My Secret by Carolina Lopez - HTML preview

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Chapter 25



He left to get his things and he came back, Thomas was gone. “Thomas?” He looked around, “Thomas where are you?” A were walking by,  “excuse me have you seen a boy about this tall, and he has dark hair, a white shirt and…” Thomas was walking back towards him, “Thomas! Where were you? I told you to stay in the car.”


Thomas looked at him, “I was getting this,” he opened his hand and he took out the ice cream, “my mommy gave me this dollar a long time ago and I went to buy some ice cream.”


“What? What were you thinking? Do you know how dangerous this place is? You can’t just leave and…you could have gotten killed!”


He started to cry. God! Was I too hard on him? “I’m sorry I thought you got lost. I was worried because I didn’t see you.”


He sniffed as his eyes were filling with tears, “but I got you one see,” he showed him the other hand with the melting cone. If he wasn’t worried he’d be laughing, his face was filled with ice cream, holding his ice cream cone with his right hand and his father’s  in his left. His eyes were watery and he was pouting.


Thomas ran his hands through is head, and he hugged him, “it’s ok if you want to go get ice cream, but you don’t go alone. You go with me or your mother understand?”


He sighed, “ok…are you mad?” he was still holding the ice cream on his left hand, Thomas took it and he smiled at him making him know he wasn’t mad anymore.


Thomas’ phone rang, “it’s your mommy…mom, she wants us to pick her up, come on. I’ll give you a napkin.” Thomas showed him how he looked like on the mirror, and he laughed hysterically.


 “I look like a clown!” he kept laughing, they left to pick up Cassandra.


Cassandra came out happy, “they caught the driver, the reason why he  didn’t stop was because he was on his cell phone he was going too fast because of an emergency…his wife’s water broke and he was on a hurry, so I’m not pressing charges.”


Thomas looked at her surprised and back at his son, “I scolded our son today…” Thomas hid behind his mother’s skirt.


“Oh?” Thomas was shaking his head, begging him to keep the secret.


Thomas sighed, “sorry kid…but, it was probably my fault, I shouldn’t have left him there, even for a bit. I went to the hotel to pick up my stuff, but when I came back…I couldn’t find him. After looking for him I went nuts and yelled at him when he finally came.”


Thomas was looking wide eyed at his mother, “but it wasn’t far, I was just across the street.”


Cassandra looked at him and went pale, “Thomas you’re not suppose to do that, unless you’re with…”


“I know, I know…” he sounded bored, “with you or daddy, he told me already, but I wanted some ice cream. I thought he wasn’t coming back like…” he sniffed, “my baby sitter.”


Thomas looked hurt when he heard his son say that, “Thomas I told you I would never leave you, I wanted you to know that but you can’t go anywhere unless you talk to us first.”


“I know…” he looked down, “you’re really not leaving?”


“No, I’m not.”


“That’s right sweety he’s not, what the sitter did to you was wrong but don’t worry it won’t happen again. I promise, your father never wanted to leave you, I know so.”


Thomas smiled at his mom and back at his dad, “are you going to get married?”


“Thomas what you did, it’s normal I would have done the same. You’re his father and you have the right to reprimand him if he does something wrong, I know how that can feel...” she bent down to look at her son, and she could still feel her body ache, but she wasn’t going to show it, “Thomas young man you are not to do this again, if your father or I am not with you, you can’t go off by yourself.”


Thomas nodded his head, “ok, I’m sorry I didn’t know, it wasn’t far and I only left for a little bit.”


Thomas noticed how hard it was for Cassandra to get back up, “Cassandra you still have to rest, what do you think Thomas, should we go?”


“Yeah…mom are you ok?” He looked worried, he was very bright how he knew there was something wrong with her, although she was trying to hide it.


“Of course I am sweetheart, I think it’s just that I’m a little sore, but I’m fine…Thomas?” she looked at him, “would you like to come with us? My mother wants to see you. She knows so you don’t have to worry, we can tell my father together.”


