One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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I had heard from many people that the first time is never good, one does not reach an orgasm let alone enjoy the experience and it is way too painful blah blah blah. Yes, it was painful initially, but it was also so beautiful and complete that all that advice and comments seemed like nonsense now.

We stayed glued together for a long time, Rahul only shifted long enough to get his weight off me. We both did not want to be separated yet, while holding and caressing we both fell asleep.

It was around midnight when the heat in our room and hunger woke us up. We showered together and lounged in our balcony with some wine and bread. Neither of us having the energy to open our bags to remove the food mom had packed for us. We just enjoyed what was easily available (the kitchen was stocked with all the necessities for us) and of course each other. Desire and need for one another had just increased after our first taste of passion all night long.

I still remember the only time we spoke that night was while we sat in the small balcony of our home. I was lying with my head on his shoulder contented, eyes half closed enjoying the rhythmic strokes of his hand in my hair and there was the light soft music we were listening to, with a glass of wine, nibbling away on bread and cheese.

“You know Mira I am glad I was able to restrain myself all these years. And you have no idea how difficult it has been because you sweetheart, you, were of no help at all. You never let an opportunity pass trying to stray me.”