One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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Wow, and what a beginning it was, from that day on we were inseparable. There was an extra spring in my step which everyone noticed but I simply said it was college or just me being happy. Everyday, I started leaving home much earlier than usual, giving excuses that I had extra classes or a group assignments. Mom was getting pretty suspicious because of this everyday rush in the morning. I think she was the one behind dad’s questioning session which was out of the blue.

I was rushing around as usual one morning knowing Rahul will be waiting, but just as I was going to leave shouting my byes dad called out

“Mira wait, we need to talk.”

Shit that tone and words meant serious business so there was no avoiding it.

“Yes dad” I said.

“What is going on? Since when do first year students have so many projects and extra classes. This year is one of the easiest and lightest of all. And it has not even been four 33


months since you started college and you have been running around like a whirlwind. Early to college, late home everyday.”

This was sooo not what I was expecting and that too early in the morning when I was already running late. And to top that my phone was buzzing away in my pocket.

“Dad it’s just that there is an exhibition coming up soon after the exams in which we are all assigned some work with our seniors. With all the college work I am now also with a group of girls preparing for the exhibition (which was true but those discussions were always during college timings). It is just due to that I have been rushing. If you want mom or you can come check.”

“No Mira. We trust you so if you say that is the reason I have no reason to be suspicious or not trust you. Okay, then you better go as you seem to be getting late. The way you keep checking your watch makes me wonder if it really is just college or if there is someone waiting for you, huh?”

“Ohhh God dad, I keep checking the time because of the train timings, no other reason. What all you come up with is amazing. Anyway, bye if I miss my train I will have to wait for 30 minutes for the next and leaving early will be of no use.”

Saying this I rushed out of the door looking back once to make sure dad wasn’t following or anything. I ran towards the station which is a good 10-minute walk from my home, while wondering if Rahul would have gone ahead without me. After all this was our connecting spot as 34


always ‘the train’ from there we would have breakfast, tea or sometimes just sit by the beach enjoying each-others company.

While running towards the station I kept thinking about us.

We had a lot in common but at the same time we were very different people. We had similar taste in books, appreciation towards art, movies but we viewed things and situations differently which was often the bone of our arguments. Normally a man of few words, Rahul could actually argue for hours to prove or justify his reasoning if we had a difference in opinion. Many a times he reminded me of dad because he would normally listen to people but while justifying his views he would ensure he was proved right, come what may.

Everything was not smooth in our relationship, we fought like hooligans too because we both had very strong personalities and opinions. His calm and quiet looks were very deceptive because it hid a very protective, caring but a conservative male chauvinist. Like me he also believed in the equality of the sexes and women rights and in their strengths.

In fact he believed women were smarter than men and more capable. But he also felt that they needed more protection now more than ever before and so should be more careful and vigilant.

He justified his chauvinism and thoughts by stating the number of rapes and acid attacks which took place in the name of love or exposure. He also felt over modernisation was not helping the women but spoiling the men and their perception of women. To a certain extent I did agree with 35


him but that was no reason to stop or control women’s liberation, men should have more control over themselves and respect for the women folk. Just because a woman wears a short dress she is not inviting attention, men should be able to control their libidos and appreciate her beauty.

There was this one argument we regularly had, about my extra classes in college. Ever since the last episode he did not appreciate my staying back late even though he understood my reasons. What totally annoyed him was me insisting on traveling by train. I tried to explain that traveling by train was most convenient because Mumbai traffic is killing. So when I can reach home in 30 minutes by train taking any other mode of transport would be stupidity (God, he sounds like dad all the freaking time). It takes at least three times the time to reach home any other way, especially in the evenings. But how does one explain this to an obstinate, possessive male chauvinist pig.

After continuously trying to cajole me to see his point of view and change my mind we both lost it one day. We had a major argument because I would not budge and he refused to accept my logic. We both spoke out of turn and some really harsh words were said in anger (later thinking back on our argument I realised how untrue some of them were).

I still remember the argument. We were at a beach side cafe when he broached the subject again.

“Mira I know we have gone over and over this topic but I really need to make you see reason. You know with your exams around the corner you will be late from college on and off due to extra classes. I however cannot always stay back 36


especially when offices close, I have nowhere to go. To top that I need to go to Pune for mom and dad’s anniversary next week. I will be away for at least three days. So please see reason and take a cab on those days at least. You know after that incident I have been uneasy about this. And we have seen similar incidents at the station and the other day in the train itself.”

“Rahul, I see your point of view but you must see mine too.