Thomas looked delighted, “of course I’ll go, and you know what? I’m going to get my ticket ready to leave with you guys, but where to?”


“San Diego…”


“San Diego, California? Seriously?” he started to laugh, “you’re not going to believe this. Mr. Thompson and I are business partners, we are looking to buy a new property to open up a business elsewhere… San Diego seemed to pop into his mind, now I know why.”


“Hmm, so you are planning to move there?” Thomas asked his father, with a wide smile.


“Of course now more than ever,” he smiled back.


“Mommy did you hear that? Now you have to get married with him, I want to tell my friends that I have a father too.”


Cassandra smiled, it had been so long since she truly felt this way. Then she asked Thomas to drive her to her hotel, “I need to get my stuff, I have my tickets to go home and I need to go, I have to go to work there. Are you coming with us?” Please say you will.


“I have my tickets for, today at five, how about you?”


“Me too, Thomas and I will be waiting for you at the airport. I need to go to the hotel and I have to return the rented car today. I wanted to thank you for Thomas…”


“I was glad to, and…”


“I know but you’ve always been a single man, you never had a son until now. Thomas loves you and he’s a good kid but, you never took care of a kid before, you did great.”


  After some time they were at the airport, ready to leave. Cassandra and Thomas were waiting for him, there, “mom is daddy coming?” Cassandra looked at the time, it was a few minutes until they would board the plane. “I know he had his things ready he picked them up when we went to his hotel.”


Cassandra looked worried, could something have happen? “Thomas he’s coming he’s almost here,  I’m almost certain he is on his way…” her phone rang, “Thomas where are you?”


“I’m right here,” she turned as she heard him behind her, there he was, Thomas ran up to him, to put his arms around him. “You’re here!”


“Of course I am, you didn’t think I miss being with you guys, right?”


Thomas’ eyes were filling with tears, “no I didn’t think that,” he said looking down embarrassed to show he was crying.


“Come now, you’re not crying are you?”


Thomas wiped his face, “no…boys don’t cry, only girls do, and babies.”


“Alright Thomas, then I think we should…” the flight attendant called all the passengers to go on board. Cassandra was happy, and nervous at the same time.


“I haven’t told my parents about my accident, but I told mother about us she‘s delighted, but my father is what I’m worried about…I know he will understand he has become more understanding.”


“Well then I have been expecting the worse but, I’m sure we’ll convince him,” he looked at his son, “such an angel when he’s sleeping isn’t he?”

Cassandra laughed softly, “you noticed…”


“A little ball of energy during the day, he is so full of life…” he looked at Cassandra she looked thoughtful, “Cassandra what’s on your mind? I noticed you have been deep in your thoughts this last few days.”


Cassandra looked at her son who was sleeping on her lap, “I have been doing a lot of thinking Thomas, and I want you to know that…I love you Thomas, but I don’t want you to feel sorry for me…”


Thomas took hold of her face with his hand, “I love you, and don’t think I feel sorry for you.”


Cassandra looked back at her son, “it all just sounds too good to be true, I want you to know that you can keep seeing Thomas he is your son and you…”


Thomas pulled her to him, and kissed her. Cassandra opened her eyes wide and kissed him back. When they arrived her sister Cassidy was waiting for them, and she was surprised to see them together. “Didn’t mom tell you?”


“What? Are you two back together?” Cassandra nodded happily, and Cassidy was confused, a few days ago her sister wanted to get as far away as possible, but now…they were gaga for each other.


Thomas was carrying his son on his arms awake and smiling, and Cassidy was wide eyed, “you’re going to tell me everything, of course, plus everyone is going to hear it, we are going to talk to dad about this today.”


“What? You’re serious about this, you two…how did this happen?”


Cassandra was acting weird she didn’t want to tell her sister about the accident, she felt bad to hide it from her but she didn’t want to worry her.


Thomas saw that neither of his parents were answering her, “actually a lot happened, my mom was…”


“I was angry because Thomas’ baby sitter left, can you believe it she left! And…actually something happened, but you have to promise me you won’t tell our parents, I was in an accident.”


