me, all those years…” his cell phone rang and he went out to answer, “I will be back, I have to take this” he left the room.


Their son was smiling, “mommy aren’t you glad I wished for him?” Thomas couldn’t help but laugh at his comment. His son joined in all though he didn’t understand what his father was laughing at.


Cassandra watched them thoughtfully, “I always wanted to see you two like this,” she looked at Thomas “I know you might not believe me, but I always wondered how it would’ve been if you two were to meet someday, if it would have been different.”


Thomas stood placing his son in the chair, their son looking surprised as he watched his father taking her hand. “Cassandra, I still love you and I know you love me too, that day at the airport I know that it was only for a moment, but when I kissed you I didn’t know what came over me, I guess seeing you with my son together I was…” he looked at them with a longing look.


Cassandra was looking back at him, deep into his eyes and she wanted to say something but stopped herself.


Their son looked thoughtful, “but I never saw him at the airport, when did that happen?”


 “You were sleeping, now there’s something you have to understand. Your father loves you very much,” she was looking at her son while saying that, “I can see that now, I was afraid your father would take you from me, and I would never see you, but…”


“I would never do that to my son, he needs me but he needs you too, Cassandra, is that why you never told me? Is that why you hid our son from me all this time?”


“That’s part of the reason why, but he thought you were dead, and after I found out that you knew I was pregnant but you didn’t come back I thought you wanted nothing to do…”


Thomas kissed her and embraced her at the same time, their son looked away, looking out the door, where the doctor came in, “Cassandra good news you can leave today, I have the papers here if you want to be released.”


Thomas knew what he wanted to do, “doctor I want to know everything about Rebecca, why would she do what she did? How did she involve you in this?”


“Trust me I didn’t know, I was really in love with her…I was telling her how I felt but the next day she changed her mind, because she said she was in love with you, I told her you were to be married. But if you ask me, you guys shouldn’t go near her she doesn’t like you guys together.


She is capable of anything, she lied to me making me think that she loved me we took pictures to commemorate our time together, but before your wedding and she seemed obsessed with you, and we broke up. I also thought Thomas loved her, especially after mentioning that you’d never arrive to your own wedding. I’m sorry I really didn’t know if I did I would have mentioned it.”

“I see so she must have really have this planned out…”

 Cassandra was angry, “doctor I need to be released, there’s a lot I need to do…”


“Cassandra you will be released but you will have to stay in bed I know that you have a lot to do today, but I already  called Mr. Swan for you…”


“Mr. Swan!” Cassandra had so much she forgot what had happened the last few days, “I need to talk to him I have to tell him what happened…” there was so much to do, and she felt that being stuck in bed wouldn’t help.


Thomas was scratching his head, “Cassandra I spoke to him, and he says it is ok, he hopes you will rest because…”


“I will but there’s a lot I need to do, doctor where are my release forms? Can I get out right now?”


The doctor looked shocked, “I have them right here, but whatever you’re going to do, try to rest you don’t want to over work yourself.”


Cassandra took the forms and started to sign the doctor took Thomas aside to tell him, “I know she’s probably not going to listen but try to tell her not to over work herself, it won’t do her any good.”


Thomas looked inside at her, and back at his son who was waving at him with a smile on his face Thomas smiled back at him, “doctor is there something wrong with her?”


“No, but she may still feel dizzy at times, she needs the rest, she lost a lot of blood yesterday, and the doctor’s explained it to her yesterday after you left but she’s the patient and if she wants to leave all we could do was keep her here the night…” the doctor took out his card, “if anything happens you can give me a call.”


Thomas looked worried, what can happen? Is she really ok? He looked back at his son who was waking out of the door, “dad can we go back today?”


“Yes your mother is signing her release forms, and she is getting out today…Thomas I need you to stay here for a bit I need to talk to your mom.”


“Ok,” he was leaning against the wall, as he watched his father go into his mother’s room.


Thomas stood by the door way, watching as Cassandra was signing the forms, “there, I’m done,” Cassandra looked up towards Thomas who was looking back at her.


“Cassandra I wanted to tell you something before the doctor came in but…”


The doctor came in, “hey did you sign your…” Thomas looked stood quickly, and Cassandra turned to look at him just as quick, “I can come back later, if you’d like I just wanted to know if the forms were signed.”


