Oksana by Quinn M. Kelley - HTML preview

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Chapter VIII.

I departed at 8:20 a.m. Odessean Time (1:20 a.m., Indianapolis Time), on Flight #1108, via Aerosvit Airlines for the Kiev Region (Boryspil State International Airport), Ukraine.

I cried the entire 275 miles from Odessa to Kiev (KBP/UKBB).

The one time I looked out of my window, I saw fields of grain below. Their national flag is a light blue over yellow; signifying skies over grain. I arrived promptly at 9:50 a.m.

I paid $70 Euros to a Custom's Control Official at Boryspil State International Airport to retain possession of my carry-on. I purchased two Coca-Cola Cherry's at the airport bar. I will say, Kiev's airport is much more modern than Odessa's.

The Boryspil Airport is located 21 miles outside of Ukraine's capital. It is more similar to the rest of Western Europe than Odessa.

I boarded Flight VV #131 in Boryspil, courtesy Aerosvit Air at noon. I met a Ukrainian woman, on the flight over, who was starting a new life in Baltimore, Maryland.

I was still crying over Oksana, so I barely had the opportunity to share my experience with her. The time passed quite rapidly on the flight from Kiev to New York City. It was a much smoother go than my flight from New York City to Vienna.

I was so head over heels in love with Oksana, my world revolved around her for quite some time.

The plane arrived at John F. Kennedy Airport at 3:50 p.m. I remember it was hot and sunny. I also recall kneeling down and kissing the sidewalk at my first opportunity.

In hindsight, it seems kind of weird that I was overjoyed to kiss New York City concrete!

I called my parents from a pay phone at JFK to tell them that my plane was delayed for an hour. I had dinner in the interim at T.G.I. Friday's.

I experienced one further delay, this time is was due to two things: lack of air conditioning in the cabin and the line of jets numbering approximately seventeen.

I received one micro-sized bottle of water (10 ounce) before takeoff.

Delta Flight #6466, courtesy Chautauqua, was due to arrive in Indianapolis at 6:45 p.m. It arrived much later than expected.

As I woke up, and looked out of my window, and I felt the plane descending towards the Indianapolis International Airport, hovering over Lafayette Road and 38th Street. It was approximately 10:30 p.m.

I had a Grand Mal Seizure one day after returning home (July 7, 2003).

I felt very fortunate. The sleep deprivation I had suffered from the flight via JFK to Vienna on June 30 set me up to have this seizure. I got one hour of sleep (at the most) on the flight over the New York City to Vienna.

I had my Vegal Nerve Stimulator Implant surgery done at

St. Vincent's Hospital, on August 1, 2003.