“What?” Cassidy looked stunned, “what do you mean? how did it happen?” Cassandra explain what had happened, and she went on to explain what the doctor had said about Rebecca, “so it was all a misunderstanding?”


“Yeah, but now it’s all clear. But tell me, how have you been?”


“Good, dad has really become calmer since he let me and my boyfriend date, but who knows he still thinks that Thomas abandoned you at the altar, and pregnant, well you two better prepare yourselves but I’ll be there. He will have to at least give him a chance, that’s what you should go with. He’ll come around, I’m sure.”


“That’s not all, they are looking to enlarge their business, and they are moving their business here.”


They kept talking, and when they arrived Cassandra told Thomas to stay in the car, she wanted to talk to her father before her father got the wrong impression about him, not that he didn’t have it al ready.


Cassandra took her son’s hand and went inside where everyone was, she bent down to her son, “sweety why don’t you go out and play?”


Thomas nodded, and left to play, her mother came out to meet her, “sweety is Thomas here? Your father is here and he knows there is something you want to say, but I haven’t told him anything.”


Cassandra nodded, she went in and her father was waiting to see what she wanted to tell him, when he heard what had happened years ago he understood, “dad he’s here and he wants to talk to you.”


“Where is he?” Mr. Hopkins sounded stern, “I’ll have an open mind, but don’t expect me to believe him just like that, is he here?”


Cassandra went to get him, Thomas came out but he looked nervous, “you’ll be fine just fine, if it’s any better for you, I’ll be there with you, don’t worry I won’t leave you like that.”


Thomas came in and Mrs. Hopkins opened the door for them, Mr. Hopkins was in the living room waiting for him. He looked at him, almost with a glare, “Thomas come in, sit down.”


Cassandra went with him, and they sat across from where her father was.

Mr. Hopkins was looking at Thomas and back at his daughter, “what happened? I understand that what happened years ago was a big misunderstanding. Didn’t you trust my daughter? Was she too…”


Cassandra cut him off, “dad!” Thomas took hold of her hand, and looked at her, Cassandra shook her head, “Thomas, I…”


“A lot happened, Mr. Hopkins, but your daughter doesn’t want for you to have to worry but…”


“Thomas?!” her question came out more like a request.


Mr. Hopkins was complaining to Thomas, he had a grudge because he abandoned his daughter years ago, “and now you think you can come back…”


“Dad! Please?”


Thomas shook his head, “he’s right to hold a grudge, I mean it was years since I did anything.”


Mrs. Hopkins stood, “Cassandra why don’t you come with me to the kitchen? I made a pie and I’m going to need your help.”


Cassandra looked at Thomas, and Thomas nudged her to go, Cassandra went to the kitchen with her mother. “Sweety I think we should let them talk, your father will come around.”

“I know mom, but you know how he is, he attacks before he does, and I just want…”


“Tell me, what really happened with you? You’re changed, and I know it’s good, but did something happen?”


Cassandra looked down and went silent for a little while, and then she turned to look at her mother. “I came so close to losing my son…”


“Sweety, what do you mean?” Olivia looked scared, “what happened with your son? Wait did he say he would take him away from you?”


“No, that wasn’t his intentions at all, he wanted to meet his son, and explain what happened years ago, but we had an argument. Thomas was behind the couch when he heard us arguing, and he was angry to know that his father was indeed alive and I had been lying to him…”


“But, is he ok now?”


“Of course, but he almost wasn’t we kept arguing, I was so angry and it only took a moment and he ran from us. When he was crossing the road the trailer didn’t stop, it kept going…”


She stopped when she saw her mother, her color had drained and her smile from before was gone, “where was his sitter? Wasn’t she taking care of him?”


Thomas and Mr. Hopkins stood as they heard her saying that. “Thomas what is she talking about?” Thomas didn’t know what to say.


“That’s the other problem, she left him, and he had been alone for who knows how long…the police arrested her, before we came back. And Thomas…he really helped me out so much.”


