One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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We drove up to my favourite place near the beach which is also close to my college. On reaching the cafe we ordered coffee and then just stared at each other like it was the very first time. It was as though by watching each other we were satisfying something within us and reviving what had seemed dead for the past few days. Once our coffees were in front of us, Rahul broke the silence.

“Mira, let me say something first okay.” he paused and gathered his thoughts again.

“I know I was harsh, upset and totally unreasonable the other day but ever since that night with those goons and watching things happen around the station and in the train I have been worried and a part of me is scared. Bcause I know that there will be times when I won’t be able to wait for you or could get late at work myself or when you will get late from college and I cannot stay back. If something should happen again how and who will take care of you?” With a heartfelt 41


sigh he continued

“Knowing you, your temper, and your impulsive attitude, it is super worrying leaving you alone, that is the only reason why I overreacted.”

“I agree that you were right about a lot of things that night, so I finally came up with this solution (looks at the bike), I will pick you up and drop you back everyday. But on days when you are late, or I am stuck somewhere and cannot be there for you, you will take the cab or go with some reliable friend by train if you must. But you will not travel by train alone late evenings. To hell with the time and distance, once in a while should not be an issue for you.”

“Let me make myself clear, I am not laying down laws or being macho as you love calling me all the time, I am just being cautious, careful and protective for the one person who means the world to me other than my family. After getting to know you these past few months I am sure of how I feel, and I am more than ready to move forward. And these three days of not talking or seeing you, not hearing you chatter all the way from here to home has helped me realise that without you, life is just breathing, eating, sleeping, working but not living.

I am ready to make this totally official, and even discuss it with our parents.”

OMG, in all these months even when we were just eyeing each other I had never ever seen or heard Rahul talk so much at stretch. He is the quiet type (except when we are debating or fighting but that is exclusively with me) but today he was on another trip all together and listening to all 42


this I had entered my la la land world again, while trying to process everything. But as soon as I heard him talk about the parents I snapped out and shouted right there in the cafe “WHAT THE F...” (ok that was super embarrassing, but helllooo I just got proposed without getting proposed).

Well, my shout sure shut him up and have him look at me with the embarrassed, slightly pissed off but confused look.

I took a few deep breaths, then asked him what he was talking about “Why do you want to speak to my parents and about what?”

That shook him up for sure, he was like “About us, you know to stop snooping around and to have their blessing to make things official and honest between us.” He paused for a few seconds before saying-

“I know you are young and still studying in first year but we will and can wait till you finish your graduation” (okay, he was busted for sure now).

I quickly countered ‘Making what official between us? And for what will you wait and why? And while you are making all these plans about me, where is my opinion in all your far-fetched ideas and decisions?”

Hearing that and being a smart man, he realised his mistake immediately. But before I could catch up with his next move he was down on bended knees right there in the cafe. In front of at least 20 people holding my hand and looking right into my eyes, with that crazy sweet mysterious smile, he asked me loudly and very clearly for all to hear.