“No, it’s alright, I already signed them,” she handed him the forms, the doctor went through them, “I’m allowed to go now?”


The doctor looked at her and back at him, “yes, you can but you have to remember what I’ve told you yesterday I understand if you didn’t want to tell your son but I think he should know, he is your husband after all.”


“Doctor he is not my husband I was deceived by Rebecca I also thought they were…together,” she looked hurt as she said that.


The doctor left, “ok I think we can start getting ready, I will give you copies of this…” he left the room leaving them alone.


Thomas looked back at her, “I will get the car ready…I will take you both out so we can eat we have a lot to talk about.”


Cassandra sighed thinking about everything, “yes, there’s a lot to talk about, Thomas where’s our son?” She looked worried when she didn’t see him.


Thomas pointed with a finger to wards the door, Thomas was peeking through the window, he smiled and waved when she saw him. They smiled back at him, and he shied away leaning back on the wall. Thomas went to the door and opened it, and he went back inside, “take care of her, I’ll go get the car.”


Thomas drove up and went to get Cassandra, too late she was already walking down the hall talking to the doctors and Thomas holding her hand.

“Cassandra I’m sorry but you will have to sit on the chair,” he looked shocked that she would be on her feet, “please walking is not good for you.”


“Doctor what do you suggest I do? I don’t want my son to see me on a wheel chair, please I have to walk it’s the only way I will get better anyways I am alright, right?”


The doctor looked at her without saying anything, he just nodded his head, “alright the truth is you had a concussion which is why you didn’t remember where you were or what had happened. Not only that you also lost a lot of blood.”


“But that is why you need to rest, so please…”


“I understand doctor, can you do me a favor don’t tell Thomas I wouldn’t want him to worry, he already has a lot…”


“I understand…we respect our patients privacy, here are your copies to take keep them and call me if you start feeling sickness again.”


Thomas came into view, “Cassandra is everything alright?” He looked worried, he knew her well.


Cassandra forced a smile, “everything’s fine, let’s go.”


Thomas didn’t say anything, he drove and he smiled looking at his son and at her, he never thought they could be together like this.


Thomas was sitting in the back seat, in between both of their seats, looking at both of his parents, “mom what’s a clunclusion?”


“What do you mean sweety?”


“What the doctor s…”


“The conclusion to everything, is that I was fine he was just telling me that I needed the rest, that’s all sweety.” Thomas was looking back at her, his color had drained and he looked even more worried, Cassandra looked at him, “I’m fine.”

Thomas looked up front, somehow he didn’t believe it but he wouldn’t say anything he didn’t want to worry his son, what was Cassandra not telling him? “come on you guys, we’re here.”


Cassandra and her son got off and walked over to the restaurant and Thomas followed, he was happy to be with them, he had a family. It was all too much to take in.


They were talking, Thomas was silent but he had a smile on his face, he would glance at Cassandra and their son. Cassandra glanced back at him, “Thomas is everything alright?”


“There was something I needed to talk to you about when we were at the hospital, but the doctor kept coming…Cassandra you know I still love you, all these years were wasted because of some mistake. Cassandra I always loved you, if I left was because I was jealous thinking you had someone else…”


Cassandra was shocked for his declaration but quickly recovered, “I felt the same way thinking you were with Rebecca, now I feel ashamed for separating you from your son,” she stroked her son’s head. “He’s your son too, I should have listen to you the other day, instead of arguing but I hated myself for being in love with you all this years.”


The silence was long but their feelings were mutual, Thomas was looking at his father and back at his mother, “dad are you and mom going to get married now? Are you going to live with us? Wait or are we moving to live with you?”


They smiled at their son, Thomas looked at Cassandra, “so what do you say? Are you willing to break up with your boyfriend and spend the rest of our lives together with our son? Or…”


Boyfriend? What boyfriend?” Cassandra looked confused.


Thomas had the same look on his face, the accident must have really hurt her, did she really forget so much? “I’m talking about Charlie?”


“Charlie is not my boyfriend, you really thought he was my boyfriend? We’re friends, and…Thomas I always loved you, and Charlie knew which is why we decided to be friends,” Thomas was laughing, he sounded relieved.