I don’t expect you to wait every time I am late though I hate not saying bye to you, but I have other fellow students with me. And there are no guarantees that the cab or auto driver will be a gentleman. And do you know it will take twice the time to reach home which is preposterous. I would be dead on my feet by the time I reach home. I know you have to go for your parents’ anniversary so I promise to be more careful and talk to you all the while I’m on train till I reach home but other than that please let’s just stop now before we end up arguing again.”

“God, there really is no reasoning with you. You are so rigid and selfish that you refuse to listen to good advice. Forget it, I rather hit my head against the wall and get better results. You my dear are impossible.”

“No Mr., you are the king of impossible and all macho. In fact, you are a typical male chauvinist who thinks he and he alone is right. Well, I know what I am doing, and I know I am right so I will stick to my decision. You do not have to wait for me, you can simply take a hike.”

Shit, it was then we both realised we were crossing 37


the line. We both quietly walked away from each other without even saying bye. Now, the outcome was that we did not speak to each other for three whole freaking days (like truly, no calls no SMS nothing). This for sure should tell you all how stubborn and hot-headed we both could be.

For three days I just sat thinking about our totally unreasonable fight. It was unbelievable that concern and love could cause such actions. I mean who fights over daily commute. I tried to reason and see his view point, and after serious contemplation it made me realise that he did have a point but there are other ways out too. You don’t stop talking and start sulking but that is what we both were doing. I kept remembering the last words he hurled at me just before he got up and left.

“You are a stubborn, irresponsible and crazy woman. No not woman, girl because if you were a woman you would be more sorted in the head and not so childish. Forget it, I don’t want to waste time arguing anymore.”

And he had just upped and left. Just thinking about it had tears running down my face. I know I was no less with my words, but I was sure I did not throw anything as hurtful as that.

I was starting to get upset by the second day. First, there was no contact from him and with him not taking the train, I couldn’t believe how far he was taking this thing. And he had the audacity to call me childish. Huh!

I was starting to lose my temper at the smallest thing, I got fired by the teachers, one actually threw me out of 38


the class (like really). Even at home I was grumpy and irritable at all times. I was arguing with Aashi for silly things or just staring into space. On one occasion I got super rude with my mom which I have never been in my entire life; even she was stunned though she did not say anything.

It was then I realised how important Rahul had become for me in such a short time . Till now life had been too easy and uncomplicated with only my parents, my little sister Aashi and me but this stranger had shaken that very foundation of my carefree happy go lucky attitude towards life in just a few months.

I just did not know how to handle this emotional roller coaster I was on. I could not share it with anyone, not even my sister, she was too young, like just 14 years old . I could soo not tell my friends as I had kept everything sooo hush hush. But with each passing day I could actually feel the innocence and immaturity of friends my age. Well, my very first affair ever and I can tell you for sure my only ever as I don’t think I could ever get a better soulmate than Rahul (call it infatuation, crush or a woman’s instinct, I just knew).

We just clicked at all levels. Where I was young and immature, he was mature and smart, where I was aggressive he was calm. When I was being unreasonable he would be patient and just listen, when I threw a tantrum he would cool me down. And it was not just him, there would be a role reversal too. Despite my young age and punk I knew how to help calm him as well when he was on short fuse or upset. We just completed and complimented one another beautifully, like the rivers flowing together from different 39


sides to join as one. It takes people a lifetime to build what we had in just four months, and still no one can vouch for it being perfect. But, not only can I say this is a forever and forever thing for us, but I know it is pure heaven and a most honest unity ever. Anyway, back to the fight I was way too upset and as the days went by getting more unsure of myself and our relationship, only to have him surprise me in the most beautiful and unexpected way of all. And what a surprise it was!

As I left home on the fourth day of our cold war early as always, hoping to see him today, I saw this guy sitting on a beautiful bike right across my house. I could feel the intensity of his stare on me. At first, I ignored him but something about his stance and the feel of his eyes on me seemed too familiar and known. I peered at him again trying to place him from somewhere but due to his helmet I could not discern his face. I continued to place him from somewhere when all of a sudden he took his helmet off and totally stunned me.

Rahul had bought a motorbike,(and what an awesome bike it was). I rushed towards him only to stop midway as I realised mom or dad could be watching. I slyly pointed him to meet me at the end of the lane and started walking away. I know he did not like this from the look he gave but we had not discussed anything about telling our parents and I sure did not want them to find out about us in such an audacious way. When clear from parental view or so I thought I turned to him only to find another helmet held out for me and in his soft loving voice he asked me,“Get on the bike Mira, we will talk later.” And as they say that was that.