“How did Thomas get away from that accident?”


Thomas’ color drained, “”Mr. Hopkins, I think you should sit back down…”

“Why? What are you trying to hide?” Thomas was wide eyed, and he couldn’t stop Mr. Hopkins from hearing the rest.


“I ran and pushed him away, Thomas tried to make the driver stop, but…” her mother looked stunned by the bad news, “it kept going, Thomas was alright he was out of the way, mom please don’t tell dad, I don’t want him to…”


Thomas was nervous, he tried to pull him away scratching, “Mr. Hopkins please, I don‘t think we should be listening...”


“Cassandra what you’re asking me to do is too much, I have to tell your father. He’s your father and has a right to know, I’m sorry Cassandra but don’t ask me to keep this a secret, who took care of Thomas after that?”


“Thomas stayed with us, he took care of his son and I didn’t wake up until the next day, the doctors told me that I had a concussion, but I don’t want anyone to make a big deal, or worry.”


“Well, does Thomas know you had a concussion?”


 Cassandra knew that her mother would be mad if Thomas knew and he didn’t tell them, “no, I decided not to tell him, I wanted to keep it a secret from him too, he just found out that his son is really his…you know all this misunderstanding was due to one person, I knew she didn’t like me after the wedding, but…”


“Who did this to you?”


“That’s not important, I met her once before, because I wanted to know if she told Thomas about our son, I mean I thought they were together but…they weren’t, she tricked us both! I can’t believe…dad!”


Her father was watching her, from the kitchen entrance, “Cassandra, what did you say? Were you in another accident?”


“Dad I…”


“Harry did you hear? Anyways come on in, I was going to start serving anyways and the pie cooled down, why don’t you come.”


Cassandra was confused, I thought we were telling dad. “I’ll get Stanley and Cassidy to the table.”


Thomas looked at her, “right I am going to go look for Thomas,” they left before Mr. Hopkins could say anything.


“Why don’t you want to tell me? Do you think I can’t take it?”


“Harry…I don’t know! Ok fine, yes she was but she’s fine and alive.”


“You weren’t going to tell me, were you?”


“I was, actually she is right now when the food is served, you see I was setting the table.”


Mr. Hopkins turned to see the table was set for seven people, the pie was set on the counter the plates and eating utensils were there.


Thomas came in with his son on his shoulders, “grandpa, I’m taller!” Thomas was laughing, apparently he liked his ride on top of his shoulders.


Mr. Hopkins smiled back at him, “I see…” Stanley was shocked when he went in and saw Thomas standing there with his father smiling at him and, Thomas was holding his son on his shoulders like they’ve known each other for years, “come on you guys sit.”


“Dad? What’s going on?” Stanley was looking at Thomas while saying that.


“Uncle Stanley this is my dad, guess what his name is?”


“Thomas, I know…hi Thomas,” he was confused, but he was more confused when he saw Cassandra and Cassidy coming into the kitchen and they seemed calm as they watched Thomas walking in and sitting at the table.


Stanley went to Cassandra and pulled her aside, “Cassandra what’s going on here? Did I miss something? Get this, dad was smiling at Thomas and I don‘t mean your son Thomas I mean Thomas, Thomas.”

“A lot, you missed a lot, but I’ll explain everything during dinner.”


“I normally have to pay to watch something like this in the movies, but…”


“Hurry you guys…Cassandra you will have to tell your father, that is why I made his favorite pie, it’ll be easier for him to hear about it from you today, he already over heard us talking anyways, so let’s go.”


Stanley seemed more confused, they sat at the table, and everyone was staring at Cassandra and back at Thomas.


After some uncomfortable moments, Cassandra started telling them how they met again, the argument and she led off to the accident. Thomas went off to tell them how he was on the hospital and he was taking care of Thomas because his sitter left him alone.


Mr. Hopkins didn’t talk he was just listening to them, but he was upset to hear that Thomas’ sitter left him, but she left out the part where the doctor told her she had a concussion.


