One Precious Moment by Ritu Kakar - HTML preview

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We had become like the normal, typical midle-class couples who loved to work hard to secure a solid future.

But we always made sure to make time first for each other, and then for family and friends. Even with all this running around we would still fight like cats and dogs (unbelievable, I know). And to add to all the regular bedlam demonetisation happened, so stress levels reached extreme heights. We had just shifted into a bigger house - a perk offered to us by the office, in Bandstand (one month prior to the BIG announcement).

Due to the shift we were going through some monetary problems. Luckily our salaries got deposited into our banks or else God only knows how we would have managed. Hey, not that we did not have some cash at hand, we did but it was not so much, which was great as it was one less thing to worry about. Even with budgeting our small savings we could not make ends meet as we had another problem. Prior to our shift Rahul had bought a car as a surprise(like can you believe it, tough luck). This is what we call the sky falling on 79


your head. Paying the monthly EMIS, electricity bills, salaries to the house help etc. was getting difficult. But hey it just got better because I got listed with few other colleagues for termination. (WOW! trust me I know this is called being in the dumps).

Well, the day I got my possible termination news I was stressed, worried and very very upset with the management with whom I had worked very hard for more than two years and had got them very good business too. I reached home in the worst possible moods (naturally) but before I could tell Rahul about it he started a major argument about some unpaid bill (typical men, like who cares for an exhausted wife just home from work). Things like “You just don’t get it, due to your carelessness the phone lines were disconnected”

“When will you act responsibly? blah blah blah.” He just kept going on, there was no stopping him.

We had a major blowup. As you know I can never back down from an argument, especially when I am right or innocent. Well this time I was not only innocent I was way too mad already, so the argument we had blew out of proportion.

I left our room to sleep in the other. For the very first time in three years I slept away from Rahul, even he did not stop me so you can imagine how disgusting and big our fight was.

Though we have never argued to the extent that either he or I left the room, this time none of us cared due to the emotional turmoil.

We did not talk for days on end, in fact whenever we crossed each other we just looked right through (which 80


has never happened, like never). This was our biggest fall out since we met nearly eight years ago. I was shattered by this distance between us but too hurt to make any move to reconcile. We continued to ignore each other for a week or so, then something happened to change everything.

Rahul came across one of our common friends who asked him about the possibility of my termination. Again like a typical male his first reaction was hurt and anger (male ego at its height). He remembered our fight, he understood the reason for my temper and hurt. He then did something to reconcile thus making that day the most precious day of my life.

I came home at my regular time, but it seemed as though I had entered heaven (no puns here). The entire house was lit with candles (non flammable..of course). Our small balcony garden had a table set for two with champagne cooling and ready to pop. There was my favourite music playing in the background and the whole house smelt of fresh flowers and baking ( was astounding and mesmerising). While I was still trying to get my act together (trying to figure if I had got the wrong house or what) two very warm, very strong and wonderful hands embraced me bringing me in contact with a warm and hard chest. Warm and pleasurable lips took to my neck all the way down to my shoulder, I had goosebumps all over my body but trust me that was just the beginning to a beautiful evening filled with passion, love, warmth and lust.

While still being kissed and loved I turned around to kiss him too but what stopped me dead was Rahul’s attire, 81


dressed in just boxers, an apron and a chef ’s cap he was my fantasy come true. I practically swooned on seeing him, had he not held me tight I sure would have been on the floor. Imagine, the song from the movie Ghost (unchained melody) playing in the background and your man dressed to kill (or in my case undressed) you would have swooned too. As I went to kiss him he stopped me (somethings never change), he slowly pushed me towards our room from where came the heady smell of aromatic candles and my favourite flowers (Lillies, by the way) strewn all around. I was living one of my fantasies (I had never told Rahul about it, had I?) I could hear water gushing in the tub. Rahul stepped up from behind and started undressing me. He then slowly walked me to the tub filled with warm scented water and another champagne bottle cooling with glasses near the tub.

“You planning to get me drunk tonight, huh. What are your intentions?”

But instead of answering he helped us to step into the warm water filled with bubbles and foam. He held me from behind close to his chest, keeping me as close as possible to him. He kept rubbing my shoulders, my back and his lips never stopped touching me wherever they could. No words were being spoken between us except for our touches or the looks we gave each other but our silence, our breath, our eyes spoke all that was needed to say. We were so attuned to each other reminding me of the early days of our meeting when our eyes spoke more than our words. At that moment of time nothing could have destroyed our harmony or our oneness.

We were just happy to be together, never to part ever again.