After a long conversation at the restaurant they agreed to go back to talk to Mr. Swan, he was surprised to see them together, but happy for them. They looked so much in love.


“The show went on as planned, but we are having another show next week, looks like this was a success, and I’m bringing new designs for the next show. So I’m going to need you then. In that case I want to design your wedding dress, when‘s the wedding?”


  “I don’t know we haven’t decided yet we need to tell the family,” Cassandra looked thoughtful, the family are going to take it pretty hard. Thomas looked at her, he wanted to say something but he stopped himself.


Mr. Swan looked pleased, “you told me first? I was the first to find out? Thanks you guys, I’m happy to be the first to know,” they chatted happily.


After a while Cassandra looked at Mr. Swan, “Mr. Swan, I was wondering have you called my parents to tell them about my accident?”


“No, I haven’t I figured you’d do it, or Thomas would but I didn’t know I was suppose to tell them, I was never so good at telling the bad news.”


“I wanted to ask you not to, I don’t want them to worry, they aren’t as young as they used to be and another bad news I don’t think they could take it.”


Thomas looked at Cassandra somehow he was surprised, what had the doctor told her? He knew there was something she wasn’t telling him, was it because she didn’t want to worry Thomas?


When they went out he decided to drive them to the park, Thomas was enjoying his game on the playground. While Cassandra and Thomas sat to talk on the bench, “Cassandra is there something wrong? Is there something you didn‘t want to say before?”


“The doctor told me that I had a concussion, but I don’t want to make a big deal out of it.”


Thomas looked at her remembering what the doctor told him, “Cassandra after this I think you should rest, the doctor told me to take care of you, you shouldn’t be working yourself out too much,” Cassandra was about to say something but she saw the way Thomas was looking at her, “I know after this I’ll take you back to the hotel, your things are still there, I thought it would be best to pack them.”


“I’m sorry I didn’t want you to worry, it’s too much you never really had a son before until now…”


“Cassandra it doesn’t matter, I am so happy to have a son and to finally be with you, and you know about his baby sitter, I called the police and the caught her. I never thought all this would have happened when I arrived here, I met my son, you’ve done good with him Cassandra.”


Cassandra embraced him, “I loved you Thomas and I can’t wait to tell the family…”


“About that…I told my parents and they are thrilled.”




“Yes, after a lot of explaining…Cassandra my mom never really hated you, she thought you were with someone else like I did, but now she knows the truth and she is happy.”


“My parents are going to need a bit more convincing, but my father especially. Thomas I think I am going to call them, I had planned to go back today but I don’t think I can just yet.”


After she spoke to her parents, she was happier. Now that, that’s dealt with…she needed to ask Thomas about the accident, she wanted to know what happened, “Thomas…about that day at the accident, how did it happen, I remember running to save our son, but…who was it? Did you see?”


Thomas saw that Cassandra was too happy, she didn‘t tell them about the accident, “I remember you ran to get Thomas out of the way, the driver didn’t stop. I was yelling to him to stop, but…”


“He kept going,” Cassandra said thoughtful.


“Yes. Cassandra do you know who could have done it? Police interviewed me, they started to look into it, do you remember anything?”


“I just remember wanting to get Thomas out of there, he looked so scared, I was afraid for him.”


“I know what you mean, he scared the both of us,” he watched as his son was playing on the slide, he would go down and wave when he hit the floor, he walked towards his parents. “Are you tired?”


He answered with a nod of his head, “I’m thirsty,” Thomas gave him a bottle of water, and he drank it gladly, they left the park.


Cassandra’s phone rang it was the doctor, the police were there they wanted to interview her. Thomas would drop her off while he and Thomas went to get some things from his hotel room.


Thomas looked over at his son, he only had a few things to pick up, “Thomas I want you to stay here and wait for me, ok? It’ll only be a few minutes.”


“Oh are you leaving?” He looked at his father with big wide eyes.


“I’m not leaving, I’m just going to get our stuff, and come back…I’m not leaving you kid.”


Thomas was wide eyed again, “you were the hero? That day it was you… do you remember? I was lost and you found me, you kept calling me kid, but I’m not kid my name’s…”


“Thomas I know but you are a kid and when I saw you there I didn’t know you were my son just yet but you’re right from now on Thomas is your name and I’ll call you by your name.”