Mr. Hopkins looked at Cassandra, “how are you feeling now?”


“I’m fine dad, really I am,” she was nervous, but she didn’t want to have to explain more her father would have been worried.


Mr. Hopkins finally looked at Thomas with a sense of approval, and there was a sense of harmony. Cassandra and Thomas felt relived now that Mr. Hopkins was on their side.


“Well, how about some pie?” Mrs. Hopkins stood and got it from the kitchen counter. Mr. Hopkins was the first to get some, Stanley and Cassidy were surprised they knew Cassandra wasn’t saying everything.


After they were done, Mr. Hopkins wanted to go to the store, “Thomas why don’t you come too?”


Mrs. Hopkins stood, “I’ll go as well, I need to get some ingredients for some dumplings I’m making tomorrow, for dessert.”

Cassandra stood, “I’ll stay and help you guys clean up,” Stanley and Cassidy were glad they wanted to ask Cassandra about what happened.


She told them that she had lost a lot of blood but she had a blood transfusion, and she had a concussion. “When I woke up I didn’t remember how I got there, but…”


“What? But you are ok, right?” Cassidy looked like her color was fading.


“Yes, I’m fine but I don’t want dad or mom to know, I don’t want her telling dad and them to make a big deal about it.”


They promised not to tell, “did they catch who ever did it?”


“Thomas thinks they did, but the truth is that they haven’t found who ever it was, they caught who they thought it was but he wasn’t driving at the time, I just don’t want Thomas to worry.”


“What does he think?” Stanley wanted to know.


“I told him that the driver was caught and that he had an emergency because his wife was at the hospital having a baby, and he thinks I drop the charges…”


“Won’t he find out?”


“I told them to call me, on my phone so Thomas won’t answer the call, I know Mr. Swan will cover for me.”


“I’m a guy, and in a guy’s point of view he’s probably going to notice you’re hiding something, I think you should tell him, because what if they have more questions about that accident? And they decide to call him?”


Cassandra looked surprised, “I hadn’t thought about it, but now that you told me, I guess I will have to tell him…I don’t want dad, or mom finding out, I’ll tell him after we leave.”


“Cassandra I forgot to tell you something, Mr. Thompson moved here, to San Diego so Thomas and his company are moving here too.”

Cassandra seemed delighted, “I know Thomas told me they were going to be moving here, isn’t it wonderful?”


Cassidy and Stanley looked at each other, “I don’t think she’s ok yet,” Stanley shook his head.


“Guys I am ok, it’s just that I saw the truth finally came out, you know the we live in a small world, the doctor…he told us everything, Rebecca had planned the whole thing.”


They seemed surprised, outside Thomas and Cassandra’s parents had arrived, and they were walking in. They stopped talking and stood as they saw them walk in.


“Where’s Thomas?”


“He’s in my room, he’s asleep…”


“Dad?” Thomas was coming down stairs, “dad your not leaving are you?”


“Of course not, were you sleeping?” He was coming down to meet his, father.


“Uh-huh, I was in my uncle’s bedroom, do you want to see his guitar? He can play it too! And he says he’s in a band.”


“I think we should leave mom, dad I’ll come by tomorrow after work,” they left and Thomas looked happy they had finally come to know the truth.


They came up to Cassandra’s house, Thomas carried his son who was asleep yet again.


When Thomas put him down, his son hugged him, “thanks dad.”


Thomas laughed, “you were awake you little rascal, go on to sleep now, I’ll see you tomorrow.”


He sat up, “can you guys take me to school tomorrow?”

Thomas opened his eyes wide, “school? What grade?”


“I’m in kinder garden, so can you and mom take me?”


“Of course, ok go to sleep.”


Cassandra was listening behind the door, she felt lighthearted when she heard Thomas reading him a bedtime story, all though the story seemed familiar she knew it wasn’t a real story.


Thomas came out, and closed the door he turned to head back down stairs, and Cassandra was there. “How long have you been there?”