One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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I was now standing there in the pool of my dress with only minimal covering. I was now nervous, shy but excited. Imagine a girl who till now was waiting and initiating all of our sexual overture was now feeling shy. I wanted to turn around and touch him the same way but the newness and the change in the scenario kept me still. All my bravado, all my sexy moves vanished in that moment.

As I waited for his next move he softly kissed me on my shoulder before slowly turning me around. I closed my eyes in fear to his reaction. I could feel my body flushed with heat and in anticipation to his response but all I heard was “BEAUTIFUL” he whispered close to my lips.

I slowly opened my eyes to see desire and lust flash in Rahul’s eyes. The redness in his cheeks melting all my fear and nervousness away. The look in his eyes was all that I had hoped and dreamed for, to finally see the same love, passion and heat blazing in him put an end to my restrain. I put my arms around him hugging him tight thus bringing an end to all our inhibitions, opening the doors to desires which we had controlled for the past few years. There was nothing stopping us any more now

- no conscience, no fear, no responsibility, it was finally just us.

This freedom and knowledge gave new heights to our suppressed emotions, we were now unstoppable. What started as preliminary kisses turned to a full blast of passion. We couldn’t stop kissing and touching each other, it was more of a feast for our inner senses, the feel of his hands on my naked body was a balm for all my dormant emotions.

But after a point just touching and kissing was not enough, I 62


practically tore his shirt open to kiss him all over. With his buttons flying all over the place I continued to ravish his neck down towards his nipples covered in fine soft hair hearing his groans encouraged me and made me bold to go on and on.

Just as I was getting carried away in the flow of my passion I feel the world tilt on its axis, he was carrying me to our bedroom. He slowly and lovingly lay me on the bed strewn with petals of various kinds, the heavenly smell of flowers, the soft silky feel of the sheets added to the erotism of the moment. Rahul lowered his warm naked body on top of me. I hadn’t noticed when he had undressed completely.

The feel of his naked skin against mine made my body tingle.

I arched my back for more contact and that was all he needed to swamp my senses with so much lust and desire that it was getting difficult to breathe. He snapped my bra open and cupped my breast with one hand, the other removed my bra totally out of his way. The feel of him squeezing my breast, pinching my nipples erect while his mouth sucked my other breast had me screaming in ecstasy. Now I was drowning in such intense feelings that I could barely take my next breath. I could feel wet between my legs, this had me closing my legs so tight as if I could control this flow of passion running through me.

Despite this being a new experience for both of us (yes he too was a virgin, imagine in this day and age. I sure got very very lucky and the best) Rahul was careful and very considerate to my feelings and needs. He made sure I was comfortable and fine with every touch and every kiss.

Rahul made the most painful experience the most sensual and 63


cherished one ever. With every touch, every kiss, every move, he made me rise higher for something beyond and at the same time fall deeper in love.

That night I learnt what making love was all about.

Neither reading erotic or romantic books nor watching movies can describe making love. It is all fictional. The true beauty of making love is in the main ingredient and that is love. Our first night which could have been confusing chaotic and frazzled due to our inexperience turned out to be beautifully erotic. I learnt, sex is only one of the ways of expressing true love but with the right person it is as good as reaching heaven on earth.

That night every touch that we shared, every breath that we took, every time we came closer than before we just ignited more fire and heat in our love. We reached for and touched the deepest parts of us in that one night, we united our souls. Our love that was till now all young, romantic and immature (at least mine was) began its growth towards maturity with our bodies being united.

I will forever remember his deep breath warming my skin, the rapid beats of our hearts, the tears running down my cheeks in pain and pleasure, the swipe of his tongue wiping my tears, the patience and adoration in his eyes for me and finally reaching a pinnacle beyond imagination. With only the sound of our harsh breaths, the tangy smell of our sweat and the light noises of the night was proof that there was life. We both lay exhausted and satisfied in love, we just held each other tight not wanting to end this moment of oneness.