Oksana by Quinn M. Kelley - HTML preview

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Chapter VII.

I kissed Oksana’s feet once while she was using her cell-phone on July 3, 2003. On July 5, 2003, I licked her bum. I truly worshiped the ground she walked on.

On my departure date from Odessa, Ukraine, Sunday, July 6, 2003, Oksana arrived at my apartment at 6:00 a.m. sharp, very early in the morning, to help me pack, as well as make my final travel arrangements.

Oksana, the interpreter, and I took a taxi together to the Odessa Central Airport. Oksana bought me a Hershey bar at an airport vendor.

I was overcome with sadness, grief, and guilt. I had an overwhelming allotment of emotion engulfing my soul, due to the fact that I was leaving her behind for an indeterminate amount of time.

My best guess was a return might be possible by Christmas. However, many variables go into play, and I had no sure answer as to my future plans.

When I departed from Oksana in Odessa, I left her with $1000 U.S. Cash and $1000 UAH. Oksana placed my four bags on the conveyor belt.

Then she kissed me very intensely and passionately. Oksana whispered something into my ear that was very passionate and very Russian.

The love I felt for her at that moment, the passion that swept my senses, was the most powerful connection I had every felt for another human. I would never feel this level of euphoric love for another person again.

Oksana had this genuine look of love in her eyes that I had never witnessed before.  My eyes were encased with tears of hope, and a mystical belief that peace may come of a future life together in wedded bliss.

We kissed deeply one last time, and held each other tight, as if never to surrender.