One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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After staying in Delhi for three years instead of the two, Rahul finally got promoted to head the engineering department in Mumbai. Now I was really thrilled. Even though I was now comfortable in Delhi and had made our flat into a home, I was still ready to spring back. Life in Delhi was very good, we even made many friends but the attraction of Mumbai, the feeling of homesickness was always there.

Aashi’s trips or visits from the parents always deepened the feeling whenever they left.

Even though I was doing a part time job with an upcoming designer, I was just not satisfied. Delhi culture, style, the attitude people have here is so loud and pretentious, extremely different from Mumbai. This was one of the biggest drawbacks for me, I just could not enjoy this atmosphere. Mumbai people are relaxed and involved in their own rat race, that they don’t have time for brands or happenings in other people’s lives. Their free time is meant for friends, family and partying, totally opposite of Delhi. Not 73


that our circle of friends were not wonderful, I just did not have fun gossiping, or getting overly dressed for a simple friendly lunch.

So, when the promotion was announced I threw an awesome party for all our friends to say goodbye and celebrate going back. The one person I felt sad leaving was Mrs.

Chawla, she had become the one constant part of my life in Delhi. And I know for her I had become the daughter she had lost and Rahul a son. She had become my mentor, my philosopher, my party partner like truly aunty could rock a party better than anyone I know, and she could hold her drinks like a pro.

So whenever Rahul was busy or traveling she took me out for ladies night (can you believe it). She introduced me to wine and the art of enjoying life even in face of loneliness and difficulties and there were many times I faced both. I tried persuading her to come along but she was adamant. She did promise though to take frequent trips down to be with me. When the time came to saying goodbye to her it was the hardest but going back home had its own perks.

Both our moms had already got Rahul’s house cleaned and ready for our move, our things were all packed and ready to be shifted. We all were very excited with our move back to Mumbai.

Our shift was extremely smooth and easy with both moms there to help set up the house. Their presence made everything super quick especially after the disastrous beginning I had experienced in Delhi. Within weeks we were sorted and liv-74


ing as if we had never left. This house had some beautiful memories for me of our courtship time. This too was a two bedroom hall flat in Mahalaxmi on the eighteenth floor with a balcony facing the beach. Every morning getting up to the sound of the waves crashing afar, the salty smell in the air, the loud chirping of the birds and mostly the noisy traffic felt awesome. This is what I had missed the most in Delhi, the sea. We made it a norm to get up early to have breakfast out in the balcony everyday because our whole day use to be so busy we never got any time to ourselves.

Even though the move back in Mumbai felt great it brought many complications with it. Due to the promotion workload increased and with it came more traveling and stress. I tried being understanding and supportive but after six months of constant late nights I lost it. That day before Rahul left for work I cornered him,

“I really am sick and tired of you coming so late.

You are so tired that you have no strength to hold a normal conversation with me let alone eat the meal I make with so much love for you. I am fed up of twiddling around the house all day waiting for you to come and then watch you crash on the bed so exhausted that it is killing.”

I pause for a second before going on “You either delegate and start thinking about your health and me or else I am sending a mail to your superiors or better yet look for another job less draining.”

Seeing how upset and worked up I was Rahul hugged 75


me tight.

“Sweetheart I know it has been exhausting and I am not being able to give us time, but it is only for another two weeks.

This project is my baby that is why I need to be there always because if this works successfully I will not only get a raise I will also get an assistant. I will then be able to delegate and space my work easily, promise” with that he kissed me lightly and left.

It was in that moment of time I realised that I needed to start working again as sitting at home all day, taking care of the house or talking to our parents, gossiping with old friends was just sooo not me. And with Aashi always busy doing her internship at the psychiatric ward (yes my baby sis got her dream job) she was on her way to becoming the psychologist she wanted to be. I was alone and becoming a couch potato.

After Rahul left I thought hard, contemplating my next move. And after a lot of thinking and planning I came to the conclusion that I needed to do something so that it kept me away from these stressful thoughts and squandering away my talent and education. I immediately asked around, applied to possible jobs near and far, called my ex-boss for help. But after two weeks with eight interviews six outright rejections I finally got a part time job at a new fashion boutique close to home. Once I started working it improved not only my mindset but also the atmosphere at home. Work made me feel useful again like I was contributing in our lives and with time even Rahul started coming home early.

We would now coincide our timings so that he would pick 76


me from work and we would go for coffee or dinner or just walk around like old times. Everything was getting in tune, my job became permanent and Rahul got his raise and an assistant, but he sure was getting better, busier and more popular with his company. We were have an amazing life with all the perfect marriage ingredients love, laughter, fights, disagreements, travelling, busy schedules, everything.

But one thing never changed and that was despite all the bedlam in our life we always made it a point to share what little time we could together as beautifully and fruitfully as possible (which was normally our mornings).